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Worst scenarios faced on LSD?

One day...

After a 5-day alcohol, mdma, speed binge we had only slept 2 of the 5 nights and On the last night after 2 days awake drinking non-stop I invited my ex round to get back with her, i took a shitload of shrooms we had picked and was absolutely tripping rotten.

I took a load more shrooms, downed a couple shots of vodka then passed out for 1 hour. When i woke, i was tripping so hard, and EVERYONE AROUND ME WAS POINTNG AND LAUGHING. I stand up and noticed they were all taking videos and photos. Then it hit me, I was stripped of my clothes. My "friend" who did it was trying to make me a laughing stock because he told me to look in the mirror.

He had (b)shaved my head, shaved my eyebrows, punched me in the face to give me a black eye and stripped me of my clothes whilst taking videos with everyone and sending the vids to everyone on my phone(/b). Bearing in mind i wasnt exactly 'lucid' at this stage, was (b)totally tripping(/b) so it enhanced the fear and anxiety i felt at that moment. I freaked out.

That's messed up. If any of my mates ever did something like that to me I would spike there drinks with 2 strong hit's of acid unknowingly while were out in a club.

DwayneHoover why not just stay away from this thread? Your the only one who dosnt find these storys intresting, yet you seem to be able to read them all then comment on them? 8)
A million mosquitos near a pond where we were shacked up that were going operation valkyrie on my donkey ass.

Also losing 3 days to some kind of freak acid+alprazolam episode. I was quite out of my mind in that period and did
some stuff that is kind of funny to tell about now, but it scared me that I apparently participated in traffic at the time
and was extremely rude to a girlfriend. I was clearly disinhibited and amnestic. I don't know about delirious.

Heard about some guy who was a varsity rower or something who took shrooms and MDMA and got in a boat and
stabbed himself in the heart because of an embarrassing bad performance at a race earlier. :(
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[/B]That's messed up. If any of my mates ever did something like that to me I would spike there drinks with 2 strong hit's of acid unknowingly while were out in a club.

DwayneHoover why not just stay away from this thread? Your the only one who dosnt find these storys intresting, yet you seem to be able to read them all then comment on them? 8)

Huh? I'll say what I feel like when and where I feel like it. Telling me to take a hike? Ha! Not bloody likely!

Anyway I thought thats why people posted was to hear others comments? And what kind of comments should you expect to disasters and fucked up scenes other than "damn thats terrible?" So I have a little bit of "attitude" sometimes, big deal, so what?

And the one you quote I was in fact interested enough in (appalled by it actually) to ask what happened in the period after the attack between the victim and his attackers. I in no way was bashing the poster, I was genuinely concerned, and curious and so I asked. And you're getting down on me for showing an interest enough to wonder "and what happened then"? Geez what the hell is wrong with asking that?

And I said I found the ones about the dude saving peoples lives to be heroic and interesting enough to merit its own thread about "Psychedelic Superheroes"... I thought that was an interesting thought, actually.

Get off my case for crying out loud. Why is posting details about taking a dump while tripping OK, but me saying "Ew gross did we really need to hear that" worth you telling me to get lost? It seemed the only reason for him to include that was verbal shock value, so I complied and seemed a bit shocked. Just playing along.

Criminey. Its a forum, god damnit, its whole purpose is for people to throw their reactions out there whatever they are. Its silly making a big deal out of me saying what I thought about something.

Anyway I guess my morbid curiosity (you gottta admit that's what wanting to hear details of others' bad experiences is, a sort of "pornography" of sorts, or like slowing down on the freeway to stare at an accident, thats exactly what it is) has in fact gotten the better of me enough to post my own rather inward disaster, including pretty embarrassing details about my own behavior... I thought that's the sort of frankness that was wanted? What, not enough violence for you? Jeeez. 8)

If my verbal attitude rubs you the wrong way, well boo frickin' hoo, dont be such a dainty flower child! (oops there I go again... :\ )
And then...?

I forgave him.

And fucked his girlfriend.

U have a horrible group of friends apparently

:to the guy who got stripped and beaten up

Yeah, I didnt see the point in hitting him (it was one guy who did most of it then got everyone in to laugh etc).
I have always been of the persuasion that forgiveness is the best answer. I used to be well into Buddhism.

But if that had happened more recently (it was 4 years ago), there would have been a different outcome, trust me.

He is going to jail now anyway, so what goes around comes around.
Was fairly convinced an HD broadcast of tournament soccer was transmitting a siren that would keep blaring into my ears until it pushed me past the brink of insanity. My own breathing and swallowing were amplified to the point where I thought some being was perched on my shoulder as the veil of reality kept fading in and out and I was pretty certain I was being watched by thousands of empty red eyes.

When I snapped out of it, I took a look at my friends and was convinced they were both entering my mind and watching the preceding unfold. Everything they said to me felt like my induction into some new, malevolent alien reality. I was totally convinced they were alien beings sent to drive me insane.

I left in my other friend's car. He started telling me I was in Hell (he really did this) and was fucking with my head about reality. He had a cross hanging from his rearview mirror, so the Hell thing really freaked me out. At one point I was certain he was a demon and it seemed like his head was floating above his seat w/ no body underneath.

All the while I'm convinced I am in some "other" place. This was the weirdest sensation of all because I started believing I was experiencing some sort of bad sexual violation in this other place.

Shouldn't have smoked those bowls. That's what set me off.
i've only done acid once, i took three drops on my tongue. i chilled for a little, went to the driving range, etc, and once i started tripping man was it way too intense for me. the whole time i was reallly really paranoid and couldn't enjoy it. to make matters worse we got off the highway, and there was a cop checkpoint with a whole bunch of ambulances around. i have some oxys on me, and the car was loaded, and i have this undeniable sense that it was over for all of us. we're waiting in line to get past the checkpoint, as we come up we see that the police are literally only pulling over black drivers. we get to the front of the line, the cop crosses the street to talk to the other cop while we wait anxiously, and he turns around, takes one look at us for a millisecond and has us go. man was i bugged out.
drove 8 miles while tripping way too hard... The road was rocking side to side kind of tripping way to hard.

luckily, gps makes things so much easier.
I forgave him.

And fucked his girlfriend.


He is going to jail now anyway, so what goes around comes around.

On Forgiving him then fucking his girlfriend: OUTSTANDING! HAHA! PERFECT!

On Things Going Around And Then Coming Around: Ah yes, KARMA... just what I like to hear... the gods & godesses protecting all trippers were watching over you, you see, took note and added the a-hole to their list of fuckwads to teach a lesson to when the chance arises.
Ahhh man my worst weekend.

It was new years eve, I had taken like 5 hits of gel tabs and kept redosing MDMA doing n2o and smoking blunts. Some how we ended up at a swinging party cuz my buddy asked 'what I thought about "the lifestyle"' and I was tripping so I was like "uhhh whatever its cool". Then this dude gives me 2 tenths (maybe more) of MDMA making my total for the night 700ish mgs and a 10 strip of the same gellies...but thank god I didn't eat more acid. I ate like 5-7 hits and too much MDMA.

Long story short, before anyone got naked my GF started arguing about some hippie BS and just stormed outa the place. I was completely lost as to what the fuck was happening.

I went home with my GF didn't sleep for about 36 hours. When I finally woke up from sleeping when my aunt called me. Apparently my dad was in intensive care and he was gonna die real soon. 24 hours he was dead. Talk about a fucking buzz kill...especially all that MDMA, no sleep, jet lag and seeing a dead parent.

That was one of the most fucked up weekends in my life. Some shit you can't plan for.
This wasnt to incredibly intense as I was the level headed fellow in this happening but...

Two friends and I had taken LSD and they were drinking, holding alcohol in their hands as we walked to a cliff to shoot off fireworks. This was out at a Cabin rural area where the RCMP are the active police force. So we light off many noisey fireworks which is actually quite normal and accepted out at this small town and are walking back down my street to my cabin as the RCMP turns down our road.

My friends without warning take off full speed down a backlane...and i'm left there dazed wondering why the hell they would take off like that as I was left to deal with the cops, they assumed they were in trouble from shooting off fireworks and holding alcohol when very likely due to the closeness to my cabin the RCMP was NOT about to even say a word to us.

When the RCMP asked me why my friends ran away I said "I have as little of a clue as you do", and asked if they were drunk when I responded "No more than I am" which was true, I told them that my friends were not from around here and did not know what the rules were and told them we were setting off fireworks and that they may not have known if it was ok or not.

They told me to find my friends and take them home and drove off, as I found my friends later they told me they thought the alcohol would get them in trouble and figured I was about to go jumping fences and cutting through yards with them...jackasses. overall I was able to keep a cool head and talk as if it were any old day, when quite honestly I was dumbfounded at the whole instant of the event... lmao
Dropping at 6:30am after an all nighter at a festival. Then had to drive 2 hours, before being level, back into town for work at 5:30pm.
Bad decisions. Two serious near-accidents come to mind.

The worst was with a friend. bought what was supposed to be liquid lsd. i remember walking to catch the train home and wondering if it was an omen that a dust storm had turned the sky blood red. dosed at midday (disregarding the strong taste and alcoholic smell of the brown liquid.)
nothing happened. after 6 hours my friend and i, along with his girlfriend who was sitting, are back at a dealer's house learning that the 'lsd' was 'lsa' extracted from HBWR. related dose:
minimum 5 for any effect
10 for a tab equivalent
15 for a strong dose

you know who had 10, my friend had 10 and his girlfriend chewed up three just to see what they tasted like. not to be out done, yours truly munched three, too.

after 2 hours, with no cigar left, we bounce. it's a 40 min trek to the train in which our balls are stumbling all over the place. i am only mildly affected and am trying to force hallucinations.
my friend is off his nut, and his girlfriend can hardly stay on the train seat. (<--our plan started to seem less bulletproof)

we had no where to go (shouldn't have dosed so late-don't fux with your planned setting!) so we went to Mcdonalds. I had to order because i was the only coherent one.
After eating my french fries at record speed, i look at the rest of the food. stand up. excuse myself. and begin throwing up as i walk across the carpark to a garden bed.

i remember the thoughts: 'wow, this isn't so bad. at least the trip isn't going south'

then the gf comes out to see if i'm ok. she starts to throw up too...
my friend and i start to worry because she is having obvious trouble staying upright, her hair hanging in the vomit beginning to pool.
some guys come over and ask us what happened to her, clearly thinking we might be trying to take advantage of her.
we beg her to sit up so they'll see she's ok, and not beat us up.
she can't.

we call his father, and, prioritising his life, my friend mans up more than me and explains the whole situation.

While incapacitated, his gf was begging us to take her to the hospital to let them drug her and end the experience. some pretty scarring stuff. she kept rambling about a pattern that she couldn't not see, which was driving her insane.

lessons avoid a supplier you can't trust; don't eat a supposedly ineffective number of psychoactive seeds just to see what they taste like; don't fuck with set and setting
Running out of weed and nitrous ;)

LOL, reminds me of the time that my friends and I hit up Williams Sonoma at like 10 in the morning after a long night of tripping.

"Where the nangs at?" *muffled hysteria*

"Excuse me?"

"Umm... I mean, 'we need cream-whipper refills please ma'am'"

me and my friends went to see avatar 3d on some very good doses. we were enjoying the movie and tripping pretty hard when a group of 3 men sat down next to us.

them sitting down next to us was no issue, but one of the guys was mentally handicapped. me and my friends are far from disrespectful to mentally challegned people but the guy started screaming and making noises. needless to say, we all started dying laughing and we couldn't take it any longer and had to leave.

i have never had such a hard time controlling my laughter.
My worst story is actually pretty bad, it happened this summer in august on a psychedelic trance festival in Portugal. I was there with my boyfriend and no other people I knew and it was the first full day of the festival, the one where the music starts, we dropped 4 very decent hits of LSD in the early evening and wandered around the terrain a bit, I was enjoying my strong visuals in the beautiful landscape and mentally just felt very zen, I had never taken LSD on such a beautiful location so the already amazing visual effects were even more overwhelming, and I was just enjoying myself. My boyfriend came across as a little confused but I didn't think too much of it as he's always silent in come-ups.

Either way, about 2 hours into the trip, when the peak just hits he starts acting weird saying 'I'm done', and I was like 'with what?' and he was like 'everything' and then I was like 'what do you mean by that?!?' and then he says 'its over between us' and he pretty much spells it out with a weird look on his face, telling me we're no longer together, so I ask 'why?!' and he's like 'there ís a reason' and I'm like 'yeah thats no answer, why' and he says 'why do you have to be so stubborn' and eventually he tells me that everything came together there.. and he pauses, to show him that we don't fit together, so I named some random things we have in common and he says now i'm 'grasping at things', so I tell him I still haven't heared a good reason and ask him if its some osrt of weird joke, and he says he just doesn't feel any love for me anymore.

Just that m oment he walks off and I set there alone, sun just set, on a shitload of acid tripping fairly hard, just been dumped and am completely alone in a foreign country. I went looking for him for about 3 hours, occasionally forgetting what i was doing and finding myself often very distracted by the beautiful visuals, or incapable of understanding where I am / what I'm looking at, also because of the visuals. I'm glad I was tripping that moment when I look back on it, because I was so distracted by my trip. Either way, I was alone, dumped, on a pretty high dose of LSD (200 ug, tested by a lab by the way), and in a foreign country where I knew on one and everyone spoke different languages.

Being dumped in a trip on a festival is pretty much one of the worst things. When I found him again after 3 hours we got back together, was the first thing he said and it turned out he had just gone temporarely insane. We've tripped together since then, even again on the same festival and on an even higher dose, and everything has always been fine. He's warned though, if he does it again, I WILL kick him in the balls. Thats just no thing to do.

The worst was having to forgive him to save both the trip, festival experience and everything and having to tell myself 'its fine' and not make a big deal out of it. That was the most difficult.

Also I think if that hadn't been my 38th LSD trip, it might've gone a lot worse. I was able to keep my thoughts together very well and I don't think an in-experienced tripper could've done that.

Mostly I'm just glad its months ago and we've had 3 perfectly fine LSD trips together since then and we're still together and stuff's fine now.
LOL, reminds me of the time that my friends and I hit up Williams Sonoma at like 10 in the morning after a long night of tripping.

"Where the nangs at?" *muffled hysteria*

"Excuse me?"

"Umm... I mean, 'we need cream-whipper refills please ma'am'"


Haha, I have happened to have stayed the night in a nice hotel across a highway from a headshop whilst on LSD and 2C-E mixed together for the night.... I had a case from before they closed the night before and I had some ridiculously intense nos experiences compared to normal. They were gone by around 3AM and the last lung I did was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen... this immediately made me dying to go to the headshop when they opened in six or so hours.

And then I ran out of weed soon after :(
Wreck and Dui while melting into my nissian pathfinder.booking in downtown nashville justice center was a trip
On 4th of July me and my buddies went to this wild house party. Everyone was underage, shit was getting wild, bitches fucking on the couches, people passed out everywhere. While hammered, my friend was offered to buy some mushrooms and stupidly said yes and ate 3.5 grams. An hour later we hear BHAM BHAM BHAM, and lo and behold, the cops have shown up to crash the party. As soon as we heard this, EVERYONE, even the host of the party, bolted out of the backdoor, only to be met by more cops. There were so many people that we were able to break away and run through the backyard of the neighbors house and dip into the woods while we watched cop cars circling the block. After about half an hour, we decide to head back to the party and check to see if the cops are still there. Of course, the cops are still there and as soon as my friends see the cops, they run off and leave me all alone. My phone was dead so I had to ninja through the front yard past the cops and find someone else from the party to use their phones and call my friends(my friends were my only ride and I didn't want to get stranded). Eventually I get into contact with my friends and learn that they are hiding out at a nearby park, so I had to get a rid with someone from the party who was tripping on mushrooms in order to meet up with them. I get there and they are no where in sight. Suddenly I hear this frat dude yell "are you looking for your friends!?!?" and look up to see a frat party in full swing on the opposite corner. I walk into the party, not knowing anyone. I walk up to the top floor and walk in on my friends ripping a 3 footer with some random frat dudes. Apparently the look on my face was priceless, iv never been so happy to see my friends in my life.
Seeing a guy passed out on the ground and thinking he was dead during a lotus set was pretty terrible, the people who kept telling me to leave him alone didn't help. My significant other always uses this idea as one of the reasons she doesn't like my use of psychedelics. Her most amusing example was"What happens if when the zombie apocalypse hits and you're all hopped up on trippy stuff? Are you going to be able to shoot them in the head while constantly giggling like a dumbass?" A somewhat valid point I suppose...
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