• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Why do people have kids?

Sure if you take it out of context and stick together two different sentences.

We have chatted and from what he has told me he knows a thing or two about war zones and the joys of conflict. I'm sure if he felt like sharing his experiences he would do it himself.

He is also black so it's not racist to suggest he experiences more discrimination from police and other folks in authority than my lilly-white arse.
Sure if you take it out of context and stick together two different sentences.

We have chatted and from what he has told me he knows a thing or two about war zones and the joys of conflict. I'm sure if he felt like sharing his experiences he would do it himself.

He is also black so it's not racist to suggest he experiences more discrimination from police and other folks in authority than my lilly-white arse.



These are all the war mongering pics I will post for reasons. I no longer support the killing of humans nor am I any longer affiliated with any organizations that do so. I spoke to OTW about some of the experiences which I don't really care to mention in a public forum. The subject can be polarizing. In addition to the esoteric nature of the topic, I don't speak to many people about it. However, I will say that what is glorified and portrayed in media is definitely not what occurs in real life. This not only applies to military/war, but domestic injustice in terms of discrimination as well. I use the term injustice sparingly as, imo, justice = revenge. From my life experiences and empirical data I have absorbed, I realized that the only thing that exists about morality is the idea; a construct of the human psyche to exercise self-regulation. Whether that self-regulating ideal is deemed "good" or "evil" is questionably conflicting and apparently adjustable to personal desire/gain. For instance, a man can kill another man in mandated combat and be exalted for valor, whereas a man who kills a man without legal mandate can be killed himself by the issuing authority of legal mandate or placed inside a cage..And this...this system is somehow reinforced peculiarly with religious doctrine. This shit's ludicrous... (Thinking about a lot of fucked up shit I've witnessed at "home" and warzones...some involving children.) My experience being a minority with Afro-centric features in this Westernized society and how I've witnessed people treat other humans makes me really not want to have kids in this world. This really is a fucked up place to be. I sometimes experience a moment of clarity like, "Wow, this shit's real. I'm living in it, and it's happening right now." It seems like the best option would be to live on a tropical island in an agrarian society off the grid.
Very interesting subject.
Not everyone needs to have kids these days. Things in 2014 are far different than even 50 years ago. Before, like you said, a man and a woman would get married. They would have children. The children would help their parents - sons would help outside with farmwork and daughters would help indoors with cooking and cleaning. All that stuff.
But nowadays, that doesn't happen. We don't NEED kids. Yes, obviously people need to keep reproducing.

My boyfriend and I have both agreed that we don't want kids. We are both much more career driven and we also both hate kids (no offence intended, just different lifestyles). Those that want a more typical lifestyle will continue having kids. My parents had two kids (my sister and I) and they said they only wanted two because they wanted to basically put two people into the world as they are two people - so that they aren't participating in increasing or decreasing the population. I'm not too worried about decreasing the population as lots of people have 3+ kids.

One reason that a lot of people have kids is fear of getting older and needing to be cared for. But, logically speaking, we will save a heck of a lot of money by not having kids and will be able to get care when we're old. I dunno. I know there are tons of other reasons. Some people have maternal instincts or whatever that is. Clearly I don't understand it completely.

Edit: Although, I'll be honest, I am a bit disappointed that my genetics will not be carried on. I don't mean to come off as overly conceited, really. But my boyfriend and I are both pretty successful, attractive, intelligent, decent people, etc. It'd be pretty good. I don't understand 100% how genetics work but having some pretty good genes would be helpful. But we simply don't want kids so oh well. Lots of other successful, attractive, etc. people out there :)
^I briefly considered not passing on my "attractive" genes as well. It would be interesting to see what it (the child) develops into. This thought quickly faded as it's greatly selfish, all superficial and doesn't mean anything to the inexplicable, grand scheme of the cosmos. Like you said, there are many other successful, pretty people out there to do whatever the hell people are led to be doing.
With the advent of genetic engineering, the worry about not passing on good (or bad) genes will be a thing of the past. Anybody will be able to "roll their own" and pick genes for desired traits like intelligence, strength, dexterity, attractiveness, constitution, charisma, etc. The ability to do that is only decades away.
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Yea, I saw a special about that years ago; scientifically modifying genetic codes. Apparently its very pricey iirc.
People get their knickers in a knot about gene splicing in corn. I can only imagine the concerns with genetically engineering entire humans.

The problem I have with this is we will halt the forces of evolution to fit an ideal that we believe is "perfect". You only have to look at the emancipated look of fashion models to realise aesthetics and function do not always match. Heroin chic might not be the ideal genetic fit for intergalactic space travel. We might find that short stumpy Asian features is the best genetics to survive in out closest habitable planet. If we start restricting genetic variation through natural selection we are holding our species back. If you have ever owned a pure bred dog and paid for their vet bills you will know what I mean about human frailties when selecting what's is "attractive"
Wow what a discussion. Didn't read all the replies here but:
Most people think too highly of themselves. We aren't 'superior' to other species. We will be definitely gone when our milky way is going to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy.
Likely long before that... But if we can survive the next few thousand years I think its possible we might even be able to survive that collision.
Wow what a discussion. Didn't read all the replies here but:
Most people think too highly of themselves. We aren't 'superior' to other species. We will be definitely gone when our milky way is going to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy.

I've never felt the urge to eat my own shit and vomit or fucked my sister just because she is in heat. You can lower yourself but I'm still going to look done upon the canine species.
Wow what a discussion. Didn't read all the replies here but:
Most people think too highly of themselves. We aren't 'superior' to other species. We will be definitely gone when our milky way is going to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy.
The Andromeda-Milky Way collision is predicted for 3.75 billion years. You think humans will not be extinct way before then? Your optimism for humanity is insurmountable.
3.75 billion years from now. I don´t think there will be any humans here. Were we here 3.75 billion years ago?
I've never felt the urge to eat my own shit and vomit or fucked my sister just because she is in heat. You can lower yourself but I'm still going to look done upon the canine species.

There's a first time for everything.
And to be fair, you seem to look down upon most of humanity as well.
The Andromeda-Milky Way collision is predicted for 3.75 billion years. You think humans will not be extinct way before then? Your optimism for humanity is insurmountable.
I never said that, I think humans will be extinct much earlier. I just wanted to say that we are nothing in comparison with the whole universe. But my english is poor, sorry for that ;)
I couldn't think of anything that would bring me more happiness than raising my own child.