When people offer advice on substance use

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Moderator: TDS; Discord Sr. Staff
Staff member
Jul 8, 2017
So, I've had this thing happen multiple times in recovery discords. I tell the channel what my plan is for addressing my use (normally getting a trauma informed drug and alcohol counselling service and starting regular SMART attendance again) and basically without fail someone will pipe up with the same old line;

'Have you tried going to NA, getting a sponsor l, and working the steps?'

I usually respond and tell them politely that I'm not interested, to which they usually say they think I should because they really think it would help. I decline again, and they say that a sponsor would really help me. Again I decline, and this time I add that my relapse in December was caused by my friend and ex mentor in recovery who in 2017 put me on my path to recovery and never gave up on me nor judged my drug use one bit, until his new partner came in to his life and her ex husband is an IV meth user and a fucking nasty one at that, so my friend had this issue of cognitive dissonance where he disparaged the drug use of the ex husband (for obvious reasons) but tolerated mine, when we used the same drug in the same way. Because of this his views on my drug use significantly shifted, he stopped mentoring me suddenly when I really needed it and drifted from me. I know it was on this issue because if I needed help with drugs he wouldn't text back for a week or so, but if it was self harm he would text back immediately and then call that evening to let me know he cares about me. In fact, his views shifted so dramatically that in around 2018 or so he once said 'Eli if you ever are choosing between jumping off a building to end your life and shooting up meth I actually want you to shoot up meth, every single time. I view that as making a good choice' to the 180 rotation of 'Eli if you ever do meth a single time more then we just can't be friends anymore.' So when it became clear it was done between us I was looking to score and copped in 4 hours, and I didn't give a shit I was losing 18 months off gear which was the longest I'd ever lasted, because honestly when I kept using once or twice a year and kept it to that I wasn't actually unhappy with my substance use and none of my friends cared cause they were just thrilled I wasn't doing it all day every day anymore. So the only reason I made it to 18 months in the first place was him saying if I used again we wouldn't be friends anymore. Well, we weren't friends anymore, so why not use? Can't stop being friends with me twice lmao.

I made the critical error of putting the foundations of my sobriety in the hands of a fallible person, who ended up changing their views on the literal common experience we both shared and the issue that pulled us together as close friends to the extent he would never even talk to me about his previous cocaine addiction anymore and denied it even happened and didn't even bother to text asking if I was okay when I used heroin for the first time in 4 years in June last year. He used to always, every single time text and ask if I was okay, how much I used, what I used, whether I had any left, and if I was safe at my place. Heroin? Radio fucking silence.

So I told this guy no, I really actually do not ever want a sponsor again. What if something happens to the sponsor and this same thing occurs and I relapse again because my sobriety was based around that person? No, I'd rather put the foundations of my sobriety in the infallible nature of SMART recovery meetings. Smart meetings won't change their veiw on my substance use. They won't stop being there for me, except on public holidays. It's an abstract concept, it can't be influenced. It's dependably there week after fucking week, and perfect for my needs.

So then he comes out with the statement that it just seems like I'm not interested in getting sober, which slightly pissed me off because remember I never asked for his input or suggestions, so I tell him that I also don't like NA because when I went there at 17 I had adult men tell me after my 18th birthday that they found me super hot but they had to patiently wait a couple of months until I turned 18 and was finally legal to fuck. Yeah, yikes from me. And the fact that this sort of behaviour is so fucking prevalent and ingrained in NA and AA that there is a colloquial term called 13th stepping actually sickens me as a CSA survivor. So many vulnerable women escaping abusive violent relationships end up in NA only to be preyed upon by apparently spiritually blessed older cleaner members. Fucking hell.

Like, no other recovery program would ever allow that to happen, let alone become such a common feature of the program there is an unofficial term for it. SMART facilitators would shut it down, my intensive outpatient program was run by a specialist addiction Psychologist and that would result in someone being banned from the group. Other places don't allow that because people shouldn't be preyed on when they're trying to recover.

And furthermore, why the fuck would I go back to the place I was sexually preyed upon as a minor child when I have access to several other evidence based gold standard treatment options which have been proven in my life to work better, and when I know that due to not being an addict and my use being caused by shame and the desire to self punish that I actually require professional trauma intervention?

This still didn't seem to make him stop. Told me that he was just trying to help but he clearly shouldn't even bother because I'm just another addict in denial.
At that stage I flew off the handle and told him to stop shoving his fucking stupid religious cult down my goddamn throat when I've literally told him multiple times that I don't want to do it, explained that I've already tried it and it didn't work, and gave several other reasons. I also pointed out that I didn't ever actually ask for his input or suggestions, I just wanted reassurance or support that I was making a good choice for MYSELF by taking some initiative and going back to what worked. And I told him he was being a dick and also lacking the ability to consider that people have addictions for various reasons and just because my non identification as an addict and statement that my IV use is a mechanism of severe self harm doesn't make sense to him, that doesn't mean it isn't valid. I got told by my intensive outpatient lived experience mentor in 2017 that I didn't have a drug problem. She told me she couldn't tell me what it was, and that I'd have to figure it out on my own. Well it took me until December 2021 and a big relapse later but I finally figured it out. I should be getting congratulations for having such a major breakthrough about my addictive behaviour, not treated like I'm using it as an excuse. Frankly, I don't think identifying as an addict is good for recovery at all. I'll not tell people to stop, but I will point out that there's no real evidence to suggest that addicts don't actually have a choice every time they use a substance. In 95% of cases, the user of the substance has full physical control of putting the substance in their body and taking the drug, and they also decided to take several steps to acquire and pay for the drugs. They also made the decision at some stage in their life to quit and try recovery, so logic would stand to reason that if quitting was a choice then naturally using was a choice.

The reason using doesn't feel like a choice is because there are two main broad reasons that people end up needing treatment.

The first is that their substance use (like mine and many many others) is nothing but an extremely maladaptive coping mechanisms developed during formative years and repeated until it became such a deeply ingrained habit that a person's neural pathways are so strongly wired to resort to that behaviour in times of emotional distress, stress or many other negative or even happy emotions, that it can truly seem automatic. It isn't. You can rewire your brain and train it to develop and form brand new neural pathways and practice using them until THAT becomes a new deeply ingrained habit. This is alllllll neuroscience, which is the real good good shit brain science, better than the flimsier Psychiatry. Sounds simple in theory but it takes time, effort and patience to achieve. It also requires mistakes and the allowance for slip ups on the way. This is why a program which mandates abstinence as a measure of your worth in the program and promotes shaming as the correct response to relapse or slipping up can never ever work for a person like me. I need a program where I'm permitted to focus on minimising the amount I use, and how I use it to lessen the risk to myself while I work on learning more adaptive coping mechanisms. I also need a program which will pick me up and support me when I fall down, not shame me and tell me it happened because I have character defects (I already think I'm broken and defective because of abuse, thanks heaps for adding to that) or unresolved resentments I need to let go of (no, I'm going to keep hating my nonce narcissist of a sperm donor thanks. And yes I will die mad, I'm entitled to that). It just won't work. It actually made me so much worse when I did go there and made my substance use rapidly escalate when I eventually relapsed after a year in the program. I went completely off the rails because of the beliefs I was taught about the nature of my addiction and that didn't change until I went to rehab in 2017.

I also was never told about any one single alternative recovery program other than AA instead. I left, thinking I would end up in jail, an institution, or dead - and I was gunning to achieve the latter as fast as I could, because I'd been brainwashed. That type of shit is literally the stuff leaders of cults tell the people they trap, that if they leave they will die or if the cult is destroyed the all have to mass suicide. I'm sorry if it offends people but my actual honest experience of 12 step programes was that it was a cult which shamed people who relapsed so badly 2 people in my homegroup overdosed on heroin together by suicide because they'd relapsed after a decent period of clean time and they couldn't handle the shame of returning to a meeting and being treated like a newcomer and viewed as having moral failings. The program killed two people I was friends with. The people who worked that program did to. To me it's a cult that does that, and allows serial sex offending against vulnerable women and children.

I would never send anyone to NA without giving them a warning about what it's like.

Unlike NA, I actually carry the real message of recovery. I work the 12th step better than they ever could hope to. Where they carry the message of the NA program to addicted people in need, I carry the message of any program I know, yes including NA because it works for people who have zero ability to exert any self control and because they thoroughly enjoy taking drugs but don't have an explanation like 'i was abused as a child' or 'i have a severe mental illness' or 'my parents used drugs around me' or whatever other more socially acceptable reason one might develop an addiction to explain why they did what they did, they worry they'll look bad if the actual reason is just that they like drugs so they rely on this completely non medical definition of being an addict which makes them part of a special group different from the normies where if using is a choice you are a normie and you don't need NA and if using isn't a choice (you think, remember neural pathways. Or you just like drugs, one of the two) then you are an addict. It is a nice easy way to avoid responsibility for the consequences of your behaviour while using and if you relapse too. It is not medically accepted. If you just loved doing drugs until the negatives outweighed the positives then you gotta wear the heat from that and make up for any shitty things you did. Yeah it sucks that people will have less sympathy but that's kind of natural given the situation. So because they like drugs so much they can't exert self control, I'll admit openly that this group of people will only recover with an abstinence based program because they actually DO spiral into a disastrous relapse if they do so much as rack a single line of cocaine. The thing is, by NA standards I'm actually considering a normie now because I believe using is a choice and I acknowledge that on every occasion that I take substances I've willingly decided to do that. I always get told that I'm just not a real addict so I didn't need the program anyway.

No, I didn't. What I actually needed was 3 days a week of 2.5 hour a day evening sessions of gold standard evidence based intensive outpatient rehabilitation for 2 years which boasts an 88% success rate for long term abstinence from methamphetamine. Then 2 more years of fortnightly drug and alcohol counselling from a trauma informed social worker at another outpatient rehab. Then 3 months of drug and alcohol counselling at a third service. And 5 attempts at opiate maintenance therapy which were so unsuccessful that I ended up on the injection because I'm so fucking dumb I think 6 months is long enough to treat almost a decade of opiate use.

So, I think that establishes that my substance use well and truly meets the benchmark for being a serious addiction. I've probably actually done more evidence based treatment than most people in NA. I didn't need NA, and I would have been better off without it. If my parents had been a bit less lazy and not just sent me to the place they knew from movies and looked up my cities local youth drug and alcohol counselling service which I later ended up at anyway my use may have ended when I was 20 and I never would have gone to an NA meeting and heard people get up and share about how fucking amazing doing a thick shot of meth was and how it felt like they were touching god, which was the moment 17 year old Eli sword he would never stop drugs for good until he shot up at least one single time. Another gift I got from the program. Never send a teenager to NA, ever.

When people ask for suggestions on what they should do about their substance use or addiction, DO NOT just suggest the one program which worked for you. It worked for you, that's great. So by all means do suggest it, but you don't live under a goddamn rock, you KNOW for a fucking fact that other recovery programmes exist. Do the right thing by people who need support and carry the actual message of recovery, not just the message of NA. Because if you tell a person who should have gone to SMART that they should try NA and they try it and give it a real go and it just never works for them, they're going to end up just like I did when I left. Thinking I was gonna end up in jail, institutions, or dead in the ground. And not having any fucking idea that there were multiple other options I could have signed up for or attended within less than a week. I just gave up, and that person may also do that. And if that happens because you were so arrogant to think that addictions are all the same for every single person and everyone needs the same cookie cutter approach to treatment and your program is the one single program that works, you have caused an avoidable tragedy to occur and that's on you. Do better. If it happens, it's because you were too arrogant and egocentric about your consecutive clean time (and may I add, using cumulative clean time where you aggregate your abstinence between X and Y period by removing events of use it can show like in my case I've been totally abstinent around 90% of the time since August 2017 until now. That's compared to before that USING 100% of the time. That is objective success. And just because I might use on and off, I don't actually think someone with 5 years consecutive clean time actually knows that much more about recovery than I do with my more than they have cumulative clean time.

I don't hold back. I give people every single option there is because I just want them to find any program, any service, any counselling, anything that will help them at all. I don't care if they don't come to SMART. I literally don't give a single fuck what treatment they use. If they get clean using NA then I'm fucking thrilled it worked for them, they're one of the lucky few.

Honestly this is something I feel really strongly about because I loathe how due to my inability to get consecutive clean time cause that's just how I function, my life is literally perfectly fine and was so during the 5 years I would use once or twice a year and there was no reason I couldn't just keep doing that forever, that my voice on recovery is less important or valid than someone who has less cumulative clean time but more days straight in a row. Even at rehab the program only officially ran 16 weeks but they let me stay on 2 full years due to my complex situation with my dad and they basically treated me as an unofficial lived experience mentor and I was given loads of respect by the psychologist running the group, the LEMS and the other clients who would constantly ask my advice.

I am shit at remaining abstinent myself but I'm fucking great at getting other people into recovery.
That last sentence you wrote is the bomb. And so true for many. Because of course we can't see the forest through the trees because we are living it. We see only what our minds allow us to.

But everyone else ALWAYS sees things differently. Because they can be objective. They can see things that we can't. We are simply just too close to it.

I will tell you that i have seen something on here since I have been a member that is glaringly obvious. Only been here 18 months but it has been consistent.

The same people that said 18 months ago that they are done are still using or drinking. They still make a thread saying they are gonna do better tomorrow or they are gonna start NA / AA. They still want feedback on tips and tricks to quit. Insistent on the fact that by God they are quitting. And they get hundreds of supportive comments. And they get so excited because they think that those comments are going to aid in their recovery. But we aren't there at their jobs. And we aren't there while they are in their lonely apartments. And we aren't there when bad shit happens in their life. And we aren't there when they crave. And we aren't there when they say fuck it and relapse. They need in real life people that are in their lives ( usually family ) that can cheer them on and help them through the dark times. Internet people don't cut it. It's just words on a screen. Sure we can cheer them on but it's rarely helpful.

I'm no self help guru nor a counselor or a therapist of anything else but I will tell you one thing that I know for a fact. And it took me 60 years to get it.

Nobody quits anything until they are ready. When they say I'm done and mean it........they will be done. When they have finally had enough of their substance use and abuse they will say to themselves I am finished and enough is enough. I just can't do this anymore. My mental health is in the toilet and i just can't do this anymore.

Only then will they stop. And they will be successful in stopping forever. Ya know why............because when we REALLY want to do anything.........we WILL do it. If we don't ( or aren't ready ) we will make a thousand " I want to quit " threads and all will it will be is words on a thread.

Our mind is a powerful tool and none of use it to quit. I didn't. I didn't use my mind until WAY too late. I had no insight and i didn't believe in myself. When I finally did nothing could stop me. I was done. And I knew it. I knew it because I wanted it for the first time in my life. I mean really wanted it . For myself.

People can judge others' drug and alcohol use. They can try and help. They can give tips and tricks. They can make it sound like it's possible to live a good and clean life. And it is. But if people are on here still saying they WANT to quit or they are TRYING to quit............they simply just aren't ready. The messed up part about my whole life was that I didn't think like this 20 years ago. It took a bunch of bullshit nasty stuff happening to turn the light bulb on.

For context I was clean when I joined. Had about 6 months under my belt and actually made an account to try and help others. Know what I found?

It looks great in print..........and it looks all nice and neat and supportive........ but at the end of the day words don't mean shit. We log off...........go about our business,,,,,,,,and none of these words mean anything. They will only mean something when we come back years from now and realize that we had the power to quit the whole time. We just didn't know how to harness it. Because we simply weren't ready.
“I am shit at remaining abstinent myself but I'm fucking great at getting other people into recovery.”

Well if I were to go into a gym and see two trainers next to each other, one fat eating a cheeseburger telling me they are the best and another lean mean fighting machine. 10 times out of 10 nearly everyone will gravitate towards the person living the change not simply talking it.

Next I’d like to once again address the fact that if you post on a public platform you will have all sorts responding. I too agree AA/NA is a poor option for many. When you post your plans for recovery you have to expect you’ll get at least a few people challenging your ideas. People are not expected to read your mind and know you, especially when you’ve a number of times now claimed recovery only to simultaneously say your using. I’ll be honest this entire thing reads of another meth induced rant, not exactly reading as someone who id trust to follow in recovery.

That last sentence you wrote is the bomb. And so true for many. Because of course we can't see the forest through the trees because we are living it. We see only what our minds allow us to.

But everyone else ALWAYS sees things differently. Because they can be objective. They can see things that we can't. We are simply just too close to it.

I will tell you that i have seen something on here since I have been a member that is glaringly obvious. Only been here 18 months but it has been consistent.

The same people that said 18 months ago that they are done are still using or drinking. They still make a thread saying they are gonna do better tomorrow or they are gonna start NA / AA. They still want feedback on tips and tricks to quit. Insistent on the fact that by God they are quitting. And they get hundreds of supportive comments. And they get so excited because they think that those comments are going to aid in their recovery. But we aren't there at their jobs. And we aren't there while they are in their lonely apartments. And we aren't there when bad shit happens in their life. And we aren't there when they crave. And we aren't there when they say fuck it and relapse. They need in real life people that are in their lives ( usually family ) that can cheer them on and help them through the dark times. Internet people don't cut it. It's just words on a screen. Sure we can cheer them on but it's rarely helpful.

I'm no self help guru nor a counselor or a therapist of anything else but I will tell you one thing that I know for a fact. And it took me 60 years to get it.

Nobody quits anything until they are ready. When they say I'm done and mean it........they will be done. When they have finally had enough of their substance use and abuse they will say to themselves I am finished and enough is enough. I just can't do this anymore. My mental health is in the toilet and i just can't do this anymore.

Only then will they stop. And they will be successful in stopping forever. Ya know why............because when we REALLY want to do anything.........we WILL do it. If we don't ( or aren't ready ) we will make a thousand " I want to quit " threads and all will it will be is words on a thread.

Our mind is a powerful tool and none of use it to quit. I didn't. I didn't use my mind until WAY too late. I had no insight and i didn't believe in myself. When I finally did nothing could stop me. I was done. And I knew it. I knew it because I wanted it for the first time in my life. I mean really wanted it . For myself.

People can judge others' drug and alcohol use. They can try and help. They can give tips and tricks. They can make it sound like it's possible to live a good and clean life. And it is. But if people are on here still saying they WANT to quit or they are TRYING to quit............they simply just aren't ready. The messed up part about my whole life was that I didn't think like this 20 years ago. It took a bunch of bullshit nasty stuff happening to turn the light bulb on.

For context I was clean when I joined. Had about 6 months under my belt and actually made an account to try and help others. Know what I found?

It looks great in print..........and it looks all nice and neat and supportive........ but at the end of the day words don't mean shit. We log off...........go about our business,,,,,,,,and none of these words mean anything. They will only mean something when we come back years from now and realize that we had the power to quit the whole time. We just didn't know how to harness it. Because we simply weren't ready.

Good post. I agree that you don't really need NA, rehab or anything other than the will to finally quit for real. You need to hit some kind of bottom before you are ready. I wasn't ready until I developed a massive speed psychosis, really went batshit insane for a few weeks. That was when I realized I really, REALLY had to quit amphetamines, benzos and whatever else I could get my hands on. Once I got there, mentally, quitting wasn't even an effort. I just stopped, accepted the benzo withdrawal and never looked back. It lasted ten years, ten good years, even started a family and a promising career until some bad developments in my life made me start to use opiates.

The problem with opiates, if you've got a reliable and cheap source for quality stuff, is that you don't really hit some kind of bottom, at least not very soon. It doesn't destroy you physically and mentally if you always have your opiate of choice sitting in your basement and all you have to do is go there and take your daily dose. That is why I think that I might very well relapse, I may not be done with opiates yet. Fuck, I should have asked my wife to take a video of me in the most horrible opiate withdrawal state when I was writhing about on the floor next to my puke begging her to get me some Valium. That was really a nasty, almost unbearable condition but I am already forgetting about the agony.
Good post. I agree that you don't really need NA, rehab or anything other than the will to finally quit for real. You need to hit some kind of bottom before you are ready. I wasn't ready until I developed a massive speed psychosis, really went batshit insane for a few weeks. That was when I realized I really, REALLY had to quit amphetamines, benzos and whatever else I could get my hands on. Once I got there, mentally, quitting wasn't even an effort. I just stopped, accepted the benzo withdrawal and never looked back. It lasted ten years, ten good years, even started a family and a promising career until some bad developments in my life made me start to use opiates.

The problem with opiates, if you've got a reliable and cheap source for quality stuff, is that you don't really hit some kind of bottom, at least not very soon. It doesn't destroy you physically and mentally if you always have your opiate of choice sitting in your basement and all you have to do is go there and take your daily dose. That is why I think that I might very well relapse, I may not be done with opiates yet. Fuck, I should have asked my wife to take a video of me in the most horrible opiate withdrawal state when I was writhing about on the floor next to my puke begging her to get me some Valium. That was really a nasty, almost unbearable condition but I am already forgetting about the agony.
Thank you. And boy do i know about opioids. They were my drug of choice. And I was fine with them actually. It was my love of them that made me stray and consider other things. Especially when the opies weren't available. Had to find something right?

Too funny about a video. Yeah..talk about in your face intervention, huh? Sounds like you are doing well. Congrats on the family.

Try and not go in the basement too often. Once in a while is ok. :love:
“I am shit at remaining abstinent myself but I'm fucking great at getting other people into recovery.”

Well if I were to go into a gym and see two trainers next to each other, one fat eating a cheeseburger telling me they are the best and another lean mean fighting machine. 10 times out of 10 nearly everyone will gravitate towards the person living the change not simply talking it.

Next I’d like to once again address the fact that if you post on a public platform you will have all sorts responding. I too agree AA/NA is a poor option for many. When you post your plans for recovery you have to expect you’ll get at least a few people challenging your ideas. People are not expected to read your mind and know you, especially when you’ve a number of times now claimed recovery only to simultaneously say your using. I’ll be honest this entire thing reads of another meth induced rant, not exactly reading as someone who id trust to follow in recovery.


Dude, you clearly just do not understand the concept that being in recovery means you are taking active steps to lessen the impact of substances on your life. I minimise my use, I take long breaks. I attend regular drug and alcohol treatment, I take my maintenance therapy, and I attend all my other appointments.

I am in recovery and have been since 2017 when I stopped letting drugs consume my whole life. This year I just stopped for a month and a half. My current treatment is ending soon and I have literally already referred myself back to my previous one. I go to SMART every week.

I have gotten multiple people off meth and into recovery. At my intensive program they kept saying they were gutted I couldn't get consecutive time up otherwise they'd employ me as a lived experience mentor.

I get that you don't like me, and frankly you can join the club and I now think something I've been told has become crystal fucking clear about something existing on here, I mean at least this time you actually bothered to read the whole post before writing a response which made statements having a go at me for things I had already addressed in the original comment, managed to again completely twist what I was saying, then tell me to actually work on my addiction when I'd listed all the treatment I'd done before and you managed to miss that too. Not everyone has supportive parents my dude. I'm super glad you do but my dad emotionally checked out of my life before I was even conceived.

Duh, this is a public forum. Obviously people can read it. Do you live with the impression that I'm unaware that other people are able to read the words I type? I want people to read it, because I'm absolutely fucking sick and tired of being told to go to fucking NA when I've literally stated my plan to go to SMART and get my old social worker back and all I'm asking for is for someone to say 'good luck I hope it works'

My meth rants are completely indistinguishable from my retard autism induced word vomit. If you want to assume I'm on meth because I have a trait due to a disabilty which makes me overly verbose then you are free to do so. I probably would personally hold off on making a comment like that, but that's just me.
“I am shit at remaining abstinent myself but I'm fucking great at getting other people into recovery.”

Well if I were to go into a gym and see two trainers next to each other, one fat eating a cheeseburger telling me they are the best and another lean mean fighting machine. 10 times out of 10 nearly everyone will gravitate towards the person living the change not simply talking it.

Next I’d like to once again address the fact that if you post on a public platform you will have all sorts responding. I too agree AA/NA is a poor option for many. When you post your plans for recovery you have to expect you’ll get at least a few people challenging your ideas. People are not expected to read your mind and know you, especially when you’ve a number of times now claimed recovery only to simultaneously say your using. I’ll be honest this entire thing reads of another meth induced rant, not exactly reading as someone who id trust to follow in recovery.

Truth bomb incoming..........

Gotta say that I admire people that speak their mind and their truth regardless of what others may think. It's rare these days.
Dude, you clearly just do not understand the concept that being in recovery means you are taking active steps to lessen the impact of substances on your life. I minimise my use, I take long breaks. I attend regular drug and alcohol treatment, I take my maintenance therapy, and I attend all my other appointments.

I am in recovery and have been since 2017 when I stopped letting drugs consume my whole life. This year I just stopped for a month and a half. My current treatment is ending soon and I have literally already referred myself back to my previous one. I go to SMART every week.

I have gotten multiple people off meth and into recovery. At my intensive program they kept saying they were gutted I couldn't get consecutive time up otherwise they'd employ me as a lived experience mentor.

I get that you don't like me, and frankly you can join the club and I now think something I've been told has become crystal fucking clear about something existing on here, I mean at least this time you actually bothered to read the whole post before writing a response which made statements having a go at me for things I had already addressed in the original comment, managed to again completely twist what I was saying, then tell me to actually work on my addiction when I'd listed all the treatment I'd done before and you managed to miss that too. Not everyone has supportive parents my dude. I'm super glad you do but my dad emotionally checked out of my life before I was even conceived.

Duh, this is a public forum. Obviously people can read it. Do you live with the impression that I'm unaware that other people are able to read the words I type? I want people to read it, because I'm absolutely fucking sick and tired of being told to go to fucking NA when I've literally stated my plan to go to SMART and get my old social worker back and all I'm asking for is for someone to say 'good luck I hope it works'

My meth rants are completely indistinguishable from my retard autism induced word vomit. If you want to assume I'm on meth because I have a trait due to a disabilty which makes me overly verbose then you are free to do so. I probably would personally hold off on making a comment like that, but that's just me.
But you ARE on meth. You make that crystal clear in many of your posts.

So what are we to think?

How are we to distinguish between meth rants and Autism?
But you ARE on meth. You make that crystal clear in many of your posts.

So what are we to think?

How are we to distinguish between meth rants and Autism?

I am *sometimes* on meth, around once a fortnight and sometimes not at all.

I am also living a life full of everything I want.

I also work on my substance use with trained professionals.

I also make very long posts when I'm sober and that is literally just my disability. It's why it's classed as level 3. Because I have communication problems and I don't understand proper ways to communicate and socialise.

These are not super difficult concepts to fathom at all. I spend more time sober than I do on meth by a very wide margin.
Like I'm sorry this is kind of my point and you guys are proving it. Consecutive clean time is not the be all and end all. You don't lose the progress you've made in the time you didn't use. It doesn't just disappear and you forget how recovery works.

I use occasionally. Less than most people consume alcohol. I don't want to use at all, especially not intravenously because I don't like the fact that I did it to myself on purpose to ruin my life. I'm happier without it. That's why I hammer away at treatment relentlessly hoping to have some kind of breakthrough around my penchant for self punishment.

That does not discount nor make my knowledge of recovery less important than someone who strung more days together. That is ridiculous. Cumulatively I can have more time up than them where in 6 years I've only used 1.5 years out of that if you remove all the time I spent sober and because I didn't do it in a row and get an app on my phone that reminded me of the count and cause I can't get up in a meeting and specify my clean date to the fucking hour, it's like I'm not in recovery at all?

Abstinence does not work for everyone. I was recommended to do use minimisation by the senior practitioner who was my social worker at the second outpatient place. He said it was a better fit and he is right. I can still be good at guiding people to better their lives even if I haven't quite figured my own out. It's not mutually exclusive.
It's all good Eli.

We ALL deceive ourselves daily. It's human nature.

We all have to be really careful to remember what we post on here because others pick up on the inconsistencies.

We say one thing........but are really doing another.

A fortnight is every 2 weeks correct? Might wanna revise your using patterns. Or at least double check some posts you make.
It's all good Eli.

We ALL deceive ourselves daily. It's human nature.

We all have to be really careful to remember what we post on here because others pick up on the inconsistencies.

We say one thing........but are really doing another.

A fortnight is every 2 weeks correct? Might wanna revise your using patterns. Or at least double check some posts you make.

It varies between a week and a fortnight. On average it's a fortnight and on a week I'm less good it's once a week.

People are picking up inconsistencies because they love picking apart my posts and applying a goddamn microscope to everything I say and run me through the wringer for being me.

We've literally just had the past issue resolve because it became so clear that I wasn't lying about anything and in fact my original post which was used to claim I was had been misrepresentated and claims were made that I said things I never said. That's an inconsistency. And I literally just fucking dealt with that going on for months and tolerated it without responding and yeah I'm glad it's over but I still don't get an apology now some other guy is like 'oh so you do meth but you claim to be in recovery you're lying' when I have literally always said on the forum that I term myself to be in recovery although I'm still using even though that is controversial.

Like bro, this is absurdly similar to when someone literally googled whether any trans men played sport in Australia because I said I did so they could say I lied when there wasn't an article why are you keeping tabs on when I say I use meth, I don't always say it anyway. I went a month and a half without using and you probably thought I still was based on the length of my posts. Why the obsession to keep such an eye on things to the extent where you can make a comment saying I need to check the dates?

Fuck me, I see other people on this place be new members and make feature length posts about being raging crack fiends and graduating med school and no one jumps on them for stating something that is unlikely to occur.

I am actually so bored of this, not every comment I make needs to be hyper analysed. I'm allowed to say things as an average and not have someone be like 'you didn't get the exact times so you're lying' it's so irritating. It feels like people for some reason think I lie about shit when I don't and look for literal mistakes and accidents and broad comments to pick apart. Why.
Jesus I'm not deceiving myself. I am not addicted to drugs. I literally had a breakthrough with my free CSA counsellor about how the reason NA doesn't work for me is because they focus on drugs as the issue. And every treatment I do does the exact same thing. I use meth because it's easy to get and I can inject it. If I found IV valium I'd shoot that instead. God forbid I had access to heroin.

Narcolepsy and ADHD means meth is very underwhelming for me because I need such high doses that I don't want to pay for to get the effect people usually do. I literally do it for the purpose of injecting myself and inflicting punishment because I believe I deserve to live as a miserable junky because I'm to blame for the abuse.

I have had extended periods of time interstate and overseas where I've been away from the perpetrator and not used, quit smoking and vaping, started eating healthily, and exercising every morning. Even my fucking sleep improves. Both times I started smoking within a day of being back home and was using drugs again within weeks.

My counsellor said he can't help me with a drug and alcohol problem but he does specialise in working with people who experience wanting to punish themselves or self blame due to CSA. This actually makes him perfect to help me because he won't focus on the meth as he knows nothing about it and instead knows heaps about the actual problem I have.

My issue is that my issue has never been treated because people kept looking at the drugs as being the problem. That's why I haven't fixed my shit.
It isn't people picking apart your posts. And it isn't that your posts are under a microscope. It really only is people commenting on YOUR own posts because you are the one that makes the thread.

Sharing too much information is never a good thing and i think of all people you would know that by now. I don't see why you are surprised when you make comments on other threads and then people question them. This is Bluelight. C.mon man. You know how people are i know you do.

You have made comments that you want Discord to be all Trans members ( or at least approve and understand it ) and you also want all BL'ers to understand Autism.

I can tell ya right now that ain't gonna happen. It's not the right platform. When we have special needs we have to go where we are going to get special help.

The mentality of ( and the majority of ) BL members aren't going to understand your plight. They aren't capable of doing so.
Sharing too much information is never a good thing and i think of all people you would know that by now.

That shouldn't be how people should feel around here.

There's only a handful of miserable people looking to question your own perfectly valid feelings and thoughts.

Everyone else frankly doesn't give a flying fuck and would be more than happy to listen without judgement
That shouldn't be how people should feel around here.

There's only a handful of miserable people looking to question your own perfectly valid feelings and thoughts.

Everyone else frankly doesn't give a flying fuck and would be more than happy to listen without judgement
I know that you used to be more active on here. And a mod.

I have seen you post........leave for a few months.......come back.........troll the lounge..........leave again..........come back with a few more shit posts...........leave again and now you seem to want to quit drugs and get your life together.

That's great. I commend you. But you don't have enough knowledge of the way some things have gone lately and therefore aren't really " in the know" so to speak. And if you don't think I have been paying attention to your rude comments, the idc cat head, and your sarcasm on anything I comment on ...........you are dead wrong.
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The IDC cat, god forbid!

I hope you recover 🥲
Don't care about the cat head. Only threw that in because you use it consistently on my posts.

The rudeness and sarcasm is more along the lines of what I meant. YOU know you do it. I know you do it. It's fine. A little irritating but fine.

Ever since you sent that first PM and found out I wasn't hot and I was old and I didn't wanna fuck ya.

18 months ago.

Hold a grudge much?

But who's the one bringing it up, lol.

Yeah that's exactly how I felt, lol.

On topic: people should feel free to be themselves here. That's all I want from this discussion.
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