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Why the hell do I alwyas have to shit when I come up?

Dr. Shulgin has said in his research that MDMA is more in it's own class and almost stands alone. Also that there is no other substance that can mimic the effects of MDMA. I am not going to debate about. Does amphetamine cause the trigger of a massive overload of seratonin, and a moderate release of dopamine, and a slight release of norepinephrin...NO. Does the effects of MDMA resemble speed NO. The only effects that you might think resemble a slight rush is the norepinephrin. And to the dude that said thx for saving me...get educated bro. What is your freakin IQ. I am not going to elaborate any further.


You are a colossal shithead.
Mdma causes u too loose control of muscles, like in your eyes, anus.

I personally believe stimulants dehydrate you so fast (especially mdma becuz most users r h2o saturated wen they consume.i believe personally your body will use both outs, urine&feces wen dehydrating on a stimulant. My shits on stims r usally mudddd thats y i think this.
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This is annoying but always expected, but the club I always goes to has only two toilet cubicals open after 3pm and there is ALWAYS a line of about 10 people waiting for a line, and there is no chance I am sitting in there, holding my pants from falling in the inch of piss on the floor, trying to hold the broken door and smelling the fuck out of the small toilet with my huge ecstacy shit!!

I always either go before, or right at the start go and sit in the posh toilets at the start and push that fucker out!
Its your natural Adrenaline !

ive gone thru it everytime for about 15yrs !

The solution is 3/4x Immodium B4 u neck/snort anything , that'll keep u steady all night ! ;)
hahaha i always get bubble guts when coming up, that's how I know its about to kick in. Just a few wks ago after taking a Green Mickey Mouse, I started to feel it kicking it, had to crap, as soon as I sat down and started doin my thang it kicked it hard and I was just sitting there with my eyes closed feeling waves of energy flowing through my body and I was rocking side to side.