Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Hello X,

I hope that she does that soon and signs, it sounds like she likes to play games though, you don't need that.

Just think of the weight that will be lifted once this is all over, it's coming.

Take care,
your friend,

I am really pushing to get my home exclusively in my name but it requires her voluntarily signing her name away so not sure what to do. I have an attorney, and she's being served on Monday, the divorce is already filed in my state which is good.
I'm not at all new to the internet, my whole career is based on it, but I am new to asking for help on the internet. I'm a 29 year old guy about to go through a fast heroin taper, I have one person in my personal life I can speak to but that situation is complicated.

I was wondering if anyone out there with opiate withdrawal experience of any kind, would be kind enough to PM me. I could really use some support. Even just talking to someone so that my mind is busy doing something besides thinking about how miserable the withdrawals are will help. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to chat.
Im going through tramadol withdrawls at the moment and its been really shitty. Its been a good 3 year stretch that I've been taking it daily this time. Its been three days since my last dose and despite using alot of cannabis and kratom i still feel pretty terrible. It's nothing compared to all the heroin withdrawls I've had in my life but is unpleasant none the less.

My girlfriend suggested me getting suboxone but explained that its over kill in a sense. Just gotta ride this out and i will get better again soon. Wish everybody in the same boat. Im here to talk if you wanna shoot me a PM.
Yo good luck getting of the dope. I am past 7 months cold turkey and straight up suicidal. I thought I was good when I wasn't waking up so sick anymore (after 3 or 4 weeks, if you have a sizeable long term habit and think it's 3 days that is pure ignorance) but beware, it is a trap before reality sets in. Then I realized, why the fuck did I even bother, not to discourage you. My life is complete garbage and I spend half of it staring blankly at a wall. I have always hated my adult life and really it is fucking garbage and a waste of potential so what do I expect? I only want a career again so I can afford to taper off these stupid benzos while getting back on smack ASAP. I can't right now or I'm risking seizures due to my financial situation.

I am laying on my deathbed it is becoming too much and getting worse by the week. I was way better off as a smack user I could actually fucking function if I had money. Now, no matter what I can't.
I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling so bad Shroomy. I'm worried for you with the not being able to sleep or function thing going on. That happened to me due to chronic pain. I literally had not slept for almost a year when I finally got some pain management.
I worry that you are also going through this due to chronic pain as I think we can count the opiate withdrawal out since it has been so long. When did you start not being able to sleep shroomy?

I sleep regularly now and I am a lot more functional with the correct medication and amounts. Still disabled a lot but can function.

I even got my sense of humor back after finally finding some help from a pain specialist.

It was like a whole new world/ life just being able to sleep, eat, laugh, shower, dress myself. Etc.
chronic pain is insidious.

Please try and determine where these symptoms are coming from.
Infinitblastoff- Why the rapid taper? I HIGHLY recommend Loperamide (Immodium). You can PM me if you want directions.
Painful One, seems every opiate or opioid withdrawal I've ever been through this happens. After the 2 or 3 weeks of acute withdrawal there may be a month or 2 where I am so happy not to be sick anymore and have a great time, depending on how much and for how long I was using. At this point it's hopeless to use I was going to die.

Then reality sets in, everything becomes chaotic and I go through phases where different withdrawal symptoms are prominent. I was an insomniac before it was driving me crazy. Then I was almost... narcoleptic? Like, passing out all the time and I never do that. Now it is insomnia again. My mood swings are so bad and I get in these longer phases now than with BPD, I think it's at least temporary bipolar. Really seems like it, manic depressive. Whatever it's called I don't care I just want to get better and I'm not.

And with a heroin habit like that painful one, it never really goes away. 7 months is nothing. It feels like I railed a line yesterday. Seriously though a lot of old timer junkies have told me this. They say I better get used to the symptoms because it gets easier but never goes away. Snorting heroin for 6 years and a lot of it is very different than taking extra prescription painkillers. I was in the depths of serious self harm and abuse and it's going to take longer than 2 years just for my body to recover, let alone deal with all this bullshit I created in my life. For me anyway, 7 months is nowhere near enough time to hardly get anything started apart from distancing myself from the drug and feeling a little better and more productive and social, etc. I'm nowhere near recovered, lots of people say it takes at least a year to feel the slightest bit normal after heroin.

Thank you for the message I'm not doing well.
Hey guys, thinking about doing a cold turkey at Home detox, got my hands on about 14 seroquel and have a small amount of benzo?s, for the last couple years it was about 2-5 oxy 30?s a day, but switched to d or fent for the last 2-3 months and really just want my life back... think at home detox is worth it? Or should I go get legitimate help
My other question would be if I went to say a 7 day detox, I?ve heard some people say they leave and still feel acute withdrawal... is this something any of you have experienced? Or do you leave detox just feeling drained and no energy without the acute withdrawal symptoms? Any response is greatly appreciated! And if any of you need someone to talk or vent to feel free to pm me... shroomi seems like you need a buddy feel free to talk to me
Just want you to know I'm here for you Shroomy.

It is real hard not to get down when you are constantly not feeling well.
I get it.

Gottakickit- 7 days gets you passed the really bad wds. The vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia wds. But after years of opiate use, you will have a couple of weeks of feeling pretty crappy.

Detoxing at home is hard because you will still have access to your drugs, and you would give anything to feel better. Thats why people do 30 days in rehab, or longer.

Whatever your plan is, you need a solid plan for at least 30 days. A support system at home. Maybe go to meetings. Maybe suboxone or methadone. Either way you need to cut yourself off from your dealer completely or you are setting yourself up for failure.
Painful One, thank you so much. I really need friends right now. I was talking to my friend from Amsterdam all day. I am not doing well.

I am cold turkeying pot and tapering benzos 50% drops simultaneously. I take an extreme amount of xanax this has to stop or it is actually going to kill me. The amount of xanax is jaw dropping, stone cold evil. The marijuana addiction, and how severe it is, nobody here will understand that it's just as hard to quit at this level of use so I will talk to a couple friends I know who do. I'm feeling that the most today.

Fuck. I don't even remember June or July or this month. I fucked up so bad and my fucking life is at risk.

That being said I had a really nice day in the sun, for part of it. Some of the nicest time I have enjoyed outdoors this summer as I was awake for it, and can remember. Did yoga out back, that's what I will be doing daily, and cycling. I hope to recover soon. I should have recovered mostly from the opiates by now, easily. If I can kick these two pieces of shit too, then I can... ? The amount of free time would be astounding. My friend had a lot of interesting things to say today. We were joking around a bit but he definitely knows it's not a funny situation. I hope to make it out not just alive, but sane as well.
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One of the worst aspects of withdrawls is anhedonia(inability to feel pleasure). Blame it on low testosterone levels or poor sleep, the fact is that it makes every aspect of life seem un-joyful.
The best thing to do in withdrawls is whatever would naturally elevate your mood, even though you really dont feel like doing crap. Sunshine, cheeseburgers, music, hot showers, sex..... As much as you can and as often as possible.
For me its the worst part of benzo wd. Theres nothing better than a good nights sleep, and benzo wd means no sleep for days. Lyrica too, gives me bad insomnia.
I'm just in hell and this is the last straw I'll try to check in but I'm going to suffer. It's worsening and I'm nervous. If I want to fall in love and be an intellectual and have my own home and all that, I need to stop using all drugs as soon as I can. I imagine that I will require something like 2mg klonopin a day for life as I have a panic attack disorder but that's chill with me at this point.

Man the worst is when you make it through acute withdrawal and then quickly relapse. I did this with dilaudid while tapering oxy's (it is in here somewhere) - got high on dilaudid once - and experienced total anhedonia without significant withdrawal symptoms for 2 weeks. That was hell. Lately I've just been smoking myself retarded on top of a lot of benzos, I don't know what to call it other than stupefied.

I really hope I can have a second chance.
I am really happy to hear that you are tapering down the cannabis and the benzo's.
I think you will feel so much better when you get those down to a medical level.
You are right that we don't know how severe it is but you saying that it is severe tells me it is severe.
I wish I could offer more useful advise but just know I'm here for you. I'm praying for you!

We are here for you.
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Kicking pot is something I have done many times. It takes about a month to be normal. However, around 2 weeks of this is time spent putting weight back on.

The main symptom is I can't eat food without it for several days and it takes weeks for my appetite to return to normal. And benzos do the same thing so like, I ate some cherry tomatoes today. Working my way through an apple. I ate a few bites of lamb and felt like puking. Also, I feel that same zombie-fried anhedonic feeling that is a part of most withdrawals. I feel stupid and I'm not just quitting weed. I smoked tonight and I was able to eat the apple, so I'm cutting back to nights only and hiding my habit. It won't cost much money or problems that way and I need to cut way back anyway.

I can't quit I know that from the first day. Like a lot of my friends say I just need it but not like this. Not if I'm going to lose more weight than I did in mild / moderate opiate withdrawal I have to cut back to nights only.

So it's mainly the appetite. I have to watch myself wither away to skin and bones. I have pictures of last time, it was horrible and you know I've been working out. I'll do some hardcore yoga, and STILL not be able to eat! It's fucking crazy but within 3 - 5 days I have about half my calorie intake back. It's obviously mainly the benzos I have to quit, weed is going to be tough as fuck, obviously this makes no sense to someone who smokes daily but not compulsively as it isn't addictive when used medicinally. I can control it, and I'm sick and tired of it controlling me. Same with the benzos.

I didn't really come here to write anything down. I was going to ask if anyone had anything to say. As I am suffering. It's a double withdrawal, both very heavy use for a very long time, and the effects synergize it just sucks. I'm going to start vomiting and that's when the real fun stars right?

There's a girl I have a crush on though. Like for a longer term thing, I met her a little while ago. At least there is that. I can hardly be a fiend like this and live happily with a girl. My friends are starting to get married and buy houses and it's pretty eye opening that I could be trying a little harder. The pain fucked me up. It really did and continues to but I will fight to have a comfortable life. Right now this is not comfortable. I feel like complete shit and I sure I can go without food and sleep for weed but the benzos are driving me fucking crazy. I already let some family know, that I will be sick for a while and they are understanding. I don't feel right like I wouldn't be safe driving anywhere. Start having trouble seeing with the benzos blurry vision then those eye twitches. I need to stop limping and stand up right but I haven't had anything to eat today? I'm sad. But friends have been really nice to me today.
I totally agree with PainfulOne. Getting your daily use to a medical level would be awesome. Then maybe you could do this with a prescription.
I have a prescription for both of the drugs so that's waiting for me. It is a dream.

Feeling sick. I have seen better days.

If you are praying for me painful one then pray for romance to come my way. It did last time I kicked a hard drug, heroin last year. I could still have a girlfriend in withdrawal she was quite motivating. I don't care about getting laid I think it gives me anxiety unless her and I are starting to date. Then it is a whole other story. I'll be good with the drugs I am dead set on quitting the abuse and really I think I've had enough. My friends have been really supportive today. I sort of like withdrawal sometimes becomes it gives me something to do. Nothing much at all, with a purpose.
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Hi... just dropping by... this summer heat is making me lazy and sucks away my motivation... I really think about going for short hikes and plan to do so on the mornings I have free, but I just end up not finding the energy to go through with it... it is crazy. I have analyzed the shit out of... overthinking it is one the biggest issues... and I understand on a conceptual level that I should do it, regardless of how I feel... the good feelings follow the hike in the mountains, they don't precede it... but I stay stuck. If anyone can share their actual experiences on how they got unstuck in similar situations, I would love to read about it.
Looks like we are all having trouble sleeping tonight.

I wish us all to be comforted. Let sleep come.

Relax my friends. Do the best you can.
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