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Paterson / North Jersey Dope

anyone ever been around the Allentown / Easton PA area?

I swear there's gotta be a sizeable amount of dope there.

located just down a major highway from Newark?
rising number of people below the poverty line?
only urban area for a decent amount of time?

Crayola ftw


A lot of people in this rehab were from all over the Northeast, quite a few from all over New York and New Jersey....Like I said it was near Scranton and Allentown I don't think is too far from there...

The majority of the people who weren't there for alcohol seemed to be in there for mostly the roxi blues...to kids I was friendly with in there were from Brooklyn and they even had some of the same pill dealers, but they noth knew absolutely nothing about heroin, which I guess is the norm these days..

Anyway, there was one kid that I actually kept in touch with who bounced around and lived in Scranton and Allentown, he was most recently coming from Allentown doin dope there.

He said that overall the dope scene there is run by blacks and it's shady as fuck and easy to get burned, he said there's a lot of it there but it's not super easy to just cold-cop and find and it's mostly phone connects. Apparently it's pretty violent for a small city, lot of crack and a dickhead PD! I get the impression that you could find it if you knew what you're doing, but like a lot of places I've been, for every 5 people selling rock you'll find one person with dope. so it gets annoying to walk around and keep getting approached for crack! Then, when you do tell people you want dope, half the time they'll tell you that they can get it, give you the run around and try to rip you off, so be careful!

This other dope fiend is his 40s I met in there was from Scranton and the Scranton dope scene sounds like it's pretty small, more crack there too and sounded a little bit taxed for the prices, definitely more expensive than NJ...apparently in a lot of the smaller towns goin inland in PA people bring dope in from Philly or Jersey and charge 15-20 for a single stamp-bag!(I don't think that's really price discussion, it's so vague)

but, you could give Allentown a try....

I grew up in Jersey and cop in Jersey/NYC, but I got family in Easton and I live with them on and off. So I got to learn the Lehigh Valley (Easton/Bethlehem/Allentown) scene pretty well. I've been out here for the last few months, but have been copping here on and off the last few years. There is a lot of dope here. Easton and Allentown are pretty grimey cities. Lots of violent crimes, gangs, etc. Bethlehem too to some extent. Basically the scene out here works like this:

Easton - Easton is mainly black. And it's very possible to score right off the street here. (I forgot if we can name streets here on BL? I post on 2 other forums and forget because I know one of the other ones just recently allowed street names. Like I said, quite possible to score off the street here in certain places if you approach the right people, but then again you can get beat. I have been beat out here 2x. Never been beat in Jersey or NYC. I actually got jumped the one time because I got out of the car and tried to stand up to the dude. If you got street smarts, it's possible.. but having a phone connect is pretty much 90% the deal around here. The dope in Easton is mainly Jersey stamps. A lot of dudes split time between Newark and Easton since it's 45 mins on 78 and it's predominantly black. Usually if it's stamps, it's the same shit as in Newark or Paterson. But $1-$3 more a bag.

Allentown - Allentown is NOT run by the blacks. It's Spanish central. Called 'Little NYC' for a reason. All Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. Allentown is the biggest of the 3, most grimey and probably the biggest drug center around here. Tons of junkies and connects to be had. Same deal as Easton. It's possible to find someone on the street, but it's not 'open air' like Jersey. I would call it 'semi open-air'. But phone connects 90% if you don't live in the city and know the area/locals. The dope here is a toss up. Some of it is from Philly, some are Jersey stamps, but A LOT of the Puerto Ricans bag their own shit up. A lot of these guys have connects in NYC and get grams and bring it back to Allentown and bag it up themselves. Usually they might be loose, untaped glassines without a stamp. Some might be stamped, some might not. Could be different colored too. I have gotten like every color blank glassine (green, blue, yellow, white, red, etc). You might get pre-prints too which I have seen. Some people might bag up into blank, loose glassines and heatseal it in plastic or put it into a little dime bag like Philly style, but they are bagged locally. It's always going to be glassines, but it could be taped, stamped from Jersey or loose, untaped blanks or stamps bagged up locally, etc. First time I was handed untaped bags I thought I was getting ripped off lol but that's how they do it here. Prices vary. Quality varies. The dudes who have good product and know what they are talking about/doing will charge more meaning product quality reflects price. But it's also possible to get straight garbage too. So you have to know who you are dealing with and find a good connect with stamps or knows how to bag up properly.

Bethlehem - No open air. Certain areas are 'semi' and you could get lucky. Mix up between Allentown and Easton really. Could find Jersey stamps or the loose glassines depends on your connects. Great to have phone connects here. Usually a lot of my connects out here are in Bethlehem. It's not too hot (Allentown and Easton can be hot in certain areas, undercovers, narcotics teams, etc but it's not as bad as Newark or Paterson for sure). I got a black dude who gets bricks from Newark and a spanish dude who gets the loose glassines. I can always deal with other people if need be or deal with my boys connects. I like sticking with the Jersey stamps just for the fact I am from Jersey and know exactly where its coming from and it's pre-packaged, but the loose glassines I get are good too. Can be fire or nice sized too. The thing is with them it can change slightly from batch to batch, but he's pretty consistent. But I know other peoples shit can change dramatically batch to batch.
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yeah I heard Atown had a huge Puerto Rican population

That's funny about Easton though, its such a small city and I never really noticed any areas too run down looking when I've been there. I have a good idea of the area you might be talking about though, I actually had to kill like 20 minutes up there one time before going to that wicker furniture store so I just drove around a bit and remember being like "damn it got pretty dark around here real quick". Didn't really notice too many cops out and about, but that doesnt necessarily mean they aren't there I guess. Also, I don't feel like an automatic suspect for being white there so that is worth something.
^^Yeah, thanks for clarifying....Never tried to cop there so I don't actually know, been at least 6 months since I talked to the kid from Allentown, I thought I remember him sayin it was blacks but maybe I'm just thinkin about HIS dealer, who was black...One of the main reason this kid was in rehab is because he burned his main guy for 500....real bills mixed with counterfeit....Of course his guy was gang-affiliated, so he was scared shitless! The guy told him to just go there and talk to him and they'd work something out but he was afraid he was tryin to lure 'em there and do God knows what to him! I was with some people awhile ago back home in RI when there was a lot of open air there...There were a few years where these couple Asian gangs actually had the best dope around. We pulled up, they asked for a bundle and gave the kid a 10 folded up with 5 ones! They were chasin after the car! I don't like the feelin of havin to look over my shoulder so I'm not into doin that shit!

Last time I did doper, over 3 months ago, I cold copped at midnight in Bridgeport Conn....pulled into a Walgreens in the hood and started walkin up the street...A dope boy lookin Spanish kid is walkin on the same street towards me and I asked him for dope. He pulls out his phone and say, "Yeah we just have to walk to minutes over to the next street, my boys got it!"...He let me talk to the guy on the phone and everything, but it was so late at night, it just seemed too good to be true so I only asked for 5...Sure enough, the kid comes out of this high-rise and serves me the 5 bags and gives me his number...I drove down 95 and shot 5 right in a rest area but I took suboxone so I only felt the bags a little bit...I called the kid back and asked for a whole bundle and shot the whole 10 and I was bombed! I was planning on headin through the city and pickin up 80 west after that, but I was so high I ended up drivin around way north of the city and comin into Jersey some way I don't even remember...I went WAY out of the way and wasted like 8 hours! The next day I was comin down and saw signs for Allentown once I got in Penn on 80...almost stopped but I used self control and kept driving...
The other day, I woke up sick, as it happens sometimes when you do dope. So its like 8am, and I head to Newark, having more than a few connects, I figure someone will be able to serve me. I am able to talk with one of my phone connects, who tells me that hell be ready to go in less than an hour, and it takes me 30 minutes to drive to Newark anyway, so I get there, and he basically tells me that he can't help me right now because he's on the other side of town. FUCK! I said, and I'm supposed to be at work soon, like in 10 minutes when he tells me this news, and while I don't make alot of money, I am pretty irreplaceable at my current job post so I'm not worried about being an hour or two late today. So I start calling other connects. Most won't answer their phones, this is around 9am. I finally get though to someone, but he tells me that he's lying down at the moment and to come back later. Now, since I am already in Newark, I feel like I can't leave without the dope! I start driving around places where it might be open air, realizing that things are getting rather desperate, and not believing that I can't get myself served at 9am in Newark. Around 10am, an older connect who I stopped going to due to quality finally calls me back and I get a bundle of his so-so shit, but I was really happy to have it at the time! It truly is amazing how quickly things can unravel with dope.
The other day, I woke up sick, as it happens sometimes when you do dope. So its like 8am, and I head to Newark, having more than a few connects, I figure someone will be able to serve me. I am able to talk with one of my phone connects, who tells me that hell be ready to go in less than an hour, and it takes me 30 minutes to drive to Newark anyway, so I get there, and he basically tells me that he can't help me right now because he's on the other side of town. FUCK! I said, and I'm supposed to be at work soon, like in 10 minutes when he tells me this news, and while I don't make alot of money, I am pretty irreplaceable at my current job post so I'm not worried about being an hour or two late today. So I start calling other connects. Most won't answer their phones, this is around 9am. I finally get though to someone, but he tells me that he's lying down at the moment and to come back later. Now, since I am already in Newark, I feel like I can't leave without the dope! I start driving around places where it might be open air, realizing that things are getting rather desperate, and not believing that I can't get myself served at 9am in Newark. Around 10am, an older connect who I stopped going to due to quality finally calls me back and I get a bundle of his so-so shit, but I was really happy to have it at the time! It truly is amazing how quickly things can unravel with dope.

What really made me realize that I was doing shitty were the days I'd be in the bathroom at work blowing a few bags in the late morning just so I could stay straight enough to focus (after I proudly managed to make it in only a half hour late) on days that I wasn't sick first thing in the morning because I was up using till real late but then the sick rolls in like 10 hours later. It gets pretty stupid sometimes if you're not careful
It always sucks felling the sickness come on at work thinking no problem ill be out early and to the dope man before its too bad. Then the boss tells you we have to work late on an important project.
It always sucks felling the sickness come on at work thinking no problem ill be out early and to the dope man before its too bad. Then the boss tells you we have to work late on an important project.

Ugh, I totally know what that's like. Hah.

It makes the shot all the sweeter though when you finally do it.
Especially when it happens on payday!....I have my coke and dope dealer all lined up...I have other people's money...and then boom! "We're gonna have to finish what we're doing now so we could be here for awhile!"....Man, I usually come up with any excuse to wriggle out of it but you can only do that so many times until you get labeled as "the guy who refuses to stay late"...And once that happens, they're less likely to let any other minor shit slide! Man, being a junkie with a full-time job is a fucking ballet!
Meh, fuck that. I used to make $600+ dollar paycheques and be out of money & dope in three days.
I don't know how you guys do it. More importantly, I have no idea how I've been getting high for a month straight without a fuckin' job.
Everyday is an adventure, and somehow I always make enough to get my fix.
Shit, it's crazy. I need a job.
Meh, fuck that. I used to make $600+ dollar paycheques and be out of money & dope in three days.
I don't know how you guys do it. More importantly, I have no idea how I've been getting high for a month straight without a fuckin' job.
Everyday is an adventure, and somehow I always make enough to get my fix.
Shit, it's crazy. I need a job.

Hah, I wonder that too man. All the people on this site saying they're getting blasted everyday with no job. How are they pulling money from their ass? I'm like you brother, I get my paycheck (which is pretty large as I have a good job) and that shit is gone in a few days.
man there was some shit in paterson last week that blew me away even WITH the infamous methadone tolerance I been tryin to outsmart as our OD readers will know ;). usually i gotta shoot at least 10 bags in a shot and I actually got a nice rush off 6 and was noddin out tryin to text PureLife haha. Put 8 in the set and i was flyin. Wish I had a chance to boot 10 tho, that woulda been a pleasure.

Also I notice that a lot of fuckin dope has that shitty pins n needles crap goin on with it lately and i cant fucking stand it. Thats what made this shit such a treat too, it was just smooth all the way home baby....I cannot fuckin handle a nice rush destroyed by feelin like I got fiberglass traveling thru my veins. whoever loves the pinz n needles is straight up nutz, ive heard people talk about enjoying it before and to that I say,

man there was some shit in paterson last week that blew me away even WITH the infamous methadone tolerance I been tryin to outsmart as our OD readers will know ;). usually i gotta shoot at least 10 bags in a shot and I actually got a nice rush off 6 and was noddin out tryin to text PureLife haha. Put 8 in the set and i was flyin. Wish I had a chance to boot 10 tho, that woulda been a pleasure.

Also I notice that a lot of fuckin dope has that shitty pins n needles crap goin on with it lately and i cant fucking stand it. Thats what made this shit such a treat too, it was just smooth all the way home baby....I cannot fuckin handle a nice rush destroyed by feelin like I got fiberglass traveling thru my veins. whoever loves the pinz n needles is straight up nutz, ive heard people talk about enjoying it before and to that I say,


How do you afford to use? With a methadone tolerance like that and having to do so many bags in a single shot, that's a lot of money to spend.. I know because my habit was at that level a few times, shooting 8-10 bags in a single shot multiple times a day. Money flying.
How do you afford to use? With a methadone tolerance like that and having to do so many bags in a single shot, that's a lot of money to spend.. I know because my habit was at that level a few times, shooting 8-10 bags in a single shot multiple times a day. Money flying.

A job. I'd blow through $600+ in three days. Gas, cigarettes & dope. Expensive habits.
I was doing nearly 10 bags a day, and everytime I copped I could never save any bags for tomorrow.
I'd have to do them all, nod out, and fall asleep, just to wake up to nothing the next day.
A job. I'd blow through $600+ in three days. Gas, cigarettes & dope. Expensive habits.
I was doing nearly 10 bags a day, and everytime I copped I could never save any bags for tomorrow.
I'd have to do them all, nod out, and fall asleep, just to wake up to nothing the next day.

Uh, thanks.. but I was asking her specifically because of her methadone tolerance. 10 bags a day isn't very much. She and I are talking about doing 10 bags in one shot, multiple times a day.
Uh, thanks.. but I was asking her specifically because of her methadone tolerance. 10 bags a day isn't very much. She and I are talking about doing 10 bags in one shot, multiple times a day.

10 bags in one shot? Either those are nic bags, or some shit dope.
That's crazy though.. 10 bags in one shot.. how the fuck can you afford that?
Actually, I probably don't want to know.
10 bags in one shot is a lot, but in the northeast it's not at all uncommon...Where I'm from it's very common, cheap bundles and small bags....NYC where bundles can be twice as much, I don't think 10 bag shots are as common....

Regardless of how bad my habit got and how much I was doin a day, I still almost always did half gram shots...even when I was doing a half gram every day, I did it all in one shot, once a day....A half gram shot of good dope would hold me for 20-24 hours...

With bags, 5 could be a half gram or 12 could be a half gram depending. so it's hard to gauge by bags....something about shooting a full ten has always scared me, no matter how small the bags were....I'd always split it up 7 and then five...or 8 and then 3...IDK, it's a superstition I guess...
I so need a bundle shot right now after consuming 500mg of FIRE MDMA last night
How do you afford to use? With a methadone tolerance like that and having to do so many bags in a single shot, that's a lot of money to spend.. I know because my habit was at that level a few times, shooting 8-10 bags in a single shot multiple times a day. Money flying.

I dont have a habit. I only use once or twice a wk or maybe 3 4 5 days in a row then not use for a week and a half.

Anyways, i get what you mean but if you think about it...how you gonna ask that question tho? How does any junkie afford that shit? We all just get money, hell or high water. we all got our ways, there aint no limit to the schemes a feen can come up with when its time to reup. When I was usin everyday and doingg 25 or 3o bags a day I always found a way. I dont even know how i did it anymore but I did. my main hustle was exploitin the suburb kids scared to cop and jackin the price double to support my habit "im goin down, want me to pick you up something" *takes the money and buys twice or three times the amount of dope with it and keeps the majority for self* and etc...i always had a hustle and stealing or fucking was not one of them

10 bags in one shot? Either those are nic bags, or some shit dope.
That's crazy though.. 10 bags in one shot.. how the fuck can you afford that?
Actually, I probably don't want to know.

Ahh...no....It aint small bags,or shitty dope. Its called a tolerance that is a beast unchained. on some real shit i have always had ridiculous tolerance and the done just jacked it up to the sky. And i am on the petite side barely a buck fifteen but im a monster when it comes to the dope lately, dont know. And please my dude. dont wanna know how i get my money? really? cmon now... Please dont get your head all into assumption land, especially just cuz Im a female I already know where you going with that. and I can proudly say in the ten years of doing dope (or any drugs for that matter) i never once went to headville (or worse) for my dope. But read my reply to Mr Scags...Im legit babe. I work for my money and dont use everyday.:) its easy to maintain that way. plus were in jersey dont forget...fire dope is cheap and plentiful, it aint all that hard yo.

10 a shot aint even the limit for me i will go higher but its my usual jumpoff point unless i know for fact the bags are firefirefire. Put it to you like this even the shit that my daily dope shooting heads with heavy habits call fire Ill still use 10 as my standard beginning point...Add a couple dilly's in there and im happy for a few hours.

i should also add that I have a deathwish tho, so thats why its somethin i treat so casual, i dont give a shit if i dont wake up next time I boot up, so that explains a lot 8(
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The only way I was able to afford a habit like that was when I was also selling so I didn't have to pay for it. I was basically moving enough just to pay for my own habit which got huge.

It's amazing how much dope the human body can actually handle. It was really good dope too, where 2 bags would get me rocked in the beginning. After about a year though of using everyday, eventually my tolerance jacked up to the point where I had to shoot 8-10 in a clip, and I was doing that 4 times a day.

Then the rug got pulled out from under me and I had to go to detox on a 40 bag a day habit, hence the brutal story I posted in my blog about that experience. Hah,
Khadijah I was on methadone years ago the only thing I did was double dose on Saturday because I had Sundays take home. Every time I did that on Saturday I would wake up Sunday with a monster headache that lasted all day. So I only did that a few times. I was wondering if you get any negative side effects from shooting dope on top of your 'done?

Also back in the day I would have gladly paid extra for my dope as long as I got the bags we agreed on and there was no extra cut in them. It was the cops that I was scared of not the hood.