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Why is there so much advertised MDMA in ecstasy pills?

The end product is the same, regardless of the production process and precursors used. MDMA = MDMA. It is all the same until you can come up with a good scientific explanation why it wouldn't be the same. Explain it to me in pharmacological or chemistry terms.
The end product is the same, regardless of the production process and precursors used. MDMA = MDMA.
No, but (S) 3,4-MDMA Hydrochloride = (S) 3,4-MDMA Hydrochloride
It is all the same until you can come up with a good scientific explanation why it wouldn't be the same. Explain it to me in pharmacological or chemistry terms.
It is all explained in this thread.
There is excellent MDMA available in NA and its fairly priced if you get it in decent amounts. Its all about who you know, and id never get it off the street. But the private vendors have amazing product right now, and there is options. Some of it is european MDMA the dutch champagne. Other batches are from here, a friend gave me this Amethyst crystal recently that was absolutely stunning, wish i had more.

Im getting a new batch of Crystal.


im sure its gonna be wonderful, it has great reviews. Only couple grams at first to try it obviously. But that is what it looks like, dosing 150mgs w/ 100mg booster few hrs later.
That is some lovely looking MDMA there, excellent stuff nice score! Have some good times on that stuff believe it was the first crystal I had actually. Iv had crystal clear Dutch crystals that was ridiculous. 180mg and I was on my ass, very disorienting shit. Loved it tho.

What iv been getting lately. Cant wait for Friday!! Flood dose and nitrous tank. 🫠
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