Your Productions Go Here!

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Negative said:
Kurt . . .

Cabin Fever is well done . . . not really my style but I could groove to it . . . funky. Totally see this in somebody's disco house set, would fit perfectly.

thanks man. I've shortened it quite a bit now it flows a little better. I've just been putting off doing the mix-down. It will come eventually.

Its good that I can catch the attention of people who aren't into the style. I don't play that deep when I spin records, but when I write beats that's what ends up coming out.

i'm looking for a good hosting/music site. where I can put up a bio and links to my tracks, like the old, anybody know of any good ones?

A new track, my first attempt at anything house-y in a long time . . . strange synthy little track.
negative: I'd think the leads should be a little more pronounced, the bass to be toned down a bit, it drowns out everything else. I like the reverb on the snare, but dont care for the crash cymbols that come in around 4 mins. I really like the change at 4:30 I'd do more with that vocal sample. Cool though.

On another topic: why are the best threads in this Music forum so stagnant (productions, mixes, ect) we have such a welth of underground music here and it seems like nobody is interested? Just a thought
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something I was working on around the same time as Honor . . . I just don't feel that I have the feel for uptempo stuff . . . I feel that my best stuff is downtempo . . . this is a downtempo track with lots of guitar and synths, echoed drums and reverb all over the place . . .
Kurt The Jurk said:

On another topic: why are the best threads in this Music forum so stagnant (productions, mixes, ect) we have such a welth of underground music here and it seems like nobody is interested? Just a thought

That is something that I don't understand, either . . . we should be basking in the depth of quality artists here at bluelight . . . from what I have heard there are a shitload of tight artists and djs on bl. Support your fellow blers peeps!
OK peeps, this is my first offering in this forum - I've been producing for about 2.5 years and DJing for about 10. This is only the '1st draft' and it will be tweaked considerabley before being mastered by a pro studio. I want this to be my first release, so don't pull any punches with feedback. Tell me what you think works and what you think doesn't. Try and look at it from a technical perpective and not a personal taste one, that way you stay a litlle more impartial. If you like it and want to play it out, please just let me know.
Happy listening :) = Sam?
hey man if that's you bring me a cd to @tmosphere on Wednesday I'd love to here this...

if not:
can you post an mp3 w/ a lower bitrate for us brothas on dialup?
Hey everyone Prop5 showed me this thread so I thought I would post my latest track in here.

Its uplifting hard trance, not really hard hard but it has a harder edge. My biggest influence is Scot Project and you will hear that alot in my track, I make no attempt to hide it.

Here's the link:[2004].mp3
Mostly finished this now.

Sorry guys, I'd review the hard trance track, but I really don't know enough about the style and I find so much of it to be so samey... sorry :(

Got some other tracks of other people, reviews should be up in the next few days.
Just quickly, been doing some MP3 mixing...

Kurt: I love Hybrid :) I was just mixing some fast and hard techno, pitched your track up to plus 9 and MAN, it's nice :) Just listening to it over at the slower pace now, and it works just as well. I love the little loop breaks everywhere :) Can't really flaw it, except for saying that some of the hat samples seem a bit low quality, and don't really pierce through the mix that well... then again, it's only a 96kbps MP3 :p

Can I have a good version? :D
thanks Dante. I meant for the hats to be "distorted" but the compresion on the mp3 really did a number on them.

I've really gotten a whole lot more into working on hiphop and downtempo production. This is the type of stuff I've been working on.
^^^ Negative, where'd you get that orchestra/string sample from for Dusty.

I like that chilled out groovy feel.. Did you sample it from a vinyl?
I got it from . . . wait, sorry, ain't givin out those sample sources . . . ;)
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