• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

can homosexuality be a choice?

IMHO the point you've missed is that 'choice' of sexual attraction isn't a switch at all, and thus I find it tough to even drop it in the category of a choice.
like the spectrum of a rainbow flag, options are infinite, imo.

thanks for that clarification. i understand your position now. :)
I think the answer is you can choose to have sex with someone of the same sex just as someone who is homosexual can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, but you cannot change your inclinations. You are who you are and how you are be that gay, straight, or bi or whatever. You can only change behavior.
I do agree, but I believe its more on the nature side just because someone can beat addiction or homelessness (although very hard), but not homosexuality.

Addiction and homelessness seem like things that one would want to beat. No so the case with homosexuality in many cases.

Read whole post, never said anything about "beating" homosexuality, I merely compared it to the predisposition and possible effects of life experience. And I never even mentioned homelessness. Anyway I don't think you can beat addiction, addict is always addict, but you can stop using. I stand by my previous statement. Also, just because your early childhood may have played a role in whether someone is hetero or homo, doesn't make it any more of a choice. I do believe that homosexuality is a way of being and not a choice, it's not like I chose to be hetero.

(not in a bad way) but in the way that you can be predisposed to it but how you grow up and are influnced can play a big role.
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Disagree entirely. Quitting successfully and having no desire to use again is beating the addiction.

People who 'break' habits will feel the urge every once in a while. Whether or not you give into the urges is what defines "beating" it. We can never tell what's going on in someone's mind, we only see their actions.

I stopped biting my nails years ago and still do it every once in a while. Did I break the habit? Who knows.

I'll say this: if you successfully beat an addiction, why was it ever an addiction in the first place?
Disagree entirely. Quitting successfully and having no desire to use again is beating the addiction.

Good point I could've changed my wording a bit. Some people can do that, but most people I know, myself included felt like addicts long before we found drugs and even have trouble controlling ourselves when it comes to drinking too much coffee. This isn't a universal truth or anything, but it is my opinion that the majority of hardcore addicts will always have a small part of that left inside. Again, glad to hear that you disagree and feel that yourself and/or others are not stuck this way
We don't have full control of our sexuality, though it is malleable and changes.
Sexuality is fluid imo. <snip>
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Some post related to drugs and the use of drugs in relation to sexuality have been removed. SO is not the place for such discussion, but these issues are welcome to be discussed in an appropriate forum with guidelines that allow it.

Please make an attempt to keep this closer to the original topic for discussion.
for some homosexuality is a choice of sexuality - THE BI-CURIOUS.

I am homosexual, but I am also bisexual as homosexual does not mean exclusively homo- it just means I am attracted to men...as well as being heterosexual...making me BI.

I can choose to fuck men, but I generally go for women...whereas my friend who is gay is totally homosexual - he would be screwed if he had to choose women, it would be totally wrong for him.

Most people are born bisexual in my opinion, some are straight, and even less are totally homosexual.

If I was born homosexual and chose not to live out my urges, that would make me a saaaaaaad panda.
I reckon there's a good percentage of otherwise straight men who have sex with men just because of various things, maybe they can't find a woman to have sex with, maybe they're married and it's be a longterm fantasy to have sex with a man. Health Surveying Officials call them "men who have sex with men" not gay.
A ton of posts so I'm sure someones already made this point, but whatever!

You can choose to participate in homosexual acts, but you cannot choose to be homosexual/straight. I'm straight, but I could choose to have sex with a man (for whatever reason...) but it wouldn't make me gay. I can't force myself to feel an attraction.

Think of prison inmates.. gay sex happens all the time, but most of these people wouldn't say they are gay
Hate on me if you want to. But Aids was created in a lab and given to gays as one of a couple minorities for population control. And wow, has it worked. How desperate do you have to be to keep on spreading it. Ughhhhhh

Down with the new world order. Google the georgia guidestones. You'll see why they are trying to reduce our population.
I believe that homosexuality can be somewhat of a choice, yes.

it's like, why refuse a love that's directly in front of you for the sake of doing what you've always done? (as in, the opposite sex)

not everybody has to or will ever encounter this question, but for those that do, 'choosing' to open up to those sorts of possibilities is in my mind, choosing to be gay. Granted, this could be the end of the denial phase for some, but for others it could simply mean that a turning point has been reached when you make a decision to believe that love is love, regardless of homo or hetero tendencies.
I've had friends that were straight, and became lesbian in life, friends who were asexual and became gay, bi, people who have changed sexes...it just goes on and on. Sexuality is as individual as the person is, and why shouldn't it be? I didn't choose to be gay personally, my mom knew I was by the time I was two, and there's never been a question in my mind, personally.

So..can you choose to be gay? Yes, no, maybe...why the hell not? Your choice!!
i dont think anyone can choose who they have romantic feelings for. the same as it doesnt seem possible to by force of will not have the same feelings for someone, who doesnt share the same feelings as you.
^choosing and being forced to choose are not the same thing in any way.
^there would be quite a bit of personality and lifestyle changes that for a typical straight person would be, at least in my opinion, impossible to fake all the time.
hence, it cannot be forced.

genuine change can be chosen. fake change, such as that by external force, cannot.