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Why is Meth so cheap?

I know one guy, in his early 40's, he lives in a tent year round (winter is cold as fuck here), shoplifts as a career and uses meth harder than most people could ever fathom. Whats crazy to me is how content this dude is with his life and I dont judge him at all. If he had a shitty negative attitude, as many homeless addicts do, then I'd be more likely to judge his poor life choices, but since he is cool I say fuck it man, you do you. He is surprisingly mental stable and could definately live a "normal" life if he wanted to, he actually did when I first met him, but he is living exactly as he chooses. He is a bum and a loser in societies eyes, but he is fully aware of the consequences of his actions, so I respect him in an odd way. I dont admire his life but I dont look down on him either.
I absolutely, totally agree. I know, or knew a guy who lives on disability, does the scrap metal thing, rents a room forever at late 30s, yet is happy.. as genuinely as someone could be despite the situation. He's better off than I am for sure with myself looking down inwardly.
Well said. Hear this now and believe this later, you speak of cheap prices, but that time has come and gone, in my experience and as a border state resident, and as a gigantic meth addict, here the cost has skyrocketed overnight, leaving a lot of people in a state of panic. If some of us were to run out and not be able to locate more, or have enough to cover it, we are looking at seriously rough roads ahead. Down here some say its because the border crossing is closed, others say it's because the cartels south of the border are having real issues getting psuedoephedrine from china. Its probably both among other factors...try not to get too comfortable living on the cheap.
fuck it not giving advice