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What is the 4th-Dimension?


Mar 11, 2001
The 3rd dimension is our everyday perception of the universe.
Dogs are said to have 2-d brains . Now just because they cant see the 3rd dimension doesnt mean its not there. You can use the same analogy for humans. Just because we havent seen the 4th dimension doesnt mean that its not there. Its actually right in front of our eyes yet our brains are "disabled" or "handicapped" to this level of perception.
Isnt it odd that we only use like 10% of our brains? Whats happening in that other 90% ?
The reason i say our brains are handicapped is because i believe that the other 90% can be accessed. How can this be possible ? Through certain meditational practices, psychedelic drugs and possibly many other ways to peer in this uncharted dimension. The more of our brain that we are able to use, the more we can perceive of the universe.
I do believe it is possible that there are multiple dimensions beyond the 4th. Physicist have theorisied that in the 4th dimension, time and space are constant. Everything happens simultaneously. So that means there is no time. There is no begining or end.
The 4th dimension could very well be the spiritual world that is all around us.
[This message has been edited by Hypnotix (edited 29 March 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Hypnotix (edited 29 March 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Hypnotix (edited 29 March 2001).]
Okay, first I do not agree that humans use 10% of their brain. This is an urban myth. A falsity that keeps getting passed around as if it were true. At least, that's according to something I read last week.
Second, seeing is not the same as sensing. Assuming dogs see in 2-D, they still move, smell and hear in 3-D. So dogs aren't blind to the 3-D nature of the universe.
Thus, you cannot take a dog's inability to perceive three dimensions with one of his many senses and extrapolate that maybe there is another dimension we aren't perceiving at all.
Well, okay it is impossible to know if there is something out there we can't sense which, if we could sense it, we might label another dimension. This is because, as just stated, we can't sense it. So I'll give you it is possible, I just think the dog analogy doesn't quite work because sight is only one sense.
I'm confused by your pondering what it would be like to live in the 4th dimension. Where do you think you are now?
"" The more of our brain that we are able to use, the more we can perceive of the universe. ""
-- Dude, i have thought about this very statement many times. I seriously believe it to be true. What i do not understand is what you mean by drugs have 2-d brains? Are you saying that when you are on drugs you can only percieve 2-dimensions?? I think that if anything you would be able to percieve more dimensions on drugs then you would without them, because drugs force your mind to percieve reality differently, causing you to open your mind to the possibility of other perceptions.
I believe that time is the 4th dimension. If you would like an explanation as to why, click here.
psychoblast --- u say that it is myth that we only use 10% of our brains?? where did you get this information? i would very much like to see it. I have always thought that this statement was true. Maybe i'm wrong, can u show me what it was u read last week?
-- "Life is just a dream of the imagination of oneself"
-- "Oh Ecstasy, you got what I need, to make feel allright, and to make me feel nice"
AIM : I See Trails 604
I think it was in Maxim.
I personally
want to use less of my brain.
Then I'll be like you.
p.s. Insulting haikus are my new hobby.
Psychoblast: Your statement is self-defeating. We are not blind to the 4-d reality, just as dogs are not blind to the 3-d but we are not fully aware of it either. You can see the 4-d by developing your third eye. I dont agree drugs help, they give u a glimpse but they do not raise ur awareness pernamently. Its better to do it through meditation. Reiki helps ALOT but still, it takes a lot of effort to lift yourself upto 4-d existance. It is possible though. I believe that in 4-d u will still exist in the first three realities, but u will be completely aware of what reality is and who u are.
Lil: He said dogs have 2-d brains not drugs..
I do not agree
with you. Why would I say things
that defeat themselves?
The fourth dimension.
It's movement, also called time.
Now you are in it.
Einstein, and other physicists have stated that it's impossible to visualize (and hence, describe) four-dimensional space. Ever heard of the Flatland analogy? Here it is in a nutshell: a 3-D being attempts to contact 2-D beings, the 2-D beings are unable to see the 3-D being in its entirety (or to visualize what "3-D-ness" is), so the 3-D being kicks one of the 2-D beings into 3-D space (whereupon it seems to "disappear" to its 2-D peers). The 2-D being settles back into its plane, whereupon it seems to magically "reappear" to its 2-D peers. The 2-D being will be *utterly* unable to describe the things it experienced, so alien was it to its everyday reality. Carl Sagan gives a perfect play of this scenario in one of the "Cosmos" videos (I recommend seeing all of them).
What convinces me that no one has been able to describe 4-D space, is that no matter how strange an experience is, it can at least be watered-down into a familiar form that can be narrated. But 4-D space would be as alien to us as 3-D space would be to 2-D beings, so we wouldn't have *any* context into which to place it.
Now, I admit that perhaps Einstein et al. had too limited a view of the ability of human consciousness, but for now, I think their view is sound.
PBlast: I meant the logic u use to defeat the argument, can also be applied to defeat ur argument. My general argument is that ur looking at it with too much of a mind for physics. Most people who experience 4-d space say that in it, time is non-existant. And ive experienced something similar, where time just didnt exist. I guess it depends on ur experiences and ur level of awareness, coz its hard to accept something that u do not experience first hand.
Bel: true but everytime u trip on acid u go to a different perception of reality, same with other drugs. But in meditation u do this also, except that its more pernament and its effects last longer. Its possible to raise urself to a higher level. You cant experience something that doesnt exist, or isnt real. Theres no such thing as just a hullucination, its all true on some level. And as people report experiencing everything from 4d to 12d space and higher, i am assuming there's some truth in it. And the people who go there do not believe in the theories of physics. Its upto u, if u wanna experience it then just go experience it.
yea, it was dogs, heh, i misread...
psychoblast --- haikus???
-- "Life is just a dream of the imagination of oneself"
-- "Oh Ecstasy, you got what I need, to make feel allright, and to make me feel nice"
AIM : I See Trails 604
Hrmm well, a couple of things.
First up, I believe it was established that we could consider the 4th dimension as time. Which is something we can percieve, though only in a limited sense.
However, no doubt there are more dimensions than that, I think I read in a science book somewhere that physics looks towards 50 or something, yet theres' probably more. And it certainly seems that way when you have a psychedelic experience and you feel like your entering or viewing another dimension.
Dimensions are a man-mad artifact - just live your life and stop interigating your brain.
Voltz: is the universe a man made artifact too? Are we? is life a man made artifact? i dont think so... we are but one link in the chain and its useful to know who we r and what is around us.
No, Voltz has a point.
"Dimensions" is a concept created by us to describe our perceptions of reality.
Note that it only describees perceptions, not reality.
I could envision people who had a totally different perception that us who thought the universe only had to spacial dimensions, "here" and "surroundingness."
Or maybe that's just stupid.
I'm wondering if maybe you should not refer to the places you visit on drugs as additional "dimensions." This sort of goes back to the 50's sci-fi idea of "dimensions" as other universes or places aliens come from.
When we talk about living in a 3 dimensional world, we are talking about the spacial components of our universe. But if you went through a black hole (assuming that is possible) into a different reality, I would not call it another "dimension." Similarly, whatever places/sensations you visit/peceive from meditation or drugs may not be "dimensions" if we stick to the concept of spacial compenents.
As with God, I think these debates over dimensions are becoming confused by different uses of the word "dimensions." To the extent we are merely fighting over the right to use a series of symbols and sounds, we should try to recognize that and stop.
I mean, I could use a new word... say, "Spamentions" to mean spacial dimensions. And you could keep the word "Dimensions" to mean alternate realities or perceptions of reality.
Alternatively, since so much math and physics already uses the word "dimensions" maybe there is a better, more appropriate or more descriptive word you could use for the concept you are referring to.
Of course, if you really believe that what you have experienced IS additional spatial (sp?) dimensions as that word is used by mathematicians and scientists, which as has been pointed out should be impossible because such a thing is so alien to our understanding, then I guess the debate must continue.
I would ask, though, how you can be certain the feelings/perceptions you have had that you label other dimensions or existence in the 4th dimension are, in fact, that rather than a chemically induced (or meditation induced) alteration in the way your brain is processing the 3 dimensions around us.
Bottom line, if some one posted on here saying "yes, there are more dimensions. I've visited the 4th and it was a place filled with flowers and then I went to the fifth, which had an orange sky and purple seas" then it would be readily apparent that, regardless of whether you believe they had visited these places, they are NOT using dimensions the same way. What you have done is not clearly the same thing, but I recognize a potential similarity.
Oh, and I'm curious if you go to the 4th dimension where time does not pass, how do you ever leave? If time does not pass, you should be stuck there forever.
Are you suggesting that width, depth, and height don't actually exist in the real world and that these are just labels that we use?
If so, what data are you using to support this claim? In my understanding, scientists do understand that at least those three dimensions do exist in reality.
Trance and Dance: the enlightened path to Trancendence.
TD: I guess I'm acknowledging that they may be subjective, like using base 10 math.
It may be that you could "section up" reality in a different way than three perpendicular planes. I mentioned something about the possibility of an alien that sees the universe as two dimensions consisting of "here" and "out there" (like maybe a star with rays spreading out from it). Or maybe some aliens would automatically lean towards using curves in their representation of reality such that they would think of the universe as having more than 3 dimensions, though we are still describing the same space.
Now maybe all sentient beings WILL always embrace a linear, 3 dimensional view of the universe. I just don't know.
So I label 3 dimensions as the way we perceive spatial (sp?) reality, but maybe that is subjective.
Well your right PB. With my experiences, without drugs just astral projection, I went through a vortex and ended up in front of a talking tree. Now that to me is another dimension, and it had a completely different structure to our own.
In another experience, which i was on a slight dose of drugs, but the experience itself was not developed by any drugs that I know of. Well anyway, I felt as if my entire being was working in complete harmoney. I put up a trip report somewhere, it basically involved in me being about to willingly recall memory from subconscious into my consciousness, and whatsmore see it as symbols with my third eye and manipulate it and other crazy shit. Now that to me is something what 4d would be like, a state of being where inner awarness increases our perception of the 3-d dimensions.