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What do you think is the hardest drug for people to quit abusing?

I agree. I know from a friend who has had chronic pain since 2012 and has been on various opiods and is now on methadone. By far, the withdrawal of methadone is the worst.
Methadone is both physically and mentally addictive. Methadone can kill you as you withdraw. Heroin won't.
Good one, and probably true because of the culture. After all, when you actually quit a drug, what is there to turn to except for alcohol, cigarettes and candy.
What's odd to me is that someone I know has been on xanax (2 mg/day) for 33 years and never "abused" it - mostly just using 1mg/night. Never been made to come off it, so I don't know about that withdrawal... just know that the person had never been tempted to over medicate with it, as she does sometimes with methadone.
Hey. Donno why I'm on this site. I was reading about Brian Head on Facebook because he will be part of a new movie called Holy Ghost, so I decided to surf the net,and I landed on this website, and I saw your comment. So, i quickly opened up an account so that i could respond to you.

You live in MA? I'm from MA too, but now I'm in NY are for some time. Been here for almost 2 years now, for school.

Don't know exactly what you're going through, but I know people who can help. I only hope that you are willing to take my advice. These people have helped thousands.

At this point, it doesn't matter if you're religious or not, or what religion you are part of, who cares. But these people can help you, and they can help no kidding. Come to Times Square Church NYC if you can. They have a website online that you can watch services. I'm not asking you to become a Christian, thats your decision, i just know that THOUSANDS of people have 100% kicked their drug addictions i.e. Heroin, and their lives have been changed FOREVER.

They don't charge (FREE SERVICES)

Please, consider my advice. You don't have to go through what you're going through any longer.

There is another church in MA called International Family Church in North Reading, MA. I know the pastor, very friendly Italian guy, but the New York people I know have helped more people.
That's wicked cool of u, I'm in mass too. Do they have a pill service???
Back with a response to this. Note that I have done it all, been addicted to all. Highest opiate abuser known to man pretty much. Hardest to quit? Easy. Most say opiates right? Well u r right if u r talking about the first week. It sux because it's the only one with physical withdrawls. But, once over that? I was done with opiates, easy and no real cravings. Got over all the drugs, except the 1 that never lets go. Cocaine no question. It's like I have no problem convincing myself drugs r bad and not use them. Not coke tho, it is constantly reminding how much better life is when we r together. It seems to last forever too. Coke is by far the hardest to kick no doubt in my mind. Alcohol prolly #2. Meth and opiates can fight it out for 3rd place. Meth and opiates were sort of the same for me, sucked at first but once over em, I was over em. Did relapse on meth once tho, why? Couldn't find coke!
Opioids- particularly IV heroin and high-dose methadone; horrible, agonizing physical withdrawals with a high that brings seductive relief, it is a strong addiction that shits on your best intentions and even overpowers willpower. It is often a fatal disease if left untreated or if one is unable to recover.

Alcohol- causes the worst of WD's, deadly WD syndrome that eventually becomes Delerium Tremens which causes seizures, hellish hallucinations, panic attacks and awful anxiety, high BP, and hear attacks. This addiction kills your brain cells and can cause permanent mental issues through the neurotoxicity of alcohol and the WD's. It also ruins the body esp the liver, kidneys and stomach.

Benzodiazepines/BZD-derivatives and GABAergic sedatives like barbituates, GHB/GBL, and carisoprodol/meprobamate- Also causes horrible withdrawal syndrome that can be deadly- causing grand mal seizures, hallucinations, anxiety-ridden psychosis, tremors, and insomnia that can cause sleep deprivation-induced psychosis, can cause horrible blackouts that lead to terrible and irreversible consequences like bodily damage from a car crash that leads to physical disability or jail, losing your license, ruining relationships, assault on another both physically and verbally. Tolerance is often rapidly forming with many of these drugs.

Stimulants, espeically potent dopaminergic ones (i.e. methamphetamine/amphetamines, MDPV, mephedrone, 3-FPM, cocaine esp IV and crack)- Known to lead to permanent physical brain damage from neurotoxicity from various methods of toxicity and sleep deprivation. Often leading to stimulant psychosis and permanent personality disorders are unleashed from these periods of stimulant-induced psychosis. Causes malnutrition, anorexia, and other physical damage. High-dose IV meth or just higher doses of m-amp in general can cause perm heart problems and heart attacks.
Had an addiction to MDMA for a few months.... got to the point where I would binge till I started getting the most intense brain zaps which would turn into some weird out of body type hallucinations or visions. I'm happy that's far behind.
Speaking for myself and the people that I keep company with, Opiates. We've all been through the Speedball phase, believe me I get how addictive crack/cocaine is, but it's heroin. I just can't stop. Methadone has so far proven to enable the highest quality of life for me. Doesn't mean it's for every one, or even a perfect solution. But I'm going to have to say Opiates, as far as full on balls to the wall addiction is concerned.

As for the next addicting substances in my life, benzodiazepines would be at the top of the list. My anxiety disorders really draw me to them. It's hard to keep my usage in check, but I refuse to be addicted to two substances at once, so I choose Methadone, with occasional benzodiazepine usage when I really need it, or a break from constant tension is sounding too good.

Benzos are probably one of the most dangerous to quit, along with alcohol. You simply should never cold turkey anything beyond a moderate GABAergic habit, ever. At least not without medical supervision.

I find once I fully come down from Crack/IV Cocaine, MDMA the absolute need for more is gone. Opiates and Benzos help tremendously.
Let's all JUST BLAZE!

Completely depends on the person. For me it was always opiates but crack was one of the hardest things to put down. That shit will ruin a lot.. if not everything, in just a short time. Withdrawals from Suboxone are god awful just to throw that out there. Oxymorphone is probably the most addictive opiate in my opinion. And I have a really stupid question but I've been unable to get a solid answer:

If one is to consume oxycodone and hydromorphone, would that be the same as oxymorphone? PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG! =D
There are many factors that can influence this. Accessibility, environmental influences and what I find to be the biggest is what substance is best suited for the problems someone's trying to self-medicate. For me it's opiates but I've seen plenty of others with different preferences.
Shit... Alcohol, meth (any upper really that one can get caught stuck seeking those super rewarding experiences with but this one especially IMO), gbl, heroin(obviously..). It gets worse when mixing and matching over long periods of time, with all of the above, to sort of wade off any comedown/wd as going between doses of the "favorites", til it turns into one giant clusterfuck haha... then its almost impossible to get sober other than quitting them all one by one, with so much time in between... Im glad i never got into benzos other than using them sparingly (never worked that well for me, benzo+alcohol=super fun party/drunk times not remembering shit the next day .. or worse yet on a binge of alcohol/meth and taking a benzo to knock you out, end up doing more meth.. never ends up well LOL... um gbl+benzos kinda seemed like they had this side by side effect, benzos didnt really work for me to get rid of that gbl post-peak other than kinda making me able to handle reality but not exactly be all there til I recovered from my irresponsible dosing. benzos+h... dam I know alot of ppl on this combo,.. very dangerous if u ask me ive had times where it boosted the high (most times) and then other times where even with a weaker or lower dosed benzo and my usual dose of H I would get knocked the **** out with my friends having give me CPR and stuff... luckily i snapped out of it or dunno what would have happened. So since then, I would think, benzos can be one of the safest if used prescribed/on their own but mix them with the heavy hitters and BAM :D
Completely depends on the person. For me it was always opiates but crack was one of the hardest things to put down. That shit will ruin a lot.. if not everything, in just a short time. Withdrawals from Suboxone are god awful just to throw that out there. Oxymorphone is probably the most addictive opiate in my opinion. And I have a really stupid question but I've been unable to get a solid answer:

If one is to consume oxycodone and hydromorphone, would that be the same as oxymorphone? PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG! =D

You are wrong. Small portion of the oxycodone gets metabolized into oxymorphone by the liver though, but the hydromorphone is an active metabolite of hydrocodone (just like oxymorphone relates to oxycodone).
Most people I know who tried to quit heroin, made it. But most people I know who tried to quit alcohol, didn't make it, and even the help of benzos wasn't enough. So I say alcohol.
I've been on benzos 2-3 years off and on give or take (.5mg-2mg Klonopin daily and 15mg-30mg temazepam every night) not been on the temazepam nearly as long but still long enough to be hooked. Even taking them as prescribed (abusing them now and then if I have extras) I am already addicted physically and to a much greater extent psychologically. I can pretty much already tell I'm going to be an addict for life, but I choose to be because my anxiety is unbearable without em, I was having 1-2hr+ long panic attacks once or twice a day or every other day before I started em and I refuse to go back to that. I got into something awhile back not exactly legal trouble or anything but just a complicated situation in which I no longer had em and was cut off cold turkey (dumb fuckers didn't know anything about benzo detox) and was forced to go through 3 months of hell without em, the physical withdrawal was over in a week or two but the cravings and panic was relentless the entire time. So as soon as I was able I got back on em. I can go 3-4 days without em now without a problem but after that the withdrawal symptoms show up (sooner if I've abused em recently.) So yeah I guess they're the hardest for me to stop USING, but I have no problem to stop ABUSING them tho.
To me, meth has got to be the hardest drug to kick that I have ever tried. The physical withdrawals from heroin you can get over, in my opinion . Meth messes with your serotonin levels and you just absolutely feel depressed without it. You can't function without it and you feel like s*** when you're on it. Immediately after you stop you just don't want to get out of bed and you don't find joy in anything you once did. Definitely a mental, psychological, and emotional addiction.

I would put alcohol as number 2 because of the fact that you can physically die from the withdrawals and it's socially accepted everywhere you go. Just because you drink doesn't make you an alcoholic to most people, (unless they are aware of your addiction) so it's kind of easier to get away with drinking in public without question. Additionally, a way to socialize, interact and entertain other people is with alcohol. When put in these situations it could be extremely difficult to say no.