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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

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I spent the last 40 minutes trying to think of something witty, intellectual and funny to write, but failed.

A block of cheddar cheese, a slab of juicy red meat, a slather of pickles onions and tomatoes on a fluffy seeded bun;

Is probably what my brain looks like right now.



February 2 1968

In the dark of the moon, in flying snow, in the dead of winter,
war spreading, families dying, the world in danger,
I walk the rocky hillside
sowing clover.

- Wendell Berry
In the reverie of isolation, one can realise
They can be very comfortable floating down lifes path
Like a leaf that has fallen from an enormous Redwood tree

As we are all leaves,
Fallen from the same Redwood tree.

Being pulled down by the same gravity,
Prone to being blown around,
By rogue winds and unseen updrafts;

Landing softly on the well set soil below,
Absorbing back into the roots of the trunk

Regrowing and falling gently down once again,
For the yearning forest green beneath to catch us
In it's well worn ancient arms.
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Some songs are silently sung with the wind
Carrying more then words back to where they begin
Through out the night to the suns warming light
Knowing no end
Amongst natures constant melody.
He who believes the pen is mightier than the sword has likely never needed to use the latter in any case!
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In the late hours, shadows are calling me
with scribbled invitations that drive me to attend
a room lacking people, haunted by the dark with
all of the screams that erupt from my broken heart
like livestock being made redundant
the damage has been done, and there is an
absence of truth trying to befriend those eerie shadows
with blind trust and damaged faith
I watched you change, your morals, they disintegrated
into ashes and portions of spent pride, and
the poison it attacks my partitioned soul, while
you are so very impossible to hang on to, as you
slip through my fingers like coagulated blood,
with resistance and misfortune left
tormenting my broken heart.

Ash. <3
A distinct metallic clank
as the steel door seperating
life from death slammed shut,
Shutting away all of the tastes,
the smells, the invisible warmth.

I simply cannot soldier on anymore,
the cause is just so pointless,
Without you, I simply rot.
I would rather lay rotting
beneath the earth's soil than
waste any more filthy oxygen.
A tickle of insanity;

Not quite neurotic
Not quite psychotic
Wholly unsettling
And wholly all mine.

I see no respite
For the weary
Or excise
Of the wicked

The troubled sore soul
It must wander on;
Even when now
All wonder seems gone.
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In the late hours, shadows are calling me
with scribbled invitations that drive me to attend
a room lacking people, haunted by the dark with
all of the screams that erupt from my broken heart
like livestock being made redundant
the damage has been done, and there is an
absence of truth trying to befriend those eerie shadows
with blind trust and damaged faith
I watched you change, your morals, they disintegrated
into ashes and portions of spent pride, and
the poison it attacks my partitioned soul, while
you are so very impossible to hang on to, as you
slip through my fingers like coagulated blood,
with resistance and misfortune left
tormenting my broken heart.

Ash. <3

Loved this. So honest.

all those fights
all those bruised knuckles &
phones smashed against the floor,
all those drugs inhaled & injected
never took back what was missing
but was needed then
and is sometimes needed
from now on, now that
we are torn from the
silent abyss from which we
came from and will
inevitably return to . . .
all that trust broken
all those lies & deceits from
those closest to you were
merely love gone wrong.
my love is not your love
& vice-versa, no hard feelings;
i'll see you on the other side
where everything is reconciled.
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kill'em all

when Murder upon me
upon my dreams installs Itself

it's the Dead Rising
I call this one

sometimes negative nancy just needs the sand douched from her vagina

These words eject from me
like The repugnant liquid
Of a broken vaginal douche bag.

The smell is foul.

No, you cant ferment it, and
It won't be as good as brandy.

Maybe try
just one glass.
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frozen hands grasp onto the cold rail,
of a breath-filled cabin ---
the city train
slowly winding it's way
toward the inner city.

amongst the murmers and coughs
and sounds of folded newspaper,
human despair is thick in the air.

i slip into a daydream,
of a place other than here . . .

where grey birds, fall like confetti
their feathers stitched to straw bones
as the sun gets poured from a golden cup.
wild eyes gaze up at the constellations
charting their course
while heavy ships move along a lilac horizon
to a place even i do not know where . . .


I saw my friends away, far away
I'm a goner, now.

swimming in the ocean,
vast and boundless,
trying to sing my own song -
the only one.

the sunlight reveals your features
beautiful, but the shadows
conceal your bleakness.

where does affection lie?
looking deep into someone else's eyes?


trapped, in these cycles
heartless, forever more
the days blend together
night haunts with memories
the sun rises
silently over the hill
the cold air moves over my body
like smoke
the day holds little promise
i'm miserable
the edge of the lake
waves and laughs
at my long face
i see you across the water,
your jaw clenched,
your eyes distant

what do you see?
what do you feel?


drunk again
like a painter returning to an old canvas
mixing colours on his palette
trying to find the right texture


let the sun rise
let the light shine through
my open window
in the early morning

i'm stationary
the stubborn world moves about
as always, forever in cycles
the same silly routine

dust fills this empty room
only a table with a glass sits
a burnt letter and coffee stains
a suicide note, a will.
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im sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorry
It always starts out the same;

I'm fighting my father,
Throwing jabs and hooks,
Moving like a boxer,
Doing the best I can,
With all the muscle I can muster,
And the outcome is always the same;
I am hopeless.

His chin doesn't move,
I am punching a face of stone.

And even though,
I'm sure I'm doing it right,
I'm helpless,
and it always ends up the same,
I fail.

With a simple grab and a fling,
He kills me,
I am dead.
Existence is now oblivion,
I am dead.

But now I'm in a school hall,
I think I'm starting my nursing course.

And I'm late.
I don't have a map.
I can't find my class.

And the halls,
Which are featureless and pale,
All look the same.

They melt into one as I run,
And they all look the same,
And the lockers all look the same,
And I can't find my way,
And none of it makes sense,
Everything looks the same,
I have no direction,
And I'm helpless.

My vision starts spinning like a carousel wheel,
And the pale, faceless blue walls,
Are all I can see,
As the wheel picks up in intensity;
Spinning, blurring, disorienting,
Flung into oblivion
I am dead.

When I wake once again,
Into the light of the morning which to me,
At first looks not to different from the dream,
The day which follows;
It always seems to end up the same.
Why did you come ?
And where did you come from ?
You strange little thing
With fur and four legs
I'm full of pain.

I'm sick of life.

Boo-Hoo, Boo-Hoo,
Now stop your booing,
And look at you -

You spur the angst
And You spur the pain.

Boo-Hoo, Boo-Hoo.
Just look at me,
Just look at you.
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