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LSD Discussion Thread (Australian Centric) Mach III

^ sorry i don't understand the question...
tabs are laid here, sure - but i don't believe LSD is synthesised in this country. not on any large scale, anyway.
i'm sure others can confirm or refute this.

Yeah I was referring to the production of crystal LSD in Australia. Thanks for the info though.
^ Yeah I highly doubt it's being cooked up here in Aus. There'd be so much more of it, if it was. I assume most of it comes from America, which is why they are infested with White on White blotters.
There are only a very very small fraction of chemists who can actually synth and and gather the precursors. Im pretty confident that most of the worlds supply comes from either a EU country or the US. Also read somewhere that they even relocate to different countries where the precursors are easily available, think China for example. Not sure how true this is but I see it quite possible.
There are only a very very small fraction of chemists who can actually synth and and gather the precursors. Im pretty confident that most of the worlds supply comes from either a EU country or the US. Also read somewhere that they even relocate to different countries where the precursors are easily available, think China for example. Not sure how true this is but I see it quite possible.

Yeah from what I've read (not that synthing isn't extremely difficult, it is) getting hold of the required chemicals is substantially more difficult than actually making it.
zens said:
I've done that at the art gallery of QLD when they had the matisse exhibition. Was good

Is that the Matisse: Drawing Life exhibition that's currently on at GOMA? I've been wanting to go check it out, saw the exhibition from inside the gallery when I was at GOMA a month ago. :)
Goma never fails to impress on any trip. I followed a girl around for a couple of hours one night during the Andy Warhol up late because her long flowing dress made her look like a butterfly. Then Sylvester stallon caught my attention on the wall and Liza Minalli started winking at me.

Mushrooms...... Hell of a drug ;)
Is that the Matisse: Drawing Life exhibition that's currently on at GOMA? I've been wanting to go check it out, saw the exhibition from inside the gallery when I was at GOMA a month ago. :)

not sure if it's still on now, but yes. I saw it about a month ago.
I'm planning on having my first trip some time soon, as I think candy flipping is a bit too much for the first time doing LSD. Any tips, or a thread where I can reas as much as possible? Already read Erowid over twice.
^My advice is don't read into it. Sounds weird, i'm normally one to say research everything you can before trying it. But with el es dee, its a different ball game. I most likely did research everything possible before trying, and i've only ever had an amazing time. But i know, with most people, you can over think things, and hence put you in a mindset that your not sure if you want to take the trip down the rabbit hole. Being unsure whether or not you want to trip is one of the biggest causes of bad-trips, because once it starts, there isn't any going back :p. So if you have the mindset that you don't like whats happening, or you try to fight it, your not going to have a good time. Best to just hit it up and see what happens.

Have you tried shroomies? or atleast 2c-b/i/e? If you've tried either one of them you should enjoy.

See me, i fucking love LSD. But i havent done it in over a year, not really sure why. But i love it, it turns me into a little kid ^_^ everything is so exciting and interesting. You have a clearer mindset and everything is just magical! :D

I've found that all the meth-head friends of mine don't like it though, i guess because its just so so different to what they're used to.

EDIT: oh and i wouldnt candy flip the first time, i've only candy flipped once. It was pretty fucking awesome but it was accidental u could say. i was rolling balls then a group of us decided to take a tab. Good times.
^My advice is don't read into it. Sounds weird, i'm normally one to say research everything you can before trying it. But with el es dee, its a different ball game. I most likely did research everything possible before trying, and i've only ever had an amazing time. But i know, with most people, you can over think things, and hence put you in a mindset that your not sure if you want to take the trip down the rabbit hole. Being unsure whether or not you want to trip is one of the biggest causes of bad-trips, because once it starts, there isn't any going back :p. So if you have the mindset that you don't like whats happening, or you try to fight it, your not going to have a good time. Best to just hit it up and see what happens.

Have you tried shroomies? or atleast 2c-b/i/e? If you've tried either one of them you should enjoy.

See me, i fucking love LSD. But i havent done it in over a year, not really sure why. But i love it, it turns me into a little kid ^_^ everything is so exciting and interesting. You have a clearer mindset and everything is just magical! :D

I've found that all the meth-head friends of mine don't like it though, i guess because its just so so different to what they're used to.

Well I have tried the 2C-B and MDMA mix, MDA and MDMA mix, just something about LSD, makes me really want to try it. I've always had an open mind to all drugs, and know the harder you try and fight a drug the harder your trip will be, that's what I tell to mates who do their first MDMA pill or MDA or even 2C-B, I tell them to relax and go with the flow, no point it fighting it.
I really enjoy the candy flip combination, it is breath taking. I usually dose LSD first, and then MDMA two hours into the trip. The combined peak is insanely euphoric, especially if you bring in nangs.

Try out LSD first, just know that everything that happens is the effects of LSD and you'll enjoy it a lot. IMO, don't over think it, don't plan a ridiculously huge day of activities, just go with the flow. A friend was overly intricate with his planning for his first trip, and really after he peaked he couldn't do shit. Just sat there going "HOLY SHIT THIS IS A DRUG WOW..." Go in with an open mind, enjoy it.
@Tangerino- hey mate yeah ive had those light green tabs you speak of, been gettin em constantly for a while now, mates also get a bit of that acid body load off em aswell, i didnt experiece anything too bad though, even off 3! hahaha nothin but smiles..

@Kroniic- yeah man if you doin trips for your first time dont candy flip, i did it for the first time a few weeks ago, fuck me man when it hits ya, it hits ya hard, first time in a while ive been so buckled and felt myself slipping really far from reality, but then once the mdma peaked i felt like a million bucks again! (mdma dosed 90 mins after lsd) if your gonna do it for your first time just be with good mates in a comfortable place, and i find dont hold back on acid do and say whatever comes to mind! its what its all about!
Yeah maybe not a candy flip for the first time, but Kroniic I know from lurking the pr boards that you certainly like your MDMA.
If anything you might find that if the trip is extremely intense, that a little MDMA will calm you down as long as you don't stack the peaks. In my experience it makes the visuals a lot friendlier and smooth.
I also found the MDMA seems somewhat dominant over the LSD depending on doses, but even a small dose of MD generally puts a big dent in even higher doses of LSD, and also that I can sort of interchange between them by focusing on certain things. The afterglow of this particular combo in my experience is fucking incredible as well, I don't see how you can possible be more peaceful than in the afterglow of this combo when done right.

Still probably have a go of acid on it's own before combining it, hallucinogens are different to say the least, and each one almost has it's own distinct personality in a way.

Mods you might want to move some of the chatter as we're getting a little derailed. Sorry :(
Moved a handful of posts from the LSD Info Request thread to the discussion thread, if you guys could keep discussion that isn't specific to acid circulating to this thread I would appreciate it. :)
I tried to candyflip on the weekend after 2 Alex Greys with 100mg of MDMA and a cK. Barely felt and MDMA effects. My body didn't even want the pills but i took them anyway. Felt a small lift in mood but not much.

I think the acid overpowered the MDMA.
Took two of these multi - coloured spotty tabs on saturday two weeks ago.

Hadn't tripped in awhile so expected a smooth great with a renewed tolerance.

Basically ended having a deep personal retropective thinking trip, which got heavy and ended up balling my eyes out on my own for about 20 min. I really felt like I purged all my recent sins and forgave myself in front of a power (god/universe/insert higher power name here-->).

Anyways after that at the peak I felt anew reborn and had a full spirtual trip that I havn't had in ages. I basically made a psychedelic confession to god. Would try and explain more but I know I won't do it justice and tarnish the experience in my mind. I'm sure a lot have you have had many similar experiences.

Feel great now and have made some good changes. I really felt like I moved on and let go of a lot of stuff.

The rest of the time was great and caufght up with an old friend I hadn't seen in awhile.

Good times roll on!
I've found that all the meth-head friends of mine don't like it though, i guess because its just so so different to what they're used to.

Yeah same, I've got a few friends that are heavily into meth and the few times I've tripped with them it's been the same thing, about 3-4 hours into the trip they get bored and start craving other substances.
Took two of these multi - coloured spotty tabs on saturday two weeks ago.

Hadn't tripped in awhile so expected a smooth great with a renewed tolerance.

Basically ended having a deep personal retropective thinking trip, which got heavy and ended up balling my eyes out on my own for about 20 min. I really felt like I purged all my recent sins and forgave myself in front of a power (god/universe/insert higher power name here-->).

Anyways after that at the peak I felt anew reborn and had a full spirtual trip that I havn't had in ages. I basically made a psychedelic confession to god. Would try and explain more but I know I won't do it justice and tarnish the experience in my mind. I'm sure a lot have you have had many similar experiences.

Feel great now and have made some good changes. I really felt like I moved on and let go of a lot of stuff.

The rest of the time was great and caufght up with an old friend I hadn't seen in awhile.

Good times roll on!

I keep having these as well although I always just end up bawling in front on everyone.

Last time this happened for me was last week, I was with a whole bunch of mates, I was trying some new tabs and they didn't even know I was tripping. Someone put on Fifty in Five by Hilltop Hoods and it fucked my shit up hardcore. It felt like all the pain ever experienced because of the carelessness of humans and then on top of that I experienced my pain in realising it would probably continue for many years to come because not enough people are having experiences like the one I was having. Meaning the drug experiences, experiences with music and just generally the kind of introspective thinking that LSD kind of forcefully rips out of your mind at times. Just to clarify I'm not suggesting LSD is the answer to all of societies problems I just think the world needs a bit of a wake up, and well it's a tool, just sayin' :D
^ fuck yeah. i feel the weight of the world very heavily on my shoulders when i'm tripping sometimes.
i have also been overwhelmed by the stupidity and destructiveness of mankind and turned into a blubbering mess.
it feels therapeutic though, don't you think? like, it doesn't make anything better, but it purges some of that darkness.
i've also had it happen when i'm tripping in front of friends who don't know i'm tripping - maybe the facade of normality makes you more vulnerable to breaking down emotionally? i had a similar experience sitting in a car, fucked up on shrooms, with a bunch of sober friends. very intense!
either way, psychedelic tears are so much more profound than crying normally. that sounds pretty cliche, doesn't it? once they're out it's like a new day has begun and the sun is shining and you are reborn.
i think it ties into that idea (that i thoroughly agree with) that difficult trips are among the most rewarding. you learn from rough trips, and for me they often serve to confirm the way i really feel about things.
Yeah same, I've got a few friends that are heavily into meth and the few times I've tripped with them it's been the same thing, about 3-4 hours into the trip they get bored and start craving other substances.

I always take a decent break from using stims before tripping on a heavy psych