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In my experience, the only way to ward off demons is the proclaim the very name they fear, Christ Jesus, our Lord. When Peter was trying to dissuade Christ from sacrificing Himself for sin, Jesus responded "Get behind me satan".

Im sure peter was confused, as he was disciple of Christ, but Christ wasnt calling Peter satan, Christ was directly addressing satan who implanted a thought in Peters mind. As humans, we hear demonic influence in the form of our own 'thought voice', it sounds like our voice in our head, as if the thought comes from us, but its not.

Demons have a spiritual edge in that they are far more intellectual and capable of deceit than we are, but they also use us to influence the physical realm, often times, if not almost always, a person who is under demonic influence has no clue they are the unwitting participant in the rebellion against God.

Satan and his army are very busy, and from what I understand satan himself stays out of the affairs of most peoples lives, save for those who have the most influence in this world like leaders, men in power, ect.. Demons are perfectly capable to lead astray most people, where as satan steps in when the implications are world level, case in point, Peter, or Judas, whom satan had under his directly influence..

Satan is pure chaos, he will destroy even his own to further his agenda, there is no honor among thieves..
The thing that bothers me about the perception/belief in demons (or angels for that matter) is that it distracts us from the humans that most closely resemble these unseen operators. But perhaps even more troubling, it distracts us from delving into our own capacity to be simultaneously "demonic" and "angelic"--and that goes for every one of us. When I was about 15 I saw two Detroit cops beat a handcuffed man unconscious (maybe even to death--I will never know). I know that forever in my mind the faces of those cops will be the faces of evil. Because what kind of human being could do that? But did I not fantasize over and over grabbing their guns and shooting them in the head? I did. In fact right now, having not thought of this instance in many years, I am having that exact reaction again.
The thing that bothers me about the perception/belief in demons (or angels for that matter) is that it distracts us from the humans that most closely resemble these unseen operators. But perhaps even more troubling, it distracts us from delving into our own capacity to be simultaneously "demonic" and "angelic"--and that goes for every one of us. When I was about 15 I saw two Detroit cops beat a handcuffed man unconscious (maybe even to death--I will never know). I know that forever in my mind the faces of those cops will be the faces of evil. Because what kind of human being could do that? But did I not fantasize over and over grabbing their guns and shooting them in the head? I did. In fact right now, having not thought of this instance in many years, I am having that exact reaction again.

Id like to think the evils and good deeds of men are readily apparent, whereas with 'demons and angels', their existence is not readily as apparent to most.. Just a thought I was having based on what you said..
^You're really proselytizing too much imo.
^You're really proselytizing too much imo.

I honestly dont care if you believe me or not. If you do, fine, if not, fine.. How exactly does that meet the criteria for proselytizing? Perhaps you would just like it if I didnt share my views at all.. There is a word for that too..
I think we are nothing but Consciousness (God, god, gods) trying to express itself through various mechanisms. Living beings is one of those mechanisms. Human beings are a good example of such expression, also quite studied by ourselves. As Jung's idea goes, and I agree with it, humans have directly accessible conscious and shadow unconscious minds (think parallel to angels and demons). In order for us humans to be a perfect tool for Consciousness expression, we need to unite our minds together - that appears to be the purpose of any human self-expression and at the core of any desire and aspiration - its all aimed to bring the shadow self out and unite with it. That is what we also call "soul searching" or "find yourself" or "a hero's grand quest".

I'm getting to demons here :)
So with this whole grand quest of self-discovering and becoming aware, the "demons" are born as a side effect of our inability to unite with the "shadow self", to find a balance. This "shadow self" may behave, and most likely will behave in a most nasty way, when being expressed maliciously, bringing out the simplest barbaric instincts out, along with judgement and illusions, while blinding the conscious mind and causing mind dissociation. I think demons are product of our unbalanced fear-driven unconscious manifestations being spilled into collective knowledge and understanding.

So whether you believe in them or not, it's just semantics. They are just as real as any other powerful mind manifestations.
The only way I see to "fight" "demons" is with clear mind, open heart and ability to transcend reality. :p
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I've heard this before, self made demons.... from a shamanic practitioner . I had to see a few different people due to availability vs I needed someone asap. It was a pain finding someone whom I deemed legit and worthy of the title and $$$ they charge. Not every shamanic practitioner has experience with demons .
Some said that they have only experienced demons as "spirits"whom were behaving badly whom just needed a talking to and help to cross over.
This one guy said he was gonna try to reason with it. Didn't believe in demons the way I did , said they just needed love , that he was trained by so and so and anyway we agreed we were not a good match .

You see , I came to find out a little more about demons after I saw them coming in and TAKING parts of my dog .just SNATCHING a part of him and leaving the room . I would hear a cry every time . It was horrible .
And I was helpless. I could only watch as something horrible was happening .
I called everyone I could find and asked about soul retrieval for animals. I didn't know what was going on , only what I saw and felt

I was told that it was not possible .
But .... I found out that it was . I found a shamanic practitioner in Santa Cruz.
I woke up there one day . It's about a little more then an hour from where I live. my friend randomly decided to drive there with me asleep in the back seat. I had left home in hopes to protect my dog , by not being around him . And find someone who could help me .
I hardly had any money , only $60 and she saw me for 3 hours . As long as it took She was so nice I owe her so much . Ill never forget her.
She told me that yes they can take soul parts from animals as well as humans . That she has had to travel to demonic realms to get peices back for people .
I am so grateful to have found her.
She did what she called a demonic de tuning, cutting demonic cords that I had attached to me .
One from having sex with someone whom was partially possessed (my boyfriend when I was 15, I lived with him , he was insane and very abusive , I was drunk all the time , I stopped caring) anyway because I had sex with him , his demon stayed connected to me my whole life , even after he died .
she went back in time with me , that's what she said she was doing. Going back in time with me as I experienced these things.
I experienced abuse as a child , I blocked the whole thing out , i guess I told my mom , i have no memory of it though thankfully. But a demon was involved of course and stayed connected to me via this "cord" my whole life .
She said she cut these "cords" and ones from "other things I had done" as she put it .
She did a soul retrieval for me . And WOW I have never been the same since that day. It was like... having the part of me back that was down to fight . Like in a good way. A part that wouldn't let me give up so easy.
She said she brought back 3 pieces , and she said that she retrieved the SINGLE biggest soul part that she has ever retrieved for anyone. I'm sure that was from my abusive ex whom was 29 when I was 15. I lived with him for 2 and half years before I got the balls to leave . I'm glad he's dead. Ok anyway
The best part , she went to rescue my dog. She told me that it was not as bad as I thought . That when they were attacking him , (some of the time) they were really attacking parts of ME that I had "given to my dog" for safe keeping. Which makes sense to me,.we are very close .

Anyway ... so learning this was possible , demons stealing soul parts from animals , and people. Crazy , but at least I knew what to expect from any shamanic practitioner I hired in the future.
And I did end up having to find people to help my dog a few times after the first.
Yoda... he really went through a lot.

I challenged a demon once, I was drunk and didn't know the danger of what I was doing.
I won't go into all of what I experienced, (this is really long I'm sorry ) but that's when they got inside of me . I learned my lesson . That's for dam sure. I was terrified.

I'm not religious, but Jesus is real and his name DOES have POWER .
Over demons . Not other entities.

I've heard about cases , like , people who do clearings on houses , they do their norm , to clear out troublesom human spirits , and they try religious means for demons , because the people in the house claim they are being choked and scratched and sexually assulted in some cases.
And they try religious means and it has no effect at all.
I've heard of people who while channeling , like , come into contact with something, figureing it as a demon , use religious means , and It doesn't leave. Because it's something else . Some lower vibrational entities, elementals, whatever. Those things can only mess with you as much as you believe possible. If you KNOW they can't be in your reality, then they have no power over you or anything you perceive to be your reality.
(My experience)

I wish I knew why Jesus's name was so powerful against demons .It's hard for me to believe a lot of what the Bible says. But like you I have called to him for help , and he helped me.

it does work, but for me I had to believe 100 percent with no doubt in my mind .

Idk what makes him decide to help sometimes and not others though. I guess it's just me ... I can't really connect with his energy anymore..

Wow this is so long ....
Sounds pretty typical the chocking part and all, I've heard many stories like that, freaky
I have battled demons or some supernatural force...no other explanation makes sense. One night a couple years ago I blacked out, apparently my friend had called and I started talking about all kinds of biblical-level stuff. I couldn't get the whole story from him because he was clearly a little shaken by whatever I said...or maybe it was a message channeled through me, maybe I had become possessed. The next morning I woke up to find dark and painful bruises on both of my shoulders, as if someone had used all of their weight to push down on me as I used all my strength to push up...but there wasn't anyone around me that night. Maybe a spirit was looking out for me, as if I had tried to get out of bed I would have hurt myself because I wasn't conscious. I racked my brain the next day for a rational explanation how I was bruised in such an inexplicable way, but intuively as soon as I saw them in the mirror I felt it was something paranormal. Later in the day I called me friend not even realizing I had already talked to him, and that's when my day got even weirder.
That's just one story of possible spirit interference.
Oh yeah and I didn't even realized I had a black-out out until I talked to my friend the next day. I ended my evening in my bed, thought I fell asleep, and woke up in the exact same place. My phone was next to my bed so it is possible I didn't get up, which makes the bruises on the top of my shoulders even stranger.
So much to say on this topic...

The word demon is a Christian bastardization of the Greek daemon, which just means spirit.

Thats not true, the Greek word for spirit is Pneuma, daimon is a type of spirit, which is evil.

a demon or super natural spirit of a bad nature: - devil.

....no other explanation makes sense..

Really though? You said you blacked out. Were you on drugs?

I think there are many other possible explanations. Such as drugs ;)
Seeing as it's kind of difficult to offer up anything of substance on the topic, owing to the inherently ethereal nature of these occurrences, I'll just say that it seems more than probable that demons exist. Minus the connotation that the label demon provides though.

There's life everywhere. Everywhere where we thought there wasn't and couldn't be, there is. Following that simple progression it seems entirely reasonable to suggest one day we will reveal a whole other spectrum of supra-biodiveristy.

I've heard it remarked before that if we could really see what surrounds us, then 'god help us'.
I have battled demons or some supernatural force...no other explanation makes sense. One night a couple years ago I blacked out, apparently my friend had called and I started talking about all kinds of biblical-level stuff. I couldn't get the whole story from him because he was clearly a little shaken by whatever I said...or maybe it was a message channeled through me, maybe I had become possessed. The next morning I woke up to find dark and painful bruises on both of my shoulders, as if someone had used all of their weight to push down on me as I used all my strength to push up...but there wasn't anyone around me that night. Maybe a spirit was looking out for me, as if I had tried to get out of bed I would have hurt myself because I wasn't conscious. I racked my brain the next day for a rational explanation how I was bruised in such an inexplicable way, but intuively as soon as I saw them in the mirror I felt it was something paranormal. Later in the day I called me friend not even realizing I had already talked to him, and that's when my day got even weirder.
That's just one story of possible spirit interference.
I wonder have you ever dabbled in things like ouija boards or rituals or things like that where you know... You might of opened a door or something like that to em??
You said that was just ONE story ...
I was never bruised or scratched but I've heard of that happening.
Blacking out sounds pretty serious though... Even if you were on drugs or drinking, that's when we are most vulnerable to attacks of that nature..
I wonder have you ever dabbled in things like ouija boards or rituals or things like that where you know... You might of opened a door or something like that to em??
You said that was just ONE story ...
I was never bruised or scratched but I've heard of that happening.
Blacking out sounds pretty serious though... Even if you were on drugs or drinking, that's when we are most vulnerable to attacks of that nature..
The door had already been opened... This was during a few week period a couple years ago when I experienced a nearly daily series of related paranormal experiences. Yes drugs were involved, and I understand how that was related to certain channels opening. It was a very new thing to me at the time. Despite 15 years of previous use of psychedelics, until that point no encounters with spirit had reached that level of affecting this plane.
Hm.. I guess i will share an experience. When I was 5, I remember waking up sweating. It's weird though because it was hot outside and I was in bed freezing cold. It was maybe between 12am and 2am. Anyway, I look up hearing a voice call my name through the closet, which was open and my lights were on. There's this figure, I describe him like an alien figure just standing there staring right through me. Ever since I've had a lot of experience with demons and I've even found some named ones from demonology. It's pretty interesting.. I just hated when I was young. I was paralyzed from fear for hours and keep the lights on ever since!
A friend of mine who also sees ghosts, claims to have experienced them. He was in a church where they were as chickens had been sacrificed there and that is what attracted them to the church. My friend said how they are not like how they are portrayed in films and that you would have to have very low intelligence to become possessed by one.

My friend and I were discussing gay satanists online since I would see them on early social networking sites like tribe.net, yahoo360, MySpace, etc. and my friend is gay. He told me how there are spirits or malvolent forces that you do not want to invite into your life.
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The thing that bothers me about the perception/belief in demons (or angels for that matter) is that it distracts us from the humans that most closely resemble these unseen operators. But perhaps even more troubling, it distracts us from delving into our own capacity to be simultaneously "demonic" and "angelic"--and that goes for every one of us. When I was about 15 I saw two Detroit cops beat a handcuffed man unconscious (maybe even to death--I will never know). I know that forever in my mind the faces of those cops will be the faces of evil. Because what kind of human being could do that? But did I not fantasize over and over grabbing their guns and shooting them in the head? I did. In fact right now, having not thought of this instance in many years, I am having that exact reaction again.
We, including you, do not know the context of or reason why that man was arrested or beaten. Maybe he attacked the cops? Or he was an extremely dangerous sociopath or psychopath? The police in the Midwest America of the 1960s and 1970s and other regions of the United States were not bad people or evil, and the same goes for police in the 1980s, 1990s, early 2000s, and today in the end of 2019, and the start of 2020. North Americans have a silly fear of police when there is no need for this, and the police are not evil or 'the face of evil'.

Police take their own lives into their hands protecting the public like you, and I have noticed how people who are against police are the first to call them when they are needed.

I have seen or encountered true evil or people who are actual psychopaths or sociopaths. They are very good at hiding who they really are, and are not openly violent, angry, or are not like they are portrayed in films or TV shows.
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Technically i don't believe in demons, since there's no physical evidence. However, that doesn't tell me they're not real