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Harm Reduction How-To prepare liquid Morphine from time released tablets

I am perscribed this brand of morphine except they are the 30s. Would disolving and soaking the powder in lemon juice for around 4 hours be good enough to destroy the time release or would I need to leave it in longer? I just plan on using it for orral administration.

No need for lemon juice, if you follow my procedure in post #1, it deals with the time release. You cannot do this in less than 8-12 hours.
I did two 30s and two 15s (I probably should do 2ml per pill) I usually do two 30s when shooting. I did 5 ml last night and it sat for about 10-11 hours. I'll probably still bang the ir's at night. This isn't my first time to plug but first time to plug ers but damn seriously fucked me up. Tomorrow will wait till after the shower. Had a lot of issues getting ready for work and not needing to carry around a tourniquet at work and needles will be awesome (also all things considered I still havent dosed since this morning and have no craving, talk about extended release :p)) again though how do you keep your bowels empty to do this. The couple of times in the past when I've done (using my ir) this I hadn't pooped for days and got nothing out of it.
Well people make a lot of mistakes along the preparation process. Let's take this discussion over to my morphine guide, I'm sure your responses will be helpful to others there too. I'm going to merge your thread with it now, if you don't mind.
I'm taking another crack at it tonight, 2 30's 2 15's but I'm going to go with 8ml of water to see if that helps (you were saying 1ml=60mg but each pill has a lot of gel in it as extra filler) So I'm thinking double the 1 and go two. Is there any reason I shouldn't put so much water in it?
I actually never seen any other morphine besides the beads and the M boxes. What other ones are there avaliable in the US?
Theres actually quite a few, can't think of them all now before bed but there's ABGs, MSC, Roxanne, idk, I only fucks with the Mallis and Roxanne's MSIR.
I personally don't like ABG, they've always given me more trouble than I like, but this was back when I was an IV user, for which the malli's were/are unbeatable.

There are sooooooo many different generics and brand names of morphine, it's our oldest pain killer and a huge number of people depend on it for pain management, and thus it must be very cost effective to those who need it most. Out of all medications, without looking at any sources to check, I'd be willing to bet that morphine has more forms available than most medications.
safe morphine prep

I know it is very bad to heat pills but how else to rig the non kadian morphine pills? the abgs the mallies and endos I have to do a hot water salt drop. i put some salt and water in the cooker and get it rolling, quickly drop in morphine powder then a wet cotton and draw up. let the rig cool run it under cold water for a while. filter etc.

This is the only way that I know of to keep it from gelling. this method yields 0 gel it all just goes to the bottom of the spoon around the cotton.

I'd like to know if there is a way to prep these with just cold water
None of that is necessary.

My method uses cold water. I'm going to merge this with that thread, there is NO heat applied at ANY step of the way. to be safe, can you confirm what kind of morphine you're using and how much? My method is not designed for IV use without microns, but you'll be able to see the steps I take to get my morphine into solution.
you took down my post but didn't answer my question. why not leave it up for someone who might slam these to answer. leaving it sitting for 16 hours is more dangerous than heating it
I never used salt water.

But I have to reluctantly agree. It's NEAR impossible to get morphine out of those pills without heat.
Plugging morphine question

To start it off i have bearly any to notolerance to morphine i have taken them multiple times but spaced out.
I plugged 15 mg morphine xr this morning and then an hour later i got another one ready but i phsyched my self out i kept thinking of dangers that could happen so i drank it. Is tgere any dangers plugging morphine?
Im not complaining about the high im fucked up getting the sweats. I want to know are there any risks inbolved with plugging morphine xr the blue ones
you took down my post but didn't answer my question. why not leave it up for someone who might slam these to answer. leaving it sitting for 16 hours is more dangerous than heating it

How is it dangerous to allow a solution to sit for 12 hours in a sealed container? I've stored solutions longer than this... And I slammed them this way for years and years and years and years, just because I don't IV anymore doesn't negate my extensive experience with morphine.

Never heat the morphine, it may be near impossible to get morphine out of pills if you don't let them sit for 12 hours.
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@brandon, Merging you with the thread with directions on how to properly plug them.
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i did change it by using saline instead of regular water ( greatly prevents gelling ) and no miccron.

For rectal admin, since I don't have saline water, can I just add a pinch of salt to regular water to get the same effects? Or since it's for rectal admin, do I not have to worry about it gelling up? Seems to me the gel would hinder absorption no matter how you take it. I usually take my MS Contins orally, but I know it's a waste and I need a way to make them go farther.

Another question: I usually eat around 100mg once a day and that does me good. Since rectal admin has a greater bioavailability, how many mgs should I start out with? If I tried plugging the same 100mgs that I eat, will I be heading for ODVille, or will I just get more pain reliving effects? Or should I cut the dose in half? Or a third? Just want to be safe peeps:)