• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

WORK SUCKS: Talk About Your Job

^this a better week?

i did a terrible job at work today. i had zero meetings. no obligations. i had all day to work on whatever i deemed most important. and i had a list. i didn't end up being very productive. gave my mind too much room to wander. i was stressing out about life and just sucking at my job. this happens from time to time. makes me feel quite guilty. early in the week and i can make up for it in the remaining days, but damn.
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i had a really intense interview today. which seems crazy because it was only a photograph and 300 words. or will be only a photograph and 300 hundred words. i told him to turn his tape recorder off a lot. lots of like. pauses and me speaking very carefully and very slowly, and he got upset and finally turned off the tape recorder for good. which is insane because this is only a 300 word interview about my day to day job. which is stupid easy to describe, why did i find this so difficult? he asked a bunch of questions that are on their face easy to answer but i just got so nervous that i'd come across as Supreme Ice Cunt that i just like...panicked.

"what keeps a person of color, like you, in a position that's so fraught with potential disasters, a position where you have to explain to a white audience, a rich audience, a suburban audience, something they associate with gangs, drugs, crime, etc, if they don't even pay you?"

"no comment."

"oh come on."

"no comment."

i've been texting him a lot to clarify things that won't even appear.

what the fuck is wrong with me? can i not do a simple interview about answering emails and booking interviews? jesus.
Hydro, I absolutely do NOT want to be a manager. Hell to the no! =D How's the electronic logging going?

D's, has this week been going better for you?
Hey all, well alots happened . I ended up going to Memphis to spend time with my family. This google fiber job is about to open up in NC. So going to try and catch it while I can.(at first), the last folks I worked with did me wrong, I'm still waiting for my last check, called the 'owner' today and left a voicemail message, I sure hope he pays me.. If not I will contact us department of labor!
I'm enjoying this time off I got!
That sucks about your last check! Hope you get it soon. Good luck with the job opening in NC.

So I've had to deal with an idiot at work lately. I thought he transferred to another warehouse next month. Turns out, my friends told me he transfers next week. WOO HOO!!!!!!!! =D

A few of my friends have joined the Reserves lately. I'm feeling left out and once again am considering the military, although this time in a part time capacity.
I have a meeting with my principle (in an elementary school) next week to discuss whether or not, or how much I want to work there next year. I am really confused about the whole thing. I tried to quit last year and got talked into taking a leave instead but I really don't want to be tied down to the school year schedule. I want to piece things together but have no idea if this is actually realistic. There are so many different directions that I want to go in but when school starts I am 100% consumed with teaching and there is no energy left to try to name this restlessness, let alone address it.

I came to write something in this thread about dreading going back to work in September and I saw that the auto-restore feature was there. To my surprise I had written what I put in quotation last spring and never actually posted it. I did negotiate three months off of my 9-month contract--ostensibly to explore putting together art classes to try to sell to the powers that be that run the juvenile incarceration system here. I took off October, January and April. This means that I will now be making about what a ten year old babysitter makes in a year. What the hell was I thinking? I am 60!

I don't even know why I am posting this. Perhaps to self reflect? Trying to name this career restlessness, let alone address it is hard. If I were 30 or even 40 this might be different. Since I'm 60 there is not a whole lot of time to flail around but staying in the safety of what I have always done is obviously not working.
There is this guy who I work with (he's VERY high up) who just doesn't like me. No good reason. My manager has even asked him for reasons and he hasn't given any good reasons. So, this has gone on for almost a year (maybe like 9-10 months). He just hates me. I'm a great worker, I'm accurate, I'm efficient. When I make mistakes, I own up to them. He likes to call me out (in front of groups of like 15 managers) on things that aren't my fault. I've been putting up with this for so long and I'm tired of him. I've been looking for other jobs BECAUSE of him. I've had multiple sleep less nights, tons of crying evenings, dreading going into work, and just wayyy too much stress/anxiety (and I already have anxiety issues). Almost everyone else at work seems to like me (or at least tolerate me). I'm a pretty likeable person, I don't do things to annoy people lol, so I don't get people hating me a lot. Unfortunately this guy is in charge of a LOT of things which is such a pain.
That's been the sucky part of work for months. I found out that....
Only a couple more weeks with him.......
I'm so excited. I'm not going to be looking for other jobs. I will do better on my reviews (oh yeah, he's the reason I got "meets expectations" rather than "exceeds expectations"). Which means more of a raise, more of a bonus. But the best part? I'm not going to be dreading work in the morning. I'm not going to be anxious all the time.

I'm just soooooooooooo happy.

I know that there will be people you don't get along with in the workplace. There are quite a few others who I don't like BUT we are on okay terms, we do what we need to do, and we aren't mean to each other. You learn how to deal with other people and I'm pretty good at it too.

I still need to figure out what I want to do with my life though. I do enjoy my job. I get paid OK (good for a 23 year old but stilll... :p). I don't know what I want to do with my life. I wish I had those goals and dreams and whatnot that others have. :p
^Well, whatever you decide to do in the future, this is GREAT news in the present! Dreading work everyday is horrible.
^ That's great news, Llama! He probably dislikes you BECAUSE you're so well put together. It sounds like he's intimidated-he was likely afraid you'd come after his job! =D

I came to write something in this thread about dreading going back to work in September and I saw that the auto-restore feature was there. To my surprise I had written what I put in quotation last spring and never actually posted it. I did negotiate three months off of my 9-month contract--ostensibly to explore putting together art classes to try to sell to the powers that be that run the juvenile incarceration system here. I took off October, January and April. This means that I will now be making about what a ten year old babysitter makes in a year. What the hell was I thinking? I am 60!

I don't even know why I am posting this. Perhaps to self reflect? Trying to name this career restlessness, let alone address it is hard. If I were 30 or even 40 this might be different. Since I'm 60 there is not a whole lot of time to flail around but staying in the safety of what I have always done is obviously not working.

Have you considered becoming a substitute teacher instead? Not as strenuous as teaching your own classes and you don't work everyday.

i had a really intense interview today. which seems crazy because it was only a photograph and 300 words. or will be only a photograph and 300 hundred words. i told him to turn his tape recorder off a lot. lots of like. pauses and me speaking very carefully and very slowly, and he got upset and finally turned off the tape recorder for good. which is insane because this is only a 300 word interview about my day to day job. which is stupid easy to describe, why did i find this so difficult? he asked a bunch of questions that are on their face easy to answer but i just got so nervous that i'd come across as Supreme Ice Cunt that i just like...panicked.

"what keeps a person of color, like you, in a position that's so fraught with potential disasters, a position where you have to explain to a white audience, a rich audience, a suburban audience, something they associate with gangs, drugs, crime, etc, if they don't even pay you?"

"no comment."

"oh come on."

"no comment."

i've been texting him a lot to clarify things that won't even appear.

what the fuck is wrong with me? can i not do a simple interview about answering emails and booking interviews? jesus.

Is there any way he could re-interview you, perhaps through email? I've seen interviews that were done like that before. It sounds like your thought process shut down because you felt like you were put on the spot.
Nah, Tude, I'm an Art Specialist which is a term that the California schools came up with after we plunged to nearly the bottom of public education systems in the U.S.

Richest state and worst schools--go figure. When the budgets were cut, art, music, drama, librarians and classroom aids all were cut. Now the parents at the schools are asked to raise the money to hire "art professionals" or working artists to come in as independent contractors. We are not credentialed as classroom teachers so substituting is out.
i was feeling so good after lunch today. getting it done. i was taking care of the coffee machine at the end of the day, and discovered that whoever made the coffee had used like 5x too much. i think it was our cfo. who is contracted from a consulting firm. she's been here a couple days a week for like 6 months and still a stranger. really nice, but apparently afraid to ask how to use the coffee machine.
Lol, at least they tried to make coffee, I guess! No one wanted to make coffee where I work, so they had to assign it to somebody. Now the people in the office are in charge of the coffee.

There's been a lot of incidents lately with people riding equipment having accidents. I was called into a meeting a few nights ago where our supervisors' boss was telling us the way training was handled was going to change. Honestly, that's the wrong process to change. There's nothing wrong with the training process. Now, their hiring process, THAT needs to be addressed. They need to hire people with half a brain. The forklifts have kill switches. If you're about to run into something, HIT THE KILL SWITCH!!!! It's not hard.
i was feeling so good after lunch today. getting it done. i was taking care of the coffee machine at the end of the day, and discovered that whoever made the coffee had used like 5x too much. i think it was our cfo. who is contracted from a consulting firm. she's been here a couple days a week for like 6 months and still a stranger. really nice, but apparently afraid to ask how to use the coffee machine.

Hehe funny. Is there any way you could have like a basic coffee manual? Print it up, tape it to the side of the coffee maker? Like don't make it obvious but put the proportions on it. I don't make coffee regularly (maybe once a month), my boyfriend is the one who usually makes it (we don't have coffee much) so I always have to google "coffee proportions" or ask my boyfriend lol. Who can remember? But hey that might be a great reminder for everyone! :)

There's been a lot of incidents lately with people riding equipment having accidents. I was called into a meeting a few nights ago where our supervisors' boss was telling us the way training was handled was going to change. Honestly, that's the wrong process to change. There's nothing wrong with the training process. Now, their hiring process, THAT needs to be addressed. They need to hire people with half a brain. The forklifts have kill switches. If you're about to run into something, HIT THE KILL SWITCH!!!! It's not hard.

Uggghhh.... training and hiring ...... I sympathize with you!!!!

I absolutely love my job. I really do. It's an office job, it pays okay (great for a 23 year old but it's not amazing). I've been there for over three years (although part time for a while). Anyway I'm really into the music scene and my boyfriend and I have started to put on events in the city. I am considering, in the future (maybe like 2 years), trying to actually open a club. Like a smaller club/bar type thing. I think it would be challenging and fun but, at the same time, not steady. I like the organized, steadiness in my life now. I'd obviously have to do a TON of learning beforehand and save up a LOT of money. But I think it would be really interesting. I've never really had huge goals. I've been like "ahhh, I love my life" but I don't have a dream job or anything and maybe this could be it. I'm definitely considering looking into this further. Why not, right?
you considering transferring into a marketing, planning, or other management role for an already established club to prepare? i like my job but am looking for a career change as well.

concerning coffee, i had to give it up because i'm grinding my teeth. but a little sheet that says how much to use wouldn't be a bad idea.
My job is coming up with a LOT of stupid rules lately and I don't like it. Morale is in the toilet. Hopefully, the higher ups get a grip soon and start changing things back.

I've already started looking for another job in case they don't.
I wish that i could b like the cool kids.
over a year ago my boss said if i stuck with the company for two years, i certainly wouldn't be a "coordinator" anymore. today she mentioned that end of the year raises are coming up, and asked if "marketing & PR manager" sounded right. i'm a little giddy.

unfortunately she also gave notice. had a kid not long ago and wants to spend some time as a stay at home mom. professionally i looked up to her mass and was a big fan of her managing style. still do; her last day is dec 31. i'm happy for her, but gonna miss working with her.
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^Are they going to replace her from within the company? Any chance of you moving into her job when she leaves?
Hydro, it sucks when good managers leave. I've lost quite a few to transfers. It really sucks when they're replaced by bad managers. I'm going to repeat what herbavore asked: Do you think you'll get her position?

I wish that i could b like the cool kids.

I see your pics in The Lounge that you take at work and you look like you're having fun. I'd love to do something like that! YOU'RE one of the cool kids. =D
nope, she will not be replaced from within the company. while the pay and prestige would be nice, her position is not in the direction i want. plus, i totally do not have the education and experience necessary to do her job.

my boss's position is intensive in managing relationships with foundations, corporate donors, and major individual donors. quite nonprofit specific. and they are looking for someone with an established, dedicated career in the nonprofit field. my employer knows that my time in this field is temporary and dependent on building skills and experience that are transferable in another direction. they would like to keep me on those terms for long as possible, and pleasantly accommodate my stipulation.

no doubt this new title and them looking externally to replace my boss is not coincidence. them reassuring me that i can advance within the company even if i am not interested in pursuing donor management. my time with them is still approaching an end. by 2016, i intend to be elsewhere.
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