Chicago Heroin v Hugs not Drugs

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The new season of intervention is about a chick addict living and copping on the west side. I love that show cuz it's so real... Sure this is an outlet but that is documenting the struggle....
I watched it when it aired and again on Comcast On Demand. It was a really good episode. I'm obsessed with anything filmed in Chicago especially if it's about the Chi dope scene. Ugh that house she was in was horrific and I can't believe her mom would sit there and watch her shoot up and pay for it...but she wanted her off doe. Wtf? If my parents even had the slightest thought that money they were giving me was going to dope they wouldn't give me shit. And if my mom saw me shooting up she would probably rip the needle out of my arm and slap me. Lol
Yeah it was sad but she did straighten up and got clean. Kinda gives me hope that when I'm off this junk life will be all good and it will be fun and ok to be normal again... Oh I have some subs like a 30 day supply worth but it / they expired on 3/13. Do u guys think they r still legit and useable??? They have been stored in dresser drawer so average room temp for a good 6 months. Thnx in advance and to get home and get straight, was a tough Blackhawks loss last night. Need to wake up for game 4 tmw!!!
The subs should be fine. I wouldn't worry about it. Though I saw someone mention something about naloxone breaking down or something.
3 moths past is nothing....half of the expiration shit with a lot of drugs is just a scam so that the pharmacies have to throw out their stock and buy new shit...Kept dry and cool, they'll be fine for at least a year past
Does anyone here know anything about TASC probation? If I'm not allowed to ask that please let me know. I have an eval tomorrow but had an opportunity to get some good stuff today and it was calling me from my pocket. I really was planning on waiting til tomorrow after my appt but I just couldn't wait.
^I got assigned to "TASC" when I was on probation about 10 years ago...I'm not sure exactly what the fuck it is or who runs it....I'm from the east coast, nowhere near Chicago and they called it "TASC" too...It's basically just drug counseling and urine tests and group therapy, which is what everything is these days..

TASC must just be some sleazy corporation that capitalizes on the legal system and provides half-ass drug treatment to people on probation...probably predicated on jamming people up and sending them back to prison wherever possible because that's how a lot of these scum-bag recovery corporations make their money...

It's so funny seeing how these places treat people and then having them tell you with a straight fact that it's all about "spirituality"...

My advice, go along to get along and get out their evil grasp....Piss clean, attend appointments...etc....If not, you're gonna have these scumbags interfering with your life forever!
Thanks Blue. That's the problem. I won't piss clean tomorrow. Its just the eval tho so I wonder if they will even test me. I think I will play it safe and reschedule.
^Yeah, you gotta watch your ass...If you pee dirty they'll just ramp shit up on you and you could end up in trouble....A lot of people don't realize when they get probation...If you get caught using anything, they'll fuck ya big time! Maybe not for the first one or two dirties, but once you're on their radar they will chase your ass! Be careful, and do whatever you have to do to not draw attaention to yourself!
TASC is just a heavy duty probation, probably better than drug court but not really.
Yea my case is in Will County. Drug court there is a real bitch. I was in a halfway house with a few girls that were on drug court and they were stuck in the halfway house indefinitely until the judge felt like they were ready to leave. No way do I want the judge to control my life like that. I don't have time to go to treatment again. I'm lucky I guess that tasc probation is even an option for me. Especially since its a retail theft case and not a drug case in any form. If I can keep from having a felony then hey why not.
I went to my sub doc yesterday so now I'm taking a couple days break from subs so I can do dope for a few days. I'm probably stupid for going back and forth and not using the sub program for what its meant for but I just can't help myself. I like dope. Its like mommys little helper. Gives me all the energy I need to cook,clean and whatever else I want to do. Yet when I sit down I am completely relaxed and nodding. I'm rambling sorry, thanks for listening. Hope everyone has a great day today!
Yea my case is in Will County. Drug court there is a real bitch. I was in a halfway house with a few girls that were on drug court and they were stuck in the halfway house indefinitely until the judge felt like they were ready to leave. No way do I want the judge to control my life like that. I don't have time to go to treatment again. I'm lucky I guess that tasc probation is even an option for me. Especially since its a retail theft case and not a drug case in any form. If I can keep from having a felony then hey why not.
I went to my sub doc yesterday so now I'm taking a couple days break from subs so I can do dope for a few days. I'm probably stupid for going back and forth and not using the sub program for what its meant for but I just can't help myself. I like dope. Its like mommys little helper. Gives me all the energy I need to cook,clean and whatever else I want to do. Yet when I sit down I am completely relaxed and nodding. I'm rambling sorry, thanks for listening. Hope everyone has a great day today!
Before I went to prison I was accepted for TASC. My case was in Dupage county but Will and DuPage are right next to eachother so I would assume TASC is pretty much the same. I decided to just take my time because from what my PD told me TASC is designed to trip you up. If you don't REALLY want to make an effort to be clean, you'll fail it and the judges get pissed when they give you a chance and you fuck it up so they slam you. I would be careful fucking around while on TASC. I can almost guarantee they will drop you at your evaluation. If I were you I would reschedule because it's not worth risking it.
I was just reading the discussion about attempted possession or whatever you were calling it, and it reminded me of the news story (I probably saw it posted here) about how the Chicago PD was sending letters to the addresses on the registrations of cars that were seen in the hood that didn't belong there. So if dope fiend Johnny borrowed moms car to go to "the mall" but was really going to cop dope and the police saw that white face but didn't see him cop or didn't want to bother searching him, they would take a picture of the car and/or license plate spotted in the hood and send it to the address on the reggie. I guess they figure that they are better off getting the kids busted by their parents so they have to get treatment or whatever as opposed to busting them and them possibly just go to court behind their parents backs.

I find this extremely hard to believe. why would any cop or police department take the time (and money) to take pictures of parked cars, take the time and manpower, which equals money, to search for said owner, then take the time and money to mail it to the owner? they get absolutely nothing out of arrests, nothing to boost their rep or careers. it just sounds like some 18 year old kid made that up in the middle of a smoke out session in their mom's prius. not coming down on you TB because I know you said you saw and article but I just find that to be too far fetched.

btw, I know you have said it but I cant remember, do you have a solid residence yet?

I hope you all are doing well (not you chinky)

I lol'd.

I don't know where the post went but I saw it and I chuckled.
Yeah it was sad but she did straighten up and got clean. Kinda gives me hope that when I'm off this junk life will be all good and it will be fun and ok to be normal again... Oh I have some subs like a 30 day supply worth but it / they expired on 3/13. Do u guys think they r still legit and useable??? They have been stored in dresser drawer so average room temp for a good 6 months. Thnx in advance and to get home and get straight, was a tough Blackhawks loss last night. Need to wake up for game 4 tmw!!!

dude, pharms don't ever really "go bad" they may lose potency but we are talking about after years of being put away.
Yeah it was sad but she did straighten up and got clean. Kinda gives me hope that when I'm off this junk life will be all good and it will be fun and ok to be normal again... Oh I have some subs like a 30 day supply worth but it / they expired on 3/13. Do u guys think they r still legit and useable??? They have been stored in dresser drawer so average room temp for a good 6 months. Thnx in advance and to get home and get straight, was a tough Blackhawks loss last night. Need to wake up for game 4 tmw!!!

Fantom13 - My experience with expired subs is that they definitely lose potency over time. I tried to use my old suboxone sublingual films last summer (May, June of 2012). I had gotten these subs on the first or second month that they were released in the U.S. because my doctor had given me a card that could be redeemed for a free month supply, or maybe it was a discount but I think it was free. I wouldn't remember because my parents paid for them. Anyway, I had gotten them in the last month or so (maybe november or december?) of 2010. I'm sure they expired around 2011. Which would make them expired for like a year and a half. I swear, they did absolutely nothing. Maybe if you took like 3 of them, but 2 of them barely took my sick off... I was still sweating and getting cold flashes and my nose was runny it just wasn't as bad... and it didn't last for very long. They were kept out of direct sunlight at room temperature if that means anything (in a cabinet in the kitchen).

I had almost an entire 30 day supply (since I hadn't been taking them anyway)... probably about 25 or 26. I tried to use them myself to kick but quickly found out they didn't do shit... I took about 5 over the course of 2 days and I was still sick. The first day I took one I had been sick for about 36 hours. I was very much experiencing every symptom on the COWS chart. I took one and waited - nothing.... 6 hours later I took another one... Still no relief. 6 hours later I took another one... I felt a little bit better but it could have been a placebo effect. I decided to take 2 at once about 5 or 6 hours later. That is when my withdrawal started to go away but it wasn't completely gone. At that point I went to walgreens and bought some loperamide tablets and they ended up giving me much better relief, albeit supremely more intense constipation, than the expired suboxone.

I gave 4 or 5 to my friend and I think he took all of them in like a 6 hour span... I told him they were a little weaker but I gave them to him for free. They took away his withdrawal symptoms but again, were much weaker than unexpired films.

The good thing is that I had a lot of these films left (about 15 or 16) and I found a dealer who would give me a bag for 3 of them :) so I got 5 or 6 bags from him (cant remember for sure). Then he died a few months later when his girlfriend punched him in the chest. He had one of those machines in his chest that kept his heart beat normal. I don't know, I've never really been interested in the medical field. Me + hospital with drugs = monitoring board | jail | death | lawsuit, I can do the math in my head.

Anyway, I can't speak for the pills but the films will definitely lose potency over time as my experience indicates. I wouldn't hold onto them for too long!

I find this extremely hard to believe. why would any cop or police department take the time (and money) to take pictures of parked cars, take the time and manpower, which equals money, to search for said owner, then take the time and money to mail it to the owner? they get absolutely nothing out of arrests, nothing to boost their rep or careers. it just sounds like some 18 year old kid made that up in the middle of a smoke out session in their mom's prius. not coming down on you TB because I know you said you saw and article but I just find that to be too far fetched.

Actually, this is partly true. Chicago PD was not the police department taking pictures of the license plates and sending the mail. I believe there were some southwest suburbs (aurora, naperville, etc) that had unmarked units on the west side that would look for cars getting off of the highway and run their plates. If it came back that they lived in 'such and such' area they would send a letter with a picture of the car/ license plate saying 'Your car was spotted in a high traffic drug area known for open-air purchases of illegal narcotics' or something like that. I will look for the article and post it if I find it.

Of course, they had no jurisdiction to arrest these individuals although they could have followed them back. I think their intention was to scare them straight, what a joke!
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Cool thnx for the info yeah they r films and want to use them it is just those few hours of hell I dread!!! Plan to get high, drink some beers, watch da Blackhawks WIN game 4 and order some pizza... Had a full day video shoot today was a great shoot... Months of script approvals, storyboards, production for a 0:60 second spot!!! Crazy...
New years of 2011 I had just left the grocery store having bought 4 packs of cigs and something to drink (cigs are cheaper in Missouri than Illinois so I figured I might as well get smokes while copping dope). Its me and my then fiance walking out high as fuck (just dropped about $300 on caps) and this white dude in his 30s asked to bum a cig off me. He was the first white dude I'd seen in about 6 hours as I was in the hood part of north St Louis city. He looked a bit ragged and beat down and it was kinda cold, plus it was fucking new years day so I Gave him one and he struck up a conversation. He said he knew what we were up to and to be careful so I don't end up like him, a junkie in his 30s who's wife just threw him out a few days prior (his appearance reflected this). This man had no idea I was loaded with dope and was just being an all around considerate Guy who needed a smoke which I had to spare. I talked to him a bit and asked what he was up to for the night. He said he was using the last of his money to buy a small bottle to warm up and pass out under the bridge. I smiled and told him to use that money to buy something to eat, and gave him 6 caps, a clean rig, a pack of cigs, and a book of matches. I told him he'd have to figure out something for filters and cooker. His mouth dropped and he was ecstatic. I told him to enjoy himself but don't be reckless as the shit was strong. I saw him the next day nodding his ass off in the park, smoking the cigs I gave him. It feels good to help people out when you can, especially when they're not begging or anything.

My old dope dealer always helped me out when I was sick. Pretty much once a week he'd give $60 of dope as a gesture for bringing him business. I was a lucky junkie.
ever since we started driving we would take "high rides" threw downtown, like i had a route that i followed that had me taking clark all the way from wrigley to chicago ave, and aftertakin the left on chicago goin towards navy pier and we would see this same guy playin saxophone. now we would mke this trip at least once a week for years and we would always see this guy and we stopped once or twice and give im a couple bucks and listen to him jam out but most of the time we would do a double honk and throw out a peace sign and he knew it wasa us and throw it night we down xmas eve or xmas (its been years) but we saw him out and stopped and we ran up gave hime 20bucks a blunt and told him merry xmas and how im the one that always throws a diuble honk and he ggoes "oh thats you in the green car?" snf er laugh and tell him yeah and we talked anmd told him where we were from and that we just come down to frive threw the city and smoke and he thought that was the funniest thigns callin us "crazy white boys" but we wished him a merry xmas gave him the cash and let..after hat i only seen him a handful of times and the one time he said hesw been moving around to different spots cause the one wasnt getting the foot traffic he was sused to by navy maybe hes still out there playin his sax but your story reminded me on mine...when i used to go to the city and cop from my cap guy i would walwyas see the same bums at the same lights and its o neof those light you alowyas get stopped at and the guy knows that everytime i see him i give him money and thats cause hes always been a real cool dude, even found me a weed connect a block away but id always give him a doller and generally any food i might have leftover and one day i told him to meet me at popeyes which was on the corner and i bought him lunch and me and him just talked. i literally would see this guy 3x a week, so we knew each other well and i aske him how much he makes and that if he spicifically stays at that light cause its always red and he said omn a good day he can make 100bux in 4-5hours and this is on western!
I was wondering if anyone had any advice in terms of using h in a saline solution. apparently ive read on here you must use it all in 24 hours or it will degrade into morphine which isnt a real issue for me. I ask because I am a snorter and I believe it is absorbed better in the mucus membranes with liquid as opposed to just powder. The powder I think may be irritating my lungs a bit or i could just have a build up of mucus since h is a cough suppressant so im also gonna take guafinsen. Anyone have any experience with this?

ive alked about this alot and so has OIG and a few others..yes the powder is irrittating your lungs. i developed asthma after a couple years of snorting and it got to a poiint where i couldnt walk up my stairs and catch my breath for a few minutes after and it got scary. thats why i switched to raw cxause i coulod nt havndle putting all thee dormin up mhy nose. plus when i pay the same price for a jab as i do gram of raw, it doesnt make sense to buy the regular bags..i honestly dont thinhk there is more then ..3-.4 of raw in a jab of dope.

so my NC ass is coming up to Chicago this weekend for the first time ever! I'm coming for the sprin awakening festival at soldier field. anyways I'm gonna try and cop some Ron while I'm there. any hints on what to ask for if I'm on the street? like what's the lingo that y'all use to cop?) anyways I'm hoping chi town doesn't disappoint!

so did you score?

You can definitely get arrested for "attempting to buy" especially if you're in a car. I read it's now $3000. to get your car back. I got caught once in a reverse sting about eight years ago, black cops were acting like a crew at a popular corner. No actual dope involved. It was $1300 then. Most of the time the cases are thrown out of court, but CPD doesn't care. Unless you're on foot, it's your car they want.
thats cause when they seize your car they are doing it under civil law and not criminal law. all they have to do is prove your vehicle was used during a felony regardless if you are found guilty ot not..and what they do is to even get a court date to try and get your car back, you have to pay i think its 10% of the cars value(i think it was 10% maybe 20% but i think its 10%) and thats just to get the court date, and the court you have to go to is the daley center, so if youre from the burbs and they seized your car, your case is still heard downtown and not in the suburban courthouse, so how you supposed to get downthere? then you have to go threw the whole civil process which is alot of paperwork, so a lawyer is really helpful. and then after you do all this and pay the lawyer and the 10% and have a counrt date, they still can keep your car if they have proof you used it for a felony crime. and even if you beat the case criminally its damn near impossible to win civilly. and then if you do when the civil case, i heard they make you pay storage fees cause your car had been in their lot for a few months(that im not 100% on, thats what i was just told cause i didnt get that far, i just let them take the car cause it would have cost nme more for the lawyer and all the other bull shit then what i paid for it. the hsitty thing about it was neighbor sold me the car for 2k cheaper then what he had it listed for so i got a greqat deal and i didnt even have plates on it yet, i still had the temp plates on when they took it.
I was actually about to get on the expressway to head home and CPD pulled me over. Unbeknownst to me my dumbass (EX) husband had left a cooker buried under a bunch of shit in the trunk. I never bring paraphernalia with me but obviously he wasn't very smart and at some point had left his cooker in the trunk. The cops scraped it and tested it but for some reason the state's attorney wanted to charge me with ATTEMPTED possession instead of possession...fine by me. Misdemeanor > Felony. Luckily I put the dope up and they didn't find that. Since I was driving his car it ended up getting impounded. Oh well, that's what he gets for leaving a cooker in the trunk. Asshole. It ended up getting dropped but I couldn't believe they actually charged me with that in the first place.
what did the cops find inside the car that they opened the trunk up or did you give them permission to search the trunk? cause technically they need a warrent to search the trunk unless you give them permission or they have probable cause. probable cause being somesort of paraphnalia or weed or anything that would put you in jail by itself, thats the only way they are "technically" allowed to search the truck..i know this from first hand experiance and beating the case that got my car seized, even with the 2lbs sitting on the table in the middle on the courtroom during my about feeling like a gangster walking out of court a free man even though pull 2lbs out the trunk, beating a caswe like that gives you literally a rush, like skydiving

So yesterday I'm sitting at a gas station waiting for my boy and some lady comes up asks for $4 for busfare so her and her child can get away from her abusive sister. She shows me a stitched up wound of where she was stabbed and then I give her the 50cents in my cupholder and a dollar I had. She saw the $50 falling out of my pocket and asked for $3more and I said its for gas. Then my dude comes up we do the handoff and she comes up to my car after I hide the dope and says "Did he just sell you Heroin" I replied that I just bought weed off him and she goes oh okay. Idk if she wanted to lecture me or ask for a bag. I got outta there right away though. I hate copping at a gas station. Waiting at a pump for 30minutes is super suspicious and weds they actually asked me and another car obviously waiting if we would leave. Really sketched me out. But I can't believe that lady had the nerve to ask if I just picked up dope.
i used to meet my cap guy at a gas station alot and not once did i have anyone tell me to leave..i normally walked i na bought a drink and then gsat in my car and pretended to be on the phone til my guy pulls up. maybe you should try parking at the farthest pump from the window or maybe parking on the side of the gas station?

^I wonder how that kid made out too, but you guys know that half the time you drive into the hood you're gonna have some random crackhead waving at you trying to get you to pull over so they can rob you! Once you've been there awhile and know what to look for, you just ignore those assholes without thinking twice, but when you're new and you're nervous about bein in the hood you might just pick up that crackhead and get beat!

You're always looking for the people who don't look like drug-addicts to buy from! It used to be that all the dopeboys were wearin new sneakers and gold, earrings.... clothes to match whatever their gang colors are...Where I'm from at least, they've gotten a lot more low key....They drive beaters and dress in plain clothes a lot of the time....That's the smartest thing you can do...

I had a guy back east a few years ago...sold dubs, half grams and whole grams...always there in 10 minutes, always good dope. He got cocky and bought a brand new mint green caddy(don't think it was an Escalade, somethin smaller)...started flashing a little gold...he was in jail within two weeks of buyin that car! Shoulda stuck with the beat-up white Caravan!
white tshirts, and my one people usesd to always ride in vans, he got an audi and all that but generally whips a van while serving

but Chicago's too big for them to completely shut down, but it sounds like they're makin life a lot harder for you Chi-heads these days!
if the dumb fucks would stop killing each other, that would cut the police presence in half right off the top. i dont understand why they dont understand this

Hello everyone! I've been here for days reading your threads about a year back. No not stalking but I feel like I got to know all of you. I was doing dope, got clean in 2010, went back to pills in 2012 and finally back to dope recently. I go to a sub doc that gives me an ungodly amount of subs a month. But I live in the west suburbs so I can usually only cop when a friend is going to the westside or my cousin from southside comes over she brings me a few bags. I have a nosey controlling husband so I can't go cop myself. I used to before I got clean. Anyway hello again to all of you and what happened to chinky?

im here, i had court monday but i was afriad i missed my courtdate 2 weeks ago and might of had a warrent but i actually was right and my date was today and not 2 weeks ago. so i took a few days off just incase i did miss my date and had a warrent, i made sure i brought 3 subs in my pocket with me incase i did get locked up lol..i also asked my uncle to roll with me just, so he could drive my car home if i did and on the way there i was talkin to him about why i had the court fdate and he had me stop at the atm and took out 500bucks to pay some of what i know. i gave them 400 and kept 100 to buy some dope to get high with.didnt ask for it didnt imply that i was askin for it, he just goes "here let shelp to pay this shit off, youve had it bad enough with your family leaving and you guys splitting up"..and i talked to him about it again and thanked him and he told me "i was worried when you asked me to go to court with you cause you would never have done that, so i thought it was real bad and i figured givin them money would have kept you out of jail if you did have that warretn or i atleast would of had the cash on hand to get you out " lol

gotta love family even when you hate them
Before I went to prison I was accepted for TASC. My case was in Dupage county but Will and DuPage are right next to eachother so I would assume TASC is pretty much the same. I decided to just take my time because from what my PD told me TASC is designed to trip you up. If you don't REALLY want to make an effort to be clean, you'll fail it and the judges get pissed when they give you a chance and you fuck it up so they slam you. I would be careful fucking around while on TASC. I can almost guarantee they will drop you at your evaluation. If I were you I would reschedule because it's not worth risking it.

i wouldnt worry too much about the first drop..even though it would be better to not drop dirty your first drop isnt so mething to worry too much about unless you weree forwarned

*team nod assemble*
i got sonmething new today from my one weed dealer, it came in a powder and not pebble or a big chunk like im used to.. so i dont htink its gonna be that good, but i threww someon the foil to seee what it did and the powder instantly turned dark brown in the exact spot the powder was so it looked like it was prettty clean and diidnt have a bunch of bcut thrown in but i dont know til i try it cause this gram didnt look like the crumbs off a big piece like usual. on the other hand it was also 10$ cheaper then my other guy and i was able to get some weed to go with it...i need about a half gram to get a decent high and nod with my usual guy so imma start with that on this stuff and see how much i have left

i tried only pickin up a half gram from this guy and i was gonna buy another half gram from my usual guy instead of a whole gram causeai didnt know how good or bad it is but my main guy didnt pick up the phone and then when he called me back he told me it would be a couple hours and i was already on my way downthere so i just copped the gram..i normally like stickin to what i know and not possibly wasting my money on something i dont know is good but i didnt want to make multiple trips so i figured ill just cop a whole gram and then be able to fully compare instead of mixing the 2 and not really knowing which one was better. and this gram was 1.1 which would never happen with my main guy hes a stickler and im pretty sure he uses a .00g jewelry scale and not the typical tenths scale cause sometimes ill drop a gram on my scale and will hit 1g and then drop to .9 and bounce back and forth depending on where you place i figure its a gram but thats all it is, just 1.00grams and not say 1.09g
like you might do if you have a scale that doesnt calculate that to the hundriths...we called them "coke scales" cause you gotta be that precise cause those points add up over time..if your selling grams and every gram you sell weighs 1.09g, then your losing 1gram for every10 you sell, with weed it doesnt matter but with powder it definetly does

id rather pay an extra 10 and get better dope then being able to get a gram and a sack of weed for the same price
so has this place been dead for the past week that ive been gone or was it just one of thosae nights?
Cool thnx for the info yeah they r films and want to use them it is just those few hours of hell I dread!!! Plan to get high, drink some beers, watch da Blackhawks WIN game 4 and order some pizza... Had a full day video shoot today was a great shoot... Months of script approvals, storyboards, production for a 0:60 second spot!!! Crazy...

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I know for certain that they lost potency because of course I didn't stay off of dope and my friend who was prescribed to suboxone gave me some and I was able to kick completely with 3.
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