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Your favorite time to smoke overall?

It's 16:14 right now in Spain.

Please, do not call me up for the next 16 minutes, OK?
Heh just kidding. Well my fav. time to smoke used to be at night, before I went to bed (actually, when my mom thought I was in bed), but now that my mom's leaving ("what? me? alone? in an apartment? oh boy...") for a month, I think I will smoke when I well damn please!
Usually one hour before dinner, when I've finished doing whatever I have to do in my house after I get home from work, then I have dinner when the munchies are hitting me, and then I continue smoking trough the evening just chilling and watching TV
either wake n bake, or anytime during a beautiful day, or at night, or really anytime but my favorite is when i can go outside during the day
All day.... but Evenings at like 7 pm or so is best to get REALLY high.
there is no time like the now, i smoke all day throughout the day, i don't work, i don't goto school, i just smoke madd reefer all day, and no less than a .7 blunt, anything else would be uncivilized. but i guess my FAVORITE time is the first high of the day, which is when i wake up, usually no later than 11 or noon. one
i really can't smoke after 8 pm ... I honestly cannot fall asleep if I'm even mildly stoned, or sometimes even after i've been high ... I get all restless and just can't nod off.

I don't get to do it much due to school, but I love to smoke midday, when its sunny and warm out. Nothing like walking around in the height of the day blazed and enjoying everything :)
Billy Orange said:
there is no time like the now, i smoke all day throughout the day, i don't work, i don't goto school, i just smoke madd reefer all day, and no less than a .7 blunt, anything else would be uncivilized.

You are going places =D

--- G.
^^^Hey this kids alright, if you can keep a job for a year I wouldn't mind putting you on welfare. You're funny.
i like to wake and bake, depending on what i think i might be doing.... otherwise, i try to hit 4:20 *i usually get home from school before that*.... and when i have the opportunity, i like to take the 4wheeler out into the woods, or just sit on my porch, and get baked right as its getting dark... or when its dark out.... nice chilled atmosphere, nice lighting, perfect timing.... just doesnt get any better than that....
i woulda said at night, when the people have cleared and the temperatures have dropped, at the edge of the beach, just chillin under the stars and gazing into what seems like infinity with the sky and ocean.... but i dont live in hawaii anymore.....
i like to smoke anytime, but in the evenings is a great time and then about 2 in the day is also a nice time.
99% of the time, I will only smoke as the last part of my day.. With friends or not, its a nice way to rewind, and an especially nice way to reflect on the rest of the day.. The night just seems to have a calmer, more euphoric tint to it.. The day is just too damn busy, and if i smoke then I become unproductive, and groggy for the rest of the day..

The only exception is at a day time concert..
the wake and bake after a hard night of drinking is the best. especially if you're still kind of drunk when you wake up. Behind that i'm gonna have to go with right after work. i usually pack a bowl at my desk, then hit it around the corner, so that by the time i get to the train, i'm pretty high. Then i just zone out on the train, people watch, and get home, put on some house and chill out.
Another good time is when you and a friend have absolutely nothing to do for the entire day, so you can just get high and walk around the city and have a blast watching people do their daily routine
My absolute favorite time to smoke is right after I am done running. I try to run for around an hour and then once I've walked a bit after it (I am still fairly far from my house) I have some good places to go and pull out a J or similar. Then once I'm nice and stoned (only dank after running...the rest is too much smoke for then) I walk the rest of the way home and enjoy the outdoors. That and a runners high gives you a nice euphoric feeling.

you feel soo good.
4:20 when I'm with other people, but on my own or with a couple friends usually late afternoon/early evening.:)
After a long stressful shitty day theres nothing better then comeing home and smokeing yourself stupid and then watching tv that really isnt that funny but you still crack the fuck up because your so high.
Theres nothing better for me than getting home after 9 long hours in a supermarket and sucking down a few pipes. After that i just plonk down on the couch and chill the fuck out
for some reason i think i enjoy being really stoned in the mornings more than in the evenings. i think it's cuz i like walking around in daylight being battered :D