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Opioids Why is fentanyl dominant in the US?


Dec 20, 2017
It truly bothers me how much fentynal has been the culprit for spiritually murdering/actually murdering too many addicts to count anymore. I've never met an addict that said, "golly jee willickers fent makes the heroin so euphoric and energizing!" Fent seems to make almost everyone nod out hardcore, and induces sloppy behavior that makes one unproductive (unlike the olden US heroin that makes addicts motivated and less likely to overdose from chasing the nod).

It is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry to anyone who had a friend or loved one overdose from fentynal related tragedies.
short answer: The Mexican Cartels changed their focus from cocaine/heroin/meth to also include fentanyl, they synthesize it down there now and I'm not sure how much US fent is chinese/mexican, but all those pressed pills you see come from Mexico

There is a HUGE market for it here and the supply is easily met
I'm fairly convinced the CIA/China have some hand in its perpetuation here in the U.S. Targeted killings of the population via tainted drugs. If the government really cared, fent would have been gone years ago... something smells fishy. It makes no sense for cartels to push it, it kills their customers... no customers, no profits. Ergo, it must be a targeted attack of some sort.
Right but what you and others who hunt this type of treasure needs to understand that fent it's only dominant, you chose a right word \\ among homeless people. Employes mostly do weed, shrooms are even rarer nowadays. There's a lotta young people nowadays, not so much of elders left as they either were cleaned by the Covid 19 or elderness/*insert* illness. So below you can check this statistics


It is on the throne because it's cheaper and deadlier.
I'm fairly convinced the CIA/China have some hand in its perpetuation here in the U.S. Targeted killings of the population via tainted drugs. If the government really cared, fent would have been gone years ago... something smells fishy. It makes no sense for cartels to push it, it kills their customers... no customers, no profits. Ergo, it must be a targeted attack of some sort.
I love a good conspiracy theory, but also a hard skeptic. I do believe in Iran-Contra and the CIA's hand in the crack epidemic.

I really don't want to believe it, but...... flooding the US with deadly drugs would put A LOT of money in a lot of people's hands... think of the cost of the drug war and it's damage... and think about all the people who are profiting greatly from it

kinda fucked up

Jails, insurance, hospitals, police, politicians, pharma companies, morticians, public defenders... not even mentioning the people who profit directly from drug sales, drugs are big $$$$ in 'murica
Nmm, another useless train of thoughts, when was the last time we had a cartel war? P.S.. they only happen bc a brother's sister can't stand this new bf she got'' lol ahaha. They all work together, yo if they didn't they would all be six feet under.
I think this is the real answer, China introduced fent but when the cartels caught on and flooded the border 5-10 years ago the fent epidemic spiked hard, and is only getting worse

plus, why smuggle 100 kilos of cocaine when 1 kilo of pure fent brings the same profit......

Never underestimate the stone cold nature of the mexican native:

"Another ceremony that took place atop Mount Tlaloc [a mountain near present day Mexico city] was Atlachualo, which was celebrated from mid-February to early March. This ceremony involved the sacrifice of children who were dressed "like gods" and taken to the mountain top and had their hearts removed for ceremonial purposes. The children were encouraged to cry because their tears symbolized abundant rains and if they did not cry on their own on the way to the precinct, their fingernails were cited to have been removed to incite tears."

Of course I'm being facetious but there does seem to exist a unique form of brutality that is endemic to mesoamerica.
Never underestimate the stone cold nature of the mexican native:

"Another ceremony that took place atop Mount Tlaloc [a mountain near present day Mexico city] was Atlachualo, which was celebrated from mid-February to early March. This ceremony involved the sacrifice of children who were dressed "like gods" and taken to the mountain top and had their hearts removed for ceremonial purposes. The children were encouraged to cry because their tears symbolized abundant rains and if they did not cry on their own on the way to the precinct, their fingernails were cited to have been removed to incite tears."

Of course I'm being facetious but there does seem to exist a unique form of brutality that is endemic to mesoamerica.

Don't mislead people, the only civilization who had the ''heart removal'' in their ritual were the Mayans and they were Indians but inhabited some parts of Mexic.
am a mf ''Fey'' you see..



  1. 1.
    giving an impression of vague unworldliness or mystery.
    "a rather fey romantic novelist"
My name is Alicia, and i have been addicted to fentanyl for the last 6 months.
When i first tried it, i almost fell out, it was so strong. I then learned how to dose correctly, and was able to feel as though i had snorted 3 Roxy 30's at once and was peaking by snorting only a PINCH of this stuff. Fentanyl became my biggest obsession, seen as my "magical dust". My "medicine". My habit grew to almost 200$ a day.
I then realized how much easier this was than hunting down a pill supplier in hopes that he got his script on time to pay a dollar a milligram for a fucking pill. Fentanyl is economical, cheap, and easy to cut. Its more potent and it's what opiate junkies are after.
I'm fairly convinced the CIA/China have some hand in its perpetuation here in the U.S. Targeted killings of the population via tainted drugs. If the government really cared, fent would have been gone years ago... something smells fishy. It makes no sense for cartels to push it, it kills their customers... no customers, no profits. Ergo, it must be a targeted attack of some sort.
I agree with the tenor of this post. There is a modern version of "Opium Wars" happening currently, and I have plenty of reason to believe that it is far more intentional than some may believe. The people running the show cannot be trusted, and that has been proven many times over again. And with countries like India and China producing a great deal of the drugs flooding the market now and in the recent past, the collateral damage is just part of doing business, and totalitarian types want people using drugs for failry obvious reasons. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but for the "controllers", it serves purposes of making populations far easier to control. Even LSD, which they carpet-bombed the US with during the height of the Vietnam war, was not organic. You have to ask yourself why the CIA, for quite a few years, owned and managed the largest supply of LSD on earth, and helped distribute it. Not a theory, actually happened. Even luminaries of the "counter-culture" were known, admitted CIA members and affiliates. Carpet bombed the US with Cocaine in the 80s, crack in the inner cities and powder everywhere else. and the CIA had a role in that as well. Again, not made up, but proven true. 90s was the opiate/heroin explosion, with the normalization of dope as well as Big pharma seeding the US with drugs like Ocycontin. Just look where we are now, and it shows no signs of even slowing down. I believe that there are many big agendas being played out. Pretend that some of what has happened has been part of a military operation. Then, it may make more sense. A docile populace which presents no genuine threat to the power structure is rather ideal for those that think about such things. I am older than most here, being born in the 60s, and watched carefully all along.
My name is Alicia, and i have been addicted to fentanyl for the last 6 months.
When i first tried it, i almost fell out, it was so strong. I then learned how to dose correctly, and was able to feel as though i had snorted 3 Roxy 30's at once and was peaking by snorting only a PINCH of this stuff. Fentanyl became my biggest obsession, seen as my "magical dust". My "medicine". My habit grew to almost 200$ a day.
I then realized how much easier this was than hunting down a pill supplier in hopes that he got his script on time to pay a dollar a milligram for a fucking pill. Fentanyl is economical, cheap, and easy to cut. Its more potent and it's what opiate junkies are after.

So you were using powder fentanyl? Im sure its cut to hell but how to you measure your doses? I hope you have a scale.

Ive seen pictures of street fentanyl on reddit, looks like grey chunks. Was it that stuff?

They call it grey death:

* note i had to fix the spelling error in the title of this thread that "fentynal" in it was killing me (made me feel like i needed some "fentynal")
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I know a guy who sells fent. He’s making crazy money because the people who do it, will do anything for it. He went out to this little country town like 2 hours away from the city and we never see him til it’s time for him to buy more. He’s living like a king up there. All off fentanyl. He compares it to how crack was in the 80s. Super cheap, super addictive, and super profitable.