Chicago Heroin v Fuck Dormin

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when i went into detox four months ago it was denied by my insurance company. their exact words were "heroin withdrawl will make you feel like you want to die, but you won't. where as benzo and alcohol withdrawl could actually kill you because there is the possibility of having a fatal seizure."

due to the extreme rising number of people getting addicted to heroin all insurance companies are basically saying they don't give a shit about any of them, pretty fucked up if you ask me. i spent four days in a detox center and it cost my rents just over 4k, now that made me feel like an asshole. however, insurance did cover 90% of my outpatient partial hospital and intensive outpatient programs tho which was decent. it still ended up costing us $40 something dollars per day mon-fri for six weeks. fuck insurance companies.

anyway....noddin right now. feelin good still smokin on the fire indica blueberry ohh yeah. basically having my last run with the blows till i get the vivatrol (naltrexone) injection next month.
Tell me about that injection Minty. How long is it supposed to last?

Meanwhile, in regards to your earlier stuff:
i don't think it's necessarily random people getting addicted to heroin. i think it's people who can't afford oxycontin on the street (which are crazy expensive) end up going downtown in order to score to heroin which is cheaper. These are not vicodin people - a bottle of that is like 15 bucks on insurance - instead, they are strung out on the super strong oxycontins and are out of money so they're going for the cheap cos they NEED to get the sick off.

And adding to the crackdown and downfall are the Suburban pill popper moms who go scoring in the inner city sort of thing... I think THAT'S why the insurance companies don't want to cover it.

Added bonus adding to crackdown: There was a front page of the suburban newspaper that covers my town, recently reporting, that something like 21 kids in Will County Illinois - high school age - OD'ed fatally in 2012. Will County is directly west of the city on one of the two "heroin highways". Parents are freaking out. And this really IS fucked up.

Even more fucked up: Enquiring minds, like MINE: want to know where they're getting this OD worthy smack! (ok that's a bad thing to say, but that's how i feel..)

I was thinking about going to an outpatient program for dope but I don't want to be on that "list" where If I get cancer or something they won't give me pain killers because I'm a known abuser. Isn't that what happens? Uggh. Dreadful. And I'm trying to get a job with the State of Illinois, and they background check you and the last thing I want on my permanent record is that...

Bonus: depending on what department I work in, they'll do a drug test. Am currently up for a job in the Nursing Department (test), the Urban Planning Department (no test) and Fundraising (iffy. not sure about test).

I should pass the drug test fine if and when it comes up. I'll stop the dope and drink a ton of water. Am currently chipping anyway. The benzos are prescribed so is the adderrall.

By the way, the FDA once flagged me as a BenzoBitch - running a couple of prescriptions at two different pharmacies, using insurance for one, the other out of pocket. Way Back in 2008. So I gotta keep legal with that. Turns out am no longer on the list, according to my doctor, so I'm gonna not refill too early and switch pharmacies around like I used to...

Wow I'm really going crazy today with the posting.
I do hope you enjoy/find informative/do not hate.
^it's more than dangerous, it's lethal, especially to those uneduacted. you're adding 2 CNS depressants to the mix which = 1x4, not 1x2. a good majority of methadone overdoses are related with a benzo, xanax in particular.

having tolerance to either can help, but each time you push the boundaries you're rolling a dice. stay safe. it's best to take at the very least half of your usual dose when initially doing so.

have a search around the site for much info.

^All science aside, 7 out of the eight people I know that died from opiates were mixing them with benzos! It's not a guaranteed death sentence, but it's not a safe mix, especially without a tolerance!

Don't worry. I am very safe. I tried IVing this summer and my veins have been deemed too small by experts. Still have a lump on inner arm from almost getting the perfect shot. Therefore, I snort. Gradually, a bit here and there figuring out what's going on with it. How strong, etc.

I have been warned many times, especially by a couple of good pals here on BL. They have been in the "game" longer than me and have lost friends. They have warned me. I have never mixed both for recreation. There have been times that I have been unable to sleep because I wasn't at the nod, but at perky "clean the house" high... And that night I've taken a benzo to sleep. No biggie. Or biggie?

But, I have a GIGANTIC benzo tolerance. 10 years on the stuff. Need at least 1.5 Xanax for something to happen. 2 Klonopin. I stay away from Ativan because that's pretty easy to mess up a dose as it's pretty potent quickly like xanax but lasts a longer time like Klonopin. I have prescriptions for Xanax, Klonopin and Temezapam aka Restoril a Hypnotic Benzo for sleeping. Doesn't do much, gives awful head-achy feeling....

Let me know if you think I'm excessive?
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I had a municipal job...union....Oh God that job was the shit! I was actually fucked up enough to lose it! If you can get in, you're set! Holidays, vacation, overtime, man that was a great job!!
Man Gwennie you are on alot of things,please be careful its wasy to forget that youve taken a benzo early in the morning or when your dopey,and tben tame more,and find yourself in trouble,especially when the front of your brain is affected,your rationale decesion making progree when you impared. I never take any benzos for any reason,had two friend die from then and they had years of experience with those drugs. Maybe slow down if your concerned with you use,because now I am concerned for you...
BlueHues Wrote: I had a municipal job...union....Oh God that job was the shit! I was actually fucked up enough to lose it! If you can get in, you're set! Holidays, vacation, overtime, man that was a great job!!

BlueBaby - I'll start off with 5 weeks vacation. One sick day per month, earned. 12 Holidays a year. three are personal do what you want. The vacation and the sick time roll over so if you don't use all 12 sick days, roll 'em over...use them sparingly... no overtime, though, but base salary is my mother's age. And I'm practically 40. (*Shhhh....)

Man Gwennie you are on alot of things,please be careful its wasy to forget that youve taken a benzo early in the morning or when your dopey,and tben tame more,and find yourself in trouble,especially when the front of your brain is affected,your rationale decesion making progree when you impared. I never take any benzos for any reason,had two friend die from then and they had years of experience with those drugs. Maybe slow down if your concerned with you use,because now I am concerned for you...

I'll give you that, Cheffy. It is easy to forget. Nothing has been noddy dopey lately though - or even that dopey. Picked up half a jab a few days ago, first time in 3 or 4 weeks. This batch of dope not that great, I have been feeling a bit perky but at night when I want that tiny nod - nothing. Gonna try somewhere else tomorrow.

I'm mostly concerned with:
a) my attempts at shooting failed miserably. Scars. Lumps. Gave up. For the best. Veins small, can't find. Not worth it for me. Still have gumball sized nugget inside arm. Not going away!

b) Issue: Cold Turkey benzos. I didn't have any for about 5 days, for first time in years and years. Also been off the dope for a few weeks. Started going into bizarre super sweaty night sweats. Had to change my pj's three times last night AND the night before. Picked up some dope yesterday. Did two sawbucks last night. Did not help! Picked up Klonopin refill tonight, took 2 x 0.5 so 1mg. Did two sawbucks today over the course of the whole day. Feel a little perky but otherwise not dopey or noddy. Am hoping Klonopin reduces the sweating and insures a good nights sleep.

Don't worry about me. I am more concerned about the lack of dope quality lately and these crazy sweats/going cold turkey from the benzos was a VERY bad idea - so i got a refill. I do not abuse this drug. I have been known to take three at a time, but am allowed 3 a day - not all at once, of course, but yes I have done in the past. Never with dope. love you cheffy. it's nice to know you care. No one else does... <3
^Man, if you do GET that job, be careful!! You'll never get rich, but it's a sweet deal! I'm from the east coast and Tony Soprano hooked me up! I was a good worker, but I took advantage of all the sick time and shit! You can really have a decent life though, nothing fancy, but secure....Go for it!
All good gwen,pm me if you need to talk or anything,off to work later
yesterday i copped for the first time in about a month or so. called my guy. he was riding around with his friends (literally) - told him I didn't want any crap (was so pissed last time I copped, I got a jab of awful!) - and then I called him when I was getting close. I can hear them in the background:

"she says she's at ____ ave on the e-way"
"so where should we go your place?"
"no way man"

he comes back and tells me to go to "the usual". so i do. they're not there. neither are his crew. it was super freaking hot. Cops everywhere - I drove around a bit and counted 5 blue & whites and one undercover. Even saw beat cops walking one of the blocks. About 15 minutes later I pull up and a guy in a 4 door sedan has his hood up and is obviously pretending to add fluids. I recognize him from when I met my guy before late at night (not a big chicago time). I nod at him, park across the street. He walks up - I open the window and say:
he's silent, still checking me out. he totally recognizes the car.
"aren't you friends with *street name*"
looks at me crazily
i know street name's real name, so i say "you know: *real name*"
"oh yeah, you gwen?"
"what you tryin' to do"
and he knows. he has it ready. where' s my guy? so he goes back to the car, putzes around a bit, and comes back round the drivers side. hands me the stuff. I hand him the money. and then i ask, "what's your name?"
he thinks for a minute. he's so not a

drug dealer.
"uh. fiesta. yeah. call me fiesta!"
"ooh. i like that", I say. "SPICY!"
and he lets down his tough guy guard and laughs. "he told me you were real cool gwen"
"that's right." i said as i drove away.

and i'm not thrilled with this shit either. WTF? Anyone else not getting the good stuff lately or is it just me? Do they care that I might OD or something so they're giving me the bottom of the barrel cut with bullshit?

gwen, chicagoan.
I met a dude called fiesta before,the dope was ok not,that,good actually
i miss the old days. when the shit was good. i went to a couple of my old.spots cuz i.havent fucked around in a while.and they all suck. and this dude actually gives me his number and tells me to call him after he hands me 4 thats weak as hell. wel at first he tries to hand me 2 and tell ne they are dubs i told him bullshit so he gives me the other 2 then texts me later and asks me when im gonna come back. wtf? they got it all fucked up out there. nobody is honest and selling honest shit.they just toss some shit in a bag and call it "blows" man i miss the good old days. sorry bout the puncuation. im on my phone. hard to type
Finally picked up some decent stuff today. Very brown, doesn't burn the nostrils. And two sawbucks in...I'm a bit floppy - teensy bit nauseous, smidge ready for bed/nod, very relaxed and in a great mood.

Am supposed to go out for a beer in a few. May try to persuade denny's after one game of pool..Absolutely craving a strawberry shake.

So happy. Am gonna stick with this spot for a while. FIRE! cubed!
Whats up everyone i haven't posted for a miniute been busy working n shit. But something really sucks one of my main dudes just went to rehab and im about to bang my last 6 bags right now. Gotta call my main raw guy on the south side tomorrow to see whats good. I know he just recently caught a case and is trying to lay low. I was clean for about two months but suboxone cold turkey w.d was the hardest thing i ever did in my life. I was sick as fuck for a month no bullshit. I swear to god i was never that sick from not doing dope its way more intense of a sickness. I dont care if i cant get dope cuz i want to be done i just dont want to be sick and definitely am not ready to be sick yet. How long were most of you sick who quit cold turkey?
I went to see my doctor and he never showed up after i was waiting in his office for over 3 hours. I was really pissed off and they told me that i would have to come back next week( that would be 7 days) which means i would have to go a whole week with no subs after being on them for over two months. So i said fuck it. The first day withou them i was anxious but actually felt really good. Then the second day shit hit the fan and things really stArted getting bad then the next day it would get worse and worse for a month. Anyways i relapsed again and once i first shot a little i was right back where i was before as you all know the drill. Anyways im a little nervous right now as to if ill be able to cop tomorrow because all my ppl have pretty much dissappeared. Im sure most of you know the feeling of not having a stable connect and having a really good connect but most of the time you lose them or they will have runners once they get popped if their good. But im just really frantic right now hoping to god i can get dope.... But not only get it i want that firee! Anyone have any suggestions lemme know. (Not spots or ppl... Suggestions) and getting sober i have to do soon so please dont say that lol
well since you're in chicago i would just hit up the streets, use sparingly to keep WDs away n then hop back on the subs when your dr. is in then taper off the subs

everyone has thier own opinions on maintenance but imo use maintenance drugs for as short as possible, you've already gotten a taste of sub withdrawal so its not something that is great in the long run imo just do a quick week or 2 taper with the subs then stay strong

thats my advice, thats pretty much what i did, week long sub taper n then i have been heroin free for over 19 months, now everyone is different n some will say use the maintenance drugs to stabalize your life n get outta the scene n get comfortable in that new life n thats not bad input but if i were you i would just get clean (short sub taper) and go about startin fresh from there, cravings will always be around n thats one of the benefits of being on maintenance drugs for longer periods of time cuz they will help with the cravings but the cravings never fully go away IME so eventually you gotta deal with them

but others will chime in with different experiences n input just do what you think will work for you n know that deep down you wanna be clean/dope free n do what works best in your situation
My doctor i wont go back too.. But he wanted me on subs for 3 years which is bullshit... Anyways someone just hit me up so im gunna cop a few jabs and see how this is
every trap house i been to was awful. burnt spoons, broken lighters, syringe caps, empty bags, buttons, foil, cigs all over, cottons on the floor (not a single Micron!), condoms, etc. I felt so dirty just being there I couldn't even bring myself to do a shot in there.

We would call that a crack house, completely different than a trap house.

A trap house is more like a business, you go in and buy what you want, then leave. It's all business.

I think my dealer let me crush up some OC only once at the trap house and that was only because there were cops waiting on people to leave the house.
Wow i just copped 5 jabs on west side and im very happy with these foils and the extras my guy threw me so i finally got a new connect thru my boy thats in rehab and am very happy. Its a good hour drive
From where im at but well worth it
hi all im from ireland and i will be movin to chicago in few months time so just want to know what kind of dope can i buy over there?im only into smoking,not snorting or shooting. anyway i was told that there are very low purity of heroin bout 30% there. is that true?? in my country, heroin purity is about 13% right now which is a big joke now. it used to be between 35-40% purity but not anymore! its fucked now. i geniunely beileve heroin market here willl never fully recover as its been going on nearly 3 years now!! i think its cos of the drought in afghan when poppy blight diease hit there.
If the purity of dope is 13 there anything here should knock your socks off. We have powder mostly so smoking it would be a waste you should graduate to banging as it is the best high
^Dude really?!

You CAN smoke it, but it doesn't work as well as UK dope probably....I'd try snorting it....I like shooting it, but I wouldn't suggest picking the needle up!
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