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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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Getting stoned on some surprise pot... took some effing Gabapentin just because it's there.
So I swung by a friend's house tonight to pick up a xanax that he saved for me, and then he told me that he had another surprise for me... coke! He whipped out a fat, fat fucking bag of it, dumped a whole pile of it out onto the table, cut it into two piles and told me that it was for me. 8o

Man, I've never really done coke before. Took a very, very small line one time, but it wasn't much and it wasn't very good coke I guess. But this coke seems to be much, much better.

And there's so much of it too... the girlfriend and I couldn't finish what he gave me, so he dumped the rest of it into a little bag for me and told me to take it to go. Guess he was feeling generous!

But anyway.......feels good, man! lol
So I swung by a friend's house tonight to pick up a xanax that he saved for me, and then he told me that he had another surprise for me... coke! He whipped out a fat, fat fucking bag of it, dumped a whole pile of it out onto the table, cut it into two piles and told me that it was for me. 8o

Man, I've never really done coke before. Took a very, very small line one time, but it wasn't much and it wasn't very good coke I guess. But this coke seems to be much, much better.

And there's so much of it too... the girlfriend and I couldn't finish what he gave me, so he dumped the rest of it into a little bag for me and told me to take it to go. Guess he was feeling generous!

But anyway.......feels good, man! lol

Faaarrrkkkk!! I dream of shit like that happening to me! Coke is more expensive than gold in Australia,and hard to get good quality too! You have to actually be wealthy to have a coke habit here...damn I'm jealous!
Faaarrrkkkk!! I dream of shit like that happening to me! Coke is more expensive than gold in Australia,and hard to get good quality too! You have to actually be wealthy to have a coke habit here...damn I'm jealous!

Yeah, man. He does things like that all the time; we both share the same sort of philosophy when it comes to drugs, that we should sort of share what we have when we have it instead of always asking for something in return whenever one of us needs a favor. So, we might give him a ride tomorrow to pick something up from our guy, for example, and instead of asking for a few bags in return, we'll just do the favor for him knowing full well that he would do the same for us and will do the same for us at some later date.

It's cool, real cool, and he's a cool guy. He's definitely hooked it up before, but he's never been that generous. It was a lot of coke, like a lot of coke. He said that someone owed him some money and payed him part of it in cash and the other part in coke lol. I have very little experience with coke, very little, virtually no experience with coke, but the girlfriend knows a little more about it than I do and said that what he gave us was maybe two and a half or three grams worth which is pretty amazing.

We still have a little bit left that we're going to save for tomorrow. A little wake-me-up in the morning lol
Yeah, man. He does things like that all the time; we both share the same sort of philosophy when it comes to drugs, that we should sort of share what we have when we have it instead of always asking for something in return whenever one of us needs a favor. So, we might give him a ride tomorrow to pick something up from our guy, for example, and instead of asking for a few bags in return, we'll just do the favor for him knowing full well that he would do the same for us and will do the same for us at some later date.

It's cool, real cool, and he's a cool guy. He's definitely hooked it up before, but he's never been that generous. It was a lot of coke, like a lot of coke. He said that someone owed him some money and payed him part of it in cash and the other part in coke lol. I have very little experience with coke, very little, virtually no experience with coke, but the girlfriend knows a little more about it than I do and said that what he gave us was maybe two and a half or three grams worth which is pretty amazing.

We still have a little bit left that we're going to save for tomorrow. A little wake-me-up in the morning lol

Sounds like a great friendship :) I've noticed a lot of people on here think coke is overrated,but I absolutely love it. 2-3 grams is INSANELY generous!

Funny story- a few years back my boyfriend and I bought a gram of coke before xmas intending on doing it on NYE.We left it at home and both went up the coast to my parent's place for xmas,but my boyfriend went home 2 days earlier than me.When I got home I went to check that the coke was where I left it and it was gone.I asked my boyfriend and he suggested maybe I'd hidden it somewhere else.I ended up ripping my room to pieces looking for the friggen bag and couldn't find it anywhere.I searched high and low but it was gone and I thought I was going crazy!
It was months later that my boyfriend confessed.....turns out he decided to have a tiny line when he got back,then had a bit more,then ended up doing the lot over two days and sitting around in his underwear playing Playstation off his face having a fabulous time.He played stupid because he knew I'd kill him at the time.....and also said it was kinda funny watching me go mental looking for it.Lol cheeky bastard!
Sounds like a great friendship :) I've noticed a lot of people on here think coke is overrated,but I absolutely love it. 2-3 grams is INSANELY generous!

Funny story- a few years back my boyfriend and I bought a gram of coke before xmas intending on doing it on NYE.We left it at home and both went up the coast to my parent's place for xmas,but my boyfriend went home 2 days earlier than me.When I got home I went to check that the coke was where I left it and it was gone.I asked my boyfriend and he suggested maybe I'd hidden it somewhere else.I ended up ripping my room to pieces looking for the friggen bag and couldn't find it anywhere.I searched high and low but it was gone and I thought I was going crazy!
It was months later that my boyfriend confessed.....turns out he decided to have a tiny line when he got back,then had a bit more,then ended up doing the lot over two days and sitting around in his underwear playing Playstation off his face having a fabulous time.He played stupid because he knew I'd kill him at the time.....and also said it was kinda funny watching me go mental looking for it.Lol cheeky bastard!

That's crazy! Oh, man! I would be so mad, so mad! But I can definitely see and understand now how one line can turn into another line and then another and then -- oops, it's all gone! haha

I've always been under the impression that coke just wasn't worth doing because the coke around here is supposed to be such garbage. I can see where some might think it overrated, but I have a much better opinion of coke now than before, and I'm a fan for sure. ;)
All that alcohol and I still can't sleep.

And fuck I don't even wanna smoke weed.

I wanna stay up but there's no one to talk to...shit sucks.
paws unfortunately last a few months to one degree or another with any sizeable habit..

It's 5am here, been suffering from insomnia since i kicked heroin about 3 weeks ago, went on a couple day run last week, took 3 days off before withdraws set in, I think i'm in the clear to pick up in a few hours :)

I just went thru my pants to see what I could find since I always stash stuff in there when I'm high and consequently forget about it, well i found a 20mg adderal, a 2 mg klonopin, and about a half g of really nice n,n dmt that I thought I had lost, quite the random assortment but I ain't complaining!

So i popped the addy, waiting to pick up some dope and i'll probablly take that klon when i'm ready to crash on the dope, definitely saving the deems for another day :p
Just woke up after 13 hours of sleep. 8o That's rare.

Popped 250mg primidone, 20mg diazepam, 2mg lormetazepam & 400mg tramadol (200ir, 200xr) and just lit a cigarette.

I doubt the benzos will knock me out after having slept for so long so I felt I could take a little more than usual. Hope I get a nice buzz
^But for how long? I'd really consider stopping abusing them and using them as prescribed if I were you. Added tramadol and/or codeine can give you a surprisingly good high too.

Just saying. :) I've struggled with the exact same thing at one point and I'm still so glad I got off the oxy.
Woke up around 8:30, blew a line of coke, saw my therapist, came back home, blew a few lines of dope, took a xanax... and I think that's it for today.

I'm feeling all right lol
^You cokehead, you. =D

+100mg tramadol IR (totalling 300IR and 200XR)
+2mg lormetazepam (totalling 4mg)
+10mg diazepam (totalling 30mg)

Feeling aaaalright. :D
Ahh man feeling absolutely fantasatic. I have consumed:

1800mg of gabapentin
.5mg of xanax
3mg of suboxone snorted
2cups of coffee and 1 cup of yerba mate
And im vaping marijuana

I feel completely relaxed but still energized and feel very clear headed with a decent amount of euphoria. Tramadol would be excellent right meow.

Edit: Think i will add a couple beers. yeahhhh.
drank a gourd of yerba mate with fish oil, rhodiola rosea, gotu kola, gingko, and green tea pills, along with my daily vitamin b/c and omega 3 regimen.
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Came off Suboxone for oxymorphone dependancy (man I looooved that shit) I take 150 mgs of Zoloft, 45 mgs of Remeron, 5 mgs of Abilify and I'm out of my 2 mg k-pins for the rest of the week so I've been snorting Ambien (one 12.5 ER tablet at a time) and break up my Vyvance capsules to take at the same time to keep me functioning. Not as high as I'd like to be, but not bouncing off the walls with anxiety. A 6 pack on top of it all was a bit much for me last night. One good glass of wine would prob be just about right. When my son comes home for a visit, I'll get some good weed in the mix! Til then, it's tobacco pouches. Any little bit that helps... gonna see if I can round up some benzos to get me thru to the doc appt...
That's crazy! Oh, man! I would be so mad, so mad! But I can definitely see and understand now how one line can turn into another line and then another and then -- oops, it's all gone! haha

I've always been under the impression that coke just wasn't worth doing because the coke around here is supposed to be such garbage. I can see where some might think it overrated, but I have a much better opinion of coke now than before, and I'm a fan for sure. ;)

Yeah trust me man when you finally find some good coke you'll be an instant fan of it. The first time I tried good coke was a friends place and like your guy he was generous enough to give me about a gram for free (probably because he was doing so much lol). I did my first fat line and was blown away. My whole face went numb, clean stimulation, euphoria, no crash...I finally found out what all the fuss was about. Then I kept doing line after line all night and had a great time with my friends. Smoked a joint afterwards, there was no crash really, and I fell asleep soon after.

Unfortunately, good coke is really damn rare these days and the good stuff is fucking expensive usually so I just stay away from it for the most part. The really good shit is sooo moreish it's insane.

Anyway, I took a roxi 15 that I randomly found, feels ok way too low of a dose though. Time to get through this work day, pick up my check, and get a bunch of dope :D.
Fuck, I loved my Coke guy back in Cali. Fucking amazing deals, amazing quality. Exactly what you describe here:
My whole face went numb, clean stimulation, euphoria, no crash...
Although definitely not moreish, for me personally. Coke has always been the one stimulant I could control.
Fuck, I loved my Coke guy back in Cali. Fucking amazing deals, amazing quality. Exactly what you describe here:

Although definitely not moreish, for me personally. Coke has always been the one stimulant I could control.

lol for me it's easier to control meth than coke, no idea why, lots of people say the opposite. the only reason i do more meth than coke is cause meth is cheaper and easier to get.
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