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whats ur least favorite part of the female body?

everyone seems to be hating on feet. Geez..I dig every part of a girl's body. I can't really think of any part of it that is gross, unless the girl just doesn't take care of herself all that well. I think probably the thing that would be a turn off mostly for me would be the body of a chic who is way too skinny.
"Can you hold my tampon please? I've got a quick client that's gonna do me in the bathroom stall. And if the waitress comes back, make sure she brings extra ranch."
i'd also have to say feet. i think they're just a gross body part in general. //shrugs.
Women's bodies are so beautiful, but I have to say that on average, the most unattractive part of a woman is often her face. I gotta say this because I've seen a lot more faces than nude bodies and all the nude bodies I saw were luvverly :p
i dont know why so many ppl dislike feet. if a women has pretty feet i think thats almost as sexy as boobs or even an ass
An overly large, puffy nipple area is quite a turnoff to me. Apart from that, there's nothing that I find unattractive! :D
crystalcallas said:

What? I'm not being funny. I think they are just a distraction... A fun distraction but the point still stands...
opps Fav part is the eyes

least favorite body part?

makeup(but they love to look pretty so i won't hold it against them)
Any part of the female body can be a turn off or indeed a turn on! It simply depends on the woman. Make me laugh and have a pretty face though and I'm normally hooked (so long as you're not obese). Feet are generally irrelevant at best though. I've only ever known one pair of nice feet and they belong to a friend's girlfriend unfortunately.
The mouth, because you bitches never know when to shut it!

(Just kidding ladies, you know I love you all. =D )
i am still startled by how freaky people are about feet. it's like the majority is seperated in two groups: the foot fetishests who are psychotically picky about feet, and the foot haters who hate in general for baseless reasons and only show appreciation to a pair of hoofs when they feel like acknowledging them. THEY ARE HARDLY DIFFERENT FROM HANDS! your hands are a helluva lot dirtier than your hoofs!
Weird.....I've known a few guys who were REALLY into feet...one of them would watch so intently when I would do my toenails...and he always gave me massages...didn't bother me. Most guys I have met just didn't pay that much attention though..makes me wonder if they were harboring repressed foot hatred.
i sat here and really tried to think of something but came up empty.. I love every part of the female anatomy..
Well this definately varies from girl to girl. I could every part of a girl attractive if its the right girl...then there are girls where I can find no parts attractive. There isnt really any certain parts I like or dislike.
we are beautiful in every way!!!! BUTTTT the painted toe nails just go ewwwww