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    European & African
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European Crack Cocaine Thread

Sometimes I find the bits that I clean off my pipe better than the Crack they have all been through a burn and solidify in the bottom where i chip them out, is this just me or is there a reason they are better?
I think it unlikely anyone with half a brain would rock up using group I or II metal hydroxides, especially alkali metal hydroxides, far, far too strong a base. Cocaine has two delicate ester linkages that, as esters are wont to be, are easily cleaved with either strong acid or strong alkali.

Thats why bicarb and ammonia are used, as both are mild bases. Not prone to cleaving the esters in the structure of cocaine. NaOH, KOH etc would tear it apart. You might get away with calcium bases, but they tend to have piss poor solubility in water. NaOH or KOH would rape coke in arses it didn't even know it had until then. Good idea about testing for NH3 that way. But I'd go for testing for Na+ first, as it would be quicker and more definitive.

You are a chemist julie?

And a sniff test for IDing a sulfide is a bad, BAD idea!, hydrogen sulfide is damn dangerous stuff, it fucks up the electron transport chain like cyanides or azides do, And its sneaky, paralyzes the olfactory nerve, so one ends up temporarily unable to detect the odour, and thus be lead to think it is gone. It hasn't, you just can't smell it as it sneaks up to stab you in the back.

Hydrogen selenide is even worse, its more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. And it STINKS. If you think hydrogen sulfide smells rank, just wait to you smell some of the seleniuretted versions of sulfides, mercaptans etc. Oh damn...if the sulfur cversions are bad, seleniuretted analogues are the fucking pits.

I've never smelled the tellurium analogs of any of them, but I don't want to either. I've heard of people ending up absorbing tiny amounts of Te, and getting 'tellurium breath', giving it out from every bit of their body, even things like books people affected have touched being unusable afterwards due to the stench. Even heard of people killing themselves because it was that damn awful.

I've had it happen to me with something sulfurous, and damn it was terrible, followed me around like th hounds of hell for about a week, and people would literally turn and run from 100 meters away down the road. No amount of showering or deodorant would affect it at all, I went through two bottles of shampoo and half a bottle of lynx body scrub trying to de-hadean-stench myself, to no effect whatsoever. Even came out IN my nose, in my nasal fluid, even in my tear fluid, everything I touched stank, and I had to stay in the same clothes for a week or so until it wore off, because I had to double-bag the clothes worn in trash bags, take them out to buttfuck nowhere, and burn the lot. They'd never be fit for human use again, and had to be be burnt, everything but my shoes. Even a leather belt had to go in the fire. I shudder to think how unpleasant tellurium breath is.
The amount of hydrogen sulphide you're likely to breathe in from heating a minimal amount of stuff you're testing (which might not even have been a sulphide, so you get to multiply the amount by the probability) must have been considered acceptable for 15-16 year-olds in 1987.

Different times, different attitudes, I guess .....
Was more pointing it out that it isn't notorious, as say, cyanide is, people just think 'oh, rotting eggs', and might well not be careful. Obviously test-tube microscale work is nothing to worry about. But H2S is a sly little bastard, the kind of thing that sneaks up on people and stabs them in the back just when they think the problem has gone away.

I have to agree though that school science classes have been pussyfied. My last school, they told me they were unable to purchase red or white phosphorus, or alkali metals further down the periodic table than potassium. I couldn't help but think 'fucking hell, I should have brought my own equipment with me, its better than what I'm going to see here.

Although there were amusing moments, like watching the labs teacher flounder and fuck about trying to get a metallothermic reduction going, classic Al/iron oxides type thermite IIRC, and she couldn't get it going. Should have used my trick of a drinking straw stuffed with a mixture of sodium or potassium chlorate and powdered table sugar, along with 15%-20% NaCl to phlegmatize it.. and then there was the fish tank and the ;'misidentified' alkali metal. Which went into the water (no fish, obviously), having been cut to size thinking it was sodium. It was potassium, and a large lump of it, that immediately blasted itself skywards in the form of a molten blob, spattered all over the ceiling, and started to drip down as a molten potassium rain back into the water, causing a chain of secondary explosions Was funny as hell watching both the teacher and everyone else in the class duck for cover. I just stayed to watch the fireworks=D

Although I have been treated to at least one ;'oh SHIT' moment with the alkali metals, in this case during electrolysis using a molten KOH-NaOH eutectic, thing started producing NaK alloy too fast, balls of molten NaK alloy forming and blasting off like machinegun fire, ended up having to cut the power at the circuit breakers because I couldn'tget near the lab power supply, which is now very, very dead.

And one occasion a ball of molten Na sodium did go off at just the right angle to wind up hitting the bridge of my nose and burning/blasting a hole in my septum.

Still, it should be up to the damn teachers to decide what they need to order, and not face difficulties obtaining materials. The school before that didn't even fucking bother, at all, teaching science. Really blew arse. They showed us, once, during the entire time I was there, the colorimetric reaction between iodine tincture and the starch of a cut potato. At as far away as possible it was possible to get, as if iodine or iodine tincture is going to leap up and bite anyone in the ass. If there are any halogens that are going to do that, its fluorine or bromine, since Br2 has the potential to splatter all over someone if they weren't careful enough. It isn't as if a school science class is being conducted in a WWII trench, with chlorine gas accumulating in the areas people are going to. And of course the interhalogens, they do have teeth, so to speak. I've seen how unholy corrosive iodine monochloride is for example, to get an idea, normal plastics used for keck clips died within 15 minutes, crumbled and fell to pieces. Rusted stainless ones badly in less than a day, and I store mine in a glass bottle with a perfluorinated cap with a flexible, compressile fluoropolymer seal, that is extremely resistant to attack by anything from ICl to chromyl chloride, chromic acid and storing bromine long term, not a scratch on the cap or seals, at least not chemical attack,but anything normal and commonplace would tear the containers would just have been disintegrated.

But iodine itself? all its going to do is make your fingers turn brownish orange if you have to pick up a large piece, and iodine/KI/EtOH tincture isn't going to hurt anyone unless they get it in their eyes or drink the stuff. And there probably isn't enough I2 in a bottle of tincture to do anyone really serious harm. Yet that was ALL this dump did, the whole time I was there.

Hm, makes me think 'no wonder I ended up building a lab' because that school left me really, really PISSED at their lack of any science classes.
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ammonia or bicarb doesnt particularly matter. infact all things being the same i probably prefer bicarb, tastes better. theres no great inherent difference. crack snobbery, good lord
So you reckon metal hydroxides would decompose the cocaine rather than just hydrolysing out the acid? Yeah, I can see that happening, if there are ester groups present in the cocaine molecule. Never been into crack, fortunately. Don't plan on getting that way, either. And I'm unlikely ever to be making any myself now Jess is gone. But I probably would have used NaHCO3 as that was just the closest thing at hand. Or maybe Na2CO3.

At typical user-stash levels, using the human nose as a detector of ammonia or sulphides -- or even heavier group-16 elements -- is unlikely to be too harmful; but if you can afford bigger quantities of drugs, you probably should be budgeting for some proper test equipment that isn't quite so fragile and irreplaceable.

Selenium was used in the rectifiers found in some old TV sets, record players and tape recorders, and they don't half ming when they fail. Not something you want to be around for any length of time.

One of the worst cases of "bad air" I ever experienced, though, was a wave soldering machine on fire in an electronics factory where I used to work. It was odourless, but also utterly unbreathable. The shop floor staff were unimpressed -- "Come on, everybody out and call J.S. and let him know the solder machine's on fire again".
Heh that reminds me of the solder bath I use for medium-temperature work, something above the pay grade of a hotplate, but not requiring the likes of an oxyhydrogen flame or arc torch, Had been working for a while, keeping a vessel constructed for the purpose, along with an inert gas flow and pair of carbon rods, dipped in a eutectic mixture of KOH and NaOH, which helps to recover the alkali metals if using electrowinning type means, as NaOH forms a solid blue-grey material, with a texture britle like molten and resolidified caustic, but reactive, like an alkali metal, although less reactive than the metals themselves undiluted, KOH probably does too, and there is only a window of about 20 'C where you can actually recover the sodium metal from the dross, where it won't just melt back in to form a corrosive slag, so using the eutectic allows the melting point of the combined salts to drop lower than either of the hydroxides alone, although with the 'small print' that an alloy of sodium and potassium, known as NaK, is liquid, flows like mercury, blows up with more aggression than potassium, stuff has a hair trigger.

Had been working anyhow, for a whole, until I started to notice this nasty pervasive heavy fog in the air, turned out it was the lead, leaching out and vaporising, didn't have a taste as such, but you feel it shrivelling away at your teeth. Nasty.

Heh, just what I was thinking of, selenium rectifiers. As for ammonia, it is corrosive if there is enough of it, but other than anhydrous ammonia, not what I'd call potentially threatening. Don't drink it is about as worrying as it gets. Its the heavier analogs, phosphine and arsine mostly, stibine and bismithine being rather unstable, althouth stibine at least is enough so to be toxic) Ammonia you know what its going to do, phosphine is just unpleasant, it stinks, its highly poisonous and usually accompanied when formed by some P2H4, diphosphine, which behaves much like diborane, pyrophoric, very toxic, smells like utter shite. (never smelled diborane myself, don't want to either, but have experienced pentaborane, and it smells more than bad enough to make the toxicity of diborane pottentially be one of its BETTER characteristics, pentaborane fucking reeks, like rotting stagnant dairy produce.

As for the higher analogs of the chalcogen compounds, toxicity goes up exponentially as one goes down the chalcogens, as do the stenches, H2S is of high toxicity, and smells like bad eggs. The smell of H2Se is absolutely VILE, and its of higher acute lethality than hydrogen cyanide. H2S is dangerous IMO mostly for its sneakyness, the way it acts to prevent its own perception, and that it can knock someone dead with one breath of the H2S-contaminated air in say, a sewer drain, its gotten people in chains as they've gone down, and finished off the rescuers on occasion too, even when they knew it was there.

And the SMELL goes from none, with oxygen (alcohols etc.) to pretty bad with the likes of alkyl sulfides, alkyl mercaptans (one can smell for example, one part per trillion of dimethyl trisulfide in air, smells like rotting flesh and shit), and for a taste of what the family are like, you ever been out in the woods, and suddenly been punched in the nose by the stench of something putrid and rotten? its probably a stink-horn, one of a group of gasteroid fungi known as the phalloids, for their frequent resemblence to...well lets just put it this way, they look as unspeakable as they smell. One can smell the stinkhorns long before one ever SEES the fungus or fungi themselves growing, but if one does, then its likely to be heaving with blowflies, come to feast on the rancid, food-poisoning-dirrhea looking slime that dribbles from the thin sliver of tissue which serves somewhat as a cap.

Looks and smells just like what you'd expect from a dick thats just fucked a dead dog up the arse. Gives off a fragrant aroma of methanethiol, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide and a bunch of other sulfurous stinkers. Its just as well they didn't opt to base their blow-fly come-hither signals upon selenium, stinkhorns you can get used to, but the selenium equivalent would be an abomination of the worst kind. As for tellurium, probably too sparsely dispersed in earths soil for an organism to be widespread and successful, but the equivalent tellurides, I've heard of people who've come into contact with Te killing themselves becauseof the stench that followed them for ages after, even contamimating the pages of books they'd read so one would straight away know who had been reading what, by the stench=D And remember that tale told by Sasha Shulgin about that train carriage, guy drops a vial of dibutyl telluride, it breaks (of course :p) and scratch one train, permanently unfit for human habitation. Scrap metal from then on. For real stench based fun though IMO few things beat pyridine. A drop of pyridine base on the heaters of something like a metrolink carriage, and you'll have everybody running for cover clutching their stomachs. (OK, I admit it, I could be a real little shyte as a kid, all kinds of creative uses for things like pyridine, skatole, cadaverine, mercaptans)

Great way to get rid of the likes of a pack of obnoxious chanting drunk football fans though. Perfect for when you decide you just aren't willing to share the same air as them a moment longer. and that they are the ones who are vacating. the premises. Something one is used to or grown to be able to tolerate, whilst being utterly foul when it first presents itself for examination, works a treat=D

As for crack, not one for it myself either. I don't see the point. Too high cost too little return,
the point is, its pretty much the ultimate euphoric rush. perhaps your first one or two good mdma come ups approach it, but generally, yes its the pinnacle
I'm just 'meh' about it personally to be honest. And it isn't as if I am incapable of performing solvent washes and recrystallizations then basifying something, fragile diester or no fragile diester and collecting the product in diethyl ether and stripping it off under vacuum at room temperature or below, with a very low vacuum, to recycle the ether. So it isn't as if I've never tried. But the massive sudden systemic absorption of a local anaesthetic, plus potential anxiogenic effect of stimulants, the potential for cardiac arrhythmias, or panic about the potential also, due to the sudden massive spike in plasma levels of a voltage-gated sodium channel blocker. Not really a very commendable drug IMO, rock.

To say nothing of the assortment of cuntage it attracts as a rule. Crackheads are usually pieces of shit, the sort of noxious little louse you might score off the street from, you just can't help but want to reach for a can of fly spray and put them down on seeing the creatures. Not that I associate myself with such foul little oiks.
...I'm just 'meh' about it personally to be honest...

This, 100%.

I know I am repeating myself as per but while I have always found cocaine an extremely pleasant drug it is probably my least favourite among the popular illicit drugs of use - it's price in the UK, even before it doubled, has always seemed ludicrous to me and it's main attraction to me has always been the short duration - unlike speed, which I have always preferred, I have found coke useful as a drug that one can have a quick twist of on a work night with no need for a sedative afterwards and when low doses are used, the hangover is no worse than the somewhat thick but manageable head I would experience from a moderate amount of alcohol.

The main reason I find myself eating my words is that while I am not socialising I have no access to, or opportunities to enjoy, a night on speed while inversely, I have easy access to crack as all the junk merchants I have ever known have always sold both and as I see no point in smoking any more than 2 or 3 stones (as it costs hundreds of pounds to maintain what I always find is an inevitably diminishing effect) the hour long prang I get for 20 pounds or so makes it the cheapest dose unit of cocaine available.

Although I only smoke small amounts I have been smoking far too much recently due to the amount of heroin I have been using while my ganja man has been away, the last pipe being around 7 or 8 minutes ago just prior to starting this post 8)
Fuck cocaine. Fuck crack . I know its lure. Ive been there. The crack pipe is like paranoia city for me . Tho i did abuse mdpv back in zeee days haha!

Price way too high in uk.

Just all round shitty drug.

Rather bomb 10mg of amt .

I read this thread as a friend has started using the rock daily. I wonder how long he will keep stable? :/
I got some stuff today my guy bought it special for a occasion and it is unreal 100 for a bit the size of 40 normal stuff white and if you look really close it has a slight yellow colour to it but the normal stuff looks yellow next to it, phoned him straight back after 1 pipe and asked if he could get more.

Wish I could take a photo as this is the best I have ever had, once you smoke this you cant smoke the other stuff it tastes horrible, this is the absolute cream. Wow!
Fuck cocaine. Fuck crack . I know its lure. Ive been there. The crack pipe is like paranoia city for me . Tho i did abuse mdpv back in zeee days haha!

Price way too high in uk.

Just all round shitty drug.

Rather bomb 10mg of amt .

I read this thread as a friend has started using the rock daily. I wonder how long he will keep stable? :/

I have smoked crack daily for around 2 month and 3 -4 times a week before that for 3 months and it has a effect on you but you only notice it when you go out into social settings. I felt a little paranoid and very self conscious, I felt like people were talking about me not everyone but say there way a few people having a coffee and they suddenly burst out laughing, I would think "are laughing at me?" I think I can sum up what crack does to you if you abuse it.

It destroys your confidence.
I'm in a fucking horrible state of mind lately and would smoke crack if it was in front of me. Thankfully I have no supplier for that sort of thing.

Although not long ago in Finsbury Park (aka drugs central N London) I let a girl who was waiting for b and w with her friend in the same place as I was waiting for weed use my phone to ring her man. I actually gave her the phone to speak to him (I'm far too trusting) but I'm pretty sure I could have outrun them, they didn't look healthy. It was sad, the girl looked all gaunt and hollow eyed, couldn't have been older than early 20s. So I had a B/W dealer's number on my phone..for five minutes. I deleted it immediately, fuck having that option there. I remember the guy asking for 'one and one' - I can guess what that means!
I got some stuff today my guy bought it special for a occasion and it is unreal 100 for a bit the size of 40 normal stuff white and if you look really close it has a slight yellow colour to it but the normal stuff looks yellow next to it, phoned him straight back after 1 pipe and asked if he could get more.

Wish I could take a photo as this is the best I have ever had, once you smoke this you cant smoke the other stuff it tastes horrible, this is the absolute cream. Wow!

Really just illustrates how crap your usual score is doesn't it?

It was probably high quality hcl cooked with ammonia, whereas what you usually get sounds like poor quality hcl adulterated to fuck with cuts that also rock up, cooked with an overload of bicarb - lovely
Man the dealers round my way are not good I had one guy would deliver but I knew he was too nice for the game got ran out of town, now all the dealers use addicts to deliver so all the bags are dipped and people are getting ripped off left right and centre.

I was rattling about 2 weeks ago and my usual guy wouldn't answer the phone so I went out to score the guy said go to X place and wait so I do, guy turns up with my order 6 of each and I am buzzing almost feel myself getting better without gear. I get home and take the bags out and the cunt had taken all the dark and put crumbs od light in them, they were those brown rizla so it all looked OK.

After running around all day sick and getting ripped of like that it broke me, I almost started crying it was such a let down it was savage and I had nothing left in the tank, then just as I was ready to scream my other dealer ring and tells me he is about. I couldn't belive the timing but that whole saga was the kick to get off skag I needed.
I have smoked crack daily for around 2 month and 3 -4 times a week before that for 3 months and it has a effect on you but you only notice it when you go out into social settings. I felt a little paranoid and very self conscious, I felt like people were talking about me not everyone but say there way a few people having a coffee and they suddenly burst out laughing, I would think "are laughing at me?" I think I can sum up what crack does to you if you abuse it.

It destroys your confidence.

If you carry on for, say, another year your summary of 'what crack does to you if you abuse it' will be an entirely different story altogether - guaranteed.

It'll destroy a whole lot more than your confidence mate.

You're not that far in yet but sounds like you're getting there. A really cool thing would be to try to stop today, unless you're into volunteering for hell-on -earth that is.

Love to you bro/sis <3
can you tell which one is the creme de la creme?
I keep losing shit when I'm high on crack, is that normal? Anyone else get this? I think my brain is fried if im honest this crack I have now is my last then i'm done.