Happy 20th Birthday Bluelight!
Did you know
We started life as the MDMA Clearinghouse, running off the back of a server for a business called Bluelight? That's how we got our name, for those that were unaware.
Did you know
We ran ubb threads on that old MDMA Clearinghouse, but made the jump to vBulletin and rebranded our site as Bluelight.nl when we relaunched in those early days?
Here's something
Most don't know that the site, as we know it today, first properly came alive in October of 1999. Specifically, if you go to the 'Member' pull down up top and select the OG Accounts option from the left side, you can see who joined starting earliest to most recent. There are a few oddities, but you'll see the wave of registrations began October 21, 1999. That was the day the site was opened up, and the internet was changed forever...
With this in mind, we'd like to do something special for our 20th Anniversary. The staff are checking into a few ideas, but more minds makes better...