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Your MBTI (personality type) and your Drug of Choice.

INTP. Pharmie opiates and, to a lesser degree, benzos.

Back in 1990, I took the "real" MBTI test. It's way more involved than the one available online, but I get the same results with both, so at least anecdotally, my best guess would be that the online version, although much more concise, is fairly accurate.
Reviving this thing as my interest has taken off in the subject over the last year. ENTP here. I had previously thought I was ENFP but realized I am ENTP with some emotional problems.

I am currently on a path of self discovery and part of that to me means to study everyone else. I'd really just like to make sense of it all.

As far as my favorite drug, it would have to be marijuana and the various forms of it. I used to frequently take psychedelics.
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INTP and fuk... oh might have to be good ol' RC's at this point. MDxx and the 25(x)-NBOMe variety in particular. And MXE.
It looks like I already chimed in several years ago.
I'm a bit more skeptical that my MBTI type suggests much about my pharmacological tastes, except that I seek entactogens to provide a brief window into what it's like to directly empathize with people and psychedelia to provide grist for the philosophical mill.

Other compounds enter the picture when I want to avoid a crash, ingest more often with a modicum of health, or 'treat' some cause of anxiety (sometimes from another drug! :p).

edit: I'm rather clearly an INTP.
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Been taking these tests for 10+ years now, at least a dozen times and always ended up as an INFP, I believe it's a rather accurate description of me. I think I'll have to go with dissociatives (ket & mxe) as my DOC if I have to pick one. But it's a close call with amphetamine and DMT. INFP drug choices seem quite similar actually, perhaps certain personality types are more likely to prefer the same drugs while others not so.
ENTJ. And my DoC would probably have to be Armodafinil, all things considered. Stimulating without being speedy.
Definitely an NTJ. Tests put me at Extroverted, but I was certainly introverted a couple of years back and I think i'm moving more extroverted, probably at cross-roads just about now.
Now DOC, I'm not sure. Love uppers, love dissociatives and love psychedelics. They all have their own places and uses and if i had to choose one drug which i could do daily with n repercussions, I couldn't and wouldn't choose any. Being sober is grand and required for drugs to stay special.
Uppers are great for parties and dis/psychs are great for introspection. Uppers for socialising and groups larger than 4. Not really a fan of weed, only really useful for that extra bit while on something. Alcohol is great for socials as well, i hate it and i love it. Don't think I would like Coke or Opiates that much tbh.

My DOC would have to be the versatile tool of Nitrous.
Tests put me at Extroverted, but I was certainly introverted a couple of years back and I think i'm moving more extroverted, probably at cross-roads just about now.
Ever heard of an ambivert? 8)
ENTJ / ENFJ. Lol it gives a 1% preference of thinking over feeling

My DOC is heroin/oxy/fentanyl
But I usually spiral downhill from shooting coke...that's the drug I do and cannot stop

None of which shows on the charts for me?!?
Ever heard of an ambivert? 8)

He might have, but no one is 50/50 anything. There's always gonna be one end of the spectrum ur leaning towards.. "ambivert" is just an easy way to split the difference. Unless u literally have long term 60/40 or 40/60 intro/extro tendencies I wouldn't call anyone an ambivert.
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I'm an INTP and my drugs of choice are cocaine, alcohol and benzos
I used to enjoy marijuana but it makes me think too much which the personality test got right...I think more than feel

But really based on the chart I'm an INTJ
Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(12%) Perceiving(11)% from the test

Drugs of choice: Heroin / weed / benzos / dissociatives
ENTP - amphetamines LOL!!! amphetamines make me happy because it allows me to run my mouth :)
i am in reality an INTP, but i love being extroverted. i usually end up having fun by myself though...

drugs of choice: heroin/hydromorphone/buprenorphine + methamp/dexamp/cocaine + marijuana + benzos + dissociatives

the combo i most often inject/ingest is buprenorphine + methamp + marijuana + valium
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INTP, so amphetamines,but this is true and not. I used to love speed but now i prefer to be on big doses of benzos,alcohol,opiates.