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Will Someone Please Explain this Rampant Hateful Aggressive “Gnostic Christianity” to Me?

The Golden Rule and its variations is pretty much universal and common to all religions as far as I know. In secular terms its called the ethic of reciprocity. I don't need any further explanation to understand it I only need to practice it.
That is generally not untrue: But the most important ethic of Christianity is not the Golden Rule. The most important one is the Ethic of Self Sacrifice as expressed in John 15:13, as follows:

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.

This Ethic, of course, being demonstrated by Jesus in the only thing he did or said that ever really mattered,

This act, his self-sacrifice, has enormously complex meanings and resonance in Western culture today: in the last 1,000 years it has also shaped other cultures where Christianity was either practiced or studied.

The ethic of self-sacrifice has been bastardised in some ways that Jesus would not recognise but would no doubt abhor. For example, it fuelled WWI when propagandists shifted ‘for friends’ to ‘for queen and country’. But in the trenches it then returned to it’s original meaning (friends is sometimes translated as ‘brother’ and fuelled incredible acts of heroism.

In a way ‘self-sacrifice’ is the opposite of ‘reciprocity’. The true Christian, regardless of what denomination their Church is, gives to others without expectation of return. In a genuinely Christian society this evens out as everyone gives and what one gives eventually returns when one needs it.

In modern day protestant christianity, especially evangelical christianity in the US, his essential and fundamental part of what it is to be a christ-like christian has been lost. A protesetant will give only to those he deems worthy. He evaluates the receipients morality and not their need. And and giving to the needy is seen as a prudent investment in the giver’s afterlife. So what looks like giving to the unfortunate is really just purchasing virtue for oneself.

As for gnostic christianity, GB does not know what Christianity is:

Christians do not follow or worship Yahweh. Yaheweh is just a whisper from the pre-history of Christianity - along with a few other gods and deities,

Christians almost don’t really worship ‘god - god’. Certainly they believe in God The Father - but they know and accept that he, the One True God, is unknowable. He has no form and he is timeless. He actually has no gender, though we are accustomed for cultural reasons to referring to him by the male pronoun.

But although God the Father is unknowable Christians are prepared, through Faith, to believe that his will was revealed through what Jesus and the Apostles did and said.

So if GB says ‘Christians are Evil’ for any reason other reason than he believes self-sacrifice for on’s friends to be evil then he is comparing apples and oranges and can safely be laughed at for his spectacular ignorance of religion and history.

If GB wants to claim ‘Gnostic Christianity’ is the best religion he must explain it’s ultimate ethic and demonstrate why it is superior to the christian ethic of self-scrifice.

But his nonsensical wailing about ‘genocide’ ‘misogyny’ ‘homophobia’ is now so fucking tedious. State a case for gnosticism’s superiority, marshal the evidence, make the argument.

Until he does that he is on a hiding to nothing. And because does not ever demonstrate ANY christ-like Christian virtues most educated Western people will keep finding him kind of repugnant, because they regardless of whether people go to Church or not those virtues (like selflesness, compassion and tolerance) are the ones we value in common as the most common.
Not sure- Is Gnostic Christianity still exist in his pure form.The time it flourished are long go.As to GB -what to comment.Not sure,that he could be some example of Gnostic Christian.I have no version of King James bible.Our translation is from "Septuaginta"-an Orthodox Greek version.Have a protestant Bible too.Also different-much more smaller,theres a psalms existing only in Our version and numeration is different.So not easy debating not only because of the language.But I am agreed with you in many ways
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Kant argues for moral a moral epistemology.

Therefore ethics are included in Knowledge..

The ultimate crime is to ask the question that has an answer..and to ask the question that does not have the answer..

Why are people ever immoral in the first place?
Cause may be they are very suceptable for the Evil,often did not recognize it or have very unclear boundary between good and bad and moral and immoral.Cause of the greed.The seven mortal sins.Cause have eyes and ears and often did not see or hear anything.And is hard to make general conclusions,because they(humans) are different despite similarities.Just another human.
That is generally not untrue: But the most important ethic of Christianity is not the Golden Rule. The most important one is the Ethic of Self Sacrifice as expressed in John 15:13, as follows:

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.

This Ethic, of course, being demonstrated by Jesus in the only thing he did or said that ever really mattered,

This act, his self-sacrifice, has enormously complex meanings and resonance in Western culture today: in the last 1,000 years it has also shaped other cultures where Christianity was either practiced or studied.

The ethic of self-sacrifice has been bastardised in some ways that Jesus would not recognise but would no doubt abhor. For example, it fuelled WWI when propagandists shifted ‘for friends’ to ‘for queen and country’. But in the trenches it then returned to it’s original meaning (friends is sometimes translated as ‘brother’ and fuelled incredible acts of heroism.

In a way ‘self-sacrifice’ is the opposite of ‘reciprocity’. The true Christian, regardless of what denomination their Church is, gives to others without expectation of return. In a genuinely Christian society this evens out as everyone gives and what one gives eventually returns when one needs it.

In modern day protestant christianity, especially evangelical christianity in the US, his essential and fundamental part of what it is to be a christ-like christian has been lost. A protesetant will give only to those he deems worthy. He evaluates the receipients morality and not their need. And and giving to the needy is seen as a prudent investment in the giver’s afterlife. So what looks like giving to the unfortunate is really just purchasing virtue for oneself.

As for gnostic christianity, GB does not know what Christianity is:

Christians do not follow or worship Yahweh. Yaheweh is just a whisper from the pre-history of Christianity - along with a few other gods and deities,

Christians almost don’t really worship ‘god - god’. Certainly they believe in God The Father - but they know and accept that he, the One True God, is unknowable. He has no form and he is timeless. He actually has no gender, though we are accustomed for cultural reasons to referring to him by the male pronoun.

But although God the Father is unknowable Christians are prepared, through Faith, to believe that his will was revealed through what Jesus and the Apostles did and said.

So if GB says ‘Christians are Evil’ for any reason other reason than he believes self-sacrifice for on’s friends to be evil then he is comparing apples and oranges and can safely be laughed at for his spectacular ignorance of religion and history.

If GB wants to claim ‘Gnostic Christianity’ is the best religion he must explain it’s ultimate ethic and demonstrate why it is superior to the christian ethic of self-scrifice.

But his nonsensical wailing about ‘genocide’ ‘misogyny’ ‘homophobia’ is now so fucking tedious. State a case for gnosticism’s superiority, marshal the evidence, make the argument.

Until he does that he is on a hiding to nothing. And because does not ever demonstrate ANY christ-like Christian virtues most educated Western people will keep finding him kind of repugnant, because they regardless of whether people go to Church or not those virtues (like selflesness, compassion and tolerance) are the ones we value in common as the most common.

On your views of self sacrifice.

I refute them quite easy, if you look at who Jesus and Jewish law says die for our sins.

I have those imbedded in this following.

On Jesus dying for Christians. Try to think in a moral way.

It takes quite an inflated ego to think a god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the first place.

Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t care how evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.

It is a lie, first and foremost, because, like it or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

To abdicate your personal responsibility for your actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.

Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, as a Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

There is no way that Christians would teach their children to use a scapegoat to escape their just punishments and here you are promoting doing just that.
Jesus is just a smidge less immoral than his demiurge genocidal father, and here you are trying to put him as low in moral fiber as Yahweh. Tsk tsk.


I also have the backing of a Christian Bishop that says Christianity will die bvecause it promotes scapegoating.

A great evil you seem to like.

Care to argue against me and Bishop Spong?

Christians do not follow or worship Yahweh.
I have noted that Christians are quick to break the first commandment and put almost anyone ahead of the genocidal, homophobic and misogynous Yahweh/Jesus.

They know a garbage god when they see one, yet adore that vile prick.

But his nonsensical wailing about ‘genocide’ ‘misogyny’ ‘homophobia’ is now so fucking tedious. State a case for gnosticism’s superiority, marshal the evidence, make the argument.
What is an inquisition?

Gnostics never used inquisitions or jihads, while they were/are a God religion staple.

I should need say no more for your moral education.

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Until he does that he is on a hiding to nothing. And because does not ever demonstrate ANY christ-like Christian virtues most educated Western people will keep finding him kind of repugnant, because they regardless of whether people go to Church or not those virtues (like selflesness, compassion and tolerance) are the ones we value in common as the most common.
Selfless compassion and tolerance for all except gays and women who want equality in Christianity.

Christianity began as a a potentially great religion, then Satan took over Christian thinking with really stupid supernatural beliefs based on the faith of fools.

You and Christianity and Islam need lessons in compassion and tolerance.

Some people do not recognize that.

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Not sure- Is Gnostic Christianity still exist in his pure form.The time it flourished are long go.As to GB -what to comment.Not sure,that he could be some example of Gnostic Christian.I have no version of King James bible.Our translation is from "Septuaginta"-an Orthodox Greek version.Have a protestant Bible too.Also different-much more smaller,theres a psalms existing only in Our version and numeration is different.So not easy debating not only because of the language.But I am agreed with you in many ways

Strange that one would think that a religion based on knowledge and science like Gnostic Christianity, would have to remain in some original form of older knowledge and language.

You are agreeing with a guy that honors a genocidal God who has homophobic and misogynous standards.

How can you justify your immoral thinking?

Let's see it, or tuck tail and run like most Christian moral cowards do.

Kant argues for moral a moral epistemology.

Therefore ethics are included in Knowledge..

The ultimate crime is to ask the question that has an answer..and to ask the question that does not have the answer..

Why are people ever immoral in the first place?
Poor teaching methods by religions.

Note how Christianity is based on the scapegoating of Jesus, which is immoral.

Strange that one would think that a religion based on knowledge and science like Gnostic Christianity, would have to remain in some original form of older knowledge and language.

You are agreeing with a guy that honors a genocidal God who has homophobic and misogynous standards.

How can you justify your immoral thinking?

Let's see it, or tuck tail and run like most Christian moral cowards do.

Hey Cheers I say!
I'm off to google/wiki "ethic of self sacrifice".
It is good, except when a God who says he cannot die says he is dying for you.

Such is an obvious lie, that immoral Christians want to believe.

They choose a lie of salvation over the real salvation Jesus presched.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation and “I am”, represents the best rules and laws that we have found to live by.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

Here is the real way to salvation that Jesus taught.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail.

Joseph Campbell shows the same esoteric ecumenist idea in this link.

The bible just plainly says to put away the things of children. The supernatural and literal reading of myths.

Gnosis enlightens adults.

To the religiously illiterate, indeed.

Those who know, know better.

It had a great theology before the stupidity of supernatural belief screwed it up.


That's what every religious sect says though... that the other sects are illiterate and can't recognize the truth. It's the root of all religious wars.
Well, when you call people "stupid" in a variety of ways when they disagree with you, right when you get back from a ban, you get infracted for using overt personal attacks instead of responding to counter-arguments in a civil and constructive manner. And in doing so, you get another temp ban. It's a shame, because you have the opportunity to be an ambassador for your religion, to show people something they may not have thought of and maybe convert some people to your cause. But personal attacks are against the rules, and furthermore, they cause people to be driven away from your message, thus achieving the opposite of your intended result (in indeed your actual intention is to try to help people by spreading a good message).

Next time, if you're reading this, you are 100% welcome to come back and participate in the forum, if you can manage to stop yourself from attacking people. Same as always.
Guys I'm extremely happy to see conversations regarding religion, when the people posting are very adament about their beliefs. Having a sense of direction & purpose in life is a very healthy thing. That being said, everyone needs to remember that God created us all. We are all the same, yet different. Just like how we can percieve "colors", they are all different to one another but they are still classed as colors. My point here being, is that there will be different people with differing beliefs to you. Just like how the color blue is different than yellow, one is not necessarily better than the other. In certain settings and applications blue might be more sought after, or vice-versa. Your beliefs & religious choices should be a personal thing. You should choose what best suits you, not forgetting that a different belief system might be better & the choice for someone else. I mean, wouldn't it be kinda boring if everyone of us had the exact same beliefs?

"God is the fullness of personhood and being in whom we participate." John Milbank.

Found that quote in an article on self sacrifice and 'radical orthodoxy'. The article has a very interesting discussion on the concept of "feast" in Christian theology as the setting in which we practice the ethic of reciprocity and ethic of self sacrifice and what that implies.

In the end the author concludes that the act of self sacrifice is to receive one's body back in the resurrection (or maybe in the hope of resurrection?).

Its got nothing to do with sacrificing one's self for the liberal state and its goals, or any other state for that matter. It's a little over my head on the theology part so I'm sure I'll revisit.
That's what every religious sect says though... that the other sects are illiterate and can't recognize the truth. It's the root of all religious wars.
Literacy has nothing to do with the stupidity of supernatural beliefs.

If Christianity had not been worthy before their brain killing supernatural thinking, it would have never taken off.
