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Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (Help!)

The best way to describe it is as an "emotional roller coaster" ride. Those with BP have much insecurity. They experience a variety of rapidly changing feelings.

Their feelings of emptiness stem from the fact that they have a poor sense of self-esteem. Borderlines do not know who they are and can spend a life time trying to find out. This may be evidenced through numerous career changes, frequent moves to different geographical locations and attempts to fit in with others.

Borderlines lack trust in others and do not value themselves highly, as a result they tend to feel they are unworthy of love and that they will be let down by those close to them. This is understandable when interactions with parents and family members were abusive, they have been taught not to trust. They expect to be let down even abused.

As a result of their lack of self-esteem they tend to choose dominant partners who are able to give their life purpose and meaning through association. They fear abandonment which is either real (such as the impending break up of a relationship) or imaginary e.g. distrust of a partners fidelity. They also undertake in behaviour that perpetuates their own abandonment.

Borderlines tend to have strong feelings of guilt seeing themselves as "bad", "not good enough" or when sexual abuse has occurred "dirty". They may even feel they deserve the punishment they get when their adult relationships become abusive - it's comfortable to them because they may be used to it.

Sex is usually an ordeal for Borderlines if sexual abuse occurred in their childhood as they associate the act with their abuse.

Borderlines are angry people reacting inappropriately to trivial situations. They can rage when their needs are not met (having a sense of entitlement despite their apparent lack of self-worth) or when they fail to be good enough and can remain angry for a long time after the event.

When relationships end normal people grieve then accept that it is in effect over and move on with their lives. Borderlines will often "to and fro" impulsively ending a relationship then go on to regret their decision. They feel overpowered by emptiness and not knowing who they are and become desperate to go back to their ex who largely defines their existence. This can happen several times before the relationship finally ends.

Being the partner of a Borderline can be a harrowing experience and inevitably partners have thoughts of leaving. If a Borderline has been dumped (or suspect they will be) they will say and do anything to win back their ex. This may include attempting to or make threats to commit suicide in order to show their commitment to "die for love", gauge the depth of her ex's feelings or even to make them feel sorry for what they did to hurt them. Of course suicide is also a way out of the despair they feel. These attempts to avoid abandonment may work in the short term but they do nothing to keep a partner long term. They do not reinforce feelings of love, more often that not it just evokes guilt and pity.

Borderlines tend to fall in love quickly, their relationships develop fast and may burn out just as fast. They do not take the time to get to know the person they are attaching themselves to, their values or their character. They open themselves up to the other person quickly possibly having sex on their first date, moving in with their new partner within a few weeks and getting married within a few months. They will have an inflated view of their partner - that their new love interest is the best thing that has ever happened to them, good and true.

Not long after the relationship starts reality starts to creep its way in. A Borderlines partner may do something that shows they are not perfect and the situation does a complete 180 degree turn. The Borderline sees their partner as distasteful and unworthy, this is deflation.

The Borderline can only see in black and white, someone is either "all good" or "all bad" at one time. This is known as "splitting". For example, imagine that a woman spends all day in the kitchen preparing a surprise meal for her partner. She cooks all his favourite dishes, dims down the lights and sets the table just so. She has thoughts about how great her partner is, how much they love them and how well the evening is going to go. The partner comes home an hour late, possibly because work was busy and there was heavy traffic etc. With a Borderline there is no "he's late, I wonder why? I'm upset because my effort has been spoiled but then again I didn't warn him. well he looks upset he's late let's enjoy what we can." there is only "he doesn't appreciate what I do for him, he doesn't love me, he's useless". So they rage, say hurtful things and lash out. Later on when they calm down they reflect on what they have done and become afraid of abandonment they will try to make amends. Their relationships can be extremely passionate where good "make up sex" seems to support the idea that the relationship is meant to be but ultimately the relationship starts to suffer and often ends as quickly as it started.

This black and white view of others is also mirrored in their view of themselves. Borderlines think: "when you are good, you may feel entitled to special treatment and live outside the rules made for others. You may feel entitled to take whatever you wish and to have everything good al to yourself. When you are bad, you may feel entitled to nothing. You may feel responsible for all that is evil and expect punishment. If punishment does not come, you may invite it from others or inflict it on yourself" (pg. 15). He goes on to explain that a Borderline has the ability to affect other people's feelings and behaviours on the basis of the intensity and changeability of their feelings (projection/transference).

Borderlines experience paranoia and dissociation when they are under stress. They fear people are conspiring to harm them and experience a "loss of awareness, time, location or their identity." Most people experience dissociation to some degree in their lives e.g. daydreaming in lectures or whilst driving a car. People with BPD may experience more regular and lengthier episodes to the point where they have lost days and can't remember where they have been or what they have done - it feels as if they are losing their mind or having a nervous breakdown. It is not uncommon for normal people to experience such dissociation during periods of stress.

Borderlines love love - they are obsessed by it and will do anything to ensure they get it. To them it is a means of filling up their loneliness and lack of Self through another person rather than an expression of regard or caring for someone as an equal partner.

While their need for love is apparent they don't know how to return love. In reality they are afraid of intimacy and do not have the emotional strength to fight their fears of inadequacy or abandonment in a manner that makes it possible for them to return love. After the passion of new love subsides they become bored, often moving on to a new partner. If they continue in the relationship "instead of deepening concern and communication, there ensues a struggle for control. The arena of this often violent struggle may include time, money, sex, fidelity, spiritual beliefs, children, or physical and emotional distance. The centerpiece of the struggle is the threat of abandonment."

Borderlines do not trust others and as such their relationships are fraught with battles. They are manipulative and will hurt others when their needs are not being met by raging or sometimes by physically hurting themselves or less likely their partners. Because partners get frustrated and try to regain their own power they may "strike back or flee."

Borderlines do not love themselves, in fact they practice self-hatred. Psychologists often comment that anyone who doesn't love themselves can't truly love others.

Regardless of how a person with Borderline Personality Disorder alters and tailor her appearance and actions to please others, she often presents with a clear and characteristic personality pattern over time. This pattern usually evolves through three stages: The Vulnerable Seducer, The Clinger, and The Hater. This evolution may take months, and sometimes even years to cycle through. In the later periods, the personality often swings wildly back and forth from one phase to the next.
a quote from "Romeo's Bleeding" -
The world ails her. Physical complaints are common. Her back hurts. Her head aches. Peculiar pains of all sorts come and go like invisible, malignant companions. If you track their appearance, though, you may see a pattern of occurrence connected to the waning or waxing of your attentions. Her complaints are ways of saying, "don't leave me. Save me!" And Her maladies are not simply physical. Her feelings ail her too.

She is depressed or anxious, detached and indifferent or vulnerable and hypersensitive. She can swing from elated agitation to mournful gloom at the blink of an eye. Watching the erratic changes in her moods is like tracking the needle on a Richter-scale chart at the site of an active volcano, and you never know which flick of the needle will predict the big explosion.

But after every emotional Vesuvius she pleads for your mercy. And if she has imbedded her guilt-hooks deep enough into your conscientious nature, you will stay around and continue tracking this volcanic earthquake, caught in the illusion that you can discover how to stop Vesuvius before she blows again. But, in reality, staying around this cauldron of emotional unpredictability is pointless. Every effort to understand or help this type of woman is an excruciatingly pointless exercise in emotional rescue.

It is like you are a Coast Guard cutter and she is a drowning woman. But she drowns in a peculiar way. Every time you pull her out of the turbulent sea, feed her warm tea and biscuits, wrap her in a comfy blanket and tell her everything is okay, she suddenly jumps overboard and starts pleading for help again. And, no matter how many times you rush to the emotional - rescue, she still keeps jumping back into trouble. It is this repeating, endlessly frustrating pattern which should confirm to you that you are involved with a Borderline Personality Disorder. No matter how effective you are at helping her, nothing is ever enough. No physical, financial or emotional assistance ever seems to make any lasting difference. It's like pouring the best of your self into a galactic-sized Psychological Black Hole of bottomless emotional hunger. And if you keep pouring it in long enough, one-day you'll fall right down that hole yourself. There will be nothing left of you but your own shadow, just as it falls through her predatory "event horizon." But before that happens, other signs will reveal her true colors.

Sex will be incredible. She will be instinctually tuned in to reading your needs. It will seem wonderful - for a while.

Just come out of a relationship with someone with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) every word of that jut rings true... how are you so knowledgeable littlepenguin?
Living with BPD

I am borderline and I'm thankful my husband has stood beside me for over 18 years. Yes, I am difficult at times, but I'm settling down a little as I'm 38. I had no idea some people viewed people with bpd with such distaste. I never tell people I was diagnosed. I guess that's why I'm a bit shocked after reading all your posts. My husband is a saint..lol
honestly, I think I might be borderline myself. I know it's not as common in men... but I do use the defense mechanism of "splitting", but at the same time I'm sadistic and egotistical. I'm deeply troubled and fucked up, I will honestly probably end up dieing by suicide. If she's anything like me, then take my advice, you don't want to be with one of us. (I was diagnosed ASPD, but I find that hard to believe.)
honestly, I think I might be borderline myself. I know it's not as common in men... but I do use the defense mechanism of "splitting", but at the same time I'm sadistic and egotistical. I'm deeply troubled and fucked up, I will honestly probably end up dieing by suicide. If she's anything like me, then take my advice, you don't want to be with one of us. (I was diagnosed ASPD, but I find that hard to believe.)

Yes, your right we might be fucked up, but we all have our good traits as well, don't ever forget that!
I did not write this but I could have

This is something to keep in mind for people who are trying to maintain a relationship with someone with BPD

You wanted to know the worst about me, the things I told no one and hid below the surface. How do I explain it? How do I explain who I am when I am not even sure of it myself? How do I put into words the worst parts of me that I have run from for so long? I will tell you my secrets, I will tell you everything. Maybe it will help me. Maybe you will hate me for it or maybe you will understand. I don't know, but I am sick of running. So here it is, I will give you what you want.

I hate you. That is not true, but sometimes I think it is. I will not answer the phone when you call, even though I want to talk to you. I will not call you, even though it is all I want to do. I will not reach out to you, even though every part of me wants to. I will be mad at you, I will want to hurt you, I will drive you away because I am afraid to let you closer. I need your constant attention, your reassurances, but I will greet them with cold indifference. I will be jealous of the attention you give others, and I will get mad at you for ignoring me. I will feel close to you and care for you one day, only to be mad and want you out of my life the next.

I am an emotional amnesiac, maybe I always have been. I take each event, each day, each conversation as a seperate event, always looking for signs that you might hurt me. When I feel neglected, I will get mad and forget that the day before you told me how much you cared. I am an inconsistent mess. There is a part of me who is happy and confident and another part that is insecure and needy. These days, I never know which one it will be. Every time I think I am in control, that I know you care and I feel comfortable with our relationship, the fear and doubt will come back. Maybe with time it will go away completely, but doubt it. All it will take is another close relationship, another new friend, another day and it will be back.

You ask what you can do and I do not know what to say. The needy part of me wants your constant attention, it needs your words and thoughts, your presence. But I know that is not the answer, I must accept the limitations on our relationship. The scared part of me wants you out of my life because it would be easier. The hateful part of me wants to hurt you because it thinks you have hurt me. All I can ask you to do is to understand, to not give up. I will ignore you at times, I may be rude to you, I may try to hurt you. I may hide from you and wait for you to reach out to me, so I know you will care. It is not fair to do these things, but I will. I cannot ask you to put up with this, it is not fair and no matter how I act, I care too much to put you through this. But you asked, and this is all I have to tell you.

I do not like this. I do not like that I am needy and clinging. I do not like that I hurt people. I do not like that I am rude and sarcastic to those around me. I do not like this part of myself. For years, I have ignored this and pretended it was me, but I have realized that is wrong. This is not me, it is a false identity created to protect me from the world. This was not an easy realization, and perhaps I haven't fully accepted it yet. But I have found my path, I have realized I can change and I can accept this side of me and keep it from becoming who I am. It will not be easy and it will not be quick, but I have faith that I can do it. Perhaps one day I will see me as the person you see behind my defenses, and perhaps one day I will let others see that person as well.

This is for you, but you are many people. You are the people close to me now. You are the people I want to be close to even though I have kept you away. You are the friends I have pushed away in the past, the friends I never forgave and never let back in my life, the friends I never had the chance to tell this to. You are the people I will meet in the future, the people I will care about until once again I push them out of my life. You are the part of me that is still trying to understand who I am. You are all of these people and many more.
these are words that i could have spoken as well, if only i could be so brave and honest :\ i'm not diagnosed, but this describes me to a t, and it's a painful way of life.
honestly, I think I might be borderline myself. I know it's not as common in men... but I do use the defense mechanism of "splitting", but at the same time I'm sadistic and egotistical. I'm deeply troubled and fucked up, I will honestly probably end up dieing by suicide. If she's anything like me, then take my advice, you don't want to be with one of us. (I was diagnosed ASPD, but I find that hard to believe.)

Agreed, uncommon is right, but not unheard of by any means. I am a guy and I am extreme borderline. As far as relationships go mine are always ridiculous to say the least, to the point where I have just given up trying to be in a relationship because I am just not fit for it. To top it all off, for some reason I am drawn to women with similar personality disorders (which is usually awesome at first but can turn horrendous quite quickly). My friends have gotten used to it and I feel like it makes them even better friends. They are used to my extreme behavior and sometimes I show my affection in ways that most would find insulting. Lol I don't know why these assholes put up with me. Honestly I would have to say run away and don't try to fix a relationship with someone who's BPD because I know myself and wouldn't want to have to put up with it if I were someone else.
I've been diagnosed borderline...

When you have such low self worth, you can't see how anyone else could be affected by the negative things you do to yourself because the default is to believe that you are completely worthless to everyone and that you have nothing to offer. So why would anyone else care?

My friend described to me what it's like to listen to me hate on myself so much as "ripping into one of his friends" and until then that perspective never even dawned on me.

I completely hate the idea of hurting the people who care, but when you're in a particular headspace, it's hard to believe that you have any impact on anyone.

Hopefully that sheds some light on why people with bpd can act in certain ways...
I recently ended a relationship with a Narcissist, so I can relate to what you're going through. It had moments of heaven, but even those were invariably tinged with hell. He used up every last cent of my money (and then some) and cried victim at every turn. He was also obsessed with his own reflection (true to the Narcissus myth, ironically enough) but became very angry and abusive when I did not placate his emotional needs (which were many) in precisely the correct, plentiful manner.

I have no idea how I didn't put the pieces together sooner, but knowing this person was just troubled & empty has helped me to let go... realising there was nothing to hold on to - nothing genuine - beneath the fake smiles, the faux confidence, the endless pity-party he was constantly throwing himself; all there was, was one lost, lonely, scared little boy, who sadly, secretly, got off on the fact that he was sexually abused during childhood. The guilt and manipulation were all covers for his inability to accept his complicity in getting fucked up the arse. For shame :\
Hi guys.

I'm gay. I got into a 6 month long intense, emotionally abusive friendship with a straight guy who I think has borderline personality disorder. About 95% sure he is. I used to be very extroverted and talk in a stream of conscious style, so he would talk like that back to me about his issues and thoughts on the world which is why I think so (he fits all the symptoms, judging from how he views the world and other people and his behaviour in general). He was abused as a child. He forms really intense friendships with gay guys and then after about 6 months is horrible to them.

He was a lair, manipulative, nasty and emotionally abusive. The worst thing is he was so charming and funny at first I literally thought the sun shone out of his arse and he manipulated me so much he made me think that I was crazy and that it was all my fault when we were no longer friends. He literally made me think that I was crazy. (I said to him once after he told me that everyone we worked with thought I was intense ''Does everyone think I'm crazy?'' he replied ''I cant help you with this you just need to be aware of how you come across to others'.)

The guy completely ruined my life - he destroyed my confidence so I couldn't do my job anymore (was fundraising, its like sales you need to be confident), he destroyed my entire sense of identity (I used to be a very innoncent little hippy boy believe all that love is an energy! bull****), and then made me loose out on social circles as he then started lying about me to mutual friends.

The friendship ended with me hitting him in the face at a party.

It is hard for me to even speculate on whether or not deep down he is a nice person because he told me so many lies throughout the relationship-like-friendship that nothing he says can be trusted.

In my experience people with this disorder are dangerous. They can ruin people's lives. This is a really serious matter.

I gave this guy so much love, so much leeway, so much time, and he treated me like utter shit and literally ruined my life.

Now he's the only person I've known with this disorder so I can't comment on people with it in general but if others out there are like him the advice I would give is see a therapist about your issues rather than take them out on other people, because the only thing that waits for you otherwise is unhappiness and probably substancy dependency. Mainting a friendship/relationship with someone like that is so intense and so draining you would have to be a zen buddist or something to have the mental strength to put up with it.

That said people with this disorder, from researching it, have often had really hard lives and in this case this guy i was friends with was 1) sexually abused as child 2) alcoholic father 3) smokes skunk all day 4) beaten up by gangs a lot 5) bullied as teenager so they are going through a lot of pain inside and they deserve pity and empathy but they just don't seem to be equipped to be able to give it back.

People with this disorder should get therapy rather than self-medicating through emotionally abusing others.

I will probably meet a nice borderline at some point and then my opinion will mature but for the time being... just urgh.
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I have no idea how I didn't put the pieces together sooner, but knowing this person was just troubled & empty has helped me to let go... realising there was nothing to hold on to - nothing genuine - beneath the fake smiles, the faux confidence, the endless pity-party he was constantly throwing himself; all there was, was one lost, lonely, scared little boy :\

That's a really nice turn of phrase and powerful way to look at it, thank you. :)
Hi guys.

I'm gay. I got into a 6 month long intense, emotionally abusive friendship with a straight guy who I think has borderline personality disorder. About 95% sure he is. I used to be very extroverted and talk in a stream of conscious style, so he would talk like that back to me about his issues and thoughts on the world which is why I think so (he fits all the symptoms, judging from how he views the world and other people and his behaviour in general). He was abused as a child. He forms really intense friendships with gay guys and then after about 6 months is horrible to them.

He was a lair, manipulative, nasty and emotionally abusive. The worst thing is he was so charming and funny at first I literally thought the sun shone out of his arse and he manipulated me so much he made me think that I was crazy and that it was all my fault when we were no longer friends. He literally made me think that I was crazy. (I said to him once after he told me that everyone we worked with thought I was intense ''Does everyone think I'm crazy?'' he replied ''I cant help you with this you just need to be aware of how you come across to others'.)

The guy completely ruined my life - he destroyed my confidence so I couldn't do my job anymore (was fundraising, its like sales you need to be confident), he destroyed my entire sense of identity (I used to be a very innoncent little hippy boy believe all that love is an energy! bull****), and then made me loose out on social circles as he then started lying about me to mutual friends.

The friendship ended with me hitting him in the face at a party.

It is hard for me to even speculate on whether or not deep down he is a nice person because he told me so many lies throughout the relationship-like-friendship that nothing he says can be trusted.

In my experience people with this disorder are dangerous. They can ruin people's lives. This is a really serious matter.

I gave this guy so much love, so much leeway, so much time, and he treated me like utter shit and literally ruined my life.

Now he's the only person I've known with this disorder so I can't comment on people with it in general but if others out there are like him the advice I would give is see a therapist about your issues rather than take them out on other people, because the only thing that waits for you otherwise is unhappiness and probably substancy dependency. Mainting a friendship/relationship with someone like that is so intense and so draining you would have to be a zen buddist or something to have the mental strength to put up with it.

That said people with this disorder, from researching it, have often had really hard lives and in this case this guy i was friends with was 1) sexually abused as child 2) alcoholic father 3) smokes skunk all day 4) beaten up by gangs a lot 5) bullied as teenager so they are going through a lot of pain inside and they deserve pity and empathy but they just don't seem to be equipped to be able to give it back.

People with this disorder should get therapy rather than self-medicating through emotionally abusing others.

I will probably meet a nice borderline at some point and then my opinion will mature but for the time being... just urgh.

sounds like your describing more of a sociopath

by default borderline personality doesn't make you a liar

i'm freinds with a few borderlines and they actually want to be liked and get along with people they just have severe mood swings that cause issues (impulsive behaviour e.g.drunken fighting, promiscuity, drug misuse). someone who tries to mess up your life is a lot more extreme.

i worked with an extreme borderline but her behaviour was verging on evil. there are degrees of intensity especially as its a personality disorder.

dont tar all please. also these books with vast swathes written on personality disorders are a bit much. if you dont like someones behaviour- dont have them in your life...
Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the hardest things to deal with. The uncertainty of what your words meant to them, when you knew it was harmless. They take is as an insult, or being attacked. It is like walking on egg shells. The sudden mood swings, the impulsive actions, the venom they spit and they even wonder why did I say that. It is scary how unpredictable they can be sometimes.

Does BPD peak at a certain time? I have been with my girl for 5 years and it seems like the last 2 years it really bceame noticeable. Can drug use make this come about? I am not 100% certain about information like that, and maybe one of my fellow BL could answer that for me? When I say drugs I am referring to E, Opiates, Pot?
^Drug use definitely can magnify the symptoms of BPD. I for sure know they have for me. As for a peak, I think it's different for everyone. For me there absolutely was a peak. I got a lot of help through Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness, and The Dark Side here on Bluelight and was able to manage my BPD more. It's definitely still there, but I'm able to manage the symptoms now with more ease and lead somewhat of a normal life. I know a lot of times symptoms of BPD do sort of lessen with age as well, but that might be due to the fact that people are more accepting of themselves and learn how to deal with their emotions and impulses a little better.

Huuuuuge props to you for staying with your girl and having a vested interest in helping her. You're a good person for doing what you do. <3
I am borderline and I'm thankful my husband has stood beside me for over 18 years. Yes, I am difficult at times, but I'm settling down a little as I'm 38. I had no idea some people viewed people with bpd with such distaste. I never tell people I was diagnosed. I guess that's why I'm a bit shocked after reading all your posts. My husband is a saint..lol

exactly they just have a mood swing disorder and there are degree's of extreme
I'm somewhat open about being diagnosed, and have been surprised at the acceptance people are willing to offer when they find out. Often times they are surprised because they have either read or heard things about how people with BPD can be and they don't think I'm like that at all. Before I started coping with my symptoms and knew what was wrong with me, I hid it pretty well I guess. I don't tell everyone, but I have found that when I do tell people they become a little bit more educated and realize that I (or any one else for that matter) am not just someone with BPD, but I'm my own person. It's empowering to be able to know that I did even just a little bit to cut down on the stigma.
After growing up for so long with a parent suffering from this you don't realise that you have picked up some of their traits, and that not everyone else in society is fucked up, but that it is yourself. Denial is a strong component. I've done the tests online and they always rank in the high category, I want to get help from a psychiatrist but then I start lying, becoming abusive, or projecting blame etc. I just never get to the issue, it's impossible because I feel as though I'm being judged.
I'm somewhat open about being diagnosed, and have been surprised at the acceptance people are willing to offer when they find out. Often times they are surprised because they have either read or heard things about how people with BPD can be and they don't think I'm like that at all. Before I started coping with my symptoms and knew what was wrong with me, I hid it pretty well I guess. I don't tell everyone, but I have found that when I do tell people they become a little bit more educated and realize that I (or any one else for that matter) am not just someone with BPD, but I'm my own person. It's empowering to be able to know that I did even just a little bit to cut down on the stigma.

I agree that it's often quite good to just tell it to people straight-up - they're usually so much more accepting and tolerant than you'd expect. It's not exactly the same thing of course, but I do tell people I know relatively well that I've got severe depression, because I do think it's a part of me. I was really afraid of saying it at first because I figured that might scare them off and they wouldn't want to have anything to do with me anymore or something, or that they'd see me in a completely different light/think less of me - but you've got to give people more credit than that. I've only gotten positive reactions so far. And as you said, it's great to know that you're helping reduce the stigma :)
That's also one of the reasons why I'm considering coming clean about my drug use with more people. If you just straight out tell people about all these things that are considered quite taboo (mental illnesses, drug use...) as if you had no problem with it yourself, and weren't ashamed of it, they'll also realize it isn't something you should be ashamed of and they'll respect you all the more for telling them.
^Drug use definitely can magnify the symptoms of BPD. I for sure know they have for me. As for a peak, I think it's different for everyone. For me there absolutely was a peak. I got a lot of help through Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness, and The Dark Side here on Bluelight and was able to manage my BPD more. It's definitely still there, but I'm able to manage the symptoms now with more ease and lead somewhat of a normal life. I know a lot of times symptoms of BPD do sort of lessen with age as well, but that might be due to the fact that people are more accepting of themselves and learn how to deal with their emotions and impulses a little better.

Huuuuuge props to you for staying with your girl and having a vested interest in helping her. You're a good person for doing what you do. <3

Honestly, you saying that "Huge props" makes me feel good, for no particular reason. I read a lot of negative comments on here saying focus on you, you can't stay with someone like that. I want others reading this thread to realize that with every bad, there is good too. Not everything in our relationship is negative, in fact we have so many great moments together. I really feel like BPD is the inability to really handle emotions and see things the right way. It is real tough at times, but the relationship I have as a whole is something I just don't want to give up. I love her, she is my best friend, my soul mate. She means the world to me.

Dealing with her swings though, sometimes I want to run to the hills. Her compulsive behavior as of late has got her into a lot of trouble. When she is begging me back after she does something bad, she exclaims "I'll go to therapy, I'll do anything, I know there is something wrong. I am so sorry." Days later "There isn't anything wrong, why are you attacking me I don't need therapy god you're so judgemental." That story on the first page of saving her, and having her jump back off the helicopter was the most accurate bit of information I have ever read on this. I just want people to know though, it isn't all bad. Yes, there are some rough times, more so than a standard average relationship.. But if you have the ability to be stable throughout it all, you can really help. I can tell I have helped a lot.

Unfortunately I think drug use has made the problem worst, but there is no going back now. Her and I are both 58 days sober from opiates and are trying to adjust to life, and maybe that is a reason why it is a little more difficult too. She was extremely addicted to Xanax to the point where she ran out, and had a grand mal seizure... What is scary though is she managed to have an addiiction like that entirely behind my back. I try to not go over-board with her and be in her business while giving her the space she deserves, but I feel like sometimes I need to step in for her. Thanks for this thread, reading a lot of the comments have been very helpful.
there is a lot of extreme negative stereotyping about BPD in this thread.

lets have a bit of appreciation that everyone is different

not all borderlines are the same as individuals are different and there are different degree's of severity