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Totally, I'm all for not giving up power and responsibility. Victimizing ourselves and blaming others is one of the main issues we seem to be facing at the moment.

I really can't debate any farther on our current course as I simply don't know enough, so I'll just leave it at the combination of personal experiences and experiences of those close to me + the multitudinous amounts of experiences read on the internet and from ancient cultures doesn't allow me to dismiss the existence of extra-terrestrial/dimensional beings and their influence on our planet :)
Thread is awesome! I will add more but I'm not buying this Satanic agenda stuff at all.

I admire Crowley and "practiced" Thelema for a while. I moved away because I got sober but the rituals were fascinating. Nothing to do with evil or Satan.

Do what thou will is the Whole of the Law.

I wonder what you guys think of black metal, which is one of my favorite genres. :D

Heil Satan! ;)
Yeah, well, don't like to be the guy bursting bubbles but this thread is what it's for. You see, through practice and daily devotion you get to a point where you can start to see shit the way it is. All the rest is a mind program. Emotional program. Mind you, I have a link to Baphomet and a heart that feels strongly. I'm pretty awake. So I know these energies well. A lot of the people reading this are Starseeds and Indigos. I mentioned some stuff that was a bit too personal and deleted it cause they were fucking with me for sharing it. Walking the righteous path isn't easy, but damn, it's the most beautiful thing!

I've done Baphomet's bidding long enough. I've wondered "what the fuck is wrong with me" so many times you wouldn't believe it. Even today, I'm still infected. I've chosen to walk the higher path but I still step in shit everyday. What do I do? I learn how to clean said shit from my shoe and keep walking. So this kinda path gets kinda boring for them but my heart sings. Now I've become a boring play toy and they fuck with me less and I'm high naturally on the goodness of my being. There's no judgement in any of this. I know what to do, but damn. It's been hard to get the message guys. so alright.

Ok. so here we go...

Satan/Lucifer doesn't give a fuck about you!!! You're a chew toy. Fuel for his/her obsession.

And yeah, there are two paths you can walk on. Your heart will tell you which one you're on. Your inner child will tell which one you're on. But fuck it. Trade in the Grace of God for a cheese burger from McDonalds and a few giggles for all I care. At some point we realize we are endowed with all the Power, Wisdom and Light of God and we make a choice to come back home. The cycle of enforced time is culminating now on this planet. Get the message or keep spinning on the marry go round. The choice is yours. There's a whole world of illusions separating us from that. They cannot destroy our connection to source!!
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well one thing i never understood really was the new agers take on demons and possession. if there are demons wouldn't there be angels and what god would they serve? how is it that you can tell demons to leave by calling on the name of Jesus? if you don't believe in demons then thats fine, but if you do, i just am curious as to where they would originate from. i genuinely don't know, so thats why i am asking. :)

i have had similar experiences as the OP. ive seen entities manifest themselves in my home. you can feel the energy shift in the room, ive been able to see them before but not always. when ive known that they were there, i would be about to tell them to leave, and they would grab me by the throat so i couldn't talk. (im sure my neighbors think im nuts, ive considered that possibility too). ive seen the roof of my house disappear and turn into a blood red sky that certainly was a different place than i have experienced. ive been able to get them to leave, by calling on Jesus. I think thats the way we are wired. Ive read of people stopping bad trips that way before as well. I think if you are going through some heavy, mind melting trauma, your instinct is to call on Jesus. but thats just my take but i also think how you live your life can give them authority over you.

i guess that the existence of spiritual entities and a spiritual realm brings up some difficulties with evolution and not sure how Christians that believe in evolution reconcile those things. did spirits take billions of years to evolve as well? Im not interested in getting in the intelligent design debate, just something i have wondered about.

i do believe that satan is real, and his demons are his well and that our struggles are against these entities and we have been given victory through the blood of Jesus and his sacrifice. Im a bit of a fundamentalist in some ways and this is an area that I do take literally just to be clear. I do like hearing other points of view though. :)
Levels, you say only two paths? I beg to differ, for riding the line in the middle is a third. If you want to slice it down it is a whole spectrum of paths.
Sorry, I'm slightly allergic to hard duality these days, but I do recognize east from west...relatively speaking anyway.

True righteousness in all ways is an ideology. Unobtainable but a nice thing to shoot for, so let's give our imperfect brethren their 'slack', for they are made of both/and/neither/nor all-in-one. Benefit of doubt helps, that they are listening to the wind and heading in the right direction. Some may fall before reaching the water, some may give up and head toward the night, but the path is not absolute, ever, in my view.
I liked that video you posted Jammin, guys sharp. You're old school. I dig it but there's a shinier version to all this arcane knowledge.

If you're willing to relax some of your views, this video will address exactly your question. She's a lot of fun that girl. Tries to make it all an art project, but she is describing exactly your point.

@Vortech: I agree. That was a stream of consciousness rant about that particular framework Jimmy Page had me going down.
BTW nice timing on that 11:11, I was only a minute behind you.
What if God is Satan? Our world is brutal and violent with suffering for all and death at the end. We humans are aware of this, we have to live with the knowledge that we will die one day. That is cruel IMO, no loving God would do this.

I feel "awake" too, and what I see behind all of this is rather terrifying because it is nothing.

I think we all have our own truths.

Levels said:
A lot of the people reading this are Starseeds and Indigos. I mentioned some stuff that was a bit too personal and deleted it cause they were fucking with me for sharing it.

What do you mean by this?

BTW, I watched the Led Zeppelin thing (great band, oneof the best!) and seriously, I did not hear that message at all. Again, I think we all have our own truths. For me, I've never seen any evidence for demons or GodS. Perhaps this predisposes me in some way.
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Ha ha, so after all that, your assessment is, yup, nope nothin' going here. You're funny man.
Yet, this does not mean that all evil is of man's direct and intentional accord and uninfluenced by factors unaware to him.
I absolutely agree, I just don't see why it should be somehow "supernatural".

At the end of the day though, the most beautiful thing is that one may apply these concepts to one's own benefit and growth regardless of belief, as long as one is able to connect the story to his own and his own perception of humanity's own story.
I couldn't have said it better. :)

To be clear, your beliefs are batshit crazy. But no worries, everyone elses are too. ;)

That being said, it's pretty commonly [believed] in certain circles that humanity has deviated from our original "holy" / "pure" / "divine" genetic blueprint due to genetic manipulation by otherworldly entities, both physical and metaphysical. Our original place as divine creators, co-creating with universe/Sophianic Dream, tainted by the introduction of foreign genetics in our DNA and tampering with of the energy/consciousness of Earth/Gaia as a whole. Leading both to the past 10,000-12,000 years of human violence, aggression, and dis-ease and disharmony of the planet's energies and overall state as well.

So can I assume you differ from the classic viewpoint of gnosticism that the creation of humans was a tragic mistake from the very beginning? Because as I understand it gnosticism usually holds the view that all matter is inherently bad, the world we live in and even our very own bodies and that the 'problem' can only be solved by leaving the material world completely behind and rejoining the realm of spirit. Are you saying the 'problem' arose within historical time and could therefore be solved within it? On the other hand you did say later, that you don't think that humanity ever was a perfect "beacon of light", which doesn't quite seem to fit in with this.

One problem that I have with a lot of religious/spiritual traditions is this disregard or even disdain for the physical world, especially the body. It is quite understandable that people who lived thousands of years ago without the advantages of modern medicine (and simple hygiene) viewed the body as a source of suffering above all else and just couldn't wait to leave it behind. But our relative comfort today (for a minority of the world population at least) gives us reason to be much more ambitious than our ancestors. For a long time it was pretty standard for religions to view suffering and poverty as unchangeble because it must have been put in place by some kind of authority. It is a very recent historical development that people realized you can actually reduce poverty and suffering by social reforms. Christianity for example always encouraged charity, but was never really about ending poverty. After all if you want to be charitable then there has to be some poor guy.
I think no "heaven" we could ever "ascend to" would be as beautiful as the "heaven" that we might be able to create for ourselves here on earth. It would be a paradise that we have truly earned because we have learned from out mistakes. I struggle with the same problem as swilow (I suppose) what on earth (or elsewhere ;)) could only ever justify all the pain and suffering that is happening and has happened in the past. And I find the answers "Jesus saved you and you go to heaven, so it's ok." and "You are God/Brahman and it was all just an illusion, so it's ok." both equally unappealing. As long as that suffering seems real to somebody it is "real" enough to be a concern. After all this horror that humans had to go through (and I'm from Germany...) the only thing that could ever make 'it' worth it IMHO is if one day people can look back and say, humanity has truly learned from that and has never let it happen again.

Also I strongly dislike the whole "there was once a perfect time, but then something bad happened and ever since there is this evil influence" theme. It seems to me that saying that gives the idea that to make the world better all you need is to eliminate that evil influence and suddenly everythings perfect. I don't think it works that way. You don't make the world better by subtracting something bad, but by adding something good.

DNA manipulation though? Come on :D Are you basing that on Zecharia Sitchin? I don't know that much about mesopotamia, but even I know that Inanna/Ishtar was a deity and a pretty important one at that. He seems to have entirely missed that.
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I pretty much agree with everything you said there tokezu. :) I'll add that the "perfect time until something bad happened and ruined it" theme is actually a very old archetype played out. Think the garden of Eden. Humans always look longingly at the past, we romanticize it. Ever hear people talking about how things were better when they were your age. As time goes on the past becomes an idol in our minds, we take from it everything that was the strongest impressions of it, and we glorify the good parts and lift them up. We forget about all the daily concerns and ups and down. It can be easy to let this blind us to the good things going on now. And especially when you couple that with the global instant media/communication/reporting... it seems like everything is fucked up because every day we hear about more and more shit that's bad going on, and it's true that stuff is going on, but it's always been the case that bad shit is happening somewhere all the time, we just didn't used to know about it. You used to just be aware of your own little world, because there were no phones and satellites and Internet and TV. There have been lots of periods of time where things as horrible and significantly more horrible were happening, even in recent history. I would argue that people are less violent and safer as a whole than we have been throughout most of history. We're nowhere close to heaven on Earth, I'm not sure if we're capable of it as a whole, some people are capable of it for sure. But the ones not capable of it are the ones who don't want it, and the ones in control.
Nice posts everyone :)

Ha ha, so after all that, your assessment is, yup, nope nothin' going here. You're funny man.

I'm not laughing at your beliefs mate.

Its always interesting how believers mock those who don't :\ Not that you're mocking me as such but you're clearly dismissing the validity of my statements.

As I said, I do not believe there is one truth. I think there is evidence for that if you consider our vastly different interpretations of those videos for example. My beliefs lead me to hear those clips as random nonsense, you and others hear satanic messages. Because you believed it. How much of reality is constructed by our beliefs?

I think divinity exists within our mind, not out there in the cosmos. Certain things can tap into it, drugs, meditation, ritual. Demons are mental archetypes, not external living/existing entities. Demon rituals can be dangerous though, Enochian magick for example has caused issue for some people I've known of.
I don't think it was meant to be mean though. Levels is a lovely man <3 I think I can be frustrating with my extreme scepticism... But I did feel a bit dismissed or something. :\

I'll live :)
Wilow, I meant you no offense, just a poke is all. If there's anything you want to discuss I'm happy to address.

This video I found yesterday was really good. Worth a watch

So much to say on this topic...

The word demon is a Christian bastardization of the Greek daemon, which just means spirit. There are many kinds of daemons in the world... ones that do harm and ones that are beneficent or neutral; ones that are young and ones that are old; ones closer to the earth plane and some more divinely originated. If you want to get serious about spirit talk you have to ditch the labels and simply discuss what is manifesting. Saying a demon attacked you is empty in of itself.

About Crowley... among lineage practitioners he is considered to be somewhat of a joke. Yes he did access the archives and some old manuscripts. Yes he translated them and brought a lot of information to the world that had been buried for a long time. But both good and bad things have come from that. He himself was not that high level. He himself never had a good teacher (that we know of). He used most of the occult knowledge and magics he mastered to engage in hedonistic behaviours -- which is fine, do what thou wilt and all that -- but let's not act like he was so adept. I have never met a Thelemite with that much ability, at least not one who stuck with that path for very long before moving onto something more effective. The Ceremonial path is important to many but there are better traditions. Crowley was a wealthy Victorian with too much time on his hands, who turned all his occult seeking into paranoia. No wonder he locked himself in a mansion for the better part of his life.

Crowley's works are considered to be watered down versions of older traditions that, when conveyed properly and accurately, have real potential. He was a real magician to be sure, I'm just saying that he wasn't the be all and end all, and I wish people would stop venerating him as such.
@Foreigner, according to my sources Crowley and the information I find most resonant played more of a role than is attributed to him publicly. So many distortions surrounding him. . His role in the state of affairs is not to be underestimated. You are advised to cross reference your sources to the following material to form a comprehensive view upon which I am basing my own opinion about the guy.

Levels, all good. I was being sensitive :D

I'm more interested in Crowley's attempt to climb K2 these days...
@Foreigner, according to my sources Crowley and the information I find most resonant played more of a role than is attributed to him publicly. So many distortions surrounding him. . His role in the state of affairs is not to be underestimated. You are advised to cross reference your sources to the following material to form a comprehensive view upon which I am basing my own opinion about the guy.


I was a member of OTO and then the Golden Dawn for 3 years before dropping out. I assure you that I know more about this than you do, from inside sources. The information available to the public is extremely watered down. Crowley contributed a lot to the occult diaspora but as a magician he was nothing to write home about. Just an entitled wealthy Victorian who traveled around collecting documents and having interesting experiences. As far as anyone knows he was not part of a real lineage, only the one he created.