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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

AM-2201 or JWH-210 that I know for sure... heard AM-2232 and MAM-2201 are stronger though!
You probably are right, but I think I was told MAM-2201 was around the same potency to AM-2201 and the reason it was probably being sold at a few places now is just to beat any bans. This could be wrong though. I also heard that the AM-2201 high is more pleasent although I think it is down to personal opinoin.

It is day 3 of my tapering off. I have 5 big bowls a day (2201+2233 blend + 2201 blend 40/60 ratio with a bit of real cannabis if I have any + smallest pinch tobacco) or try to but if my fiancee doesn't watch me with everything to do with it I always try to take bits for later etc, I cant help it im just weak that way. I just get scared when she has my blends and ive ran out and I know it will be hours and hours maybe not until the next day when I can have another bong. It makes me panic and focus on wd's a lot more. Its getting a little better although I keep getting huge waves of anxiety + paranoia and dissociation that last anywere from 5 mins to half an hour. Then sometimes the symptoms are hardly noticeable. It is a very strange drug, even after using it for under a week my fiancee reports liver / kidney problems. Extreme bursts of the 'chills' and more mental anxiety, and she hasn't smoked any in weeks. Its getting better slowly but surely, I want to taper down to 5 bongs whenever I feel close to 100% normal doing that I will cut back to less, then to one bong a day then gone.

The herbal cold remedy I talked about in an earlier post, I realised that the dropper thing is fucked and has been dropping way more then it should yesterday. The thing is 66 or 77% ethanol so maybe the alcohol was helping me? Whatever was helping me, it had noticeable effects and im still using it, although using an average dose now.
Another tip if tappering, cannabis really helps. Enless you have fucked your receptors to the point of feeling nothing even after smoking a lot of good grass. I suggest having a bowl of real weed after any synthetic as it seems to make the contentness last longer then if you were to just smoke your noids on there own and start craving in 40 mins.
Save up some benzo's, you dont even have to take them right away enless things are unbearable, its just nice to know there there as a safety net.

Going to meet up with my 1 to 1 support worker who I used to speak to when I was addicted to other things for the first time in months and months. Anyway, goodluck to anyone going through this. Sorry I keep posting random shit on BL, it just really keeps my mind occupied and it isn't too stressful that the anxiety makes it unbearable which it has for a few daily tasks for me.
I agree. No mention of the side effects/withdrawals at all.

You don't if you don't be silly with them/use them habitually/every day.

Takes about a week to feel normal again mentally, 14+ days from your stomach to normalise. I've been prescribed 10mg propopanol which massively helps with the physical side of it (shakes/tension), in turn helping with the anxiety.
Does anyone have info about using synthetics after beating an addiction to them? Like I wouldn't think theres a big chance it would be anything like using H after beating an addiction. Although ever since ive started thinking of the high as a negative, I get the shakes and bad effects a lot more often.

Its a strange question I know but synthetics are ridculously cheap and I do enjoy the high a good bit. It would be nice to buy a gram occasionally to mix things up.

Its day 4 of me tapering, feeling a lot better although im a little depressed and anxious. More so then usual. Its just the physical symptoms that have been very bareable today. Ive started smoking more then 5 bongs a day, im still pretty proud as its a lot less then I was smoking and smoking more as helped my physical + mental health a lot.

EDIT: Whats propopanol like hx as well? Sounds interesting, if I can get a script I would cold turkey if its actually effective.
Does anyone have info about using synthetics after beating an addiction to them? Like I wouldn't think theres a big chance it would be anything like using H after beating an addiction. Although ever since ive started thinking of the high as a negative, I get the shakes and bad effects a lot more often.

Its a strange question I know but synthetics are ridculously cheap and I do enjoy the high a good bit. It would be nice to buy a gram occasionally to mix things up.

Its day 4 of me tapering, feeling a lot better although im a little depressed and anxious. More so then usual. Its just the physical symptoms that have been very bareable today. Ive started smoking more then 5 bongs a day, im still pretty proud as its a lot less then I was smoking and smoking more as helped my physical + mental health a lot.

EDIT: Whats propopanol like hx as well? Sounds interesting, if I can get a script I would cold turkey if its actually effective.

Seemed to be non psychoactive, but certainly helps physically, which then stops the frustration at feeling all shakey/nervous. Annoyingly tho you cant mix it with uppers due to heart issues so I'm gonna be rather on edge raving it up tonight.
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^ have you been buying store-bought blends? I've noticed that's a sign of low quality product...
Wow 7 days pretty much completely off, smoked some loverly highgrade and this is 100000x better than any synth stone. No horrid heartbeat/chestweight or anxiety. :D
Just say no to synths lol I swear ill never touch them again... I don't like it when my drugs decieve me... they act like they're a cool new friend then they mooch and won't leave and finally you have to toss them out on their ass when you find them stealing from you lol
Wow 7 days pretty much completely off, smoked some loverly highgrade and this is 100000x better than any synth stone. No horrid heartbeat/chestweight or anxiety. :D

I cant wait, maybe tonight I am getting my hands on a couple grams of some very good cannabis so hopefully my receptors have un-fried a little and I might be able to get a proper stone going. Cannot wait for a comftorable stone, my god it will be great :)
Does marijuana give anyone OCD habits, or make them twitchy/anxious?

Not sure why it does for me. If I ample too much I'll be too paranoid to be aroound people in a place I should be sober. Like home or work
Yeah happens to me aswell dude, dont worry about it :) Also I found when I was smoking heavily (And i'm talking 8th per day personal) I seemed to develop pretty bad OCD tendancys like cleaning obsessively etc but only in the rare occasion I was sober :p I just took a little break for awhile though and it seems to have sorted itself out nicely.

It sounds kinda crappy I know, but easiest way to cure your problem, is just only to smoke at home or when your with your friends in a nice environment. Its hard to begin with, but after awhile its quite nice to have something to look forward too when you get back after a long day at work :)

If this isnt really a option. Maybe just smoke less, just a mild spliff perhaps? Or only a bowl or two rather than a full blown session? If your weed is nice. It will be enough to make you feel and lifted and be able to daydream away. But not so much that it will distract you or make you feel anxious around certain people. Other than that just remember:

A) You have smoked, anxiety + paranoia is much easier to deal with when you know what's causing it I find :)

B) NO ONE WILL SUSPECT YOU ARE BAKED. Aslong as you don't smell too ripe, the only way someone will know is if they smoke themselves in which case your all good :D Or if you tell them!

C) As a extra precaution that might help. If you are like me and you turn into quite the red eye jedi after a spliff or two. Invest in some eydrops, put them in after you smoke. Voila, no more red eyes and now, no possible visual way of anyone telling you've been doing anything you shouldn't have :p Sometimes can be a comforting thought.

I hope I helped!
Does anyone have info about using synthetics after beating an addiction to them? Like I wouldn't think theres a big chance it would be anything like using H after beating an addiction. Although ever since ive started thinking of the high as a negative, I get the shakes and bad effects a lot more often.

Its a strange question I know but synthetics are ridculously cheap and I do enjoy the high a good bit. It would be nice to buy a gram occasionally to mix things up.

Its day 4 of me tapering, feeling a lot better although im a little depressed and anxious. More so then usual. Its just the physical symptoms that have been very bareable today. Ive started smoking more then 5 bongs a day, im still pretty proud as its a lot less then I was smoking and smoking more as helped my physical + mental health a lot.

EDIT: Whats propopanol like hx as well? Sounds interesting, if I can get a script I would cold turkey if its actually effective.

I would say stay the eff away once u quit... the first time I quit I went about a week and felt better and everything then smoked a bowl one night when was out of herb and had to smoke more in the morn just to make it to work... was just like never quitting...

There's a reason they're cheap...
Been smoking for 2 years. Lately started getting bad panick attacks. Please read! :)

A little about myself.

I'm a regular weed smoker (basically i've been smoking almost everyday at least a joint - however, lately, money problems have gotten this number down to about 2-4 times a week on average.

Everything was nice and easy until about after what happened 3-4 months ago while I was at school. I had some speed-like research chemical (something like mephedrone or MDPV, but god knows what it was) sold as bath salts.
I had class from 4-6 PM. Got to school at 3:20 or so and decided to snort a line. The stuff was brown coloured and smelled kind of like dog food. It had a numbing effect on my nose.
At around 3:45 I began to feel the first effects creeping up on me. A kind of anxiety coupled with a very mild euphoria and a fast heart rate (but nothing uncommon) til' around 4:20 when i decided to do about half the previous amount sublingually.
I was a bit tweaked out at this point anyway since I was so focused on a IM conversation I had with someone - barely knew the guy and we were talking about going to an event and who would bring what drugs etc.
All this until around 4:40 when I started noticing my heart rate shoot up and I got anxious. It didn't stop in the next 5 minutes - something which further increased my anxiety.

I was starting to have a panic attack thinking that I might have ingested some crap which would give me a heart attack and then I immediately left the room during class. I was spinning around in circles in the hallway, feeling my pulse. I panicked since my hands got a bit numb.. like many small needles were going through my fingers. I went in search of a pharmacy. I was thinking a million miles per second and was walking so fast. My mouth and tongue had never been this dry my entire life. I couldn't even talk without sounding retarded because my tongue would stick to my mouth and I couldn't move it properly.

I finally got to a pharmacy, I told the women there I really needed help because I thought I was in trouble. I told them i drank 3 coffees and a red bull and that my heart was out of control.

They sent me to this GP's office which was right next to the parmacy (in the same building). I cut in line in front of everybody who was waiting for their turn inside the office. I walked inside while she was consulting another pacient and started talking all panicked - I told her the same story about the coffee and the red bulls. She took my pulse, it was around 160 or 180 (very high anyway) and she told me to sit down and relax because I was very scared and this only got my pulse higher.
She gave me 50 mg of metroprolol tartrate (a beta blocker) and said that she had to call the ambulance because this could be something like a heart disease or whatever (since you don't get that high pulse from coffee alone usually). I started calming down and after about 10 minutes the paramedics got there. They took my pulse rate again, it was down to 120-130 (not because of the beta-blocker, but because I could finally relax knowing that I wouldn't die). They told me they didn't need to take me to the hospital if I didn't want to but that they recomended I'd go to get myself checked out just in case there's a problem.
I agreed and went with them. When I got to the hospital on a strecher, everybody was looking at me (I was still pretty stimulated mentally at that point since I started making jokes with the paramedics). Doctors saw me and asked me what I took, I told them 3 coffees and a redbull. They asked me if I'm sure that's everything I took - I said yes. They asked me a third time: "No drugs, are you sure?" I denied the accusation, they still weren't convinced but there was nothing left to ask.

Long story short, they checked me out - and I had some heart palpitations and PVC and other crap so they told me to get one of those 24h EKG things. I did after a few weeks, they even took an ultrasound scan of my heart. They told me I was perfectly healthy and that there was no reason to worry.

After that, smoking weed has almost never been the same.
The majority of time I smoke and I'm not in a comfortable situation - like a friends house, or a nice party or home alone and relaxed - after about 10 minutes from smoking the joint (during which my heart rate is normally around 110-120) I usually start getting what I think are panic attacks and my body starts feeling weak, my heart SHOOTS UP to around 160-170 BPM and beats very hard. I find it if I lie down it decreases to about 150-140 or so and stays there for about 15 minutes after which it settles at 120 for about 20-25 minutes and then it starts going down 110-100-90 and finally back to normal.

Usually if I can calm myself, my heart stays at around 130-140 bpm and I still feel a little anxiety but that's it.

Today I had probably the worst thing happen. I was out with 2 of my friends and we smoked a joint 20 minutes before they left to catch a bus. I started feeling uneasy right after smoking. I agreed to accompany them to the bus stop, leaving the house and going to the bus station with them only made everything worse because I was starting to have a bad trip. My heart was pounding at around 150-160 BPM the whole time. I got thirsty so I decided to go to a shop and buy some water while they were waiting for the bus. I had to go through an underground passage so I went down some stairs. I was getting more panicky because I was thinking that if I somehow got sick or whatever I would be in a public place and I wouldn't be able to deal with it (if I'm at home and relaxing it's usually better). After getting the water, I went back, I had to go down and up the stairs again, during my ascent I felt very very tired (also because I was in the middle of a full-blown panick attack) walking up those stairs, and by the time I got up my heart was probably at 180 BPM or something. I could feel it in my throat. My friends seemed fine, they were a bit stoned but they were making jokes etc. The bus came, they left. This is where it gets worse. I went back to my car (had to go through the underground passage again). After going up those stairs again, I was really feeling uneasy and my body was so tense and frightened. I felt my pulse and my heart was palpitating I think, or doing an extra beat, I don't know but it kinda felt like it stopped for a milisecond after which it beat a lot harder (it was like a machinegun hard to keep track of every beat). I got to my car and started saying to myself that "it's ok, it's just the fear, there was nothing in the weed, my friends were fine so I should be fine too" - stuff like that. I calmed down a bit, took my pulse - it was about 160. I chilled for 5 minutes and took my pulse again, it dropped to 140-150 and after about 10-15 minutes it was around 110-120 (so about how it normally is when you smoke weed). After that the trip was great, I stopped at a friends house and we chilled and laughed and I was generally in that good-mood that weed gives you every time

Does this sort of panick attack/thing ever happen to you after you smoke weed and are in a stressfull situation or having a bad trip or scared/paranoid?

Does your heart rate go up that high/does it palpitate?

I really am scared. I don't know if the weed was laced. It looked regular, was sticky-icky, had a nice weed smell/taste, I got stoned just as usual - only thing wrong with the experience was the panick attack and my heart rate - which I couldn't control.

Even when I'm in a nice, safe environment and having a nice trip, my heart rate is still about 120-130-140 until to about 30 minutes after smoking and still freaks me out.
I want to add that I have had these episodes in the past, but they were very infrequent and not as severe. I also noticed that if I smoke more than 1 joint/bowls during the course of the day, the second bowl/bong/joint does not increase my anxiety at all and doesn't affect my heart much either. So this is only after the first smoke of the day. Also, if I go on a weekend-long binge, I usually only get these feeling on friday after smoking the first time, and once I get used to it, it's all ok.

Do you have any suggestions for me on how to stop this?
Could the 2 incidents be related (the one with the stimulant and my ever-increasing panick attacks?)
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Dude its because you're smoking a Sativa.

Know this.

1. Its weed, it raises your heart rate. You're fine.
2. You're fine.
3. Paranoia is from a Sativa, you're fine.
4. SMoke an indica if you don't want the running thought process.
5. You won't die from weed, you're fine.
Thanks, whew!

But I can't choose wether I buy a sativa or an indica. I can't even tell the difference just by looking, only after smoking do I know what is what. And lately, all my 4 dealers have had mostly sativa or sativa-dominant hybrids.

If I catch a good indica i usually only buy that, but what happens when my dealer runs out of it? I gotta buy the indica then.
And I almost always get paranoid, although a lot less from an indica I give you that.