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What's Your New Year's Resolution?

I have resolutions, but none of them coincide with new years unless coincidental.

My current one is to take my new job as seriously as I would any. Because of my record I had to lower my standards, but i'm still really grateful to have this opportunity.
Well, as far as keeping the resolutions, no. I'm awful with anything planned. even resolutions.. I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and put on Vyvanse, so hopefully this will help me to get my head straight. I DO want to stick with some resolutions this year. I need to talk to my mother more, I need to find my father. I need a better job. I need to get a life in all reality. I totally isolate myself because the anxiety is so crippling sometimes that I can't even leave my bedroom. I need to try harder. Why can't I? ugh. Don't want to ruin the thread but the coming of this New Year is reminding me what a waste this last one was for me. I really need to change a lot of things, but it starts with me figuring out my mental problems I suppose. Summer can't come fast enough. Seasonal Depression is real peeps.
Making resolutions would imply that I somehow need to improve myself.
I'm giving up porn. Done with this crap. Its the stupidest shit. It turns out to be the stupidest trap on the planet.
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I’m going to wake up earlier. It’s a challenge because I am not a morning person!
Quitting cigarettes, on day 9 of champix and I'm already smoking less and now cigarettes make me nauseous. My not be January 1st but close.
Exercise more
Stay away from negative people
Give up chewing tobacco.. already done. Get with this blond. Completely stop smoking.
Sobriety in the way of only using my daily meds as needed and going on a controlled maintenance dose of subs to get of opiates and just use subs and then wean off to get clean or stay of them for the rest of my life, better then all the other opiods/opiates that im using and mixing to stay finctional or get the off high it, im done with that. Just for once i want to be back in the driver seat and have control and be the supportive person eveyone excepts off me and make them all happy.
Giving up booze.

:) :D😜🤣😀:ROFLMAO:🤣
Normally I say things like I'm going to get sober this year or I'll go to the gym and get ripped. I never follow through, though.

This year I'm going to pick something I can realistically commit to. I'm going to make a routine and actually do it. Life is chaotic without a routine.