TDS Introduce Yourself! Version: Hello! Hola! Bonjour! 你好!

Hullo, all. Im Halogenpull.
I joined a bit back, maybe 5+ years. Essentially a lurcker. I joined because I was addicted to opiates, specifically morphine [oramorph]. Since then I became an IV heroin addict.
Im typing today because I need to stop. I need to flesh out my thoughts, start [again] on recovery, maybe get some support. After this i will post those words in TDS.
I also have been diagnosed with schizo-affective, major depression, OCD. Been depressed since I was a boy, The other stuff came around highschool. Im 36.
Thanks for being here.
Hey, everyone. I'm van_go88, and I just joined BP about an hour ago. I'd heard about this site before, but never got the chance to try it out. I'm 26 years old, live in Canada, and have been clean recently. I also abandoned my toxic social group, including an abusive individual (I won't post my DOC, as I don't know what the rules are on that). I left gaining nothing, at least that's how it seemed. But I'm happy I did it. I try to do things that keep me busy, to distract my wandering mind. Doing art and writing like a maniac seems to do the trick. I've gained 20 pounds in the last month, which needed to happen with being 5'8" and barely 100 lbs. I definitely feel healthier!
^ Welcome to the site, van_go (I just sent you a PM).<3 I bet that you have gained quite a bit actually--at least if you believe the adage that our worst times are our best teachers. It's been true in my experience even though that is next to impossible to see while you are going through them.:\
I am new here. My objective is to kick a low dose but long lasting oxy addiction. The state where I live is very tight now with doctor shopping, etc. so I already know what I can and cannot do. I fuess one food thing is I know nobody who sells on the streets. I have a pain mgmt doctor that I have been seeing in this state for about 3 years, for legit pain. But really I like to get high too. But she doesnt know that and everytime i get the random pee test it comes back normal. So I am taking the drug almost as prescribed. But i have been on it, or something similar, for 7 plus years.
i am going to see my pain doc tomorrow.
any suggestions on where ro start?
i have tried and failed a few times to taper. i didnt get very far.
so this is my story. Just want to get clean so I can take the grandkids to disneyworld.
Hi all -
I'm new here. found bluelight searching for resources to help with severe long-term treatment-resistant PTSD. Lifelong history of depression, dissociation, extreme anxiety (ya, ptsd). Single mum, live in N. America. Long history w all kinds of psych meds, none of which have been truly effective, essentially they all drop me back in the shit. So - i have begun alchemizing shit into gold (really! it works) through shadow-work. I'm here to share what I have and to gather support for myself. Single-parenting a super-bright crystal child while living with PTSd is a minefield, and I can use all the help I can get. Does anyone know of a blog or other forum that focuses on this? If not, guess I got a job ;)
Saying hi-

Not new here by any means but I will probably be around Here a lot more lately :/ nice to see new and old faces.
With reference to I feel duty bound to direct you here :- BL - Donations ;)
lol - unfortunately it's not $ kinda gold... Infinitely more valuable in the long run, while today i visited a local food pantry to pick up groceries for kiddo and myself (although I can proudly and truthfully say that I have financially supported MAPS whenever possible - particularly their harm-reduction program and, of course, MDMA for PTSD therapy)

I'm 21 years old. A student. Tried sobriety. It worked, for awhile until it didn't. Figured maybe with some support, it will stick again. Guess TDS is a good place for me to start, since I do suffer from some psych issues.

Sooo... yeah.
^Welcome to TDS. Do you believe you did not succeed with sobriety or that it actually did not work for you? Sobriety gives you the ability to fix what is wrong with your life, your problems will not be fixed from sobriety itself in my opinion. Drug abuse is merely something that just makes it all worse. Either way there is a HUGE support network here for psychological issues, addiction and sober living. Hope to see you around :)
Hi 27 years old just moved from California to Germany with my 5 year old. On day 3 of pretty nasty kratom withdrawals. Also 9 weeks pregnant. Currently dealing with exhaustion from not sleeping and dealing with a jetlagged little boy. i also feel pretty lonely and isolated and am starting to undergo some mild culture shock. Could use people to talk to
Hey guys, I'm 25 and am in a state of relapse from being clean and sober, which I achieved 90 days exactly, before I had a slip. I feel that my relapse is attributed to me not going to 12 step meetings and moving here to Utah from Arizona, where my entire support system and network of clean and sober friends is located. I am planning on returning to Arizona in the next month or so because staying sober without any support is a lot harder than I previously thought. So right now I am in a state of despair. Has anyone else maintained periods of sobriety, but later relapsed and feel that same rock bottom feeling once again? Assuming you have come across that hopeless place... any thoughts or ideas are much appreciated.
Hey, sharp, welcome to TDS. 90 Days is definitely early to lose your support system and go to an entirely new place. Congratulations on your decision to just 'get right back on the horse' though. Try not to fall into despair. I heard a very interesting report on the radio yesterday about what a sociologist termed "grit". She described grit as what a person has that allows them to persevere through failures because they are capable of long term thinking. This allowed them not to become stuck in the idea of having failed as it was seen as temporary and surmountable. She also went on to say that this one factor was more a predictor of success in life than IQ, emotional intelligence, aptitude or anything else that might be considered a personality trait. In other words, they are the people that keep trying no matter what. So maybe you can look at this as a good lesson about how important support is for you right now and give yourself the same compassion you would give a friend in the same situation. Jump into this thread over in Sober Living for some daily support.<3

Recently registered on BL. I came here for things unrelated to TDS. But, this moment I thought I could introduce myself here as well. I have a binge-drinking problem (like 3-4 times a week) I am still a bit in denial about. I somewhat hide the problem from family and friends, too.

I read about histories on TDS which are far more serious than mine. Still, this has been going on for quite some time and I feel I need to do something about it now. There isn't really a plan yet other than getting back more into sports--running and cycling--which temporarily helped in the past.

There will be a challenging situation coming up on Friday. I don't want to go into details due to the no-triggering policy. Anyways, not quite sure how to avoid it.

So that was more than a brief introduction. Glad to have found this community!
Welcome to bluelight poing! Man I too can't just have 1 drink. It's fucked up because i'm always drinking for the next drink, meaning if I have a six pack then I want to get to that 6th beer as soon as possible. There is no 'just 1 to relax' for this guy..

As for your other issues man, keep your head up. Do it sober so all your senses are alert, and it will make you into a better person in the long run.

If you want I can tell you some neat hiking&backpacking apps that i've found useful to help me find things to do.

Holler if you ever want to talk n get shit off your chest, I can't promise I will give you the answers you seek, I do promise that I will listen to every word and try to help you out as much as I can. :)
Hello! Im Rachel, 33 from Ireland, been here
a bit now and loving it, my DOCs are xanax, valium, any benzo really, opiates included, on a lot of pysch meds too. Hello again to all! XxxRachelxxx ???????
I'm xxjadedxx and I mean that in every sense. I'm a 29 year old mother of 2 currently pregnant with #3 and married for 10 years. I've had a pill problem for 5 almost 6 years that I've recently started kicking and love blue light for all the info and support.