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Heroin Withdrawals after only a week of use?


Apr 15, 2017
I recently got clean, after having a pretty nasty heroin addiction for a little under a year (black tar, IV, 2-3g/week), and was clean for 3 months, until about a week ago. I ran into my dealer unexpectedly, he offered me a good price, and somehow it just happened. I felt like I was having an out of body experience watching myself shoot up, and couldn't stop myself. Anyway, last night I took a bunch of sleeping meds (Ambien and seroquel, which I have scripts for), and decided to try to get clean again. I woke up at around 5am, feeling just like I did when I was having withdrawals the first time. It seems crazy to me that I could get wds after only using for a week though. Does anyone have any experience with anything like this, or really just any advice or whatnot?
Thanks ��
Yep.. It's called "kindling effect" or something along those lines. Documented with GABA agonists but also seems to occur with opiates. Basically every time you go back the withdrawal starts earlier and more intense. It's happened to me with opiates, alcohol, basically all of the above.
Yeah.. I am on subs, haven't taken an opiate vacation in years now.. but I used to do dope/opiates like once a month, for maybe 3-5 days, and then get back on subs again, and be fine.. Well one time, I did that, binged on some BTH for like 3 days, and I had no subs left, had no way of getting any more dope/opiates at all that day I ran out of subs.. and holy fuck.. it was some of the worst WDs I had ever experienced.. Now seeing as you didn't mention being on anything like subs, still.. yes.. You will get WDs from H, if you use it for a week, even after not touching it for long periods of time, even if you just use it once after not doing it for a long time, you will get some bad WDs(I did), depending of course on many variables... how much you did, how long you were using it/bingeing, and many other important factors.. quality of the dope.. but in short yes.. heroin WDs are almost inevitable for life for anyone who has had, or does have a dope addiction if you use it, even after not touching it for like 5 years.. you will most likely still go through that same bs..
I think 1-3 days wont give you had over 6 months from the time when you got of from long term opioids habbit and went throught wds. I quit opium 6 months ago. Now week ago I took some oxys for one day, didnt get wds, now I took oxy for two days and didnt get wds, ok very mild, little bit sweeetign but thats its. Not that Im going to take for long time anymore.

But I mean if you had long enough break from opioids it is possible to take one night and not get wds. Otherwise you would never want to get any opioids in case of bad accident like if you loose youre hand and they amputate it. Why would you take opiodis if you knew that after that next 1 month would be worse then the pain when tyhey cut of youre hand. But for sure ex-long temr opioid user 1 week of heavy opiodi use most likely will give you wds. So be safe.

But maybe for heroin its differnet, it miught give wds more easily, never touched opium after detoxing dont know how about, that, but I can use codeine, tramadol or any other low-middle opiodis every now and then max 2 days withotu going to wds. Just need to be careful that I dont start to use daily again.

So if you need to do some opioids dont do heroin.
I think id still want opiates for the surgery like that, even if I knew it would give me wd's later. The pain of a wd couldn't possibly be as bad.
What your going thru is completely normal ..i noticed that it happens more often with Tar than powder...

i went thru the same thing all lost year...It Was Hell!! i was clean for 2-3 weeks than use about half a gram a day and feel like shit for the following 2-4 days ...get on Suboxone if your gonna keep this up..

..im 70 days clean and dont wanna chip once cause i learned 100 times im gonna feel like shit

stay in touch!! peacee
Yup... I think the reason for that is that black tar tends to be stronger, more likely to actually contain heroin as well as a full range of naturally occurring opioids. Just overall stronger, so more addicting and dangerous. Good luck to all
Yup... I think the reason for that is that black tar tends to be stronger, more likely to actually contain heroin as well as a full range of naturally occurring opioids. Just overall stronger, so more addicting and dangerous. Good luck to all

So it would apply to opium too? I mean if any ex-opioid addict wants to chip once a 6 month sh/she should use only opioid that has only one active component. yes trying to chippingafter addiction is very dangerous and easily will fail. But Im just talking if somebody did that.
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How much are we talking here? And, what amount per period of time? If I were you (and btw, I'm not you) barring any other health considerations etc, I would try to just cold turkey kick. What the best things I have found for Ct kicking have not been any type of replacement like loperamide/buprenorphine/morphine tablets, but just plain water, tea, easy to eat foods, your own meds etc. Have to learn your body and see how it reacts to diff things. Btw make sure you're in a good place in your life to do this, otherwise it will be really hard. Well it ill be really hard either way but just pls let me know more info so I can better advice you. I've been 6-8months off blk and abt to be 3 months from bupe
I wish I had only been using 2-3G a week when I kicked 8) I let things go way too far.
Anyways I'd recommend kratom if you can get it. Helps ease the WD symptoms.
How much are we talking here? And, what amount per period of time? If I were you (and btw, I'm not you) barring any other health considerations etc, I would try to just cold turkey kick. What the best things I have found for Ct kicking have not been any type of replacement like loperamide/buprenorphine/morphine tablets, but just plain water, tea, easy to eat foods, your own meds etc. Have to learn your body and see how it reacts to diff things. Btw make sure you're in a good place in your life to do this, otherwise it will be really hard. Well it ill be really hard either way but just pls let me know more info so I can better advice you. I've been 6-8months off blk and abt to be 3 months from bupe

I'm sorry I wrote totally wrong one very important word. I meant chipping not tapering. heh funny how I could mistake so totally different words. But any way, I asked about chipping not tapering.

So anyway, I kicked opium about 6 months ago. I started chipping with loperamide (don't laugh it will give you opioid high when taking doses 80+, highest dose was 200mg and I felt very strongly it) just aftet 1 month after kicking opium, well got wds from that for 1 week, then I took it again and after that one week later again, every time got wds for week but no so strong, then I thought that maybe I should wait 1 month which I did, loperamide again, this time wds again, well I still took it every 1 month I suffered wds, but they were moderate, not coming even close to opium wds. Then after 3 months of kicking opium I tried the sweet drink of opium milk tea, well got really nice nice effects from it, didn't took that much, I never have liked nodding I like the energizing feeling it gives me, well after that whole month of WD'S! As long as I kicked opium, so now I decided I won't take any opioids for 3 months. Then after 3 months I took loperamide again for two days just to reduce my anxiety because was starting a new work. Well from that I didn't get any WD'S. After one week from that, took codeine (got good high from it with just 150mg maybe because of 6 mg clonazepam) (and I used opium daily for 3 years), didn't get any wd's, then took buprenorphine after 3 days, took it for 2 days, and after that I got some mild WD's but I'm not sure because it was like one night felt the feeling on my body but next day was ok, in this point I was on pregabalin anyway, so maybe I didn't feel them, because as we all know pregabalin is great for opioid WD's. After that haven't been taking any opioids just to be sure. I wait for another 3 months when I know it's safe again.

So at least for me chipping is possible now if I don't take over 2 days or very short time intervals (each 3 days) or every week (like you see on my last experience). Mentally it's not that hard for me, yes sometimes I think all the good times of opium, but not for long when I remember WD'S. I don't get "cravings" as some describe it, meaning like very strong need to get it right now, so I can wait 3 months easily without thinking or touching any opioids. Strongest opioid I've done is fentanly butyrol and oxycodone., never touched needles or heroine as I know thats the point where you go into deep black hole where many people wont get out, needles has been always big disgust for me and I've never considered using them on my 15 years of drug use, not even once. Tho' I have plugged fentanyl, buprenorphine and that one research oxycodone, also many amphetamines and many strong rc-search stimulants, I used to prefer that over any other method, you could say I got habit or even addiction for that, because it felt stronger, gave faster come up (10 seconds) and neede less drug. But then I stopped doing that after realizing that it very similar to IV'ing, as in my understand it is second to IV in the terms of come up for me plugging always gave come up in 10 seconds. And after that I've preferred only taking everything orally if its possible, if not then usually its possible to take it sub-lingually (like I took fentanyl) or snort it, which I don't like at all but with cocaine you can only snort, smoke or IV it, so must choose the less bad thing. I actually enjoy taking things orally, I like the longer working time and slow come up, especially with amphetamine.

So thats it.
Heh been doing lately lots of opioids but told fuck these otehr shit back to opium the golden one. Well I dont know, maybe I should move to Burma and start to farm my own poppy field for my own use and for selling, living there rest of my life, smoking opium weith old burmese guys who have done it for decades.
If it weren't for the kindling effect, I feel that Opioids wouldn't be nearly as troublesome as they are for long-term users. I feel like the commonly held belief for decades was simply that the lack of willpower and addictive nature of drugs were responsible for rapidly readdicting folks, but we are beginning to understand that the physiological role of dependency plays a much larger role in restarting the cycle of dependence/withdrawal.

If I use Opioids more than 3 times in a row, I can expect to endure a certain amount of withdrawal, no matter how long I've been clean; months, even a year.

Neo, are you seriously in Burma, doing drugs? I'm a follhardy motherfucker and even I knew better than to go into Burma for drugs when I was in Southeast Asia. I'm sure folks love selling you relatively marked up drugs for profit, but there are people who will see you as being far more valuable if they were to hold you for ransom.
I get almost full withdrawals after only 2-3 days of use if I use about a gram in that time period. It really sucks because it makes it difficult and scary to try chipping.
Kratom saves my ass every time I slip up and use, it dosnt completely take away Wds but it makes it bearable. I don't understand why more addicts don't try kratom, it's a godsend for quitting.
If it weren't for the kindling effect, I feel that Opioids wouldn't be nearly as troublesome as they are for long-term users. I feel like the commonly held belief for decades was simply that the lack of willpower and addictive nature of drugs were responsible for rapidly readdicting folks, but we are beginning to understand that the physiological role of dependency plays a much larger role in restarting the cycle of dependence/withdrawal.

If I use Opioids more than 3 times in a row, I can expect to endure a certain amount of withdrawal, no matter how long I've been clean; months, even a year.

Neo, are you seriously in Burma, doing drugs? I'm a follhardy motherfucker and even I knew better than to go into Burma for drugs when I was in Southeast Asia. I'm sure folks love selling you relatively marked up drugs for profit, but there are people who will see you as being far more valuable if they were to hold you for ransom.

Yeah it's basically what in cognitive neuroscience is referred to as addiction memory. While they don't have a full understanding of H addiction yet they do understand it much better these days and can demonstrate how your brain is affected by chronic Opioids (ab)use, basically you're conditioning the reward system of your brain to adapt/react to your opiate intake. From the moment I'd started to use H daily it took roughly 5 months of daily use until I experienced (mild) withdrawal symptoms. In later years the withdrawals came back after each hiatus/detox way faster and with each relapse it took less and less time of daily H use until I experienced withdrawals again. After a prison stint followed by stationary therapy and then living on my own again while working and having weekly outpatient care I relapsed after over 2 years of being totally drug free! After using sporadically for a short time while trying to get things in order again I finally started to use daily again and was shocked how the withdrawals and worse the cravings came back bigtime after only about 7 to 10 days using. I knew that it wouldn't take much to be in deep shit again and absolutely knew that one relapse was enough to throw me back so much but nonetheless 2.5 years is a long fucking time so to realize how fast my addiction had a grip on my life again shook me up so bad!

As for dope in SEA, it's one of the big myths that there's tons of drug business going on there. I know there was a time were lots of junkie business was going on but these days are long over. Still the media is pushing these exaggerated DEA figures and journalists who should do their job instead simply copy from others and repackage the same stories year after year. The first time I visited Thailand I took only 2 or 3 gr with me because I believed the hype and thought finding dope in Bangkok would be a piece of cake. Believe it or not I had to cut my visit short and fly back way early because I was unable to find H there. Was scammed too btw. On later travels I was already in substitution and could take Methadone legally with me (had an official paper to show at the airport in case needed) but also smuggled my own H supply into these countries. I found H in Bangkok, Samui, Puket and in the north between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. Prices were ridiculous, like between 6 - 9'000 Baht per small bottle (=maybe 2.5 gr) and quality varied quite a bit. The best dope I had was from Ko Samui but compared to my own brown sugar (Paki) it was not much better, esp. considering prices per g were higher than at home. But okay white Thai H comes in a bit different than brown H anyway. Was also a couple days in Myanmar and Laos but didn't actively search for dope there. What's funny is that in the North of Thailand there are some Trekking agencies who offer tours to these hill tribes where it's basically legal (grey zone I guess) to smoke Opium in such a village. It was included in the package if you wanted to book it but in these villages they also tried to sell you all that other tourist stuff, from handmade things to dead spiders in a glass box for example. I smoked Opium on one tour but I didn't like it, it's not my thing at all. This was in the late Nineties to early 2000's. You could easily find some pot and many Tuk Tuk drivers were offering you these shitty Yabba pills but to find decent Thai H was a real pain in the ass.

Tried also to find H in the Philippines but found nothing, nada, zilch! To enter the Philippines with my Methadone dose for 30 days needed a special permit from their Embassy so before I could make travel arrangements and ask my doc for the holiday dose application form I had to visit the Philippine Embassy, waited almost 2 hours there then this tiny elegant lady handed me the permit in her office and it was a freaking seal document, huge seal with two golden stripes! Still have it lying around here somewhere. From all the places I bought in Asia the best quality I came across was actually in Sri Lanka. Met some guy in the south in Hikkaduwa (he sold shells and some special local oil) and he brought me into contact with a young guy who offered to get me some dope from Colombo. I was skeptical at first but he came back and it was surprisingly good quality. Very dark kinda sticky stuff and pretty cheap. Only for some reason he couldn't get the quantity I wanted in one bag and he came back with god knows how many real tiny folded papers (about 8 or so gave one g) and we opened and piled them up in this tiny beach hut.

And just for the record: There's nothing to say against travelling with your legally prescribed medication, but I'd advise against searching out illegal drugs in SEA. I took the risk because addiction can make you this reckless but when you get caught and have to face the music it's another story altogether.
This is normal.
At least for me anyways as I have been through the same aka "mini relapsing" a couple of times after kicking a almost everyday, 2 year intravenous hydromophone & morphine habit.
The withdrawal also gets worse the longer &/or stronger your habit initially was before you relapsed.

Point I'm trying to make is that once your brain is that of an addict (to opiates anyways - Maybe it applies to other drugs too like benzos. Probably does but am not addicted to anything else thankfully so don't have the experience to say), it's an addict for life or for a very, very, very long time.

For this reason you or anyone who is a recovering addict should probably not use their drug of choice/drug they got physically dependent on ever again. Even just once (as it most of the time isn't just once. You may not use the very next day, but the following weekend, then the following weekend, then weekends and tuesdays, and then you get the point.)

When you are clean you are simply in recovery mode & have simply beaten the affliction of addiction into remission. Despite being clean and not using your addiction & addict wired brain is still there but you are managing it. With the more clean time you have under your belt it gets easier to manage ones addiction aka not use, have cravings to use & to manage cravings to use if you have them.

Sure after say relapsing for a week after a decent time (e.g 5 years) of being sober vs relapsing within a year or even a couple of months of sobriety - You won't experience as severe withdrawals after just a few days of using.
But if you were to use after anytime once you were addicted at some point in your life (weather its 5 months to 5 years of sobriety) its like someone hit a light switch in your brain & it very rarely will just be a once that you use.

This light switch essentially is activating all the circuits in ones brain that were active or more active in the days of addiction. These circuits also activate withdrawal whether physical or mental.
From experience, after relapsing after some time decent time of being clean it often after the first use is mostly mental withdrawal, which leads you to using again the next day & next and within 2-3 days the physical withdrawal sets in and there you are very quickly going back to square one.

Basically I know it sucks & i'm no drug nazi - but if you don't want to go down the rabbit hole of addiction and withdrawal yet again your best bet is never to touch opiates again unless you really must (e.g - You break your neck or are going through severe pain.). Because if you do touch opiates again even after a decent time of being clean it is likely it won't just be a one time thing, will develop into a habit again slowly and there you are in withdrawals again.


Heres my experience which along with material and other peoples experiences that Ive read made me say the above. My experience was similar to yours but i've been through it more than once but less than 5 times thank god & hope to never go through it & make the mistake again of thinking I could use just once even after having a decent amount of clean time under my belt... Each time I "mini-relapsed" I had different amounts of clean time under my belt too - ranging from 2 months to 4. I guess that was the only thing that may have been different to your experience along with my opiate of choice being IV hydromorphone &/or heroin. Heroin in my part of the world is very hard to come by. I also prefer the thought of injecting prescription/regulated opioids over street opioids. Also if heroin is come across in my part of the world, most of the time these days it will be fentanyl unfortunately which is a risky one & I find it to not be as enjoyable relatively speaking in comparison to most other opiates.

After getting clean for 2 months for the first time after my 2 year habit of using everyday & not knowing too much on how opiate addiction worked at this point I relapsed after two months & only used once.

The next day after using this one time I woke up to feeling slightly off mentally but a quick 2 mile morning run (I run everyday) kind of solved that & my bowel movements were slightly looser but that was about it. The day after this I woke up feeling back to & close to 100% ...

Being my first time relapsing after getting & staying clean for a good 2 months I was like "nice ! Im out of the woods. Im sure using again a couple more times wouldn't hurt and if I were to get any withdrawal it would be quite minor." ...

So I used again the next day. The following day withdrawal was slightly worse but still minor compared to the cold turkey I experienced during my first detox after 2 years of daily use.

As a result stupid me used again for a couple more days.
Then decided to quit as I finally came to my senses. At this point when I quit my withdrawals were pretty much back to the withdrawal I experienced after detoxing from 2 years of everyday use.

I finally got clean & went through my withdrawals yet again & swore that I wouldn't use for days in a row like that ever again.
4 months later of being clean I used once again. The next day I felt a little out of it but close to 100%. I used for several days more again as being an addict you love the feeling and cant just use once or find it very hard too. Within several days my withdrawal was back to what it felt like after I quit CT after 2 years of using everyday.
I didn't think

I then got clean yet again for 3, almost 4 months.
However, after these 3-4 months of sobriety I made the same mistake yet again and this was very recently aka this week.
I thought hey I've now got a decent amount of clean time under my belt & my addict self somehow justified that I could use just once aka this week.
After the one time of using, the next day the physical withdrawal wasn't bad but the craving was harsh...

So of course this one time use ended up turning into 5 days straight. After all I had been making alot of money recently because of finally finishing school and getting a decent job & thought "i deserved it" - Like an addict this was my lame justification for using. If anything it should have been a justification for not using as going to work in withdrawal is not fun (luckily I have some benzos and codeine to taper and make the withdrawal tolerable so I can at least do my desk job.).
For these 5 days I had a shot of morphine everyday in the morning & did my wash towards the evening.
Took my last shot this morning & tomorrow its almost certain my withdrawals will be back to square one again aka what it felt like after quitting from using everyday for 2 years.

This time I hope to never touch any opiate again unless i'm in severe pain physically. And I mean it. Because if I do touch it again I know just like most addicts its close to impossible to keep that injection to just once & the next day wake up and continue with sober life again with no problems whatsoever.
Why you use term relapse? I enjoy using Opium (I hate every single other opioid, never done heroin its shit) so I use it still time to time, last time straight 4 days from morning to the night, but I'm eating lyricas after that so I don't experience any kind of WD's. So if anyone want to chip every now and then then keep good stash of lyricas. Not sure even if I would get Wds from just 4 day use, but every morning I had hungover that went away in 1 hour.

blueflame6: In here there is no kratom if you order it from abroad you risk of big fine.

Neo, are you seriously in Burma, doing drugs? I'm a follhardy motherfucker and even I knew better than to go into Burma for drugs when I was in Southeast Asia. I'm sure folks love selling you relatively marked up drugs for profit, but there are people who will see you as being far more valuable if they were to hold you for ransom.
Actually planning to move to Thailand to small village with my wife so maybe I just eat Kratom there, they are making it legal there soon. But maybe small poppy farm won't harm anybody. But maybe just sticking to kratom is good enough, I've always loved it it's great semi-opioid.