Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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^ I am very thankful for that too. You are a beautiful and wonderful young woman and I have to admit there were lots of times I was very scared for you.<3
^Thank you ^~^

^ I am very thankful for that too. You are a beautiful and wonderful young woman and I have to admit there were lots of times I was very scared for you.<3
Thank you herbavore <3. I appreciate you so much and I really mean it. I am also so thankful to be alive... when I look back I shouldn't have made it out of some of the stuff I did/happened to me.
Thankful for the greatest news yesterday! One of my former coworkers is back! The person we hired a month and half ago decided not to come back but one of our best employees is with us again! Thank you thank u!
Thankful for my 3+ total sobriety and for the 'light' that I can finally wonder about. I'm finally feeling a bit better.
So afraid of losing that shred of safety. Or relapses. Never felt this way that whilst on methadone..
Erikmen, I can imagine that the fear of losing that "shred of safety" is huge. For me the issue of exploring "safety" in life has been really fruitful. I've always been looking for it, trying to create it, obsessing over it etc etc for as long as I can remember. It was not until my son died (the biggest fear in my life come true) that I was able to start understanding how to live without the concept of safety. There really is none. And yet humans spend their entire lives sometimes trying to prop up the illusion that there is. For me it has been a completely unexpected relief to abandon the concept of safety altogether. Amazingly, I am less anxious and less fearful now than I have ever been in my life.8) Sometimes, I still marvel at that.
Thank you Herbavore for your post.
It still hurts me when thinking about your loss. As I said, I am deeply and very sorry to about your loss.

I often ask myself how you´d manage to okay, survived and still capable of helping so many of us during important moments in our lives. Healing moments for instance.

I take my hat´s off to you and always learn something from your messages. I feel life is in debt with you.
I hear you when you say that you understand how to live without the concept of safety as there is none.
Once I absorb that I´ll be better.

Fear is something that can really jeopardize our lives IMO. And really dislike to live in fear, as it spreads in our system to the point we forget what it is that we are fearing. No one wants to fail once you´ve gotten a taste of victory.

I feel I´m growing and become more mature here in BL specifically from the past year. And try to help too.
The sober life began when I understood the concept of my former fictive normal life on methadone.
I had always believed I was already sober as methadone took away all my bad habits made me stronger to live my life. I was wrong though. I was actually imprisoned.
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Today I am thankful for my awesome dogs. Without them I would be even more insane then I already am :) Animals <3 Giving hope to the hopeless.

Nice post Erik. Fear is the only thing that keeps us from being free. It's all in the mind, that which controls everything. When we overcome fear we find ourselves on top of the world. We realize we can be anything, be anyone. Fear. The worst enemy.
The worst enemy indeed.

I´m thankful for having 'checked' all my priorities this week.

Today im thankful for not having a huge debt anymore! Hallelujah!
That´s great. Priceless!

Thankful for the sunny relaxing day ..
Thankful for my mom! She just told me she is going to come for a visit and I'm so happy. I wish everyone in the world could know my mother. She is source of so much joy and learning in my life. She is 85 years old and still going strong--she is way more knowledgeable about world affairs than I am, plays a mean gin rummy, makes the best pies in the world, volunteers at three jobs, lives on her own and takes care of her neighbors and hospice patients, has her PHD but is probably the most down to earth and humble person around, spreads joy and humor wherever she goes and is there for me (and my siblings) no matter what. She has had more than her share of hardship in life but it has never defeated her. She has so much energy that we tease her that she has geriatric ADHD.=D
^ a special kind of person that has been the role model in your life as a mother, friend, teacher.
I´m thankful for my mother although she was pretty tough with us! :)

Also thankful for the strength that has been growing silently and slow, but finally upwards.
I'm thankful for the antibiotics and for the ER doctor who prescribed them. Flu is finally giving us a break.
I finally nailed loadng a portable Win 8 install to an external USB dive, this may not seem like much but believe me MS didnt want you to do it, now I can hook it up to any laptop boot fro the USB HD and I have my own PC. no big achievement but a minor triumph for me.

Also loaded soe cusomt maps to my sons Mine Craft install, we have the thing modded and hacked to the max ;)
Very cool, now I get having your comp on a usb. I was always wondering about that and i get it now thanx.

I'm thankful for haircuts! =D
I'm so thankful for my amazing husband. I cold turkey quit opiates one week ago today after 5 years of Oxus and fentanyl patches. He has taken care of me, my daughter, gone to work, and dealt with his own addiction all at once. He is amazing and I'm lucky to have him
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