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How High Are You? v. Befriending The Shadow People

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^right on. me too. i mean meth is bad for you etc etc.
get off bluelight!! if you're a quarter as high as i am you'll get stuck here for hours and hours.

which brings me to my point.
i'm so high that i can't move/keep forgetting to piss, fix, or smoke cigarettes.
meth ftw.
i'm so high that i can't move/keep forgetting to piss, fix, or smoke cigarettes.
You can piss while youre on Meth? Thats impossible for me haha. When I was doing Meth 3-4 times a week (for 2 months) I could never piss while high, I always relieved myself in the morning. And when I say "relieved myself", Im being literal. Best pisses of my life thanks to 2 litres of water each night I got high haha.
I'm taking it easy today. I've got to an important meeting to go to in a little bit...

15 mg adderall
1 mg bupe
You can piss while youre on Meth? Thats impossible for me haha. When I was doing Meth 3-4 times a week (for 2 months) I could never piss while high, I always relieved myself in the morning. And when I say "relieved myself", Im being literal. Best pisses of my life thanks to 2 litres of water each night I got high haha.

yeah, back when i was doing massive shots and not taking care of myself...
i'd do like a big shot and sweat everything out within like an hour after fixing and not piss for awhile.
i didn't drink water either, so when i did finally urinate it was well... i don't know what it was. it looked toxic though.

now i do normal shots and only for two or three days out of the week and am trying the whole "functioning" thing.
i need to excrete urine all the time when i do meth nowadays, but i always forget.
^yeah verso that's a nice lil combo on those kinda dayss.

I just swallowed down 6 gbrams of kratom and am smoking on a little bud.

I was super fucked up all day yesterday...just a blurr of cocaine,heroin,kratom,marijuana, oxycodone,tramadol,alcohol and gabapentin!
I'm pretty fucked up on paint fumes.

Wait, wait hear me out: They've been painting my building for the past few days and the smells just permeates every single thing everywhere. I can smell it in my room furthest from the doors. I opened the windows but it's still pretty obnoxious and I'm not feeling particularly great. :\ Yeah, yeah, I'll go outside or something later... :p
I stabbed myself with 12mg of hydromorphone. OH MAN... I fucking LOVE that rush... there is nothing, NOTHING that compares imo. absolute bliss.

I also took 200mg of tapentadol. it reminds me of tramadol[since it is closely related] in terms of the feeling... like the stimulating aspect of it, but it is far more potent[its a bit weaker then mophine] and thus I can can get a buzz and feel it without risking seizures and all that. I am really liking it.

and finally, 100mg of promethazine to keep the itching down to a reasonable level.
60mg of methadone
.5mg of clonazepam
1000mg of APAP (I started getting a migraine)

I'm amazed how big of a difference I felt when the clonazepam hit. Not like I feel high, or of thshe "recreational" effects from it, but the slight anxiety relief was nice with all the shit going on today. .5 mg isn't shit for me too.

Wish I had something sedating to add. Neither methadone or clonazepam sedates me. I want to fall into my chair and feel stuck
That is what I could really use. I miss living basically next door to one of my old dealer. I'd be nice and high right now. Even when I wouldn't have a stash to thrown in, he'd always smoke me up (I would always thrown in/match bowls everytime I had a stash). He is a good friend so it wasn't like I was taking advantage of him. I even had him walk into my room when I've been sleeping, blow smoke in my face, and hand me a blunt or bowl. I could never get upset when someone does that.
Did a lil blackberry left overs in my vape....got the vape bags working again. haha I love vaping. pretty hiiiiigh
30mg of methadone oral.

0.1mg of decent(no disco shit) cocaine mixed in with a halcion.

Adding a couple on the rocks drinks of a cinnamon whiskey called fireball. Im pretty content=D
starting on 20mg of opana (half a yellow octagon 40) ... still getting the old formula here.

some klonopin earlier, some weed later.
About to smoke a fat spliff. I've got maybe 10-12 grams left of weed and after it's gone I'm not picking up again for a long time. Not only am I out of work, but I'm also completely sick of picking up from dealers. I may quit pot until I'm able to grow after my stash runs out. That could be for years, I'm ready though. G&Ts to come later hehehh
Just got off work, so far this is what is in my belly:

30mg oxycodone
50mg diphenhydramine (to potentiate)
2 ibuprofen (also to potentiate)
2 tums
2 beers

Now eating a fatty meal, always seems to enhance my buzz and length of high, now I'm on cruise control :)
600 mg of pregabalin before sleep and 225mg morning, now sitting at school feeling not really high, but pretty good feeling when I take into account I am not high.
Not a bad last night on this side of the planet.
  • Blunt - Super Pez, Hulk, Black Mamba, Holy Jane
  • Blunt - Super Pez, Hulk, Black Mamba
  • 2 joints - Super Pez, Hulk
  • 5 bowls - Skywalker
Lots of weed, lots of Opana, lots of MXE... Newports, chocolate, caffeine... I am feeling fantastic, had good times with old friends... Reminiscing while high off your ass is the best... :D I love my friends... and my girlfriend... so much funnnnnn. What the fuck else is there to do, right? Get high with people who you love and share common bonds with and talk about how fucked up the world is and past and present and future things... I'm being such a damn hippy right now... and I know it won't last because I have to deal with opiate withdrawal and PAWS and blah blah blah... I am not strong enough... maybe I will be someday.
eyeballed a dose of MXE (30-40 mg?) when I came home drunk, feeling nicely sedated right now. Just sitting here smoking 27s and listening to music with my dog next to me, and I just cracked another 24 of rolling rock. Feelsgood %) , I hope I don't wake up with a headache like the last time I combined too much alchol and MXE.
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Swallowed down 5 grams of primo mcskimo maeng da kratom along with 100mg of tramadol and 1200mg of gabapentin.

May vape some buds heree soooon. Niceee
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