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What's Your BMI?


Apr 29, 2018
I've always had a theory that addicts - or just people who use alcohol or drugs on a daily basis - tend to be quite a bit slimmer than clean/sober people. I'd really be interested to see how the average BL user's BMI compares to that of the general public.

If you don't know yours, just google "BMI Calculator" it takes less than a minute and they're super easy to find and use.

If you don't the groups, they are not relevant for this but:

50+ - Super Morbidly Obese
40-49.9 - Morbidly Obese
30-39.9 - Obese
25-29.9 - Overweight
18.5-24.9 - Healthy/Ideal
15-18.4 - Underweight
14.9 or less - Emaciated

Mine is: 17.6
Firstly, love the user name.
And also, I'm hanging on to around 17.2. But Apollo tells me I have a high metabolism too ?
Mine wildly swings between (and don't quote me on these numbers because I'm a fucking dumbass) what I believe to be 17-25 depending on if I'm happy and eating well or if I'm not and starving/too poor to eat well. Normally probably closer to 22? I forget.

I'll have to look up them damn charts
21.7 here

I think I go down as low as a 19, not 17 my bad. I don't think it would be healthy or comfortable for me to go below 19. The bones and joints would just start eating away at the cartilage and sex would become painful too. 2 anorexic dudes = no go; bones grinding on bones, very uncomfortable.
5'9 130lbs
19.2 it says normal but I'm clearly scrawny and not heathy looking.
163cm and 72kg
BMI = 27.1

I unfortunately severely struggle with my weight I hover around 70-75kg.

I’ve stopped going to the gym I use to train everyday and now I have lost my motivation
174cm and 53kg. I cant seem to regain weight or muscle after rhabdomyolysis. Would love to get back to ~60kg before starting school in january.
Just for the sake of saying, BMI isn't the end-all-be-all in terms of healthy weight. As a large example, muscle weighs more than fat.
It is 17.3, I’m 5’8” (68 inches). I was in the low 15s for years, it wore me down.
Lol mine is 32, but I’ve been sober for a while and put on some weight because of that. When I’m using heavily I lose weight quickly.

Gettin my fix with sugar instead of drugs lol.

Also BMI is pretty flawed. I have a good amount of muscle mass and although I could afford to lose a few pounds, am not obese.
I'm at 19.8. I'm was at 27.4 about 4-5 months ago and dropped 40lbs in a little over a month though and it has stayed low since.
I hadn't expected people to be defensive lol. I was just trying to see if I was right about addicts being generally thinner than the general population. My BMI (as an adult) has been as high as 28 and as low as 13 so I'd be the LAST person to cast any judgement. I am fully aware that BMI is not an accurate measure of health. Like I say my BMI is classed as underweight but I'm perfectly healthy.
For what it’s worth I know most drug users I know are generally thinner people. Only one guy I know and myself are larger dudes but almost every other person I know is skinny af.