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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Why do they fucking bother in the first place?

How does her meth induced madness manifest itself (asking for a friend)?

She's bipolar so it manifests in manic psychosis for literally weeks on end. She's lost touch with reality completely. Is completely precluded from any sort of introspection and thus is unable to take care of herself. For example, is homeless again, lost 40lbs in the last four weeks, etc.
Looks like a demon.....which is worse than she looked the last time she got to this point and some of our mates found her in a park, naked and bloody, not even realising that she had been locked out of her home by her landlord a week prior.

And will go on and on about how she's got her life together finally and all these bullshit plans she has, including having kids, which is so fucking beyond the possibility of realisation that it's comical.

Anyway, full blown manic psychosis. Can't form coherent thoughts at times. Spews gibberish. You know, that sort of thing.

It's amazing that she isn't hallucinating anything. Kudos.
Most definitely synthetic cannabinoids and inhalants.

As for the whole teenagers blacking out, I personally love getting barred out, drinking, and shooting dope. Super dangerous combination and I’ve been extremely lucky, but I was chasing that nod literally to death and a lot of the times I wouldn’t remember. But sipping on a beer coming up on some alprazolam and knowing I was about to do a shot was like the best feeling in the world, up there with speedballs. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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I've never understood the appeal of dissociatives, personally. There's other ones too (like synth noids & inhalants), but dissociatives...I don't know. Never got the appeal of those. The only ones I've ever tried are DXM and MXE...MXE is very popular on this website, though, and DXM has its fans too. Both of them just made me feel really weird and "fucked up", without any of the euphoria or positive after-effects of the more traditional psychedelic-hallucinogens. To each their own though
I've never understood the appeal of dissociatives, personally. There's other ones too (like synth noids & inhalants), but dissociatives...I don't know. Never got the appeal of those. The only ones I've ever tried are DXM and MXE...MXE is very popular on this website, though, and DXM has its fans too. Both of them just made me feel really weird and "fucked up", without any of the euphoria or positive after-effects of the more traditional psychedelic-hallucinogens. To each their own though
Agree, not a big fan of dissociatives... However after my experimentation with ketamine I never bothered to try any of the RC ones (pcp and ket analogs) so can't comment on them.

Have you tried nitrous though? I truly enjoyed that one, getting a nasal mask and breathing a mixture of N2O (40-50%) and O2 at the dentist is a very nice experience (and I hate going to the dentist).
^ yeah, I like nitrous! Seems like a fun, mostly harmless one...it's a fun add-on drug too

I think that's an early recreational drug memory for many people, getting one good hit out of an empty canister of whipped cream lol
Question: what drug or form of drug-taking do you just not comprehend? What makes you look at the user and ask yourself, ‘what the fuck is wrong with that guy’?

I have vivid, 25 year old memory just for this. We, as a group , all took acid. It was great acid and psy party in the beautiful mountain forrest. We were all melting into music, forrest, night sky, nature of Being and all that regular jazz.

Then I saw one of my friend from the group that took acid with us. I saw he was laughing hard and got interested. On the way to him other guy, who was in our "acid group" (it was 10+ group), suddenly brought a chair and also started laughing.

When I got there I saw that they were looking at the pool of watter that was there due to rain falling few hours before. To my amazement they were laughing and enjoying when somebody accidentally stepped into that pool of watter and got wet. They laughed hardest if the person slipped and fell into the watter with his whole body.

I couldn't believe it. There were 2 persons who took LSD and their interest was in other people slipping and falling into watter. They actually brought chairs from somewhere and spent several hours laughing at people who got wet by accident. That was their interest on high dose of LSD.

To this day I can't figure what is wrong with those 2 guys. That day one of my dreams got demolished as I have seen it fail spectacularly first hand. The dream was that LSD will change everybody into better, more inclusive , person. This 2 guys wrecked my hypothesis and I am still pondering "what the fuck is wrong with them"?

True story.

Duster or other non-nitrous aerosols... and/or sniffing glue or other extremely hazardous inhalants.

I did duster a few times as a teenager... it's not pleasurable and the high you get cannot be separated from immediate brain damage.
Duster or other non-nitrous aerosols... and/or sniffing glue or other extremely hazardous inhalants.

I once got "high" , more temporary distortion of reality due to the brain damage, when at age 9-10 took more than 10 inhalation of Ventolin (asthma medication). It felt tingly when I took 3 hits and I thought "what could go wrong". If I was thinking at all.
I once got "high" , more temporary distortion of reality due to the brain damage, when at age 9-10 took more than 10 inhalation of Ventolin (asthma medication). It felt tingly when I took 3 hits and I thought "what could go wrong". If I was thinking at all.

Yeah, the dumb things we did when we were younger...

I remember doing the same thing with my friend's inhaler when it said it gives you a rush. Probably just cerebral hypoxia or some shit...
I have vivid, 25 year old memory just for this. We, as a group , all took acid. It was great acid and psy party in the beautiful mountain forrest. We were all melting into music, forrest, night sky, nature of Being and all that regular jazz.

Then I saw one of my friend from the group that took acid with us. I saw he was laughing hard and got interested. On the way to him other guy, who was in our "acid group" (it was 10+ group), suddenly brought a chair and also started laughing.

When I got there I saw that they were looking at the pool of watter that was there due to rain falling few hours before. To my amazement they were laughing and enjoying when somebody accidentally stepped into that pool of watter and got wet. They laughed hardest if the person slipped and fell into the watter with his whole body.

I couldn't believe it. There were 2 persons who took LSD and their interest was in other people slipping and falling into watter. They actually brought chairs from somewhere and spent several hours laughing at people who got wet by accident. That was their interest on high dose of LSD.

To this day I can't figure what is wrong with those 2 guys. That day one of my dreams got demolished as I have seen it fail spectacularly first hand. The dream was that LSD will change everybody into better, more inclusive , person. This 2 guys wrecked my hypothesis and I am still pondering "what the fuck is wrong with them"?

True story.
I mainly laugh at myself on acid but I could definitely see myself and a couple buddies pulling out chairs to watch that. Definitely done some people-watching tripping balls (be it at a party or park) and had the greatest time. Don't knock it til ya try it :LOL:

Regarding the topic heavy meth use is just something I can't grasp wanting to take the risk with. Have watched quite a few friends ruin their lives with it though so that definitely plays a factor here. Those fentanyl analogues too, I've overdosed a few times on fentanyl with a heavy opiate tolerance so just imagining how much more risk you're adding by using something more potent than fent is terrifying.
I mainly laugh at myself on acid but I could definitely see myself and a couple buddies pulling out chairs to watch that. Definitely done some people-watching tripping balls (be it at a party or park) and had the greatest time. Don't knock it til ya try it :LOL:

Sorry, just not my cup of tea. Wow how sophisticated is this phone making me sound. 🤣 But yeah, entheogens bring out totally different interests in me.
This might be some kind of unconscious ego thing but I thought about it for a while and I don't think there is a drug related behaviour I can really say I don't understand at all or relate to in some small way... most drug related behaviours that seem, from an objective standpoint, to have a seriously unappealing risk reward ratio, or just overall suck to reward ratio, I can still see a little of myself in the decision making process that would lead someone to engage in that behaviour repeatedly, and in spite of severe negative consequences, and in many cases have followed a similar path of reasoning myself at times, even if good fortune has led me to mercifully less severe circumstances at the end of these paths.

I guess the thing I understand the least is people who IV or IM pills, that seems like an absolutely insane behaviour to me... closely followed by most unsafe injection practices even when people have access to clean needles, filters, etc. That said... it's obviously a sad consequence of either severe lack of education about the potential harms, or just sheer desperation or indifference to them, in which case it's almost a form of indirect self harm. And while I haven't explicitly self harmed ever, I've engaged in self-sabotaging practices, against my better judgement and repeatedly, and it's a sliding scale from that to actually self-damaging practices. And I can for sure identify with substance seeking desperation, even of a less pronounced magnitude than the kind that a solid IV habit can surely build.

Inhalants for sure I find it hard to understand why anyone would use them as well - but, that said, when I was younger I was into poppers, ie, amyl nitrates, perhaps the most fortuitously benign class of inhalants. I was also - even though I like to think had an independent interest in consciousness alteration - a kid who very much wanted to fit in with whoever I was hanging around with, and I'm sure if I had been born into different circumstances, had less education, a different kind of childhood, I could have quite easily been convinced to try some real inhalants, and probably, given my history with almost all other substances, I would have quite enjoyed them... even as they turned my brain to mush. 😏

More broadly, I find it hard to understand most people who use drugs but have little to no interest in drugs beyond the immediate hedonism... ie, the reason for their effects, drug policy, and the impact of substance use and prohibition on wider society - but this is most people, so I have to dial back this incredulity so as not to unintentionally alienate people. This is also slightly veering away from the spirit of the topic, I recognise, so I'll get off my soapbox.

Speaking just for myself I know that if I allow myself to start saying there are drug related behaviours I can't understand at all, it's often a fairly thinly veiled kind of superiority complex over people who have essentially just been unlucky, or even have just chosen to live in a different way, so I try to avoid this kind of thinking. While I recognise this isn't necessarily true for everyone - I think that various forms of substance elitism are extremely common, even amongst drug users. Needles, street opiates, all illegal drugs, alcohol, etc, all are frequent targets of derision by certain groups who for whatever reason have never done or choose not to do whatever substance, behaviour or class of substances they are looking down on. All "non doctor prescribed" drugs is another common one... Inhalants, obviously are looked down on. There is probably, currently, no safe way to use inhalants, so harm reduction in this case has to be "just don't", but even as I write this I kind of wonder how much of that feeling is just another iteration of the same kind of substance elitism I've just mentioned. I mean, I do think realistically they are kind of an outlier - like the altered states induced by a blunt force head injury... there has to be a line somewhere, but these lines are always going to be a little blurry. And behavioural elitism obviously, to some extent, is a necessary part of being human, we all believe some behaviours are objectively just better than others.

Where in the fuck am I going with this post. I don't even know anymore. Happy New Year everyone!
I would have to go with those who huff the computer duster spray stuff. What I hate about it is that while they are on, they are not "there"... no communication, no reaction, no presence.
I got a buddy who is a paralytic and we used to hang out for hoooours, mang. We would drink liquor, laugh, chat about shit openly and honestly, smoke weed, maybe once a year sniff or smoke some coca, anything (but jog... sorry). We would hang out from the time I dropped my wife off at 6:30 am til I picked her up (4 pm) and it was never enough time to kick it together (bad choice of words) <-- he would laugh at these unintended "puns" as everything fit into our conversations and we would never have an uncomfortable silence. Just an uncommon type of friendship for me.
I am not friendly and do not have friends. A couple as he is still above ground and there are a few but distant... maybe 5 physical (weird) friends total left throughout 54yrs. Whatever, we talkin about the computer spray.
That shit took him from me. Maybe the first 10 seconds of our conversation and then he would take a hit... beeeeauuughhhh; gone bye-bye. I would sit and talk to him and he would sing some unintelligible bs over and over which kinda sounded like that dude singing "I love little baby ducks" but not sure as I couldnt get shit from him. GONE
Hated that shit and he is strong and stood his ground but couldn't understand how he could instantly leave his bud behind and blast of to who da fuk knows where.
Imma see if I can get him on fb :sick: to get him to call me.
Really? Well don’t we have a lot of hypochondriacs around here then? The junkies have had me convinced it was life or death for them if they didn’t get a dose.
Not life threatening just extremely uncomfortable. The only way it would be life threatening is if theres no access to water or the person is withdrawing from another substance ontop of the opiate wd.
I don’t get people who rail K at music events, especially if you want to dance.. It’s made to chill at the end of the night, not get blasted before it even begins.

I miss the days people ate MDMA to get down to some good music. Especially 8-9yrs ago it was all MDMA/MDA presses of the highest purity, the love in the air..

I also think kids these days are anti social due to social media, they don’t know how to interact as normal human beings anymore.

I feel that amongst my peers as well (20’s and early 30’s) that this is a problem as well. I’m grateful I never really got into it, and it’s allpwed me to focus solely on interacting with those in front of me.

I don’t get people who rail K at music events, especially if you want to dance.. It’s made to chill at the end of the night, not get blasted before it even begins.

I miss the days people ate MDMA to get down to some good music. Especially 8-9yrs ago it was all MDMA/MDA presses of the highest purity, the love in the air..

I also think kids these days are anti social due to social media, they don’t know how to interact as normal human beings anymore.

I feel that amongst my peers as well (20’s and early 30’s) that this is a problem as well. I’m grateful I never really got into it, and it’s allpwed me to focus solely on interacting with those in front of me.

the new generation of kids are brain dead morons who are assholes and have zero social skills and only care about posting Instagram pics and tiktok. Somebody should start raves for those only 30 +.
I don’t get people who rail K at music events, especially if you want to dance.. It’s made to chill at the end of the night, not get blasted before it even begins.

I miss the days people ate MDMA to get down to some good music. Especially 8-9yrs ago it was all MDMA/MDA presses of the highest purity, the love in the air..

I also think kids these days are anti social due to social media, they don’t know how to interact as normal human beings anymore.

I feel that amongst my peers as well (20’s and early 30’s) that this is a problem as well. I’m grateful I never really got into it, and it’s allpwed me to focus solely on interacting with those in front of me.

Yep. There seems to be a lot of ugliness in drug taking amongst the youngest generation as per the kids described in my original post. Some drugs have always been linked to crime and anti-social behaviour but it’s relatively new for things like MDMA and psychadelics to be fuelling anti-social behaviour I think.