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Your favorite time to smoke overall?

After a hard day of work or an intense workout... Chills you out to the max so you can just lay back stress free...

I agree that the tail end of the day is always best to smoke, wake and bake is always nice ~ but usually leaves me feeling clouded all day long when I got important shit to do.

Mr. Penis said:
Another good time is when you and a friend have absolutely nothing to do for the entire day, so you can just get high and walk around the city and have a blast watching people do their daily routine

RACK! Went to see Dodgers/Bucs in Pittsburgh and got stoned on the grassy knoll by the boardwalk on the Allegheny River and watched all the boats float by the park. Fun. Also got stoned on the other side of the river underneath an overpass running immediately next to an expressway. Nothing like a fresh buzz and seeing cars zip by you at 75 mph from five yards away, and laughing your ass off.


Wake and bake is by far the best. The extreme high you get from chronic at 10 am is unbelievable. A couple years ago in Kalamazoo when I had a lot of financial aid err expendable cash and no job, my roommate had a four-footer and I'd throw in some chronic, put in some live Pearl Jam, get high and watch SportsCenter with the sound off and read the Free Press. Still love it.

Also, although I don't recommend it and am ashamed of doing it, getting stoned and putting on the headphones makes my 20 minute walk to class seem like 5 minutes. Sometimes, I wish the walk was longer so I could listen to Badmotorfinger all the way through.

Getting stoned after work is also great. Unfortunately, although I still do it, I don't necessarily like getting stoned when drunk as fuck at 1 am. Pothead narccalepsi kicks my ass.

EDIT: Also, watching baseball, preferably live, while high is great shit. Every little intracy, from a dude breaking up a double play on a high slide at second base, or Josh Beckett blowing a 95 mph heater past Sammy Sosa at Wrigley Field, seems like the greatest play in sporting history. I highly reccomend bring small roaches into ballparks like Comiskey in Chicago that have lots of empty upper deck seats. As long as you can stay at least six rows above the last fans and keep a low profile to keep away from ushers, toking at a live baseball game can be the shit. Unless, it's windy as fuck, then you're going to be cold and miserable. Translation: no getting high in chicago at baseball games in mid-April.
My fav would have to be sunset. Just sit down smoke a few bowls and watch the sunset. I also like to smoke when the moon is out and the sky is nice and clear at night. I used to go out every night and sit on my porch with my hitter box and smoke a few hours before i went to bed, it was good cuz it would always make me tired when i was coming down and i so i would sleep like a log.
i just realized this the other day but...

my favorite time to hold the festivities would definatly be early-mid afternoon.
you know when the sun shines right into your window and the rays flood the room with that magnificent light?
well that's usually my favorite time of day to smoke, only because the you can see so clearly the path of the smoke in the sun ray, curling and shape shifting until it is finially blown away by another stream of shape shifting smoke.

i dunno, its just really fun to watch for a little bit of time.

of course, when youre done smoking and the suns still beaming through the fucking window, and alls you want to do is take a god damn nap but you cant cause all the lights are giving you a headache...
well, then i can see where it becomes a problem.
my favorite time to hold the festivities would definatly be early-mid afternoon.
you know when the sun shines right into your window and the rays flood the room with that magnificent light?
well that's usually my favorite time of day to smoke, only because the you can see so clearly the path of the smoke in the sun ray, curling and shape shifting until it is finially blown away by another stream of shape shifting smoke.

Hell yeah, another reason I love smokin in the day :)
The sun just feels so great.
I'm takin an extended break for now, but during Winter Break I'll be back on the blessed Pacific with no work, no school, and no worries %)
Because I'm so sensitive to cannabis I find the best time to smoke is at night when there's nothing else to do and I can talk on the phone or go online and relax. And to take the edge off of coke too...
my favorite time would have to be at like 5-8 pm, so i just relax for a few hours and doze off a little bit, then come home and take my time with everything (getting ready for bed, cleaning, etc) and go to bed at like 12 feeling refreshed. then waking up in the morning and think about how good the day before was.

I love to smoke right when i get home from school, it always gives me somthing to look forward to when im sitting in class. maybe have a few cigs after too, that always makes my high better
for weekdays, i like being high at night, when i have already got classes and work done, 10:00, family guy, every night. On the weekend, wake and bake for sure, because when i am partying, i tend to enjoy the alchohol or dxm aspect more than the weed aspect
My absolute favorite time to smoke up is in the height of the daytime, when it's either sunny or raining. The outside world is vibrant and everything feels alive. ("It's so green outside!" <--- ever exclaim this before?)

The runner-up time would be when I get home after a good workout in my jiu-jitsu class. ^.^
during the weekdays, afterschool... but will try and wait until after dinner.
during the weekend... :) all the time! wake up with a bong packed, smoke it and go back to sleep heh :D
When I was at school/college, it'd be about 5pm, would go meet my mates from work and then have a spliff and thank God school was over for another day :D

Still is that time, or any time in the evening. Prefer when it's dark.
when I used to smoke I always loved smoking at night whenever I smoked in the morning/afternoon it feels like I wasted the whole day
I love to smoke in the evenings. Usually the last four hours I am awake. Damn, I wish I had something to smoke on now! :)
im sitting in the library skipping class right now and id say the best time is always NOW. I remember this 1 time i had a perfect wake and bake. I smoked like 6 grams at this party ALONE, then passed out around 2-3 in the morning, woked up at like 8, went outside with some kids and we matched a few bowls in this tent..i just felt so good...then i ran out of squares :(.

Anyways, wake n bake in an open field in the woods in a tent or a tree house is the best high...

next best is probably bakin in a car with some trance music blarrin
Anytime seems like the best time to smoke weed for me. But my favorite time is every night around 1 hour before I go to bed, I'll smoke a shitload of dro. It helps me get to sleep, plus I enjoy watching TV stoned in bed.
I love to smoke in the mornings first thing when it's really bright, that time of the morning is so much more peaceful. :)
Not to say anytime isn't good to smoke weed.
3-4 hours before going to bed is my favorite time to smoke. I don't have anything to do and I can just relax and enjoy the high.