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The Most Visual Psychedelic Thread

Sadly I rarely get visuals. I've tried LSD , Shrooms , MDMA , ketamine , 4-ho-mipt , 5-meo-mipt , 4-ho-met , mxe , 25i nbome & last and most visual BY FAR DOC.

4mg DOC trip was by far the most intense and visually trip I've had. Even my 2mg experiments have been more visual then high dose LSD trips (5-7 hits) , which would rank 2nd in most visual.

The rest have been pretty lack luster in the visual department but I suspect further trials with 25i will produce good visuals (only 1 low ish dose experience so far).

That being said my favorite pysedelic behind LSD would be 4-ho-mipt which hasn't proved to be very visual for me with doses up to 30mg. A 25mg trip with no tolerance ended up getting somewhat visual but nothing compared to DOC.

Have a few other 4-sub trypt's I'll be testing at some point , but I'm not gonna have any expectations of them being super visual , which is fine by me since it's not at the forefront of what I enjoy in a physedelic , but Is always a nice bonus.
Aside from DMT, which has the most colorful, intricate, and immersive visuals by far, I'd say it's a toss up between DOC, high dose mushrooms, and 2C-E. 30mg IM 4-HO-MiPT was insanely visual too, but I wasn't impressed with oral doses.
substance with greatest visual effect?

Ok question -

Which substance do you believe to have the greatest visual effect, without having too much of an effect on your mental state? Preferably something euphoric and not incapacitating such as ketamine.

Something where you could walk around no problem with great visuals though limited mental effects?
Ok question -

Which substance do you believe to have the greatest visual effect, without having too much of an effect on your mental state? Preferably something euphoric and not incapacitating such as ketamine.

Something where you could walk around no problem with great visuals though limited mental effects?
For me 25C, unless my depth perception just decides to go away which can happen.
I think 4-HO-MET was the most visual for me... Done 25 mg's and gosh everything turned into one big visual :) I even saw a weird invisible table appear in the middle of the dancefloor :D. LSD visuals tend to be most intriguing though. Will probably revise my thoughts once I try DMT. :)
GolemGolem and kiu got the right idea. AL-LAD might be worth a look too now that it's popping up.
Ok question -

Which substance do you believe to have the greatest visual effect, without having too much of an effect on your mental state? Preferably something euphoric and not incapacitating such as ketamine.

Something where you could walk around no problem with great visuals though limited mental effects?

Even though I've only tried it once, I would dare suggesting 25c-NBOMe here. Not as euphoric as many other psychedelics IMO but you're very clearheaded and the visuals are beautiful. Well at least you're clearheaded on <1mg doses (900 ug was my first try with it)

On a different note, I've experienced that combining MXE with a visual tryptamine like 4-ho-met makes the visuals much more apparent and "in the face". Tried 20 mg's 4-ho-met and 50 mg's MXE once, and there was no escape from the visuals. In a dark room the OEV's and CEV's would blend together, it really didn't matter much if my eyes where open or closed. (MXE working its wonders here). Probably the most beautiful CEV's I've seen. Very shamanic combined with Sphongle in the earphones.
Ok question -

Which substance do you believe to have the greatest visual effect, without having too much of an effect on your mental state? Preferably something euphoric and not incapacitating such as ketamine.

Something where you could walk around no problem with great visuals though limited mental effects?

I'd have to agree with the others. Definately try one of the NBOMe chemicals, I found 25B to be the most visual compared to 25I and 25C. On lower doses they are very clear headed, and quite euphoric. However, once pushed into the higher dose realms, they can have alot of mindfuck. I've seen some really wierd shit while on a high dose of NBOMe, along with ego loss, extreme time dilation and confusion, especially when combined with cannabis. Stick to lower doses (<1mg) and they are easy to control the direction of the trip.
On a different note, I've experienced that combining MXE with a visual tryptamine like 4-ho-met makes the visuals much more apparent and "in the face". Tried 20 mg's 4-ho-met and 50 mg's MXE once, and there was no escape from the visuals. In a dark room the OEV's and CEV's would blend together, it really didn't matter much if my eyes where open or closed. (MXE working its wonders here). Probably the most beautiful CEV's I've seen. Very shamanic combined with Sphongle in the earphones.
Darn tootin'. Most psychs with MXE lead to full on fantasy for me, even 25C. 2C-E and 4-ho-mipt were also amazing. Brings a lot of color, light to the MXE experience and raises the probability I'll meet entities. traveling space and time as a Myan aesthetic rainbow cog, or net going inside other peoples heads from across hedge mazes in fine manor houses, aliens showing me the sex act between cavemen that created the first modern human. The kind of experiences I started doing drugs to achieve, and will make you nuts if you believe in them the next day, but still painfully beautiful.
It all depends upon dose and setting and that goes for every drug. I mean shit, sass can give you some crazy hallucinations, more than I've ever had on LSD or Mushrooms, even when I've hippy tripped

Note: I mean hallucinations
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And are the nbomes legal? Which one would you suggest fits my description best?
Depends on where you are, in some states and in the UK they're illegal now. If you want little to no headspace then 25c would be your best bet, though I haven't tried 25B personally. As a general walk-around and have fun psychedelic though, there's not much that can beat it

You should definitely look at 4-HO-MET as well. Haven't bioassayed it yet, but everyone that has seems to love it a lot. Haven't tried AL-LAD either, but people note it's like a more clearheaded LSD. Not sure if it's going to stick around for long, so get it while you can=D

Actually you should pick whatever of the classics has served you well in the past or which one you've been most interested in. 25C is a lot like Mescaline, AL-LAD is like LSD and 4-HO-MET is like Psilocin.
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I just thought I'd go ahead and add high dose 6-APB to the list. Not a psychedelic at all really at lower doses but at higher doses I've had some of the most incredible vivid and realistic visuals I've had on any drug. One example would be when I was sitting in the park at night with my friend and her ex, all the trees turned into cartoon gravestones and both my friend and her ex turned into cartoon skeletons. Something about the visuals made them both look like something out of some Pixar movie but also very realistic, and despite the grim nature of the visuals they never seem to scare me.

I imagine high dose MDA is similar in this respect.
4-ho-mpt is insanely visual; to the point of myself not being able to differentiate between black and white on a drawing i had made. It seemed everything was inverse... very profound and pronounced visuals to say the least. This was via smoke inhalation atop raspberry leaf.

4-ho-mpt is also not very debilitating in other regards.
DMT, i plugged 80mg and peaked for 10 minutes, I didn't break through but everything was an animated alex grey painting beautiful, im looking froward to getting some mexican mushrooms and doing a big dose though. dmt never really last long enough.