Training Log First Test Cycle Log

She is going through a lot of tough stuff right now in her life and it could be argued that I exploited that in order to get close, and the upcoming emotional swing of thinking I am into her to realizing I'm not will be salt on the wounds. And I'm okay with pouring that salt because I have a raging libido from taking steroids.

I'm sure that's just the most depressing way to look at it and it could instead just be seen as two people having some fun.
Well here we go...

Unbeknownst to me, she knows a coworker of mine (from another department, but still) and that coworker invited her to thanksgiving dinner. She asked if I could go with her too. And now she tells me that she won't attend this without me. So if I go, I'm doomed to a relationship with her and if I don't go, I am an asshole in front of my coworkers. Less than a day and work and private life have come together. I don't exactly know what to do...
Why does going to thanksgiving dinner equal relationship...? Just go, have fun, and leave it at that if you want
Why does going to thanksgiving dinner equal relationship...? Just go, have fun, and leave it at that if you want

Couldn't agree more. Or if you can find a way for the coworker to invite you then it's even less sweat off your back. If the chick gets upset just turn to her and be like "I can't pass up free food!" most people would believe that coming from my mouth. Is the other coworker a female? Could always friendly flirt to subtly let messy house girl know you have no intention of a relationship.
Ya, I've shagged messy apartment girl each day now since the first day. It's not the best sex but it's not the worst either. She's really infatuated with me. Is bringing me breakfast and coffee every day, did my laundry for me, buys me gifts, told me I could move into her apartment and pay no rent, and so on. I'm not taking her up on the apartment for obvious reasons, but I did sleep there twice this week and it's so nice waking up a ten minute walk from my job instead of the typical $20+ Uber ride away. It feels good to be treated like a king, and it is exciting when a woman genuinely is turned on by your body. But I have got to be a good person and cut it off to minimize her heartache. I keep hoping that a switch will flick in my head and I will start to really desire her, but so far she still seems almost like a sister. And she's against most of the stuff I like in bed and I'd cheat on her if we were a couple. I just keep telling myself that I will do it tomorrow, then get caught up in the moment. So Ya, to be continued.
Actually set my alarm and woke up at 4am on thanksgiving morning after six hours of sleep to get to the gym before work (no gyms I know of are open past noon today). Chest and back. Good strength today given that things have not been on point for the last week or so.
Ya, I've shagged messy apartment girl each day now since the first day. It's not the best sex but it's not the worst either. She's really infatuated with me. Is bringing me breakfast and coffee every day, did my laundry for me, buys me gifts, told me I could move into her apartment and pay no rent, and so on. I'm not taking her up on the apartment for obvious reasons, but I did sleep there twice this week and it's so nice waking up a ten minute walk from my job instead of the typical $20+ Uber ride away. It feels good to be treated like a king, and it is exciting when a woman genuinely is turned on by your body. But I have got to be a good person and cut it off to minimize her heartache. I keep hoping that a switch will flick in my head and I will start to really desire her, but so far she still seems almost like a sister. And she's against most of the stuff I like in bed and I'd cheat on her if we were a couple. I just keep telling myself that I will do it tomorrow, then get caught up in the moment. So Ya, to be continued.

Ya, that's a difficult situation to be in. Good for self esteem, but not so easy on the conscience. I've been in situations before where I wanted to force the 'desire' switch because everything else was good, but it doesn't work ime.
I guess test is doing me wonders and I don’t feel any female hormone problems yet. In fact I feel more cold hearted than ever. I’ve told like 4 girls so far I wanted a relationship but I’ve just been fucking them to get these urges out of me. Lmao. Will break their hearts once my libido goes away
You might be one of the people who convert more test to DHT. DHT drugs make me more emotionally cold.
Another night with her last night. Got slapped in bed, followed by "I still really like you and I'm sorry I hit you, but I'm just not that kind of girl." I don't know if I should be honest and break it off saying that we are sexually incomparable, or if I should let her down easier. Or stay with her and just have flings with bad girls, but I'm not the kind of guy who can cheat without feeling horrible.

Supposed to be meeting the 19 year old Saudi girl at the gym later, but who knows of she will show up. Will be doing volume work on legs, shoulders and triceps. Trying to just not think about my test plummeting, but I am worried.

I wish there was a really reliable go-to drug for emotional coldness lol would make life much easier

Heroin. You'll be able to steal wallets and then help the owners look for them.
Another night with her last night. Got slapped in bed, followed by "I still really like you and I'm sorry I hit you, but I'm just not that kind of girl." I don't know if I should be honest and break it off saying that we are sexually incomparable, or if I should let her down easier. Or stay with her and just have flings with bad girls, but I'm not the kind of guy who can cheat without feeling horrible.

Supposed to be meeting the 19 year old Saudi girl at the gym later, but who knows of she will show up. Will be doing volume work on legs, shoulders and triceps. Trying to just not think about my test plummeting, but I am worried.

Heroin. You'll be able to steal wallets and then help the owners look for them.

Lmfao. Aint that the truth. Sociopathy in a rig. You can see the emptiness in your eyes in the mirror lol. It's great for avoiding wrinkles too as you won't smile or frown!
Halfway through the taper. Half doses of aromasin ED. DAA daily. Calories still around 4000. Nothing coming unhinged yet. The only thing I have noticed is I'm getting a lot more pain doing things like reverse grip curls, upright rows, bent over rows... Just a stiffness as if I didn't warm up properly. Might be unrelated. I've cut the weight on a lot of my accessory stuff (curls, non-pressing shoulder exercises, triceps, etc) to about where I was on week 6 of the cycle and I'm going to try to progressive overload from those starting points while off cycle. For example, if I did a pyramid of 50-60-70-80 on something the last week of the cycle, I cut the first set down to 35 and am really focusing on form and contraction. These weights all feel light. Will try and hang on to heavy compound weights for dear life. I guess as long as my starting points on them are higher off cycle 2 than they were for cycle 1 I will be happy.
Ya, trying to pin with 1 1/2 is a terrible idea. Even if I put it an inch deep and hold it in place, it does move in/out a bit and I swear I want to cough after every single one of these kinds of shots. Not like a coughing fit but just get a tickle. I figure it goes in and out and graces veins, a little gets into my blood.

About to enter the off cycle period.
Got a new pre-workout today. 80cal with 3g carbs, no fat, no protein. What are all of the other calories for?
The pre workout will probably be nice to use after a week or so off to maintain your intensity in the gym. So by now, how do you like IM pinning? How have you liked your time on vs when you were natty?
Ya, did the last pin of the taper tonight and had a mechanical problem with the injection. Aspirated and then started to push and it broke and the space between the barrel and injecting needle. This probably happened because I'm still trying to pin a 1 1/2 needle as a 1, but who knows if it's just really crappy equipment. But I got oil all over my leg and then that rustled the needle and when I pulled it out blood got everywhere.

Redid the shot and had to leave to catch a bus. So I smell like oil on the bus.

But Ya, start the time off counter.
The pre workout will probably be nice to use after a week or so off to maintain your intensity in the gym. So by now, how do you like IM pinning? How have you liked your time on vs when you were natty?

Pinning is fine. The masteron actually gave me much more pip than the test, but it was a different ugl. The only side effects I got from test were slight body acne, skin flushing (early on) and limbs falling asleep. And then the libido madness that caused me to do embarrassing things like make the rag doll comment to my boss.

As for training, well it definitely allowed me to progress in strength on much less volume then I would need naturally to make such gains, and that seemed to help me recover, not be as nested down or fried, and so on.

It was still extremely hard even to go up 10lbs, though. I didn't get the mass gains that some people (like the other dude in here) seem to get. I wore those 10lbs better than had I bulked naturally, sure. But I don't feel like it "blew me up" even when I wasn't using the AI. But people I know we're telling me I looked bigger, so who knows.