Considering Suicide

We all did stupid things when we were young. You were under 20 yrs old. You are not responsible for what happened. Your record can be expunge if you get a job and finish school the district attorney will help you get your record closed. Listen,don't you want to see what the exciting future is holding for you. Going on dates,college parties, one night stand, spending the rest of your life with your soul mate until u are both old and Grey. Don't u want to see how your children will grow up to be and what stupid things they will do probably worse than the dare you did. Don't u want to know what pure happiness is when you are laying down with your soul mates with your mini me and everything is good in the world? Don't do it. Suicide as what some will perceive is the coward's way out. To face your mistake is taking accountability and being brave, courageous. You have the strength to face your judges. While if you commit suicide you just gave up because you don't have the courage to face any danger or problems. You get thru this you can get thru anything. Living is tough. Dying is easy. Please don't do it.
You are not responsible for what happened.

I'm totally behind you when you say we all did silly and stupid things when we were young and a lot of us doing bad things as adults as well. But he did something and he was responsible for that. I believe ML gained respect here because he did not deny having done what he did. The problem was being treated as if he had done it maliciously which was never the case at all neither treating that as a grave action, that was not cool from the school. The treatment was disproportional to his action and I believe we tried to help him to go through this, and at the same trying to keep him calm. At some point everyone agreed that what he did was not worthy of jail not even being expelled.
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So I completed all the assignments yesterday. Dad turned it in today. Police said I don't need to go to court anymore. Did not hear anything about probation or anything, just that. Expulsion hearing is re-scheduled to August. Since I'm behind credits in school, I'm going to have to take some summer classes. After that, I'm pretty much done, and things goes back to normal for me, which is pretty much alll I wish for. And yea. Things are starting to brighten up now
Hey MyLife,

Dude, that's awesome! I am so glad that it seems to be working out so well, and thank you for keeping us posted.

Just remain sincere and apologetic as I know you are, and make sure that everybody sees it.

Use this to learn and grow from, and I think that you can have a great life ahead.

Your Friend,
Dreamflyer 8o
BTW, go apologize to the teacher and do it sincerely and she may forgive you and put in a kind word to the judge, no one wants to see a 17yr old get jail unless they just keep fucking up.
This!!! Do it and take what comes,you will be ok,and look back and be Happy You didnt commit suicide! Think how sad your parents will be,people with cancer,Aids,death row...try not focusing too much on this.Think,PLEASE! It WILL pass,faster than You probably think now! Even if you did attemt suicide,what if it goes wrong?Sorry for rattling so long,take it like a man and get rid of those guys.Good luck.First time small offenders get slapped very lightly esp under 18.
It may seem hopeless at the time...but never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. Sooo glad to hear this, mylife!!!
Almost a year.
Just wanted to come back to the site to give an update on how it?s like for me now.

I just recently graduated high school!!
College life soon!!
Hasn?t done anything stupid and never will again.
Thank you guys for the support you gave me back then