Withdrawl from bootleg fentanyl tablets

Hey Glass,

I have a grade one spondyolesthesis at l5-s1 with a few Pars fractures and various other issues DDD included. Also several crushed discs in my neck that effect the use of my right arm when those nerves flare. I had been clean for about a month and slowly started using BTH our here in Cali. Smoking off foil. Only using it every 4-5 days at first but just came off a 4 day straight bender and now I'm feeling like garbage. 36 hours off now - hoping this is a shorter detox but not sure.

Noah, how's everything with you?
Things are good. Going to hit the 30 day mark tomorrow off the hydrocodone I was using to taper. Started eating marijuana edibles instead of taking antidepressants. Seems to be working. Still getting drug dreams almost every couple days, I wake up in a panic like I relapsed. Still low on energy but things are getting much better. Stay away from the crap, it will hook you back in. I still have to fight the temptation to pick up, but seems a little easier now. Doesnt help ive memorized my dealers number. Anyway life is definitely better sober thinking about getting high, than being high wishing I was sober. Let me know how your detox goes, shouldnt be too bad
Congrats on the (now hopefully) over a month clean! I'm on day 3 of wds from a month long half g a day smoked tar bender. Had some terrible moments and sleep is rough but overall not bad. One serious difference I've noted is I'm literally kicking like crazy - low energy but can't sleep much. Medical buds are helping with the anxiety - wish I could afford my kava kava though. A few more days and I should be back to normal, feeling a lot better today already.