Training Log First Test Cycle Log

Damn that flew by fast. This thread is what made me start at low dose, otherwise I wouldve gone the 600mg/week route.

I've been on gear for almost... 4 years now damn... And I still grow on 600 test. Growing now on 600 test and 200 mast.
I've been on gear for almost... 4 years now damn... And I still grow on 600 test. Growing now on 600 test and 200 mast.

Same...I've used grams for experimentation but still grow on lower doses. The whole thought process of "if you use X much you'll continually need more to keep growing" is garbage IME
I definitely feel like I could have gone significantly higher with test, using the AI sparingly for mental sides. I was so worried about gyno before doing this, but aside from one day feeling like my nipples itched (which was almost surely something unrelated), nothing happened. Though I may have ended up in jail due to libido.

Ate you guys using masteron on a bulk to function like an AI? To increase aggression? I still have a bottle of that... Should have told me earlier if it would have been beneficial.
I'd save it for a higher test blast. Like 400-500 test and 200 mast. I don't count mast towards my "totals" and I wouldn't count things like proviron, mestanolone, stanolone, stuff like that as they're primarily ancillary items. It'll keep that androgen:estrogen balance in favor of androgens and maybe a little drier/estrogen sides but other than that doesn't do much for me. Last blood work my test was >1500 and e2 was around 80 and yet no estrogenic sides.
So two days ago on leg press I got a slight tension headache from going all hard. Not the "hit on the back of the head with a bat" kind of tension headache that I got years ago, but still a problem. Hammer shoulder press aggravated it tonight and it's just freaking annoying. I know that rest is the proper solution, but I battled through the last one and I will battle through this one. The key is to STOP DOING REVERSE PYRAMIDS on certain things (like shoulder presses). I can push more total poundage doing reverse pyramids, but I will play it safe.

Anyway, saw a guy at the gym tonight who was out for 9 months for an injury. He did something to his shoulder doing dumbbell chest fly. I mean seriously fucked it up. But he's back and he and I actually got into a bit of an argument about the amount of weight I had gained in those 9 months. I guess I am a walking optical illusion because people guess my weight anywhere from 160 to 180. Wonder what they'd guess at a carnival. But he points at this kid behind us and says "you used to be that size before." I make extremely awkward eye contact with the kid (who I know and have helped with stuff before). Then the guys girl comes up and pressures him to hurry up and he says "she's been out for nine months because she's lazy." Then I make awkward eye contact with her.
and then?!?! lol you cant just end the story like that. Was he trying to get out "I did roids" from you? Also fuck...I think I hurt my shoulder too! I hope I'm not out for even a week. Gonna go light this week. I get those head pains from time to time too. Usually lasts a few days, anyone know what it is? I plan to ask my doc about it next week...hope he doesnt ask why I grew so much.
<break> Also I know you can keep growing on the same dose of gear for numerous cycles but this thread made me realize the gains on a low dose would be pretty good. Im 7 1/2 weeks in and I am loving it. If I do a second cycle, I wont change anything
In my experience, tension headaches come from improper breathing (so improper oxygen supply to the head), especially on exercises with odd head positions (relative to total body) like leg press.

But once you get it, any old exercise will trigger it if you push RPE10s
I'd save it for a higher test blast. Like 400-500 test and 200 mast. I don't count mast towards my "totals" and I wouldn't count things like proviron, mestanolone, stanolone, stuff like that as they're primarily ancillary items. It'll keep that androgen:estrogen balance in favor of androgens and maybe a little drier/estrogen sides but other than that doesn't do much for me. Last blood work my test was >1500 and e2 was around 80 and yet no estrogenic sides.

Ya, when I did mast and LGD I didn't objectively notice anything. I mean there were slight hints that something was different, but it's mind boggling looking at the bottle of mast and realizing it could put me in jail. I do like the name masteron but that's about it. Test actually feels like being on a performance enhancing drug.
and then?!?! lol you cant just end the story like that. Was he trying to get out "I did roids" from you?

Not really but I felt like he was trying to get the topic brought up. He's an older guy with a younger wife. How it would play out...

I'd offer to help him get on that TRT. I'd make him swear up and down he wouldn't tell his girl. He'd be like "of course, bro" and offer a fist pump. Two weeks later the police would be at my door saying some girl said I sold her boyfriend steroids.

So no, I put the weight on through a controlled surplus and progressive overload. And not being afraid of hard work.
Ahahaha I feel like youre paranoid. I have just been SHOUTING "THE MAGIC OF ROIDZ" when people ask how Im getting so big. Whether they believe me or not is up to them. So far no LP and even if they do show up, there is no proof. Now if I SOLD it, that is another story, which is why I am holding on to these freebies.
I've gotten those headaches from not breathing properly as well. I'm guessing increased blood pressure could play a role as well.

I'd agree with serotonin on the mast as well for a higher test run. It's one compound that people either seem to LOVE while others get nothing from it - me being the later and never really noticed anything from mast or proviron but, either way, it will take up some SHBG and make everything else more effective
Had a bad day, so I'm delaying the mock meet for a day or two. About to go on a date. It's already late and I have to work in the morning, but fuck it. I need female company.
^That reasoning right there is exactly why I do not get anywhere enough sleep...fuck if I counted the hours of sleep deprivation caused by females. Smh.
3:15am. Alarm set for 7. Just had sex with a woman who wants a relationship. "I only have sex with guys I am serious about." I want to remain single... The desire just overtook me as we sat under the moonlight in her car. So now she's going to get hurt. And I am going to feel like a manipulator. Sigh. Take am aromasin and move forward I know...
Also, the last shot I did felt weird. It was more test than I ever have done (last big shot before the taper to optimise mock meet day). I didn't actually cough, but if I took a deep breath I felt a tickle. Felt like I could have a cough fit if I wanted to. But I never actually coughed. Only a tiny bit of blood came out... Tiny bit of blood, tiny bit of oil.

So maybe I nicked a vein? Went through one? Went from in to out, or vice versa, by sticking the pin in deeper? Am I freaking out over nothing or based on that description may I have done something that would lead to not all of the test being absorbed?
Nicked a vein. It's like a dry throat and slight irritation in your upper chest? Just some ba getting in the blood stream no biggie. Just don't do it with tren or it feels like an asthma attack lmao
I love how the biggest concern is over the test getting absorbed but yeah just nicked something probably. I've never actually had the whole tren cough thing which seems to be a reaction to acetate for some people but I've shot into some veins accidentally while pinning biceps and maybe glutes once or twice.

First time, I coughed till I puked and got a nosebleed all while trying to clean up the pins and needles. My mind started going to someone finding me passed out with puke in the sink, blood everywhere, and steroids. Could just see the next news headline.
^That. Just because one person is serious doesn't mean the other one is morally obligated to be