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In the land of the blind the one eyed man is...

[Realistically Shuddering Blood Red]

Mother of a death struck whore birthed abortion who poked out my fucking eye!? Jesus Christ in drag, I mean, it's fucking gone!

[Fade to white]
3 months alone, in a tiny room
3 boxes of 6 bottles of wine
3 days no food 7 days a week
a Bible, a cross, icons on the wall.

mental warfare, physical purgatory

i've found a balance in weight,
54 kilograms, I can't get lower than that.

my mind escapes from my body momentarily.
these numbers mean nothing
but I can make them mean something,
my life means nothing, but I can make
it mean something; nothing.

there's an animal scratching at my wall at night
the roof collects the dead limbs of a tree
my prayers vanish into the twilight.

my visions in my sleep are unrelenting, constant
they tell me: "fear:fear"

that's a balance.

so close to physical death
and I know it's a conspiracy of the mind,

trying to get free.
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We're on a collective god kick. So lets kick that old fuck in the kidneys.

You need to sign a health-care proxy.

I am a firm believer in euthanasia. The sanctity of life concept we cater to is bullshit and inhumane. Life is sacred? Who said so? God? Well if you've ever buried your beak in a bible you'll realize how much horse shit underlies that statement.

I've got a question, god. Yes, you'll naturally notice that I didn't bother capitalizing your name just now. Premeditated of course. Preternatural monarchical father figures ruining the Beautiful with their patriarchal nonsense aren't high on my list of nouns I respect. I have respect for very few things, very few people. I digress.

Pick up a history book and learn a little something. Oh look. God is the foremost leading cause of death. That certainly came out of left field, not GOD! No! He'd never allow that to happen. I'd roll my eyes backwards if I could do so in print.

And I can assure you I'd go blind for the cause.
I'm afraid.

Not that I'll never be a good writer, because I am one. Isn't that strange?

I'm afraid I'll lack the will to wake up in the morning to let it happen.

Isn't life peculiar?
thanks thou, I really enjoyed the one you wrote on the last page

also 4ea's "Avalanche" was dope as fuck.
Based on a true story:

Having a bit of drink before my mom comes home and starts cutting up my creative juices with her stupid dumb hate.

She insists I go to a rehab even though she drinks 12 drinks a day. I drink 12 drinks every week if I'm lucky.

If that.

If I weren't here I wouldn't drink at all.

No detox is going to take a sober man and no long term rehab is going to take someone who hasn't failed inpatient, which needs insurance. I don't have insurance.

god bless america.

It will be fun shit telling her these things for the fifth time while I find a shelter least likely to rape me.

Quick fix Mary. Baby boomer delusional bullshit. TV dinners, instant potatoes, no work, fix your son in 28 short days.

No fuss and/or muss.

I couldn't make up this kind of stupidity. I'm not that smart.

Last words of Sala Y. Coven, the old man of the mountain.

Listen to my last words anywhere.
Rehatch Pot Poem

Oh simple cellophane
Thus compiled of subtle medicine
Doth cannabis elude a wild seeker of her attributes?
Or merely hide for fear of being used without gratification

A jest with no nervous system
A parlor trick of the most extravagant ilk

Oh little one
Oh lost copped bag
Where art thou heavenly essence, Where art though loving caress?

Yea, for what sinecures have you left me for, what advantage have you attained by leaping from my grasp?

Or was it mild sincerity and respect that thou darted from thine hold?
Teaching lessons in philosophical aptitude are we?
Buddhist plants are curious enigmas indeed, it would seem...

Yea, what meandering purpose these fingers stamp out on these keys, doth' little to find my sweet, sweet, plant matters.

I only hope, my only hope.

That no pain beseech you the likes of which your absence doth me.
we stopped having faith in ourselves
we searched in vain, externally, for the truth
not realising that it was within.
now we depend upon the system
rather than ourselves.
self-control has become
government control
and your personal liberty
has gone.

welcome to the one world order.
What could be more humble than to throw up ones' hands and scream
This life is complicated!

But the most honest admittance of conviction
Is of no concern to a universe of no concern.

Your conviction becomes lost in the ether of words transfered
Through the mediums of sound-waves and light-waves
From yourself to another - or perhaps just by yourself to yourself

Yet it always itches - itches to be expressed.
This life is complicated.
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the city is colourful as shit
and people like looking different from one and other,

probably can't accept being themself.
What is the meaning to it all?
That is entirely dependant on what you want from it all.

What if you don't want any of it?

What of this lacking?

What of this nothing?

What of this pain?
What of it?


Clench to the nothing,
Throw away the nothing.

It's all tainted.
Emptiness is required.
"An eye for an eye leaves...

Enter Imperialist Cultures...

Wait, where is everybody? Who's talking?"
^I really like that Thou.

And such is life
I sit here sipping my drink
A place I never envisioned visiting

"Those who rely on a drink to feel alright"

And in resignation to my fate I realize it isn't to bad
Yet my circumstances speak to me and say
Cheer up emo kid!

I guess i'm really just being honest when I say
I'm really not cheery at all.
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what's the smallest particle?

an atom?
a proton?


there's always something new, isn't there?
perpetual lie in eternity?


how many planets are in the solar system?
why isn't pluto one of them anymore?

does the universe need your explanation?

how far microscopically will you go before you realise you can never know the whole truth?
how far macroscopically will you go before you realise you can never know the whole truth?

when looking without yourself.

the universe is illusion
truth is within the observer
What love truely means

Give birth to a child because the biological clock is ticking down
Raise it in this matrix like you're parents taught you to be

Hope it becomes alright
what's the smallest particle?

an atom?
a proton?


there's always something new, isn't there?
perpetual lie in eternity?


how many planets are in the solar system?
why isn't pluto one of them anymore?

does the universe need your explanation?

how far microscopically will you go before you realise you can never know the whole truth?
how far macroscopically will you go before you realise you can never know the whole truth?

when looking without yourself.

the universe is illusion
truth is within the observer

This is tight I love this PK.

It's like a finger that points to the moon. Don't look at the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory!
Agreed. Fucking phemonal work pk.

Sadly, we live in a world that over-rates the intellect and neglects the soul.
Buddha told me, that although it is wise to be observant, it is foolish to be an Observer.
If the world was occupied entirely by observers it would cease to exist.
At best, he said, it would consist of people simply staring at each other.
It is impossible to moderate the flow of words, nor do I want... so, I don't.
I fill my position so that some Nazi doesn't run things around here.
I am an anti-moderator.
Please, don't be moderate.

I insist.