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Why doesn't God just kill Satan?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm mean, he can do anything right? He's omnipotent. So...why not? He could do it in the blink of an eye and wipe out hell and the evil in the world.
god kill him/her/it-self... interesting proposition.
Why would God kill Satan when Jesus already disarmed and defeated him?
Where were any of us when God created the world and all that it is in it? How would any of us know what God is doing or why? Are we supposed to be more concerned with how God's creation unfolds rather than our own relationship with God?
I like that in Islam it's Satan's love of God that got him cast out. Possessive love.
I have a shallower view.

Perhaps centuries from now when when palmettos sprout in ruined parapets.. .

And perhaps a thousand years from now some monk will crack the code of our all-but-forgotten musical riffs and sit down to play on an ocarina - and something new and exciting will begin. Surely by then, God will have blessed himself back into existence.

The human condition is such a mystery. If we don't quite know where we are going, at least we have the satisfaction of knowing where we've been. Sometimes that seems like enough.

The End.

For a deeper view I read Joseph Campbell and watched his series on Netflix.
I love Joseph Campbell.
I'm wondering if what he is talking about is evolution, in the sense (partly) that we use myth, metaphor, art, as a cognitive function to transcend as we move forward in time (which only moves one way). Anyway much appreciated, I read through the Joseph Cambell article on Wiki and will google for some scholarly articles.
Due to his fall from God's grace, he is often compared to Satan in Christian traditions. In Islamic tradition, Iblis is often identified with Al-Shaitan ("the Devil"). However, while Shaitan is used exclusively for an evil force, Iblis himself holds a more ambivalent role in Islamic traditions.[6]

Yes he is. His role may be ambivalent but he is still "the Devil"