Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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I am thankful that the op I had in October has given me back so much of my lost mobilty. Today I'm taking my son to the park to help him with learning to ride his bike and do a bit of football (soccer), he's 7 and I've never been able to actively do either of these things with him before :)

Awh.... That's lovely :)

Thankful for the rest I had. I once heard that people are happier on Friday than they are on Sunday. Interesting.

Who else would come home to a 27yo male lying in front of the tv half dressed shivering with a bucket of stomach bile and tissue in front of them and respond by putting the kettle on.
Being free from where I was last year… A very dark place. Have peace back in my life now.
^definitely can relate but mine was 2012. Cant believe I passed through that and survived and so I am always thankful for that.
Thankful for being sober for 2 months. No opiates and no methadone.
I slept really well last night with a ton of dreaming.

Had useing dreams about smoking cigs.. ugg how gross.
Thankful for quitting methadone successfully. And everything else.
Thankful for fire. Made one last night and remembered how I used to do this so much more often. To sit in total trance by yourself under stars until the embers die down, letting thoughts give way to total absorption in the patterns created by the flames and embers is pretty trippy. Best medicine for mind chatter. ;)
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