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Your Favorite Psychedelic, and why (Part 3)

What is your favorite psychedelic?

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MachineGunBallad said:

For awhile, LSD was certainly my drug of choice. But I saw a darker side to the compound this december after taking six hits.

4-AcO is pure pleasure. What a marvelous body high! It reminds me signifcantly of MDMA (I've even had nystagmus on 30mg doses). No nausea, very clean feeling, and gorgeous, rainbow-filled visuals. A drug for the gods, IMO.

Have a trip report for that 6 hit adventure?
MachineGunBallad said:
clear headed mindspace on acid? acid feels like every thought at once is occurring in my brain simultaneously.

I've found the head space tends to differ depending on the quality of acid. I've had acid that makes my brain feels like its going to explode because of the pacing thoughts, and I've had acid that made me completely serene with a clear head.
I voted DMT smoked but it's close run by LSD - very close run

Actually I just enjoy most psychedelics
i find that with lsd you can have thousands of racing thoughts and feel clearheaded at the same time.

i voted dmt here. its love, friendlyness, lack of unpleasant effects (like the feeling of touching clothes or tobacco on acid, yuck) and short duration make it number one. the most mind blowing and insightful experiences i've had were with lsd though.
As of now DMT (smoked), I haven't really done any other psychedelics in a while besides DMT and 2CE.

I like the sheer heaviness and intensity of the experience and the fact that it's crammed into 15-20 minutes or so, and it's very humbling.

Next in line after that would be the archetypal psychedelic PEA, mescaline.....for clear-headed and lucid longer duration experiences. Very dreamy and enjoyable.
2c-e for me. only when snorted tho. it gave me my most intense trip but with no headfuck so it was awesome as.
Only 2 people like oral DMT? Is that because only 2 people have ever tried it? :)
Chaos23 said:
Most people cook it way down and dry it or make tea. I just remove the spines from it, carefully peel the outer layer of tough skin off leaving the fleshy green soft skin, and cut the core out. then I eat it with a little salt and pepper, along with some balsamic vinegar. It tastes shitty, but I always seem to trip harder when I eat it fresh...

You are fucking hardcore!
gonna have to go with LSD.
cause it makes me trip nuts.
but 2ce is awesome too.
Eh, I picked DMT before I saw that K was on the list.

I love the shortness of a DMT trip. You can smoke it and 30 minutes later go do something important, and feel baseline. Pretty awesome.

K will always be #1 though. Probably because of my limited exposure to it, and the awesome time I had on it when it was around.
LSD followed closely by DMT.

Mescaline has a special place in my heart as well.

These three chemicals are some of the wisest, most benevolent chemicals in existence; at least I believe so.
Other Research chem: TFMPP. I just like, its not too strong/overhwelming/deep, but it has more visuals the MDMA, while still having some empathogen/entactogen qualities, and it doesnt last >9000 hours, so I can drop it during the day, and fall asleep by night time.

Second is Ketamine, my only complaint is lasts too short.
I gotta say good old fashioned LSD. With mescaline in a close second. I have a feeling that DMT might take 1st but i won't know until later =D =D =D
mescaline is extremely friendly and benevolent and all around awesome but LSD has helped me realize more than any psychedelic.
I think it's a real shame that a lot of the natural entheogens like Morning Glory seeds and Amanita muscaria have been omitted from the list :( Morning Glory and Rivea were viewed by some shamans as THE most important psychedelics other than Psilocybe, Peyote and Salvia divinorum. And, yet, I see tons of synthetic psychedelics (some of which are shallow and hedonistic) cluttering the list.

I think our society could make far more social progress using natural psychedelics than the synthetics. Look how much the ancients learned from these plants. Where would our civilization be today if Mescaline sources, DMT sources, Psilocybin sources, LSA sources, Amanita muscaria, and Ibogaine sources had never grown on this planet and learned to be used sacramentally?

I think it's a damn shame the staple psychedelics of the 60's hippy revolution were synthetics like LSD rather than stuff like Peyote, Psilocybe and MG/HBW/Rivea and Salvia divinorum. Oh well...

I don't expect mainstream societies will ever as a whole find the healthiest most mindexpanding psychedelics to use. Instead, hedonistic carefree synthetic psychedelics like the MDxx's (not that there's anything wrong with rolling- it has its time and place) will reign supreme forever, while the more serious, overwhelming psychedelics will always be a lot more underground.
^i wouldn't generalize too much on that lsd statement, mescaline was THE staple just years before that, it had a reasonable impact on the Greenwich Village folk in the 1950's, many major figures of the 60's like Ginsberg got their psychedelic start from peyote. Mescaline was what other psych's were being compared to, as if it was the control..

though all that could just be a big generalization as well.. my point though is that your wording of "synthetics" should really just be singular. people were using things beyond the only synthesized chemical: lsd

and the interest in these newly synthesized chemicals is exactly because of that. Natural psych's have been used for thousands of years, people tend to see alot of potential in the NEW, thus this is the reason why many are drawn to these new RC's, they don't have much history at all, thats the appeal..

but i can definatly agree with you on your point though, i've got this obsession with natural sources and plants.. i'm not much of an rc guy
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