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Your ideology on what ‘Existence’ is.

So God not interacting when millions of people die, would be a test, ultimately - would this destroy your faith? Then you have not learned enough. I find this belief interesting, but solely because it's the "answer to everything" in a nutshell
I don’t reject a higher power, I’m just not sold on any specific one yet.
I hold heavy disdain towards the primary God most people call the superior. Not due to faith, or lack thereof, but because of my faith in a higher power. There almost has to be one in my eyes, and the popular God is, well I won’t get into here. That’s an entirely different ballpark for a debate.
but it doesn't make their reality my own, or make it anyone else's reality.
& Therein lies Advaita teaching material, just because someone said that they see a Unicorn, do we believe them? No, because our reality we perceive is a collective of all our thoughts as one. What we deem law, concept, etc. If things do not make sense to our reality, we deny them, vehemently.
Which is why people with conditions like that are still considered ill, their reality doesn’t follow the reality we’ve unanimously perceived.
but it did fall down, that is the reality
Did it though? How do you know? You weren’t around to perceive it, nor do you know where it’s at. Any tree you see on the ground is a perception you’ve created to support your preconceived idea of reality around you.
I actually detest the Simulation Theory, but I’d have to dig up my argument against really quick brb.
I’m not saying I’ve bought tickets. I’m open to persuasion. I just don’t rule out things I feel are beyond my qualification or mere ability to know for sure.

I do believe in different dimensions though, the 3rd being a microcosm of the 4th.

I believe in the spiritual world, and the darker malevolent entities dwelling in there and exerting negative influences on humanity.

So I believe in life or existence, consciousness outside of 3 dimensional physical body living.

But it’s also philosophical. It makes no real practical difference if it’s an illusion, it’s a very coherent one, I’m conscious of it throughout and my apparent physical body.

There is nothing disconnected about this reality for me personally. I feel it, so it’s real, even if it’s just a phase.

I’ve always viewed matter as illusory, it’s all vibrations. I have performed genuine ESP phenomena too. Effectively that’s hacking reality in a way. Like, if we just learnt how to tap into it whenever, we could make almost anything happen.

I would only have interest in making good things happen of course. Zero intent of harm, so it just wouldn’t be in me to come out.

And the results are instant as well in cases, the speed of the manifestation, like seconds and the Universe delivers to you, out of the blue, against all logical odds.
I don’t reject a higher power, I’m just not sold on any specific one yet.
I hold heavy disdain towards the primary God most people call the superior. Not due to faith, or lack thereof, but because of my faith in a higher power. There almost has to be one in my eyes, and the popular God is, well I won’t get into here. That’s an entirely different ballpark for a debate.

& Therein lies Advaita teaching material, just because someone said that they see a Unicorn, do we believe them? No, because our reality we perceive is a collective of all our thoughts as one. What we deem law, concept, etc. If things do not make sense to our reality, we deny them, vehemently.
Which is why people with conditions like that are still considered ill, their reality doesn’t follow the reality we’ve unanimously perceived.

Did it though? How do you know? You weren’t around to perceive it, nor do you know where it’s at. Any tree you see on the ground is a perception you’ve created to support your preconceived idea of reality around you.
See now we're getting silly. Of course it fell down, it's on the ground, and somewhere between the storm yester and the calm today it fell. Say there is a dent in my car which wasn't there before, and I wonder where it came from. Yes, I could come up with the theory that it was beamed up into a spaceship while nobody looked, and an alien tried his experimental fistweapons on my care, and then beamed it down again. Sure, why not. But I prefer to go with the likelier theory, some asshole bumped into me and drove away.

This theory would work, if there wasn't a collective reality, the objective reality. The fact that we say it's bright during the day, and dark at night, Joe Biden is president of the USA, birds lay eggs, drinking no water dehydrates, all that stuff.
Let me take another example from my work. The first time I came into a certain patients room, she was talking to her dead friend, that she keeps seeing in her room, she also doesn't think that person is dead, since she is young in her own mind. Now, I never knew this person, why would i doubt their existence? I didn't know that she was talking to a dead friend, she was just talking to air. But it seems like you're saying people cannot see unicorns because we don't believe in unicorns, but what reason would I have not believing that there is someone in the room talking to my patient? There could be. There are a lot of visitors.

This is why I am very much convinced that their realities are drifting off into something entirely else, and it is very much a disease. We have to do a lot of basal therapy or their extremities would stiffen completely.
In agreement here

98% of my discussions take the form of me standing in a Devils Advocacy Hill, I reply to continue debate & knowledge exchange. Not because I inherently believe a theory/philosophy.
Yes I can see that. It’s perfectly okay to express views, opinion and belief. We’re all just working together, or could be, towards a common goal, with blindfolds on.

The trouble IMO, as has always been, is not our incompetence or bad lot, it’s the unfortunate fact that Evil does exist on this planet.

It’s so pervasive, it captivates people. It hunts down joy, the good things in the world we cherish, and seeks to destroy.

Darth Vader was a destroyer. Interesting term to kill somebody. Normally it’s another term, but he was into the concept of destroying, which kind of implies, makes something or someone cease to exist.

He failed to destroy Obe One though.

I have never subscribed to any religion. I stay open, but I do feel that some religions are misguided, unhealthy and dangerous.

But I do actually believe in Satan, or the Devil, as some sort of masquerading conscious entity, from which all evil originates and is channeled from on this earth.

I have very vivid intense spiritual battles and encounters in dreams with evil spiritual entities.

What always stands out, I’m vulnerable in the dream of course hence them even getting in there, as they are weak so they prey on the weak, but it’s their shockingly low vibrational level and total absence of intelligence.

I have to literally hold my tongue in the dreams to escape the surreal set, or building, without being stabbed as they so desperately want to do to me, and not rip the piss out of the stupidity that comes out of their mouths, the total inability to comprehend.

And I swear I’ve met the Beast as well. Trying to lure me to his way. Offering bait, as a choice.

But the second I realised what the deal was, or lure, regardless of strings attached, it wasn’t one bit in my heart or mind to want it.

I stapled away, into the bright light. That was the end of that shirt dream.

I know this probably sounds quite crazy.

I also dreamt of the Pandemic, mid 2019. The most powerful, symbolic, shell shocking visionary dreams I’ve had in my life.

I knew something big was coming, going to affect the entire globe. Just didn’t know what (and I’m not talking about a virus threatening our existence, more the insidious spiritual, beyond political agenda behind it).
If I remember right, no leading science believes we could ever do it, therefore kinda unlikely.
Yes I won’t consider that Bill Gates actually invented the internet really, let alone stupid possessed mortals, like human beings, creating a simulation like technology,

I don’t block the idea of aliens though. And I’m not saying that aliens aren’t an illusion, a tale, disguised spirits pretending to be something else.

I’m staying open on that one. I’m not at all like, Nah aliens aren’t real.

I just don’t know what they really are, where they come from etc.

But I still cannot look past the Divine for an ultimate explanation. Both because it feels right to me, and otherwise it would be absolutely hope crushing and soul (illusion) destroying.
See now we're getting silly. Of course it fell down, it's on the ground, and somewhere between the storm yester and the calm today it fell.
You can no more prove to a true Advaita Vedanta believer that it fell down, than they can prove to you that it didn’t. & You can’t convince a Advaita Vedanta via argument bc, the issue with arguing against Nondualist’s is once they’re backed into a corner they can easily resort to “I do not know, I know I do not know, and that is why I do not know. Until I know, I won’t know, and when I know, Brahman will be achieved. So this has no point.”
See now we're getting silly.
Not really, we are discussing things nobody can prove, or disprove. So that’s almost a little disrespectful.

~ Sorry, crashed out hard and just woke up 😭😂
You can no more prove to a true Advaita Vedanta believer that it fell down, than they can prove to you that it didn’t. & You can’t convince a Advaita Vedanta via argument bc, the issue with arguing against Nondualist’s is once they’re backed into a corner they can easily resort to “I do not know, I know I do not know, and that is why I do not know. Until I know, I won’t know, and when I know, Brahman will be achieved. So this has no point.”

Not really, we are discussing things nobody can prove, or disprove. So that’s almost a little disrespectful.

~ Sorry, crashed out hard and just woke up 😭😂
But it is very much possible to validate the truth. We can most certainly determine where the wind came from last night, we can most certainly inspect the tear in the tree stump to even define how it fell. We can see marks the falling tree left on the surrounding trees and even determine exactly the path it fell down in. Last we can examine the floor beneath the fallen tree stump and determine how long it has been there :)

So yes, it is very much possible to know this and it is very much possible to prove that the tree fell down in the woods.
It's actually rather easy. Guess I am happy I never met one of those nondualists, they are clearly idiots if they think it's impossible to prove that a tree fell. We can prove many things, and up to a few hours/days after the tree falling, I am sure we can at least suggest that it made a sound. Not by using sanity and reason, no, but by documenting the vertebrate population around the area of the tree. The population will have decreased severly, since noise = danger, and would trigger the instinct of flight

They should really read a book that wasn't written by highly delirious und severly malnourished gurus. Sure those are the guys to believe, the ones that starve themselves to death on a frequent basis. They got the clear and logical thinking patterns.
Last we can examine the floor beneath the fallen tree stump and determine how long it has been there
You can determine what you think happened to make it fall, you can believe what factored into it, you can say from perception what you infer and deduced happen. You cannot though, (from a Advaita Vedanta’s PoV) prove to them that it did indeed fall over. You cannot prove to them that even if a camera saw it, and videos it, that you’re not only seeing it through your perception of what your brain is logically coercing you to perceive happened. You can’t, that’s not how perception works, and Advaita Vedanta stands entirely on the basis that everything is perceived, and nothing is real.
So yes, it is very much possible to know this and it is very much possible to prove that the tree fell down in the woods.
Again, it’s not, because you believe it’s empirical, does not make it empirical. Because you and I believe it’s the only logic, others don’t have to accept that logic. Because you and I believe Advaita’s Brahman isn’t real, doesn’t make it not really. You, nor I, nor anyone on this planet is capable, or reliable enough to stake a claim about something as unproven, and impossible to prove as the afterlife, or a supreme being. I’m sorry man, I mean that all respectfully.
they are clearly idiots if they think it's impossible to prove that a tree fell.
I also don’t believe in calling others idiots for a belief in something we cannot disprove, many expert nondualist zen teachers even say the Advaita Vedanta is not to be taken at 100% face value. They could be wrong, they admit they do not know, but they do believe Brahman is the one true everything that is nothing at the same time, and we cannot tell them that is wrong. I do not mind what you say, but don’t refer to a belief system older than our own nation by 3700 years. Especially when it is impossible to concretely prove their supreme being is wrong.
The population will have decreased severly, since noise = danger, and would trigger the instinct of flight
Their argument is simple, those animals percieved the sound, thus the sound was made, easy.
They should really read a book that wasn't written by highly delirious und severly malnourished gurus. Sure those are the guys to believe, the ones that starve themselves to death on a frequent basis. They got the clear and logical thinking patterns.
This is also highly illogical, and fallacious in nature, not to say downright disrespectful against a Spirituality/Philosophy older than anything you know.
Unless you tell me concrete, empirical, without a doubt reasoning to your idea of afterlife/or lack thereof. I would ask you to not call others, just as ignorant and searching as us, stupid, delirious, nor that you would attack their life’s choices.
Thank you.
Is life worthless or not worth it if you don't attain immortality?
I think immortality isn’t good in the short run, immortal doesn’t mean invulnerability.
We could overpopulate, lose food, lose the earth, and even lose water.
If we were both immortal, AND invulnerable to any harm, we could drift into space directionless and with no control for eons waiting the time out.

Either or, both sound scary asf to me, the other option is inventing light speed capable travel before the end of the suns life. & Hoping we can create enough for everyone in earth, and who reproduced more babies.

I also wouldn’t want to be the only immortal, because I couldn’t handle seeing my loved ones pass, over and over and over.
Unless I had the option, a special way to end my sole immortality so I choose, I would hate it.
You can determine what you think happened to make it fall, you can believe what factored into it, you can say from perception what you infer and deduced happen. You cannot though, (from a Advaita Vedanta’s PoV) prove to them that it did indeed fall over. You cannot prove to them that even if a camera saw it, and videos it, that you’re not only seeing it through your perception of what your brain is logically coercing you to perceive happened. You can’t, that’s not how perception works, and Advaita Vedanta stands entirely on the basis that everything is perceived, and nothing is real.

Again, it’s not, because you believe it’s empirical, does not make it empirical. Because you and I believe it’s the only logic, others don’t have to accept that logic. Because you and I believe Advaita’s Brahman isn’t real, doesn’t make it not really. You, nor I, nor anyone on this planet is capable, or reliable enough to stake a claim about something as unproven, and impossible to prove as the afterlife, or a supreme being. I’m sorry man, I mean that all respectfully.

I also don’t believe in calling others idiots for a belief in something we cannot disprove, many expert nondualist zen teachers even say the Advaita Vedanta is not to be taken at 100% face value. They could be wrong, they admit they do not know, but they do believe Brahman is the one true everything that is nothing at the same time, and we cannot tell them that is wrong. I do not mind what you say, but don’t refer to a belief system older than our own nation by 3700 years. Especially when it is impossible to concretely prove their supreme being is wrong.

Their argument is simple, those animals percieved the sound, thus the sound was made, easy.

This is also highly illogical, and fallacious in nature, not to say downright disrespectful against a Spirituality/Philosophy older than anything you know.
Unless you tell me concrete, empirical, without a doubt reasoning to your idea of afterlife/or lack thereof. I would ask you to not call others, just as ignorant and searching as us, stupid, delirious, nor that you would attack their life’s choices.
Thank you.
So they are not delirious from food/water-deprivation and killing themselves on a regular basis? Is this another one of these Advaita Vedanta puzzles?
I am not judging, I am saying those people cannot be trusted intellectually, since they are delirious from not eating/drinking. The entire foundation of how we see life is based on the fact that we need food & water. That we need emotional support. They are ridding themselves of all these things, and suddenly that makes them wise? I'd propose it makes them snap, it's only logical.

As I already said, I am simply a human being/evolved monkey, and I think our kind should refrain from making big theories about God, because I am sure our minds are too meagre and simplistic to understand the true powers of the world. I find it disrespectful to make up these theories, so...
Whatever God/the Universe truly is, any of the theories we could possibly come up with are likely so far off that we would be the equivalent of children trying to explain why it rains and why the sun shines, why there's war and why there's suffering.

Sometimes I wonder if neurodivergents are the sane ones. Honestly, I feel confused that you find what I said to be offensive, since it is only logical.
How is it highly illogical that fasting yourself close to the point of death makes you delirious? This is a fact. I meet a bunch of delirious people through my work, some very close to death and getting ready for it. They are not speaking profound and ultimate truths, full of wisdom. They are usually spouting utter nonsense. Clinging to Spirituality and Religion seems to be our way of pretending that the concept of death does not scare us.
So they are not delirious from food/water-deprivation and killing themselves on a regular basis? Is this another one of these Advaita Vedanta puzzles?
I’m saying you’re calling people you do not know, never seen irl, and have absolutely no basis save for “muhhur meme saw stuff say they no eat, they dumb” But whatever, I’m done talking to you, open minded as I am, I shut it with rude/disrespectful people.
I’m saying you’re calling people you do not know, never seen irl, and have absolutely no basis save for “muhhur meme saw stuff say they no eat, they dumb” But whatever, I’m done talking to you, open minded as I am, I shut it with rude/disrespectful people.
What about you then? Your username is fucking disrespectful, and you know it. Also I've been to Sri Lanka, so I know the culture of almost killing oneself to achieve "enlightenment". It's still a dead end, and I don't trust in the wisdom of delirious people. Btw do you know what delirious means? You seem to see it as an insult. It's really not, it just happens if you deprive yourself of water.

I like that you think you are open-minded :) But not open-minded enough to understand how Autistic brains function. I cannot, physically cannot believe in all this mumbo-jumbo, there is no scientific foundation for it. If I look at the science of it all, we got people depriving themselves of basic human needs to survive until they reach a delirious state filled with hallucinations. Impossible to trust them intellectually.

I told you this from the start, and you kept replying. Typical Neurotypical. I gave you the option to refute my views on the matter, but your open-mindedness doesn't seem to reach the confines of accepting my opinion: I think it's all bullshit, and we're just a bunch of hairless monkeys that think they can explain the world. Ridiculous.
Your username is fucking disrespectful, and you know it
I’ve actually sent forth a donation to the site to get it changed, so that’s already in the works of being fixed. 🖤🙏🏻
they are clearly idiots
I see “idiots” as an insult
You seem to see it as an insult.
But not open-minded enough to understand how Autistic brains function. I cannot, physically cannot believe in all this mumbo-jumbo, there is no scientific foundation for it
I’m not open minded because I don’t speak to people who call others stupid for a belief nobody can prove 100%/disprove 100%?
I’m not open minded because I dislike talking with people who insult over Philosophical/Theological discussions?
No, that has zero to do with being a neurotypical, that’s not an excuse to be a blatantly disrespectful person. I myself am not nuerotypical, so just as you used “well I went here & that means I know this is a fact about all zen teachers of Advaita!!”
I return with, I am not neurotypical as well, and I know it’s NOT an excuse to be rude, it causes it yes, but when pointed out and still given it is my fault and mine alone. Not my mentals fault.
Typical Neurotypical
You get rather, and very aggressively rude when someone no longer wishes to talk to you, don’t you?
and we're just a bunch of hairless monkeys that think they can explain the world.
Which is ironic considering how a “hairless monkey” as you described yourself, would try to explain what is empirically incorrect, or correct.
With that, I’m out, peace ☮️
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I think immortality isn’t good in the short run, immortal doesn’t mean invulnerability.
We could overpopulate, lose food, lose the earth, and even lose water.
If we were both immortal, AND invulnerable to any harm, we could drift into space directionless and with no control for eons waiting the time out.

Either or, both sound scary asf to me, the other option is inventing light speed capable travel before the end of the suns life. & Hoping we can create enough for everyone in earth, and who reproduced more babies.

I also wouldn’t want to be the only immortal, because I couldn’t handle seeing my loved ones pass, over and over and over.
Unless I had the option, a special way to end my sole immortality so I choose, I would hate it.
To me, immortal means- permanently mortal.

In one way. Because it’s not passing on isn’t it that the naive powermongering possessed mortal souls seek to achieve, futilely IMO.

But our mortality is our life, flesh and blood, conscious time on this body,

So if that was never extinguished, from this plane, I guess that’s immortal.

Freddy said…Who wants to live Forever…
shock wtf GIF by Sky

In one way. Because it’s not passing on isn’t it that the naive powermongering possessed mortal souls seek to achieve, futilely IMO.

But our mortality is our life, flesh and blood, conscious time on this body,

So if that was never extinguished, from this plane, I guess that’s immortal.

Freddy said…Who wants to live Forever…
ya kinda got me there, not gonna lie, i’ll think on that.
first there was one.

one was very very lonely.

one self destructed.

one was made of matter energy and chi.

all is one and we are all brothers and sisters.
first there was one.

one was very very lonely.

one self destructed.

one was made of matter energy and chi.

all is one and we are all brothers and sisters.
I love the underlying tone of that tbh, do you have any idea where it came from, or was it something you just thought of one day?