Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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my brother

I may be distracted from my work but Im utterly cheered up, and sometimes that's what's really important :)
Agree with you totally.

I guess I´m finding my okay moments more often and I´m really thankful for the patience others are having with me during this strange period I´m going through.

Even the things we think will never change can and will and sometimes in ways that are of wondrous simplicity
For Summer coming soon...the weather getting warmer. The beautiful nights now, hanging out w my daughter and husband.
Another sunny day and I have my son to myself, off to the park with his bike and a football. I did this for the first time a couple of weeks ago as I haven't been physically able the last 3 years and he is only 7. He's almost got the bike riding thing nailed but more practice is required and the road where we live isnt really suitable.

I'll probably alos try and get round to fixing the broken panels (polycarbonate) in my fathers green house since it's looking so beautiful outside :)
Today I am thankful for a holiday to just unwind and get fit! I went to a short hike with one of my friends and felt sooo good reaching the peak! Not that happy with my time but I am hoping I can finish the short hike in less than an hour or at least an hour
The raccoon bandit raided our kitchen again last night, eating all the cat food and spreading peanut shells all over the floor. I'm putting it in this thread because I get such a kick out of raccoons. I just wish I could have a secret camera to watch him or her shelling the peanuts. So... thankful to live in north america where we get to see these comedians regularly.
^Smart and nimble animals.

So thankful the paper chase and red tape is fading into the past.
I am thankful for being 8 months clean from heroin. I don't really see myself going back anymore... I don't worry about that as much as I did, or really at all.
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