Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@invegauser no, I wasn't able to go to school this semester. As long as I go to semi-mandatory injection (DO NOT SKIP) they are not able to lock me up. So yes one shitty semester for winter, hope to stand strong in this time. They released invega trivega I heard.

@iridescentblack go back 2 school
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I'm trying St. John's Wort because I read that it reduces the efficacy of paliperidone. I'd imagine that it's more helpful earlier on because it affects the use of the drug. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
@Yeshuah Yeah, I'd imagine that more people would talk about it if it worked super well. I'm going to use the whole bottle anyway and keep taking it for like a month. It does seem like people who used SJW have good recovery stories though. Of course, my critical thinking abilities are not that great right now.
@Emersonny Yeah I keep trying everything anyway. It's definitely worth a try. What matters is the intention. Keep trying. Didn't wanna let you down. Sending you love and hugs
I have had 2 injections Xeplion 150 (Invega 234) and Xeplion 100 (Invega 156), on September 3 the last shot, im now 41 days free i experienced many of the symptoms listed here such as feeling as if im dying, unconscious about time passing by fast, seeing everything in fast motion unable to react to anything, sharp heart pain, random bouts of anxiety i have never had before, restlessness that went away after 30 days drug free.

Also i remember havin headaches, being in a complete zombie state (i was also taking 2 pills of invega and aloperidin[haldol]) walking like a zombie, restless legs, i couldnt sleep at all like my body was broken i had to take a benzo (tavor) to sleep for 6 hours, obsessed with thoughts of death, as if i wouldnt make it and complete sexual impotence.

I started taking L-Theanine 400mg and L-Tyrosine (4g) to recover the dopamine in my body, also Magnesium in high doses make my legs less tight with the restlessness.

i also quit caffeine (including chocolate) it is listed as a psycho-active drug.

Most days wasted and a race to bed time
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@InvegaIsMurder Some of your symptoms sound like benzo withrawal (fear of dying, heart palpitations, random bouts of anxiety) the walking and pacing like a zombie is called "akathisia" I had that too in the first month especially. Be very carefull with the benzos, the withdrawal is horrible! I used to take it for a short time and I'm writing with people that are going through withdrawals of it, it's nothing I wished on my worst enemy. Some possible symptoms: Brain burning, Brain electric shocks, headache, shaking all over the body, heart palpitations, intrusive thoughts (thoughts like you wanna harm someone or yourself), itching, tremors, burning skin (as if you have taken an acid bath), joint pain, terror, hughe anxiety and panic attacks, agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), DP/DR, frozen shoulders and many more (at the same time). So, CAUTION! very poisonous. I wish you a speedy recovery
Does anyone else feel like Invega fucked up their vision? Everything looks kinda blurry now especially when I try to read
@invegaisnotgood Yes very much! And difficulty to adjust the vision to far/near objects. It's annoying -.-
@InvegaIsMurder Some of your symptoms sound like benzo withrawal (fear of dying, heart palpitations, random bouts of anxiety) the walking and pacing like a zombie is called "akathisia" I had that too in the first month especially. Be very carefull with the benzos, the withdrawal is horrible! I used to take it for a short time and I'm writing with people that are going through withdrawals of it, it's nothing I wished on my worst enemy. Some possible symptoms: Brain burning, Brain electric shocks, headache, shaking all over the body, heart palpitations, intrusive thoughts (thoughts like you wanna harm someone or yourself), itching, tremors, burning skin (as if you have taken an acid bath), joint pain, terror, hughe anxiety and panic attacks, agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), DP/DR, frozen shoulders and many more (at the same time). So, CAUTION! very poisonous. I wish you a speedy recovery
yes i was also on benzos (1mg tavor) x3 a day for a month i was in the hospital i used to sweat cold for no reason, i also had intrusive thoughts, panic attacks during work, addiction but ever since i started a valerian root mix supplement i was relieved of the need to take benzo pills.

I didnt have psychosis or see things or hear voices ever so im thankful for that because i have been drug free before for long periods without any consequences except for some aggression problems (anger issues as police stated)

@invegaisnotgood Yes very much! And difficulty to adjust the vision to far/near objects. It's annoying -.-
im actually going through that right now its scary you mentioned it, side effects so common to everyone.

So my recovery from benzos/Invega is to be around March 2019, this thread gives me hope for the future, thanks to all friends suffering from involuntary drugging
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@iridescent black thank you sharing updates on Dark Night of Soul.

An update, just two days ago I noticed my period first time in 3 months. My level of enthusiasm is very low but seems to be improving. I have better hygiene but still have no proper routine to get me moving along.
So, today I did a lot of crying in the housing assistance office. I also teared up a little bit when I read @Yeshuah's most recent response to one of my posts. Sending you love and hugs too.

I personally have been able to cry since invega, but I did a lot more crying today. Maybe my emotions are returning? It might be too soon to tell. Music has been a little more enjoyable I think. Life is just so variable that it's difficult to control for all the factors. I could be crying from nicotine withdrawal, since I've been smoking less. I've been having more dreams for the past few days. I even had a dream in Russian, which is a language I know very little of. But yeah, some different shades of crappy have been surfacing for me. I still feel dumb as pudding. Bought some L-theanine, and it made me feel almost high or something.
Hi all..I?m back.. Same goddamn insomnia posting in the middle of the night, and same despair about everything as last time, all because of a forced Abilify injection in
September, resulting from when I went to the ER seeking treatment for a completely unrelated allergic reaction, although in actuality I have such severe allergies because of past injections. I know I am still enraged from everything, but I cannot literally feel it, as we all know, due to ahedonia. Ha. I was 8 months healed from my last shot before the recent September injection set me back again. I am also so god damn frustrated right now that this post isn?t up to par writing wise. Cognitive ability is so poor I can?t even memorize simple facts, or remember how to write, capitalize, grammar, ectr..(The injection also made my brain dyslexic, as well.)
I exist in a flat state of blankness right now, because I am blocking everything out that this medication has put me through as a coping mechanism. (The blankness could also be a related effect of the injection.)

I love this forum, and I feel empathy for all of you. (I don?t feel the instinct of ?emotion? right now because of the ahedonia, but I know my intention of ?emotional opinion? in memory. (And my memory is non existent from the injection, as is.) Time will heal us.
Stay strong. You keep me so inspired, and make me smile and laugh sometimes through this all. I get so optimistic reading your posts.
Let?s keep this supportive forum informative, and going forever. It will help not only ourselves, but others in the future fighting our fight, and the day will come finally, that this insane diabolical torture we have been put through by those Doctors, ectr, is abolished by law. We will get through this and heal.
I want to sue so badly.
Anyone interested in joining me to legally eradicate this devil of a ?Mental Health System? farce, please let me know..
I am currently taking Red Sage to counter the toxin out of my system faster. Does anyone know what kind of scan/Doctor can test to see how much drug is left in my body, and scan dopamine system/brain? Assumingly a Neurologist, but have to find the right one.
Most are clueless of our ordeal, and won?t help.
A side note- the Psychiatrist asshole that recently injected me had the audacity to tell me, ? It only lasts a month in the body, doesn?t last a year.? Blatant ignorance toying with our lives folks.
I am so enraged and frustrated, in that ?Blank sort of ahedonia way? lol..
We need an medical antidote. Literally. Any other suggestions, connections, ideas to progress this matter? We need Scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, ectr..Hence the organization I mentioned in my last posts.. I?ll repost the full name later..
Going to try to pass out now. I still no longer feel the sensation of sleep. Hope that heals..It?s 3am and I have to be up at 5am. Ha. Ha. Ha. I go through this every night.
PS- I am a female btw..
@Emersonny It's beautiful that I made you cry and that you were able to cry. Yeah it's to early to tell if your emotions are returning. Some people said they came back at month 8 some at month 10 and others took longer. But at least they got them back. Just make sure you're not taking any drug that has the same numbing effect. Keep going fellow warrior, you will get there, you will be intelligent again. Our brains are not permanently damaged. It just takes a long time. People heal from the most severe things and God gave us a resilient, self-healing body.
@Healed I am so sorry that you got injected again with another hellish poison after having made it so far. Were you experiencing improvements at month 8? I like the fact that you're still positive and optimistic. We will get there and we will all heal sooner or later as long as we stay away from other poisonous drugs. Maybe your allergies are a result of Histamine intolerance. That may be the case with some psych drugs. They mess with the histamine receptors. A low histamine diet may help. It can also be benzo related? Were you taking benzons? Ppl in benzo withdrawal experience so called food sensitiviy, they are not able to eat certain things. Just try to find a way that fits for you, try to find some food that don't mess you up and stay on a mono-based diet. It will go away in time. I wish you a speedy recovery
@Healed I am so sorry that you got injected again with another hellish poison after having made it so far. Were you experiencing improvements at month 8? I like the fact that you're still positive and optimistic. We will get there and we will all heal sooner or later as long as we stay away from other poisonous drugs. Maybe your allergies are a result of Histamine intolerance. That may be the case with some psych drugs. They mess with the histamine receptors. A low histamine diet may help. It can also be benzo related? Were you taking benzons? Ppl in benzo withdrawal experience so called food sensitiviy, they are not able to eat certain things. Just try to find a way that fits for you, try to find some food that don't mess you up and stay on a mono-based diet. It will go away in time. I wish you a speedy recovery

Thank you so much for your kind comments.
Interestingly enough, I am certain the medication did something to my Histamine response, to state the least. My injection induced allergies mirror something called Mast Activation Syndrome, as well as Histamine Intolerance, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, all would be result of the injection. My allergies are so extreme I literally cannot function without Claritin allergy medication, and I still sneeze nonstop with a stuffed runny nose for WEEKS, if I am exposed to the tiniest bit of smoke/vapor, alcohol, or anything artificial scented or chemical wise ectr.. I cant even use a gas stove because of fumes, ectr.. Its asinine. Im going to an Allergist soon.

Not on Benzos, but sure wish those would work lol. I feel like vape cartilages actually get me somewhat stoned, and Im only a month out from the injection, so I have absolute confidence that my receptors will return the happy feelings & emotions I so dearly miss, once my brain heals again.
The fact I get sleepy and somewhat high feeling from vaping, after only a month out, is a sign that once Dopamine comes back into play, we will start to feel better. That will take time..

To answer your question, I did experience what seemed like Dopamine Sensitivity during the later half of those 8 months of recovery. I was also taking hormonal replacements and supplements that seemed to help my brain and libido, and I had my period back. I even had a mutual crush on a hot guy I actually felt infatuated with, ectr, and then that type of situation was all ripped away for the SECOND time in a few years, once I had that unfortunate experience at the ER this September, and they re-injected me because I complained of a REAL allergic reaction emergency. Now bam, no emotions for approximately a year..There goes the state the least..
The hospital basically kidnapped me again, as they wish to do to us all once we are in the System, so they could continue to profit from me, and the Nurses and Doctors were much more psycho than the patients, lol, But hey, we know how that goes.

I am, however, thinking that this Red Sage actually works, and does what it says it is supposed to do, as far as deactivating medication efficiency, because my Claritin Allergy medication doesnt work half as well. Which makes sense! That is grand news guys! At this rate Im going to assume by next Autumn, that the injection should be mostly deactivated. And my brain hopefully healed significantly. It could take years. But I am patient at this point, and positive, yes. I am looking forward to trying more supplements, especially Velvet Bean, after I am mostly detoxed. Then the supplements can do their job. I feel logically they cant do much till our receptors recycle/unclog.

I am also taking a diet pill from an Endocrinologist, and losing some of the weight gain. My Blood Sugar was high from this medication as well, so supplements, excercise, and Keto diet, are supposed to help. I dont want Diabetes, along with everything else..I was size 4 before this injection pill. Hoping to be back in my old clothes by Summer. Its so ludicrous I look at my life now in lost year increments, lost years that are only valid for being miserably stressed, and detoxing the injection. Its like, okay, since I got the injection in September, Im looking at losing the next year of my life. But come Autumn Im hoping to regain a life again, ectr.. Lol its beyond torture lol.
But lets all stay patient. We will heal in time friends.

Gonna try to go to sleep now, and entertain my boyfriend by faking emotions, and pretending that everythings okay, as usual. Im tired of trying to explain my suicidal depression from this situation to him, and him viewing me as some psycho suicidal nut as result. No one can understand the depth of what we are going through. Its 9:30 am, and the injection induced insomnia is screwing with me as usual. I have to memorize facts for a test later, and the injection is like ha, good luck with that sucker. Cognitive skills are a no go at the moment.

One year to go guys. One year to go.
Stay strong.
Keep you posted on all.
PS- Please excuse the question marks acting as quotation marks,ectr, in my last post. Anyone know how I can get my posts to punctuate normally?
So I have been reading that invega raises blood sugar. Has anyone become diabetic. I kinda has been scaring me
.One year to go guys. One year to go.
Stay strong.
Keep you posted on all.
PS- Please excuse the question marks acting as quotation marks,ectr, in my last post. Anyone know how I can get my posts to punctuate normally?
i was also injected in September, starting ER in july, i was drug free for almost a year too i had so much strength i could bench press 330lbs
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